DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF KANSAS LAND COMPONENT, JOINT FORCES HEADQUARTERS KANSAS 2722 SOUTHWEST TOPEKA BOULEVARD ` TOPEKA, KS 66611-1287 NGKS-PEZ 18 June 2020 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction for the 2021 Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) 1. References: a. AR 600-8-19, Enlisted Promotions and Reductions, 16 May 2019 b. NGR 600-200 Enlisted Personnel Management, 31 July 2009 c. NGR 600-5 The Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Program Title 32, Full Time National Guard Duty (FTNGD) Management, 21 September 2015 d. ARNG-HRH, PPOM #12-057 Statewide Vacancy Announcement (SWVA) Procedures, 24 July 2012 e. ARNG-HRH PPOM #20-008 New Implementation Guidance for the ARNG Enlisted Promotion System Selection from the Promotion List, 6 March 2020 f. ARNG-HRH PPOM #20-010 Consolidated Exceptional to Policy Concerning Army National Guard (ARNG) Enlisted Promotions During the Coronavirus (COVID) Outbreak, 28 March 2020 g. KSARNG Request To Fill Vacant Army AGR Positions – HRO Policy #2, 10 December 2019 h. KSARNG 600-200-1 Kansas Army National Guard Enlisted Career Management Program (ECMP), 09 February 2018 2. The purpose of this MOI with annexes is to provide instructions for the preparation and execution of the Enlisted Promotion System (EPS). Due to the complexity of EPS, it is strongly recommended that Soldiers, commanders, and staff review the information contained in this MOI and the cited references in its entirety in order to successfully complete all necessary requirements for NCO promotions. 3. The EPS is designed to fill authorized vacancies in the NCO ranks with the best- qualified Soldiers who have demonstrated the potential to serve in the next higher rank. It provides for career progression in line with each Soldier’s demonstrated and NGKS-PEZ SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction for the 2021 Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) documented potential. As vacancies occur, the first Soldier on that particular Career Progression MOS (CPMOS) list who is eligible will be selected and assigned to the position. 4. Whole Soldier Concept. The EPS board conducts a comprehensive review of each Soldier’s iPERMS record using the “Whole Soldier Concept”. This analysis considers the record of the Soldier’s overall qualities, qualifications, accomplishments and potential, rather than one single event or attribute. Board members will evaluate Soldier’s performance and potential using this concept. The sum of each Soldier’s qualities and qualifications, matters of record, past performance with the heaviest weight given to the recent past and the Soldier’s potential to serve in positions of greater responsibility will be considered objectively. 5. Board members will utilize the SIBx Automated Board System (ABS) to score eligible Soldiers for promotion. The board will review each Soldier using the Soldier’s iPERMS record. The Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOERs) are a vital part of the board evaluation process. Every effort should be made to ensure the NCOER updated and correct prior to 1 October 2020. Soldiers may submit a formal memorandum to the President of the Board addressing any discrepancies. All correspondence to the board must prepared in IAW AR 25-50 (Preparing and Managing Correspondence, 17 May 2013). 6. The following are notable changes or continuations for the FY21 EPS Board Cycle: a. Soldiers will use the Integrated Personnel and Pay System (IPPS-A) Promotion Board Preference to elect their promotion preferences. Soldiers can make their election on any computer with internet. See Annex B. b. SPC, CPL, SGT, and SSG will use IPPSA to review their administrative points. Staff Sergeant (SSG) will receive administrative points as referenced 1e. c. DA Photos requirement is suspended for the 2021 EPS cycle. d. Career Progression MOS (CPMPOS) change requests are effective for 12 months from the approval date. See Appendix B for CPMOS Change request procedures. e. Expanded Zone of Consideration: Soldiers may become eligible for promotion consideration if they meet the Time and Grade (TIG)/Time in Service (TIS) requirements during the EPS board cycle and complete the required SSD/DLC/PME by the Expanded Zone of Consideration cutoff date. See Annex B. 2 NGKS-PEZ SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction for the 2021 Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) f. Conditional Promotion to Sergeant Major (SGM): Master Sergeants (MSGs) and First Sergeants (1SGs) selected for promotion to SGM must satisfactorily complete Phase 1 of the non-resident (USASMC) as a pin-on requirement. See Annex H. g. For special fill requests the Commander must submit an Exception to Policy (ETP). An ETP has to be approved before the FY21 Board convenes. Any ETP received after suspense date will be returned without action. ETP’s have to be resubmitted for each board cycle. h. Below the Zone: Soldiers boarding for promotion in the grade of SGT thru SGM will be considered