i j : o ^ av;j.u;.tiü:: u f iiî.*: RciCRr.nriOK iiiOGK/. , i;, SXURIIT inSTITUTICNG OF OHIO DIOO^rtTnTION rresented in Partial r'ulfilln.ent of the Degree Doctor of Fhilosof^y Ry Howard Haurer, B*A,, M.A., 1955 The Ohio State Universitv Approved by: vo ; {■' TO LOIS» TOM, DICK AND BOB Who## inspiration and sacrifie# mad# possibl# th# ccapl#tioa of this «ox4c* 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer le Indebted to many persons for the successful prep­ aration of this dissertation. Dr. Delbert Oberteuffer first gave encouragement to go ahead with the project. The adviser. Dr. Willard P. Ashbrook gave freely of his time and experience. Dr. Bruce Bennett offered many helpful suggestions In the preparation of this manuscript. Warden Ralph W. Alvls of Ohio Penitentiary and Superintendent R. B. Eckle of London Prison F a m made It possible for the writer to person­ ally obtain first hand information behind prison walls. Recreation Directors William Beer and G. B* Leonard of the same Institutions were very helpful and cooperative. President C. C. Stoughton and Dean Wendell Nystrom of Wittenberg College provided substantial encourage­ ment iriien it was sorely needed. Dr. S. Don McCullough who preceded the writer as Recreation Director at Ohio Penitentiary introduced him to prison jargon and routine. Ihis dissertation could not have been completed without the constant encouragement of his wife Lois M. Maurer vho typed most of the work. Although many persons have directly or Indirectly helped toward the completion of this project any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the writer. Springfield, Ohio June 7, 1955* ill T m L. V. C^. 1 . ar-t I INTX Z'UCTIü»; T:' T I . 2 Definition of ter.Linolo^]^ ............................... 7 1 ne Litato -ent of ti.o roblem . ............17 Procotiorea anc; soiree-, of . 19 rioM tile Jei\/ .u/ictionod............................. .. 21 ^uTjai.r.,’ ...................................... .. 2 ? j II A.'LTi.ci jr 2 é ■ hat fcctor- be J :d/cd . 2J , ^ y 8^1.0.' ciioeri^ for eval :. : in-. jIIoso; rV' ..... 'JU . u^^üütco crit rii for ev .luatirn, , erworr.ul ...... 3b ,.v iluatin, ; ti.t: recreation i ro;:rao. ........... 3 , bvaluatin,.- f^ ciliti ;i< in tiie recreation ; re^rae. .... 43 -valuatin ; ootccnea of - riooi, recreation 'ro :ra . 4 ;. o r i art I I . ...... .......... v-f* *. -•»T T ^T -M*’j W 1 : ’ ^1 "> T ■ <t.'iT % ' S 3 « ‘ V i *.- W iv\ ^ ^V ’* ^: h- ^f ^ • * ^ i ; :'C%: - •. i n ......................... 35 :>valuatit:,,; th call :sof :v d u l /I of thn f. o,{rai: at Ohio ' enitentiar} ................................. 36 1 ar;,:estob criteria for evaluating porjonnc'i ...... 3 b Criteria for ovaluatin • the recreation pro--:ra... .... 93 Criteria Tor Keaanrin,': the worth of recreit,i.,n-.1 i'acilitioe ................ ...... Ihh hvaluatin. the outoo'.ieh of t:orison rccrcatlo; .«ro■_:raai in Ohio enlteijtiar,.' ............... lb3 Gonversiori of tnc T .ctor totals .................... 1 7 4 numiaary of b.u involvso in Part IIl ..... 1 7 6 . n'' • » ' * r '* * t** » ' *j .' »• I f 1 S k l w ‘éw * j i\ A ^ ^ ^ ^ - *M I V(\ I T/n* Vo «ni ^ iiiv1 1' . I' 1 ., kJ.?k ,1 1 ^ nvaluatiiir the philoso. each of the pco::ra .it London 'rison Farm ....... .......... ...... 1 8 1 Cvaluatin* t.ie recreation personnel .................... 2 Ch Jud,:in:’, tin. recreation pro;*ra:a ............ 2 1 4 Criteria Tor Juplri: the wortn of recrej;tionil i'acLlitioa !'■ ..olectod Oliio prisons ....... ... -35 hvaluatin tiie outco.iet of the prison recroatio i : ruf^raia in London rison 'ar.n ............. 2 3 4 Conversion of the totals throu/l. a proportion ..... 2 7 7 ..umioar^, of the fin‘inj.s involved in hart I\ ...... 2 7 3 ! art V hVALCAilhh T ih KIN'! 1 4 :4 .- ‘:.0 ,hCi;.o .2 h,,.7 i . / . n ............. 2 3 6 eneral background to evaluation of thn st id. ..... 2 s7 r Indin.jc an. rec onmend#t ions ........ ..... 2 ; 1 iv LI3T Or' CH.u^TS CH.-it'l PAGE I Showing the Maiximuiij Totals Possible for iSach of the Five Factors Evaluated in iliis S t u d y ........... 54 II Showing nandom selection of Recreational Purchases at Ohio Penitentiary........................ 64 III Ilie Recreation Crew at CSiio Penitentiary with Job Assignments ........................ 73 IV Showing the Cause of Separations from the Recreation Crew of Larch, 1 9 5 3 ........................ F4 V A Profile Chart resulting from Outcomes Evaluations Related to Philosophy .................... 85 vi A Profile of the Criteria evaluated in Judging the Recreation otaff in chlo Penitentiary ........... 99 'VII Showing vd^at Activities 926 Inmates selected during 25 days of Recreation activity in the Gymnasium, June 30» 1953 through July 30, 1953 . • 104 VII3 Chart Showing Number of Inmates Using Field Recreation and Intramurals at Ohio renitentiary . , 107 IX Chart Showing Field rtecreation and Intramural Selections made by 9720 Ohio Penitentiary In­ mates during ,eeks of June 13, 1953 - July 13, 1953 . 