Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Epsilon Omega Chapter Joint Meeting with Xi Tau – Kimberly Bruce, Basileus Chapter Meeting Minutes November 14, 2009 A regularly scheduled meeting was held on Saturday November 14, 2009 at the Ivy Family Support Center- 3515 Dolfield Avenue, Baltimore, MD. The meeting was called to order by Soror Angela C. Gibson, Basileus, at 10:02 a.m. The Inspirational Opening was given by Soror Elizabeth Craig followed by the reciting of the pledge. A quorum was established. Yes X Correspondence Soror Ruby A correspondence log was completed and will be filed with the minutes. Coleman Epistoleus Anti-Basileus Operation X READING AND DISPOSITION Soror Angela C. Gibson moved to accept the minutes as written with necessary corrections: X -Yes OF MINUTES Soror Sheila Tidline REPORT OF OFFICERS Summary A written report was not provided. Basileus Soror • Thanks to those Sorors who attended the Cluster I Conference last month. Angela C. • November is EAF Fund Month Gibson • Pink Roses to the Retreat Committee and the Cultural Arts committee for all of the hard work you have done • Soror Esther Bailey has tickets for the Metropolitan Founders’ Day. The cost of tickets is $60.00. A written report was provided and will be filed. Highlights of the report is as follows: Anti-Basileus of Program • Our Regional Director has declared November 21, 2009 as the “Day of Hope” for our regional day of Soror Audrey service. The service activity will take place at the Code Blue Shelter at 1211 N. Chester Street. The Bennett shelter is operated by Soror Jewel Gray. (Absent, report • Epsilon Omega was successful in our goal of $2,000.00 for the Race for the Cure. Pink roses to given by Anti- Soror Michelle Byers for coordinating the event for our chapter. Basileus of • Committee chairs were asked to provide reports of their activities for the year including your agendas Operations) and attendance by December 1, 2009. Anti-Basileus of A written report was provided and will be filed. Summary: Operations Soror Joann R. • Our website is in its final stages. The Technology Committee anticipates the site will be live by Barber the end of this month. The committee would like EO Committee chairs to contact Sorors Carmen Maxwell or Paula Tolson regarding the posting of their events. The website can be found at www.epsilonomega.org. • As we near the end of the year please note various reports are due to the Regional and National Offices. The due date for these reports is January 1, 2010. Therefore, all committee chairs who have not submitted their report are asked to do so. In addition, please attach agendas, pictures and other pertinent information. Pecunious A written report was provided and will be filed. Summary: Grammateus Total receipts reported for the month of October was $5,295.50. Soror Jan Wood Carter Tamiouchos A written report was provided and will be filed. Summary: Sylvia Burke Total Check Book and Savings Balance is $115,262.71 as of October 2009. The 2010 Budget was shared with chapter members by the Tamiouchos. Soror Virginia Vauls moved that the 2010 Budget budget be accepted with the understanding that an increase for cultural arts will be considered. The motion carried. Graduate Written reports were provided by Xi Tau and Epsilon Kappa Graduate Advisors and will be filed. Reports: Summary as follows: Alpha Delta Soror Lois Knight Harrison There are 82 perspectives at Alpha Delta. They are in the beginning of the MIP process. The time of the final for Soror ceremony will take place on Sunday November 15, 2009. Adrienne Stokes Orange XI Tau Graduate Advisor The Chapter will continue with one member. Soror Kimberly is planning events that will focus on our Soror Lois International Platforms. Knight Harrison Epsilon Kappa The Heritage Committee has not completed their investigation and therefore Epsilon Kappa is still under Graduate Advisor Withdrawal Privileges. Once the investigation is completed, a report will be filed with Regional Director, Soror Karen E.P. Evelyn Sample Oates. The chapter has hopes of being reinstated by the end of the semester. Foster Members At No Reports Large Epsilon Omega A written report was provided and will be filed. Summary as follows: Foundation • 2008 form 990 has been completed and filed by King and King Associates. Soror Evelyn • Phase II team coordinators are Ellen Gonzales and Patricia Scott. Renovations are anticipated McLeod January 2010. • The Facilaties Management team leader, Soror Elizabeth Dyett’s last day is December 31, 2009. Thanks was extended to her and her team. • Soror Odessa Dunston is the Nominating Committee Chair. She encouraged members to consider positions in the Foundation. • The annual meeting is Saturday January 16, 2010. Election of officers will take place. • An audit for 2007 and 2008 is planned. • Gala 2010 committee will meet on Tuesday November 24 at 6:30 p.m. ~Committee Reports~ Disposition of Committee report was A. Referred back to a committee D. Adopted in part (Explain) B. Postponed