Below the Zone if they fail to meet the minimum promotion board score of 15. Soldiers boarding for leadership positions of 1SG and CSM will be considered Below the Zone if they fail to meet the minimum promotion board score of 15. Soldiers that are Below the Zone will not gain promotion list status and will not be eligible for selection or promotion. i. Board baseline criteria: The board baseline criteria has been set and approved. The requirement for a passing APFT which currently reads 14 months for traditional Soldiers and eight months for AGR Soldiers has been temporary extended to 24 months. The calculation for the start date is 28 March 2020 until rescinded. See Reference 1f. and Annex L. j Specialist promotions: The NGB Form 4101-1-R-E (dated 20181001) is utilized for Sergeant (SGT) promotions only. It is a fillable and auto summing form. It is required to be completed digitally. See Annex B. k. Staff Sergeant (SSG) through Sergeant Major Boards (SGM) promotions: The NGB Form 4100-1B-R-E is utilized for SSG-SGM board recommendations. The Soldier and Commander must sign the form for board consideration. l. Required promotion documents: Soldiers selected for assignment and/or promotion must have their DA Form 705, HT/WT document, SSD/DLC/PME document in their iPERMS record. See Annex D. m. Aviation standardization for the 15CMF within the 1-108th Aviation. See Annex F. n.. AGR promotions: Soldiers selected for promotion vice pending loss: Positions with Soldiers who are a pending loss (approved retirement/discharge packet at HRO) are eligible to request an EPS fill IAW 1g. All AGR promotions will be coordinated with HRO to ensure compliance with reassignment policies following the AGR RFF Checklist. See Annex K. 3 NGKS-PEZ SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction for the 2021 Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) o. MOS immaterial promotions: The approved MOSs for 00F/00D positons are published in this MOI. See Annex I. p. Officer/Warrant Officer Candidates: Soldiers will not be denied board consideration for being enrolled in an officer producing program (OCS/WOCS) and coded 09S or 09W. FOR THE ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERAL - ARMY: 5 Encls PAUL W. SCHNEIDER 1. DA Form 4187, CPMOS Change COL, GS, USA 2. DA Form 4187, Request 1SG Board Director of Personnel 3. DA Form 4187, Denial of Board Consideration 4. NGB Form 4100-1B-R-E 5. NGB Form 4101-1-R-E DISTRIBUTION: Cdr, 35th Infantry Division Cdr, 130th Field Artillery Brigade Cdr, 635th Regional Support Group Cdr, 69th Troop Command Cdr, 235th Regiment JFHQ-SEL Land Component CSM ANNEXES: Annex A - Date Quick Reference Guide Annex B - Eligibility Criteria and pre-board instructions Annex C - Super Board Instructions Annex D - Request for Fill (RFF) Process Annex E - First Sergeant Fill Instructions Annex F - Special Fill Requests Annex G - Exhausted List Procedures Annex H - PME Promotion Eligibility Criteria for (Pin-on) Promotion Annex I - MOS Immaterial Positions 00F/00D Annex J - RFF Checklist - Traditional (M-Day) NCO Vacancies Annex K - RFF Checklist - AGR NCO Vacancies Annex L - Board Baseline Criteria by Rank Annex M - Denying Soldiers Board Consideration / Removing from EPS List Annex N – M-Day Regions Options Map 4 NGKS-PEZ SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction for the 2021 Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) Annex A - Date Quick Reference Guide Initial FY21 EPS List will be published NLT 20201130 Super Board Dates: 23 October 2020 thru 26 October 2020 TIS/TIG Cutoff Date: 31 October 2021 SSD/DLC/PME Cutoff Date: 01 October 2020 NGB Form 4101s Due: 01 October 2020 NGB Form 4100s Due: 01 October 2020 Board Member List Due: 01 October 2020 CPMOS Change Requests (DA Form 4187) Due: 01 October 2020 Special Fill Request ETP’s Due: 22 October 2020 5 NGKS-PEZ SUBJECT: Memorandum of Instruction for the 2021 Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) Annex B - Eligibility Criteria and Pre-board Instructions 1. The eligibility date used to determine SSD/DLC/PME is 31 October 2020. With the Expanded Zone of Consideration, the eligibility date used to determine TIG/TIS is 31 October 2021 (last day of the month the board convenes plus 12 months). Soldiers boarded that do not meet the TIG/TIS requirements will not show up on the EPS List until those requirements are meet. This removes the necessity to conduct Supplemental EPS Boards throughout the year. The 2021 EPS eligibility requirements to be boarded for all personnel are as follows: a. E9 criteria: 36 months TIG – 16 years TIS – 10 years CES. (1) DOB before 31 January 1968. If the Soldier turns age 56 before they are enrolled in the NCO Center of Excellence SMC, they will be removed from the list unless they have the USASMC completed. (2) Be qualified in a Primary MOS and awarded a skill level of 5. (3) Must be eligible to attend and complete the USASMC. If not eligible will not be considered during the EPS board and removed from the EPS list.
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