116 A A Profile Chart Showing Criteria Evaluations in Judging Recreation Program at Ohio Penitentiary .............................................. 123 XI Showing Number and Kind of Severe injuries Occurring during Field Recreation at Ohio Peniten­ tiary in Months of May, June, July, August, 1953 . 131 XII A Idrofile Chart Showing Criteria Evaluations in Judging the Facilities in Ohio Penitentiary ........... 143 XIII Comparative Statistics Showing the Number of Men Paroled in all Ohio Prisons and the Number of Declared Paroled Violators at Large .................... 157 XIV Boxing Company Injuries from June 10, 1953 to August 15, 1953 ..................................... 166 XV A Profile Chart Showing the Criteria ilvaluations in Judging Outcoiaes of the Prison Recreation Program in Ohio Penitentiary................... 173 XVI Chart Showing the '.ork V.eek Hour Distribution of the Recreation Director at London Prison F a r m .................... * ............................. 196 XVII Chart Showing Injaate Recreation Staff, Their Job Assignment and the Length of Service at Their Present Job, at London Prison F a r m ............ 201 kVIII A Profile Chart Showing the Criteria Evaluations in Judging the Philosophy Behind the Recreation Program at London Prison F a r m ................. 202 XIX A Profile of the Criteria Evaluated In Judging Recreation Personnel in London Prison Farm ........... 213 XX Chart Shov/ing Inmate Gymnasi’um Activity during a Typical Afternoon Recreation Period at London Prison Farm ................................ 218 XXI Chart Showing the Average Daily Nu.mber of Inmates Using the Recreation Facilities at londan Prison F a r m .......... 232 XXII A Profile Chart Showing the Criteria Evaluations in Judging the Recreation Program at London Prison F a r m ............ 23A XXIII A Profile Chart Showing the Criteria Evaluations in Judging the Facilities in London Prison Farm . , . 253 XXIV Chart Shovâng Huiaber of Inmates at London Prison Farm and the Percentage of Escapees on a Given Dat e ................................ .. 256 XXV Chart Showing the Number of Parolees from London Prison Farm during a 2A Month Period ......... 263 XXVI A Profile Chart Showing th*> Criteria Evaluations in Judging Outcomes of the Prison Recreation Program in London Prison F a r m ......................... 276 XXVII How 152 Inmates Rated Ohio Penitentiary Services . 313 vi LIST OF ILLUSTIUTIONS IIXIJSTFAIIUL’S PAGE I At-iiletics, Intramurals, Required Physical Education friangle ............................................. 15 II Order from the Office of Deputy arden .......... ..••• 61 III Personnel Rating from the Deputy .arden*s O f f i c e .......................................................... 81 IV Letter Showing Interdepartmental Cooperation ................. ........ 91 V Space Devoted to Various nctivities in the Gymnasi urn .............. 128 VI Reproduction of a Prison Court Order Concerning Recreation Privileges.......................................... 146 VII Facsimile of the Supervisor's Report Used at London Prison Farm . ................. 206 VIII Drawing showing Proposed New Recreation Field at London Prison F a r m ........................................ 221 IX Drawing showing space Allotment in the Gymnasium at London Prison F a r m ............................. 239 vii LIüT OF PLATES PLATES PAGE I Scene at the Start of a Special Recreation Program at Ohio Penitentiary, July 1953 ............. 5 II Picture Showing Administrative Heads and Recreation Heads at Ohio Penitentiary, July, 1953 .................... 10 III Picture Showing Part of the Inmate Recreation Crew at Ohio Penitentiary, 1953 ................................. 31 IV High Up on a Perch P o l e .................................... U2 V Novice Tumblers Take Part in Labor Day Program at Olio Penitentiary, 1 9 5 A ................................. 62 VI kir. F. A. Coghlan, Recreation Supervisor at Ohio Penitentiary with Some of the Inmate Recreation Crew in 1 9 3 A ................................................ 96 VII A Scene Showing Part of the Labor Day Program, Ohio Penitentiary, 1954 ..................................... 115 VIII Part of the Ohio Penitentiary Inmate Recreation Crew .'/ho V/orked with the A'riter During 1952-1953 ......... 140 IX Dr. Eckstorm, Presents a Trof^y to Mr. G.D, Leonard, Recreation Director at Ohio Penitentiary .................. 226 X London Farmer Softball Team of 1954 ....................... 290 XI Trampoline Act on Apparatus Made b_. the Inmates ......... 301 XII Art Behind Prison Vails ................. 311
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