ISSN: 1043-3546 December • 1989 Box 701 • Ames • Iowa • 50010 Vol • 9 • No. 12 • Pages 693-752 DAIRY, FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION DECEMBER 1 989 LL X liicn z -J Q U CQ Z<EUi Z ZM >o h-MX lC o ui<Lcc m cczo cc LUXZ <E >UJ ►-•1-0 z zzo z cl \ X A Publication of the International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. This publication is available in microform. University Microfilms International reproduces this publication in microform: micro¬ fiche and 16mm or 35mm film. For information about this publication or any of the more than 13,000 titles we offer, complete and mail the coupon to: University Microfilms International, mod Iniwntinn about these titles: 300 N. Zeeb Road, Am Arbor, MI 48106. Call us toll-free for an immediate response: 800-521-3044. Or call collect in Michigan, Alaska and Hawaii: 313-761-4700. Name_ University Company/lnstitution_ Microfilms Address_ International City_ Phone ( ) 11 .The Total Hand Sanitizing System Reduces the risk of foodbome disease The F\ird Haixl Sanitiziiig System cxDnsists of piD^ uds: Puid Instant Hand Sanitizer arxl Puid Antibacterial rum. Lotion SoapL These products can significantly lower the level of germs on hands safely and conveniently The Total Hand Try the Purel products br yoursdL Rehim postcard Sanitizing System for FREE samples and research data. Phone-IbN-Free (800)-321-9647. ORGANIZATION. GOJO STRETT_ eo. Bok 991, Aknn. OH 44309-0991 '• nwiw1alhM|MI0)-32t4««7 TELEPHONE. EXt424ar296 Other lAMFES Publications lAMFES also publishes: □ Procedures to Investigate Foodbome Illness □ Procedures to Investigate Waterborne Illness □ Procedures to Investigate Arthropod-borne and Rodent-borne Illness Used by nealth department and public health personnel nationwide, these manuals detail investigative techniques and procedures based on epidemiol¬ ogic principles for the identification and analysis of illness outbreaks and their sources. Q 3-A Sanitary Standards for Dairy and Egg Processing Equipment Formulated by the cooperative effort of industry and regulatory groups, the DFES standards represent criteria for the cleaneibility of dairy arxJ egg processing JFP equipment. The standards cover materials and fabrication of the equipment 12/89 design. 1/90 For order information, check the appropriate boxes, complete the return address and return to lAMFES. --—^— NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 1950 AKRON. OH 44309 POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE DFES Go-Jo Industilos, Inc. JFP Attn; Bill Gallien 12/89 1/90 PO. 60x991 Akron. OH 44398-9971 llll•lllllll•llllllnllllllllnlll•ll•lllM•ll•||ll| Name-- Address_ Place Stamp City-- Here State/Prov-ZIP. lAMFES P.O. Box 701 502 E. Lincoln Way Ames, Iowa 50010 Restaurants BRAND The'C>tal Hand Sanitizing System Reduces the risk of foodborne disease Government statistics indicate ttiat 25% of aD kxxlbome illnesses are due to improper haixl washing by foodservice employees. The Purel Total Hand Sanitizbng System can help reduce this risk. The Purd Hand Sanitizing System consists ctf two products: Purel Instant Hand Sanitizer, a unique waterless degermiiig gel is an adjunct to conventional soap and water washing, h kills apfxoximately 995% (i kxxlbome illness- Convenience stores causing organisms in 15 seconds. Purel Instant Hand Sanitizer can be used right at the workstation in restaurant drive-throughs, cash registers, focxl prep areas, etc Purel Antibacterial Lotion Soap is kxtified witfi PCMX making it extremely efficacious. It has a pleasant citrus hagrance arxl provides mild ridi lather which contributes to increased hand washing compliance. Independent research fielded by a major fast food chain proved the Purel System increased hand washing compliance and reduced total cfu on hands by over 49%. Iry the Purel System Cur yourself CaJl or write for fK£E sanqrles and research data GO-JO INDUSTRIES RO. Box 991, Akroa OH 44309-0991 i Phor)e-1bl-Free(800)-321-9647. EXT. 424-296 Please circle No. 226 on your Reader Service Card DAIRY, FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION/DECEMBER 1989 693 lAMFES Announcement Developing Scientist Awards (Supported by Sustaining Members) Awards Five (S) awards will be presented: 1st place, $500 and a plaque; 2nd place, $200 and a certificate; 3rd place, $100 and a certificate; 4th place, $50 and a certificate; 5th place, $50 and a certificate. All of the wituiers will receive a 1 year membership including both Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation and the Journal of Food Protection. Purpose 1. To encourage graduate students to present their original research at the lAMFES annual meeting. 2. To foster professionalism in graduate students through contact with peers and professional members of LAMFES. 