NUMBER TWENTY-ONE JULY· 1975 TEN CENTS Free the MRPP 500! Dead end for Portuguese aOlsts• reprinted from Workers Vanguard No 71, 20 June 1975 JUNE 16 -- Following sham elections for a phony "constituent as­ sembly" on April 25, the first anniversary of the overthrow of the rightist Salazar/Caetano dictatorship, the political situation in Portugal remains chaotic and without direction. The leftist leaders of the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) want to play a role "above" the classes, arbitrating between competing political fac­ tions while imposing order and discipline. But there is not the slightest consensus among the officers on what policies to impose. The MFA continues to oscillate sharply in its day-to-day conduct, first attacking and then conciliating the Socialists, at one moment nationalizing various important trusts and on the day after guaranteeing private property. In the prevailing atmosphere of confusion, a new right-wing coup attempt from within the armed forces is possible at any moment. The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) has banked everything on being the most unconditional supporter of the MFA, yet it is under heavy pressure from its proletarian base to move against the bour­ geoisie. Their weak electoral strength clearly shown in the elec­ tions (where the PCP received 13.9 percent and its petty-bourgeois satellite, the MOP, won 4.3 percent of the total vote), the Stalin­ ists lJ!.u,st r~:peatedly 5ake to the streets,):<> Jiemonstrate their con­ tinued ability to mobilize masses of workers at crucial moments. At the same time, the PCP has sought to use the state against its left opponents, having Maoists arrested and militant unions put under military control. On several occasions it has itself di- Continued on page eight Statement to the left and working-class press SLL violence in the workers movement (Issued on 19 June 1975.) epresentatives of the SLL demanded that members some of whom, including Jamie Doughney, a leading At approximately 7.30 pm on Monday 16 June of the Spartacist League completely clear the member of the SWL, actively sought to stop the members of the Spartacist League (SL) werephysi­ steps between the pavement and the door to the SLL attack. It was also witnessed by at least cally assaulted by members of the Socialist Trades Hall. Members of the Spartacist League at one unaffiliated independent bystander; three Labour League (SLL) as the SL members were peace­ no time in any way obstructed the entrance to the people sympathetic to but not members of the SL; fully distributing literature outside the Trades Hall. Those on the steps stood along the very and one CPA member, Steve Haran, who was excluded Hall in Sydney, where an ostensibly public meet­ edges. Only SLL members stood directly in front from the meeting without any explanation. Haran ing featuring Gerry Healy, visiting leader of the of the door. The SLL's arbitrary demand was re­ also attempted to defend the SL against attack. Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP, British co­ fused by the SL members who said several times Cops arrived on the scene after the fighting thinkers of the SLL) was taking place. Sparta­ that they would move off the steps, where they ended. One, after speaking to the SLL leadership cist League members outside Trades Hall carried had a perfect right to be, only if requested by inside the Trades Hall, spoke to Bill Logan in a signs protesting against the political exclusion the Trades Hall caretaker. The SLL refused to conversation witnessed by Jamie 'Doughney and of all SL members and supporters from attending get the caretaker and on the order of Jim Mul­ Steve Haran. The cop said that the people inside the talk, any of Healy's previous talks in Aus­ grew, National Secretary of the SLL, a team of had asked him to clear the people outside away tralia, or any of the SLL's other so-called about six goons attempted to physically drag one from the door. Comrade Logan replied that we "public" events. The slogans on the signs were: of the SL members from the steps. Members of the "Fake 'open' meetings sponsored by Fake 'Fourth were not blocking the door. The cop then de­ Spartacist League resisted this violation of the manded that the members of the Spartacist League International'''; "For the rebirth of the Fourth right to distribute literature on the steps of International through open political struggle!"; on the street side of the pavement move so that Trades Hall by pushing back against the goons, they no longer faced the steps to the Trades Hall "Healyite exclusion attacks Workers Democracy!"; while members of the Socialist Workers League and "The,SLL is afraid of Trotskyism at its 'pub­ door. (These steps were, of course, by this time (SWL) and a member of