E. Adopted in its entirely C. Placed in file F. Referred to another committee (Explain) G. Oral report in minutes only Awards Committee Disposition of Report: G Report Attached: Not Provided Sorors Janet Williams and Soror’s Willams and Jones will serve as chairs of the committee. The Deadline for Nominations is Saturday Delores Jones December 12, 2009. Any nominations submitted after this date will not be accepted. The awards ceremony will take place during the Founders’ Day, Saturday February 20, 2010. Bylaws Committee Disposition of Report: A Report Attached: Yes Soror Francine Stokes McElveen Soror Stokes McElveen informed members that the initial task of the committee was to define the term “active Soror” for inclusion in the Chapter Bylaws mandated by policies and practices approved at the 2008 Boule. It was then suggested that the current Bylaws be reviewed and amended in keeping with the requirements of our international bylaws. Proposed amendments were shared with chapter members to read and offer recommendations. Sorors were asked pay close attention to Article III-Membership and Article IV-Officer. Suggestions and correction were made by members. Soror Stokes McElveen reminded members the shared document is a draft and requires two readings before it can be finalized. There will be another reading of the Bylaws during the December meeting. 11 AM Voting of The voting of Officers took place promptly at 11:00 a.m. All canadiates were introduced to members and Officers Soror nominations were taken from the floor. Officers were elected for the following positions: Anti-Basileus for Isabella Branch Programs, Grammateus, Tamiouchos, Epistoleus, Hodegos, Anti-Pecunious Grammateus, Anti-Philacter, 2 Brown members at large and 4 Nominating committee members. Please see a member of the nominating committee to place your name in the ballot. The official Tally Sheet will be filed with the minutes. Installation of officers will be held in December. Connections Committee Disposition of Report: E Report Attached: Yes Soror Karenthia Barber • On September 22, 2009, The Connections Committee sponsored a screening of the PBS Documentary “Unnatural Causes” • On September 23-26 the Connection Committee Chair represented Epsilon Omega at the 39th Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference • Following today’s Chapter meeting, the Connections Committee will sponsor a Legislative Advocacy Forum. Our presenter will be Senator Delores Kelley. Cultural Arts Committee Disposition of Report: E Report Attached: Yes Soror Agnes Edwards See the attached Report History Disposition of Report: E Report Attached: Yes Committee Soror Sylvia • Plans are moving forward to have the book ready for presentation during Founders’ Day 2010 Johnson • During Women’s History Month our theme will be “Writing Women Backk into History.” There will be a focus on Soror Vivian Carter Mason, First Basileus of Epsilon Omega Chapter. There will also be a display of selected Sorors in the chapter. • Please plan to donate to the House of Ruth during the month of March • December will be the 88th Birthday of Epsilon Omega • The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday November 17, 2009 at 6:15 p.m. Holiday Committee Disposition of Report: E Report Attached: Yes Soror Annamaria Joyner Sorors are invited for a baby shower for “My Sister’s Place.” The date is Saturday December 12, 2009 at the IVY Center. Sorors were asked to bring new baby clothes and new blankets along with disposable diapers and other baby needs. Sorors were asked to bring New Bras and underwear of all sizes. Health and Family Disposition of Report: E Report Attached: Yes Committee Soror Cheryl The Health Committee’s goal is to empower the Sorority and the community by sharing information related to health issues that are important to us all. In order to determine which health issues to address a survey was conducted during the chapter meeting. Retreat Committee Disposition of Report: G Report Attached: Not Provided Soror Maxine Wood There were 90 Sorors who registered and participated in the retreat. Friday evening there was an “All things Pink and Green” scavneger hunt and sharing activities. We also had a wonderful dinner by On Saturday we had breakways to work on social/fellowship, community and civic activities. There was also a wall entitled “Pearls of Wisdom,” which consisted of statements related to “sisters” written on pink paper with strands of pearls. Soror Lisa Weah was the luncheon speaker. The retreat concluded with a litnaney of recommittment. This was done by each Soror palcing a green crystal pallet in a vase as a symbolic statement of our commitment to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. A response to the evaluation will be coming soon. Standards Committee Disposition of Report: G Report Attached: Not Provided Soror Barbara Burgess On Monday December 14, 2009, there will be a transitional meeting for all outgoing officers.
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