Colonia, Forth, Hopelawn, fatta, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewwen and Edbon Woodbridge, New Jersey, Thursday, April 8, 1965 PWCB TW CBTPB ALLOWAY ON INSURANCE: To Save $17,000 in WOODBUI1K1E - Woodbridgc Township expects a rebate that the Township takes several Informal bid* before the "And why not, if he had the best policy?," was the answer. of approximately $17,000 this year on 1U workmen's com- policy Is written on the basis of the advice of the consultant Mayor Walter Zlrpolo noted that when the present adminis- pensation insurance policies, Business Administrator James who "by the way is not a broker, nor does he Mil insurance." tration took over and consulted Mr. Bean, the later found Allnway said yesterday at a press conference In answer to what he called "unwarranted criticism of the Township's in- The coverage was tailored to our needs by our expert who that the Township was insured for 1,100 miles,of road when surance program." gave us the best coverage for the least amount of money," in reality it had only 250 miles, that the municipality WM Mr. Alloway declared. "I am stepping into this to clear up insured for 700 miles of sewers when it had only 400 miles Tho information contained in an article in another news- misleading headlines." and that garbage trucks were insured as emergency vehicles [layer, Mr Alloway said, vas "misleading" and "just pro- which means a higher rate. vided that newspaper with another headline." "List year, We did not have a broker and the vork was so enormous that a major portion of our staff was involved No "Political Plems" "! have been in five towns in New Jersey," Mr. Alloway and less work was accomplished for necessary municipal Both Mr. Alloway and the mayor denied the insurance was ••mlimicd, "and when 1 came to Woodbridge, I was amazed matters. It was cramping the normal functions of the ad- a "political plum." iliat the administration had the foieslght to hire an insurance ministration office. Too many man hours were being devoted "We shop around and determine the best price we can ••iinsiiltanl." to insurance and the processing of vital, day to day work get. "Mr. Alloway went on. "We don't say, here, take it, it's Tlic municipal consultant is Irving Bean, Summit, who is couldn't be reached. For a comparatively small fee the yours. That would be a political plum." a consultant to large industries and is doing the work in broker does the Work." One of the reporters noted that Mr. Bertagna is an active 1 Democrat and both the mayor and Mr. Alloway agreed. Wiwihi'idnt "more as a favor." Mr. Alloway said the insurance company pays the broker's "However," the mayor noted, "if Mr. Bertagna can save "I h:ive never met any man who has the know-how in in- fee through premiums paid by the municipality. us money it is good business sense to give the business to siii-ancc as this man." Mr. Alloway went on, "and as a re- Rest Policy him," sult m< enpiTt a $17,1)00 reduction this year. Mr. Bean has As to why the Bertagna Agency was given the workman's Pointing to a reporter from Perth Amboy the mayor said: •iniiini'cil miv coverage, gleaned unnecessary Items out of Compensation policy. Mr, Alloway said: "It would not be good business sense for your paper to give tin1 i-ontrai'l." "He was one of six or seven agents we were dealing with job printing to the paper in Elizabeth. You would have it and they had to be willing to put in a bid on our terms, and done by a job printer in Perth Amboy." Took Informal Rids Bertagna did We feel Bertagna had the lowest bid and the As the result of the expected $17,000 reduction this year In The bin ness administrator said that he has conferred best coverage." workman's compensation insurance, Mr. AJloway said that i n- II,,. work i>f thr Family Counseling Service which hu» rsiahlishrii im <>|. with Joseph Valenti, Municipal Clerk, and has been assured "Why was Bertagna selected?" a reporter asked. actually less money will be spent this year than last year. ,.. uilh 11M- aid ol thr municipality, will hr described graphically in it plav, "Eyr , in br pti'SMilcd by th» Circle Player* al its playhouse on Martin Terra™. \i,,,M' Hrf mrmbrrs ol the ca»t, 8*at«d, Bont* I'hilip. Doris Wallnrh; standing, llarrv llfim. Connie Marrhltlo. ,| K New Day Dawning for Retarded Status Quo Prevails Newspaper Salesmen Finn Title Teacher Groups 'Too Far Apart in Thinking* T tS Wh Wil1 H(1Ve ReC For Board to Coil Election, Days Bihler KT Junior Rifle Team Is Changed WOODBRIDGE - "Status quo." ° ° That is how William Bihler, president of the Board U Batta- WOODBRIIXiE — Letters will,with retarded children during the and field trips to the 700 and the all necessary information. lion described the situation as far as the Board It Wiiuwwl be going out this week to parents regular school