VOL. XXV. NO. 94 The ObserverWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Panel addresses racism at ND • See insert on Race residence halls at Notre Dame. By CAROLINE CLARKE An hispanic student who was News Writer Relations at Notre Dame cooking tacos and enchiladas on cultural mversny for Notre was harassed by a hall rector, Racism is a powerful, nega­ Dame professors intended to who found the smell tive force, and it feeds on big­ address racial problems within "offensive." otry, prejudice and feelings of the community In another incident, when a insecurity, according to Angela She said she saw two ex­ piece of lounge furniture was Borelli. tremes. found missing, the rector initi­ St. Edward's Hall hosted an The first was the professor ated a search of the rooms of open forum with a panel of who was "pure of heart." He minority students, said Borelli. three speakers b~gan the fancied himself as a knight in Such examples show that evening by sharing racial inci­ shining armor pledging to fight racism is not limited to making dents and personal anecdotes all racism, according to Borelli. slurs and physical confronta­ reflecting on their experiences The other extreme was the tions, according to Borelli. at the University. professor who was concerned Smith likened Notre Dame's Borelli, Assistant Professional about the minorities who at­ campus to a beautiful garden Specialist of Romance Lan­ tended his classes. that it rests upon an old battle­ guage and Literature, was Some professors claimed that field riddled with latent mine­ joined by Roland Smith, the minority students were aca­ fields. He said that those with a Executive Assistant to the demically inept because of sense of history of the battle­ President of the University, and inadequate backgrounds, and field will proceed with caution, Iris Outlaw, Director of Minority were therefore destined to while others, armed with little The Observer/Kyle Kusek Affairs. flunk. or no sense of history, will set Borelli said that racism exists Outlaw encouraged students off the mines. The psychological Executive Assistant to the President of the University Roland Smith at Notre Dame in various, often to begin implementing changes "landmines" we can unwittingly encourages all campus organizations to do their part to improve racial subtle forms. within the residence halls. set off can have· dire relations at Notre Dame. Smith spoke on a panel at the St.Edward's She noted that several sum­ Borelli further cited instances Hall Forum "Does Racism Exist at Notre Dame?" yesterday. mers ago, she held a workshop of subtle discrimination in the see PANEL I page 4 JPW set Volunteers being accepted for Christmas in April project By JOHN LUCAS for this News Writer Volunteers for the commu­ nity service program Christmas weekend In April are being accepted in By BEVIN KOVALIK the Hesburgh Library Con­ News Writer course until 8 p.m. Thursday evening. The Junior Parents Week· Christmas In April in this end (JPW) will kick off Feb. area is a community improve­ 19-21 to welcome memb'ers ment project that relies on vol­ of the junior class and their unteers and students from the parents, and will include South Bend and Notre Dame some changes from previous areas to help repair and im­ years, according to Laura prove homes in local neighbor­ Niemann, JPW chairperson. hoods. The event takes place ~1 The festivities will com­ from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April mence Friday afternoon with 17. a hospitality room in the Students volunteering their Sorin Room of LaFortune time can expect to be involved Student Center, providing in one of a variety of projects refreshments and relaxation including yard work, painting for juniors and their parents, and general home improve­ said Niemann. ment work. The campus band According to volunteer Fr. "Bughaus" will provide the Bill Seetch, a student may sign .. musical atmosphere during up by bringing in the names of the traditional Friday night as many as seven friends who The Observer/Kyle Kusek Gala at the Joyce A.C.C., would be willing to work to­ which will include dancing, gether. The volunteering stu- food and a cash bar, Niemann Christmas in April co-chairman Marty Ogren and assistant Sean Donnelly await volunteers at the Hesburgh said. see APRIU page 4 Library concourse. Sign ups will last until 8 p.m. Thursday. Recruiting a campus band to play at the Gala instead of a professional band from Observer general board named Clinton: Expect higher Chicago is one of the changes Observer Staff Report assistant accent editor and a the Executive Committee news copy editor. implemented this year