D ANK EGISTER VOLUME LXIX, NO: 34. RED BANK, N. J;, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 194.7 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16' j? J«a_Bright Council MinstrelJR&vu( Jewish National Warwick .Garden Oi^opedistJBuys Russell Outlines 1947 Airs Proposal To To Be Staged Two Fund Program Apartments Are Korab Property To Little Silver Charies. Frankel, Asbury Park At the meeting of the. Little Sil- attorney and active in the Zionist Near Completion ver mayor and council Tuesday Chamber Program Raise Tavern Fee Nights At Rumson organizations in the state, will be Of 100 Acres night, communications were re- the speaker at the annual Jewish ceived from tho general passenger - Business Zone Holy Name Group National fund night program Sun- Fourteen Families Dr. B. L. Clement, agents of Central and Pennsylvania day .night, February 23, at the railroads, in. whiirr the rail com- President Sets Ambitious Schedule Extension Move Sponsoring. Show Jewish 'Community Center on Have Moved In— \ Newark Surgeon, panies expressed surprise that Riverside avenue. The event is service between Little Silver anil Also Discussed Saturday, Sunday open to the public. Recent Purchasers • Is New Owner Newark and "New York was con- And Appoints New Committees sidered unsatisfactory. Stating they believed they were A "town meeting" atmosphere A minstrel revue. and dance Warwick Garden Apartments on Dr. Baxter.L..Clement; a special- David W. Russell, president of r Pinckn,ey road, .Red Bank, consist- "maintaining first class service" the Red Bank Community, Cham? was given to the meeting of the sponsored by the Holy Name so- ist. In orthopedic surgery, took title and were, giving every possible at- Sea Bright mayor and council in ciety of Holy "Cross church ot ing of seven two-story colonial during the past week to the Henry. Baptist Troop ber of Commerce, yesterday pre- type buildings of frame and brick tention "as -far as cleanliness 13 sided at his first business sessioa the American Legion headquarters Rumson, assisted by the Parent- Korab property containing ono of concerned," the Central railroad last Thursday night when two.pro- Teacher association, will be ' pre- veneer, will be completed this week. the finest homes In this section, lo- with the board of .directors. Ha it promised the town fathers they Is Celebrating named committees for 1947 and posed ordlnanco amendments—one sented at the Rumson. high school Built on three full acres of land cated, on Tintpn avenue, Shrews- would mako a thorough Investiga- to increase the bar license fee from Saturday and Sunday' nights," with southern exposure and located bury township, . The Charles E. outlined a work program for the tion, of the charges against their year which Director William Fluhr $300 to {500, and providing for an February 15 and 16, at 8:15 o'clock. on the north side of Pinckney road, Sweeney agency of Rumson effected lines. 30th Birthday unlimited number of licenses, and Tickets are being sold by members just cast, of Broad street, the apart- the sale. described as "most comprehensive ments are within a short walking Tho Pennsylvania agent wrote and ambitious". the other to set up a business zone of the cast. ' 3 The property comprises in excess that his company was "actively en- in the South Beach section of the distance of the buses. A ohlldren's of 100 acres, with a frontage of 600 Turkey Dinner To Heading Mr. Russell's prograw The show is directed and staged play area, automobile -parking gaged In materially improving" borough, More than 100 persons— by Mr. and Mrs. William Turnler feet on Tlnton avenue and close to scrvico from tho shoro to the city will be work on Christmas decora- ' space, laundry dry'ing yard and in- 1,000 feet on Hope road and a depth Be Served Next tlons. He acknowledged complaint? the largest at a council meeting in of Highlands, and the musical di- .clnerator facilities are provided. and that a program of "frequent several years—attended.. of more than. 2,000 feet, There are about last year's display and urged rection is by Max Lewis, assisted cleaning and ample seating accom- the directors to get behind the} Mayor Thomas Farrell strongly by Mrs. Marie Heliker, Of the 32 four-room apartments, three brooks coursing through the modations" was in effect. Ho asked Thursday Night only two remain unsold. There Is farm. The early American colonial work for. this year. Other point* ppposed any change in the bar -li- A dress rehearsal was given last that specific complaints bo gath- outlined were continuation of Paul j cense tee or the number of li- still a limited number of three- house of stone, brick and frame' ered and that they be forwarded by Boy ScDut troop 23 of the Baptist Sunday afternoon In Holy Cross hall room apartments for sale, The construction was erected In 1040 President Percy