AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING A SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 WITH INDEXES $33 -4-t NASA SP-7037(04) April 1971 March 1971 NASA SP-7037 (05) AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING A Special Bibliography Supplement 5 A selection of annotated references to uncias- sified reports and journal articles that were introduced into the NASA scientific and tech- nical information system and announced in April 1971 in Scientific' and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) International Aerospace Abstracts IIAAI. Scierrrijic arid Techriical Iirforriialiort Oflice OFFICE OF INDUSTRY AFFAIRS AND TECHNOLOGY UTILIZATION 197 I NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Wa.thitrprorr. D.C. 1 This document is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia. 22 15 1. for $3.00. INTRODUCTION Under the terms of an interagency agreement with the Federal Aviation Admin- istration this publication has been prepared by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the joint use of both agencies and the scientific and technical community concerned with the field of aeronautical engineering. This supplement to Aeronautical Eiigitieeriiig-A Special Bibliography (NASA SP-7037) lists 570 reporb, journal article>, and other documents originally announced in April 197 1 in Scieiitific arid Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR1 or in Iiiteriiatioiial Aerospace Abstracts (IAAI. For previous bibliographies in this series, see inside of front cover. The coverage includes documents on the engineering and theoretical aspects of design, construction, evaluation, testing, operation, and performance of aircraft (includ- ing aircraft engines) and associated components, equipment, and systems. It also in- cludes research and development in aerodynamics, aeronautics, and ground support equipment for aeronautical vehicles. Each entry in the bibliography consists of a standard bibliographic citation accom- panied by an abstract. The listing of the entries is arranged in two major sections, IAA Eiitries and STAR Eiirries in that order. The citations and abstracts are reproduced exactly as they appeared originally in IAA or STAR, including the original accession numbers from the respective announcement journals. This procedure, which saves time and money, accounts for the slight variation in citation appearances. Three indexessubject, personal author, and contract number-are included. An annual cumulative index will be published. iii AVAILABILITY OF CITED PUBLICATIONS IAA ENTRIES (A71-10000Series) All publications abstracted in this Section are available from the Technical Information Serv- ice, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.. (AIAA), as follows: Paper copies are available at $5 00 per document up to a maximum of 20 pages The charge for each additional page is 25 cents Microfiche"' are available at the rate of $1 00 per microfiche for documents identified by the # symbol following the accession number A number of pub- lications, because of their special characteristics, are available only for reference in the AIAA Technical Information Service Library Minimum airmail postage to foreign countries is $1 00 Please refer to the accession number, e g , A7 1- 10613, when requesting publications STAR ENTRIES (N71-10000 Series) A source from which a publication abstracted in this Section is available to the public is ordinarily given on the last line of the citation. e g , Avail NTlS The following are the most commonly indicated sources (full addresses of these organizations are listed at the end of this introduction) Avail: NTIS. Sold by the National Technical Information Service at a standard price of $3.00 for hard copy (printed, facsimile, or reproduced from microcopy) of 300 pages or less. Documents in the 301 to 600 page range are sold for $6.00 in hard copy. and those in the 601 to 900 page range are sold at $9 00. Documents exceeding 900 pages are priced by NTlS on an individual basis. These prices apply retro- actively to all documents in the NTlS collection, but in addition, documents of 300 pages or less that are over two years old (from date of announcement in Govern- ment Reports Announcements, or STAR for those items announced only in STAR) will have a surcharge of $3.00 added for a total price of $6.00. No additional surcharge will be added for documents over 300 pages. Microfiche is available from NTlS at a standard price of 95 cents (regardless of age) for those documents identified by the # sign following the accession number (e.9.. N71-1041 1#) and having an NTlS availability shown in the citation. Avail: SOD (or GPO). Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, in hard copy. The price is given following the availability line. (An order received by NTlS for one of these documents will be filled at the SOD price if hard copy is requested. NTlS will also fill microfiche requests, at the standard 65 cent price, for those documents identified by a # symbol. SOD does not sell micro- fiche.) Avail. NASA Scientific and Technical Information Office. Documents with this avail- ability are usually news releases or informational brochures available without charge in paper copy. Avail AEC Depository Libraries. Organizations in U.S. cities and abroad that maintain collections of U.S. Atomic Energy Commission reports, usually in microfiche form, are listed in Nuclear Science Abstracts. Services available from the USAEC and its depositories are described in a booklet, Science Information Avallable from the Atomic Energy Commission (TID-4550). which may be obtained without charge from the USAEC Division of Technical Information. Avail Univ. Microfilms. Documents SO indicated are dissertations selected from Disserta- tion Abstracts. and are sold by University Microfilms, Inc. as xerographic copy (HC). microfilm. or microfiche at the prices shown. Microfiche are available only for those dissertations published since January 1, 1970. All requests should cite the author and the Order Number as they appear in the citation. (1) A microfiche IS a transparent sheet of film. 105 x 148 mm In size. containmg up to 72 pages of information reduced to micro images (not to exceed 20 1 reduction) ilv Avail: HMSO. Publications of Her Majesty's Stationery Office are sold in the U.S.by British Information Services (61s). New York City. The U.S. price (including a serv- ice charge) is given, or a conversion table may be obtained from BIS. Avail: National Lending Library, Boston Spa, England. Sold by this organization at the price shown. (If none is given. an inquiry should be addressed to NLL.) Avail: ZLDI. Sold by the Aentralstelle fur Luftfahrtdokumentation und -Information, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, at the price shown in deutschmarks 'DM). Avail: Issuing Activity, or Corporate Author, or no indication of availability: Inquiries as to the availability of these documents should be addressed to the organization shown in the citation as the corporate author of the document. Avail: U.S. Patent Office. Sold by Commissioner of Patents, U.S. Patent Office, at the standard price of S.50each, postage free. Other availabilities: If the publication is available from a source other than the above, the publisher and his address will be displayed entirely on the availability line or in combination with the corporate author line. GENERAL AVAl LAB I LITY All publications abstracted in this bibliography are available to the public through the sources as indicated in the STAR Entries and IAA Entries sections. It is suggested that the bibliog- raphy user contact his own library or other local libraries prior to ordering any publication inasmuch as many of the documents have been widely distributed by the issuing agencies, especially NASA. A listing of public collections of NASA documents is included on the inside back cover. SUBSCR IPTI 0 N AVAl LAB I LlTY i This publication is available on wbccrtption from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) The annual subscription rate for the monthly supplements, excluding the annual cumulative index, is $1 8 00 All questions relating to subscriptions should be referred to the NTI S V ADDRESSES OF ORG A NlZATlON S American Institute of Aeronautics National Aeronautics and Space and Astronautics Administration Technical Information Service Scientific and Technical Information 750 Third Ave. Office (KSI) New York, N.Y. 10017 Washington, D.C. 20546 National Lending Library for Science British Information Service and Technology 845 Third Ave. Boston Spa, Yorkshire, England New York, N.Y. 10022 National Technical Information Service Springfield, Virginia 22 1 5 1 Commissioner of Patents U.S. Patent Office Superintendent of Documents Washington. D.C. 20231 U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Defense Documentation Center Cameron Station University Microfilms, Inc Alexandria, Virginia 22.11 4 A Xerox Company 300 North Zeeb Road ESRO/ELDO Space Documentation Service Ann Arbor, Michigan 48 106 European Space Research Organization 1 14, av. de Neuilly University Microfilms, Ltd 92-Neuill~-sur-Seine,France Tylers Green London, England Her Majesty's Stationery Office P.O. Box 569. S.E. 1 U S Atomic Energy Commission London, England Division of Technical Information PO Box62 NASA Scientific and Technical Information Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Facility P.O. Box 33 Zentralstelle fur Luftfahrtdoku- College Park, Maryland 20740 mentation und-Information 8 Munchen 86 Postfach 880 Federal Republic of Germany vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page IAAEntries ............................................
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