for Observer Editor-in-Chief-elect • Jake Peters, photo editor. taxes but 'Raw Pain' JPW, according to Niemann. David Kinney announced the Peters is a sophomore market­ "Junior Parents' Weekend members of the 1993-94 ing major from Lake Forest, Ill. WASHINGTON (AP) - On ---------­ will be a nice opportunity to General Board yesterday. A resident of Morrissey Hall, he the eve of addressing • Health care tax I page 7 display the musical talent The new board members will is currently a staff photogra­ Congress. President Clinton • Viewer reaction I page 7 here at Notre Dame," she assume their duties immedi­ pher. tried to smooth the way • Worker sacrifice/page 7 said. ately after Spring Break. • Jennifer Habrych, Saint TQ:esd~y for an economic ChnUiii shrugged olf tne Not only will the parents re· Joining 1993-94 Managing Mary's editor. Habrych, a junior ~ustent~ plan that woul~ drop. saying, "The people in ceive a taste of the campus Editor Kevin Hardman and communications and political ~pose htg~er taxes on farm- the stock market have known musical talent, but the col­ Business Manager Brian science major at Saint Mary's, hes makmg more than in general all along what was leges of Arts and Letters, Kennedy are editorial board is from Toledo, Ohio. She lives $?0,000 but reserve. the going to be in the program Business, Science and Engi­ members: in Holy Cross Hall and is btgg~st blow for Amert.cans and the stock market's gone neering will sponsor colle· • Meredith McCullough, news currently an assistant news e~;nm¥ $100,000 or aboye. up markedly since the giate workshops Saturday editor. McCullough is a junior editor. I thmk that when you see electi " morning to introduce parents government major from Hous­ the whole program, it won't be on. bl' l d • Rolando de Aguiar, view­ aw pain " Clinton said. "I Senate R~pu ICan ea er to the various colleges, she ton, Texas. She lives in Badin point editor. De Aguiar is a ju­ r h. · ' . d · Bob Dole srud the market was said. Hall and is currently associate nior anthropology major from t m~ most mt d 1e-class reacting to Clinton's speech Juniors' parents will meet news editor. Longwood, Fla. He lives at Tur­ Amencans, when they look at Monday night. "Dropping like with professors and listen to • George Dohrmann, sports tle Creek Apartments and is the ~osts P.lus the benefits, a rock;' Dole said. "Hold onto speeches from the deans of editor. Dohrmann is a sopho­ currently associate sports edi­ they re gomg ,to be much, your wallets." each college. more American studies major tor. much better off. .. The president will go before "These workshops will en· from Stockton, Calif. He is a Members of the Operations ~all ~treet was Jittery about a joint session of Congress able students to interact with resident of Dillon Hall and is Board are: Clintons plan. The stock~ar- with a nationally televised their professors on a less currently a sports copy editor. • Anne Heroman, advertising ket tumbled nea~ly 83 pmnts speech at 9 p.m. Wednesday to structured level and give • Kenya Johnson, accent edi­ manager. Heroman, a junior on fears that hJ~her taxes explain details of hi $500 students a chance to show tor. Johnson is a junior Ameri­ marketing and management would short-ctrcuit an . s their parents the academic economic revival and would billion pla? of tax mcreases can studies major from Corona, major at Saint Mary's, is from not be accompanied by deep and spendmg cuts over four Calif. She is a resident of Pas­ Baton Rouge, La. She lives in see JPW 1 page 4 querilla East and is currently see BOARD I page 4 cuts in government spending. see CLINTON 1 page 4 page 2 The Observer Wednesday, February 17,1993 INSIDE COLUMN FORECAST Forecast for noon, FrldayrFebruary 17 WEATHER REPORt Winter weather otta get that advisory with snow Unes separate high temperature zones for the day. likely and highs near 30. Lows in 20s. e-mail fix as Saturday cold and snow to continue with highs near 30. soon as I can TEMPERATURES City H L When my life started Anchorage 36 25 to fall apart last year, I Atlanta 53 47 knew I had to kick the Bogota 72 34 habit. Cairo 57 41 Chicago 33 30 I tried to end it by Cleveland 33 32 taking methadone Dallas 47 40 instead. That seemed to Detroit 30 27 work. But I became Rolando de Indianapolis 39 34 addicted to methadone. Jerusalem 43 36 Aguiar London 41 36 Now I'm off of 1 Associate Sports Los Angeles 65 49 methadone. But I'm on Madrid 57 39 electronic mail. Big- -------- Minneapolis 24 18 time. FRONTS: IMoscow 28 05 E-mail has taken over my life. I plan my INashville 52 49 schedule around it.
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