Sherman's success- I censes, stating that he would veto train number. church will celebrate Its 30th anni- before 200 children. The efforts of three-room apartments include a by Allen Brothers of Red Bank. On ful campaign for parking areas; ' the ordinance If passed by the Mayor Frank Gregory stated ho versary ncxt-Thursdiiy night with a the cast were well received by the living room, bedroom, tiled bath the first floor the house contains a turkey dinner at the church. Rus- better snow removal on the main council. He added thut he even young audience,, and the soloists with shower and modern kitchen. spacious living room with one en- ould further investigate tho mat- streets of the borough;' completion would favor a. reduction in the ter,' securing numbers of train? on sol L. Telley of River Plaza, who were called upon for numerous en- Tub and sink combination wjth tiro end of the room, enclosing the has been actively connected with of the work on the East Broad number of bar licenses from the cores. linolelum work spaces, gas range fireplace, in solid mahogany panel- ynlch scrvico was not considered strcc.t loading zone; a long range ' satisfactory. the Iroop for the past 29 years, is present limited number of IS to 10 The program and cast are as fol- and electric' refrigerator are in- ing; enclosed porch, entrance hall honorary chairman. commercial planning program foe by refusing to grant new licenses lows: cluded in the purchase price of (2- with circular tiled Dutch fireplace;, Shrewsbury avenue; considering if and when-any of the present li- Prolosuc—Virginia Oakes and Belty 111.40 down payment and $51 a library, dining room, powder room, possibility of a Community Chest censes are not renewed, and he LFtnsler. I CHARLfiS FRANKEL; " month. kitchen, laundry and an attached Snappy Campaign to,replace Individual drives, pro- ' .also stated he believed in keeping Interlocutor Jolin R. DcUler The four-room apartments have two-car garage. On the second floor vided it met with approval of local the taverns at least 300 feet apart.' ' END MEN . - The meeting Is sponsored by Red Sambo _ Harold Hullln an additional guest bedroom and are four master bedrooms and service' clubs, and having monthly ' Former Councilman Sol Nel- Lambo - Chris DcUler Bank chapter of Hadassah, and require a down payment of $2,525.40 three baths with servants' accom- For Red Cross or quarterly open meetings'so .that [ mark said he was In favor of the Scrambo ....... _._.....: Roy Bauer the Red Bank regional Men's Zion- and payments of 561 a month. modations. the entire Chamber membership QQ QO „.„..„•,...!,......... Joseph Desmond ist organization. The Jewish Na- could be kept acquainted with the ...proposed, liquor ordinance amend- Bo Eo : Joe Thompson Warwick Gardens was built un- ment on the ground that the high- tional fund is the most basic of all Features o( the property Include In Middietown group's activities. Bingo Buddy Campbell der supervision and approval of the heavy state roof, custom built er fee would bring additional reve- LaiilcB—Dolores More, Barbara Seipl, Zionist projects and its objectives Federal Housing Administration Theresa Beatty, Eleanor Connor, Atfnes are to^use voluntary contributions radio In practically every room, Mr. Russell appointed Kobert nue needed at this time to help pay Punning, Veronica Hcaly, Mnry Hem* and has an F. H. A. insured'mort- Plan Whirlwind Drive Rcussillo chairman of the retail In making the land of Palestine rock wool insulation throughout,:all the cost of the new sea wall to be schoot, Ann Bcrnier, Christina Schmitz, gage. Ray H. Stillman and Asso- doors and windows mctul weather trade committee. On Mr. Reussllle's built. He also said he could not Mary Byrne, Patricia Byrne, Mary- the common property of the Jew- Moran. Mrs. William Ellis. Mrs. WIlMum ciates of Eatontown arc the man- stripped, oak floors and the latest To Raise $8,600 subcommittees will bo John Burns, understand why liquor dealers Smith, Miss B. I. Hardlman, Mary A. ish people. •• , aging agents of this project: type automatic air conditioned parking; Robort Snowden, Christ- ^ should be protected when nothing Naughton. Baruch Lumet, Jewish comedian, Mr. and Mrs. William A. B. Dit- heating system with recessed radia- Quota mas .decorations;-William Bradley, " is; done to protect other merchants. Gentlemen—Joseph Schmitz, . Henry will entertain. At this time Hadas- hours and holiday closings, and ' KruBe, John EIIIB, John Lemig, Thomas to, Jr., wero the first purchasers of tion, operated by oil burner. Mayor Farrell told Mr. Neimark Hackett, William Smith. Paul Bernler, sah will offer as a special prize a an apartment and the first to take The house sits back from the An organization meeting for tho Leon Rosenfeld, retail sales promo*, that.
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