the Communist Party of lined with SLL goons.) The cop said that if we lic' meetings!". Australia (CPA) also opposed the SLL violence and The SL members were distributing their litera­ refused to comply with his order, everyone on the attempted to stop the fighting. (SWL members had pavement would be arrested. ture outside of Trades Hall only because the SLL been selling Dipeat Aation and distributing a had on the occasion of a previous "public" lec:., pamphlet outside the building before the attacks The SLL has in the past slanderously charged ture by Healy -- 8 June 1975 -- demanded of the began.) More goons emerged from the Trades Hall that the SL, by peacefully picketting against Trades Hall caretaker that the SL be refused per­ and one punched Spartacist League member Bill exclusionism in support of workers democracy, mission to do so in the corridor outside the Logan on the face, signalling a full-scale attracts the attention of cops to their meetings. meeting room rented by the SLL. At that time, attack. The fighting stopped only when the SL This occas.ion made it crystal clear that the SLL when requested by the Trades Hall caretaker to withdrew in a disciplined fashion to the pave­ bears the sole responsibility for any unusual move outside the building, we did so. There was, ment. It is simply by accident that only minor police attention. They exclude the SL from their however, no justification whatsoever for the injuries were sustained by SL members. During "public" meetings for no reason but their own SLL's completely arbitrary demand, conveyed to us part of the attack Mulgrew stood inside Trades political cowardice. Then, without cause, they only when the meeting was ready to begin about Hall behind the plate-glass door waving and demanded on 8 June that we move outside the twenty minutes after the publicly announced com­ shouting encouragement to his thugs. Among the building where the cops would be able to see the mencement time. SL members had been standing at SLL thugs were-Terry Cook, Tom Hawkins, Phil picket; th~ then on 16 June provoked a fight the sides of the corridor in such a way that Sandford and Billy Haggerty. which was the best way to attract the attention people attending the meeting could, and did, walk of the cops. And when the cops did arrive, the past three abreast without even brushing leaflets The entire attack was witnessed by five mem­ evidence indicates that the SLL in effect told being handed out by SL members, who spoke only in bers of the Socialist Workers League and one them to clear us away, apparently having either normal conversational tones. member of the New Zealand Socialist Action League lied to the cops that we were blocking the The assault on the night of 16 June began when who expressed outrage lit the SLL's thuggery and Continued on page eleven A reply fo Healyife slanders AustraLasian Spartaaist supplement 7 June 1975 "Material prepared by the New York office tion the Praesidium collected the copies of the [i.e., presumably, not the material mentioned report ••. I however had with me my copies ... The foundless charges recently laid by inter­ above which was prepared in Newark] has ap­ .made by me from the originals." Thus although we national Healyism that its opponents in the peared in 'Spartacist' the publication of the knew these damning documents were authentic, we worke.rs movement are decisively influenced by the Revolutionary tendency expelled from the SWP. political police of the bourgeois state usher in could'not prove it, and were forced to rely on the authority of comrade Samarakkody's reputation a new stage in the degeneration of a tendency "It is further known th~t James Robertson, a which has long deserved to be characterised as former SWP functionary expelled by the SWP, is for integrity and our own. Immediately after we one of political bandits. The Healyite "Inter­ now the leader of the Revolutionary tendency, published these documents the Healyites used them national Conunittee of the Fourth International" believes material mailed to him by the New to attack the United Secretariat, eventually (IC) has spread similar slanders in the past, York office is valid and has accepted this admitting their source. Apparently the Healyites but we now see the consistent and systematic material at its face value and has used it in are not above using material which is guaranteed (rather than merely occasional) use of the vilest its efforts to undermine the SWP." only by the integrity of the source from which it kind of smear tactics -- the labelling of politi­ emanates, the SL, whose integrity they now slan­ (2) The questionable accuracy of the FBI's der claiming it is willing to "use handouts from cal opponents as agents of the police.
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