terms, to serve as shore. : The program will be held daily, regarding the fight of two teacher groups to bo the sote taffta- pkinf! I-I- Subscriptions gy Measure of Hi2 children who are handi-'supervisors of the program. Shortly after EasteV the Mayor|Monday through Friday from 10 ing agent. - In urdei in obtain necessary funds (or capped by mental retardation! Among activities planned for. and Mr, Murphy plan to meet with A. M., to 2 P. M. The children Mr, Bihler said that about two weeks ago the Bond mt WTO 1 II|N. members of the Woodbridgc Police Junior. With the pass. asking them if they would like lo the youngster* are arts and crafts,'interested parents to give them will bring their luncheons. representatives of both the WoodbrUfe Townaiup Federate of Teachers, Local 822 and the Woodbridge Tmnuddp Eduntkn iii' turning s.ilesmw. ol the neiTs.sai-y ordinance enter the youngsters in a special < • _ —— iliesc \nuiig fulks. II to 19 years of age, will I hi' Municipal Council summer recreation program. TlVO BuMball Fields Association. Vlllfit l(l "Each side presented its own thinking," Mr.BlMer cortlwed, canvass of their neighborhood,... s in the Town ' •'• Finn Director Mayor Walter Zirpolo, who ,s X rf . 1 r "but they are pretty far apart is their thinking. Therjfcw as Mibscriptions to The Independent lender The" th<> Dt'partme-nt of Industrial sending the letters, said yesterdadayy "'" " "• "I Council Joins Clubwomen A rs ltlat this far as the Board is concerned, we are taking no actkia vntu will b»> used to ! ™' ' " •>»» hwn a big wo Woodbridge Residents r n ,,, r, s\ they can agree on ground rules." , n.iii. rifles and The directorship and the do Wcm - for there has never been wnonRRin* Jtwn bwhilllf If #1/111 IP F flV I #1V^TTiflRR iU DUUW The teachers' union has suggested that if the two groups can- nt'cdnl to enter tP-rtment were created by the ; program fnr re.ardecI children ZTX^^Xe * °' VM?f/#WW not agree on ground rules within a reasonable length of time [council through amendment to wing the summer mdnths and ^, n_moH ,.„,,-„„„. „» in^i that an impartial group be brought in. !the administrative code. they have just been left out of! rMUIenU ° WOODBRIDGE - The Munici- The union representatives have stated that Its group repre- thint!S joined with the Contracts Awarded ir Vernation are Mr Kiim had served as man- " #1 at Regina Street, was Several contracts were awarded sents the majority of the teachers and therefore (eels it can iagcr to the Industrial Dm-lop-i '" addition to the 162 mentally <iby tlw Municipal Council, WomansClub of Fords in seeking! !c.|n'i-l for the p name y w p ) low bidders as follows: win the election an sole bargaining agents. \ Patrolman Pat- 'ment Council which the ordinance retarded registered through the T^day night, u the Donald Po-1 - Backstops for various recreation 1 Garden State Parkway to Fords' iMjilbi'LiliU1 Police I abolished and replaced it with the local school system, the mayor ehek Memorial Field. Donald was play fields, Cyclone Fence Com- Park from the ar«a of Woodland, sidi'nt nf Caroline Department of Industrial Affairs.! said he hopes to reach similar the son of Detadjve and Mrs. Ste- pany, unit price, $887.22, total Dnnbaror Pitman*v«nues, Fords. I'i'tly and Mario Actually, the industrial ouuncilyounRsters who are attending pri- phen Pochek ail was interested m $3,548 88; recreation equipment, vate schools. In a resolution unanimously ) i. «iui reside on will ffemain, t» tfec ordinance! / athletics. 3. J. Ryan, Woodbridge for Burke i'i!'. Wogr|bridge. "One thing I would Th« i provides that "WJthtn the Depart- Ifte to Recreation , 'Mider the sup- the ''and was named rial Field Company,'$4,651; fencing recrea- Chili. > ; :stmll be an indmitnal developp- lotion from the bombms of thee nu-letter man when -tie attendedf'resulted to limited access to Ihetion areas. Typhoon Feqge Com- i f ii-"'!!) said today. iment cuuiuHl" aii d that the cdun- P"s tn the sites of the program Woodhridge High School end was, park and a hazard t0 children, jpany of New Jersey, Railway, Miss Mar^f: Connolly '! ot the junior ;which l)e hcld Copies Of the resolutM nl will consist of 10 members1 1 ^ both In theto ever graduate from the school, ^$9,517.50; Ure* and tubes, plus fur- l', Kennedy High School : 'he jiroiuT use "who need not be residents of "" " sent to Slate John L eni >-!• rille and they He then went on to Pennington! Senate" • yn nishing tire service and tire repair ihf Police Uange Murphy, Di-'|School and Manhattan College and'and Assemblyman Edward Cra- for municipal vehicles, to General 4- will with lhe Nw Yor!( "Under the la*, the duty of an edwator is to create literacy ^iici't At present rector of Parks and Recreation.jP'ay^ Yan-ibiel; Norman Tanzman.
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