3. To encourage participation by graduate students in LAMFES and the annual meeting. Who Is EUgible Graduate students enrolled in M.S. or f^.D. programs at accredited universities or colleges whose research deals with problems related to environmental, food and/or dairy sanitation, protection and safety. Candidates cannot have graduated more than one (1) year prior to the deadline for submitting abstracts. Criteria 1. A short abstract of the paper must be submitted to the lAMF’ES office by January 1 of each year. (Use the blue abstract fimns from the October issue, if possible.) 2. The author must indicate on the abstract form the desire to be considered for the competition. 3. The paper and the student must be recommended and approved for the competition by the major professor or department head. 4. The paper must represent original research done by the student and must be presented by the student. 5. An extended abstract form will be sent to all who enter the competition, and must be completed and returned by the deadline date on that form. 6. Each student may enter only one (1) paper in the competition. 7. Papers are to be presented as oral papers and should be approximately fifteen (15) minutes in length with an additional five (5) minutes allowed for questions, for a total of twenty (20) minutes. 8. The use of slides or other visual aids is encouraged. 9. The papers will be judged by an independent panel of judges. 10. Awards will be presented at the annual LAMFES Awards Banquet. Publishers of the Journal of Food Protection and Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians Inc. P.O. Box 701 - 502 E. Lincoln Way - Ames, Iowa 50010 - (515) 232-6699 - 1-800-525-5223 (outside of Iowa) 694 DAIRY. FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION/DECEMBER 1989 i 1 NOTICE Beginning January 1, 1990 NEW ADDRESS: 502 E. Lincoln Way Ames, Iowa 50010-6666 NEW IN WATS: 1-800-369-MFES (6337) (Includes Canada and Iowa) TO SERVE YOU BEHER I Thoughts From the President... By Ron Case lAMFES President I have had the opportunity to visit a number of the environment. These leaders spend a number of hours local affiliates since I have been on the Executive Board. working on their aforementioned programs, talking to At present we have 31 affiliates in the United States and members, planning meetings and woriung to further Canada. Massachusetts has just received its charter as our advance the cause of LAMFES. latest affiliate. I have been very impressed with the Affiliates are very important to LAMFES. The number of good things I see happening with the affiliates. chairperson of the affiliates council. Bill Coleman, is a The programs and the speakers have been excellent. member of the Executive Board and is responsible for Some of the speakers have been recruited to make keeping the concerns of the affiliates before the Board. presentations at the annual international meeting. These Dee Buske is the affiliate liaison with the Ames office. meetings give the members an opportunity to discuss She has the responsibility for assisting the affiliates, items of local concern as well as things that are happen¬ whether it is passing ideas from one affiliate to another or ing in other places. helping to find knowledgeable speakers for meetings. Affiliates give scholarships to students at local Many of the board members are willing to and have colleges and universities who are majoring in fields attended local affiliate meetings to make presentations, to related to the objectives of lAMFES. Some also have talk with the local members about their concerns, and to scholarships for children of members. The cost of these bring these concerns to the Executive Board. scholarships is covered by local fund raising events or One of the concerns that has been expressed to me industry sponsorship. is that many members of LAMFES are not members of Besides helping to develop our leaders of tomorrow, the affiliate and do not participate in the local affiliate awards are also given to our leaders of today for out¬ meetings. Lf you are one of these, the local affiliates have standing contributions to their field, to their community, a lot to offer and I would encourage you to contact the and to the association. Many of the recipients of local leaders of your local affiliate who are listed on pages 6 affiliate awards have also received awards from lAMFES and 7 of the LAMFES Membership Directory, or call the for their contributions. Ames office at their toll free numter, 1-800-525-5223, for Affiliates conduct training sessions on such topics more information on what is happening with your local as correct operation of pasteurizers. This allows their affiliate. members and others to keep abreast of the latest develop¬ Affiliates are a vital part of the international associa¬ ments in critical areas. tion and are providing a needed service to the local I found the affiliates have dedicated leaders who members and their communities. Keep up the good work.
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