Illinois Bureau of Water Environmental P.O. Box 19276 Protection Agency Springfield, IL 62794-9276 August 2007 IEPA/BOW/07-011 EAST FORK KASKASKIA WATERSHED TMDL REPORT Printed on Recycled Paper This page is intentionally blank. EAST FORK KASKASKIA RIVER TMDLS (IL_OK-01 and IL_OK-02) Prepared Under Contract to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and Approved by US EPA Prepared By Baetis Environmental Services, Inc. Chicago, Illinois In Support Of Limno-Tech, Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan August 2007 Contents Section 1 - Stage 1 Report Section 2 - Stage 2 Report Section 3 - Stage 3 Report for Four Water Supply Lakes Section 4 - Implementation Plan for Four Water Supply Lakes Section 5 - Stage 3 Report for East Fork Kaskaskia River Section 6 - Implementation Plan for East Fork Kaskaskia River -- ".;:,~~E.DS1"-4"""<-;"s> UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ~ " '" -- \) REGIONS ~~ffi\, ~ 77 WEST JACKSONBOULEVARD ~ r! CHICAGO, IL 60604-3590 ~( PR(jIf.~ REPL Y TO THE ATTENTION OF: ~-y ...",J WW-16J Marcia T. Willhite, Chief Bureau of Water lllinois Environmental Protection Agency 1021North Grand Ave. East P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794-9276 Dear Ms. Willhite: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has reviewed the final Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the impaired segments in the East Fork Kaskaskia River watershed (SOB, ROZY, SOG, and SOF) including supporting documentation and follow up information. IEPA's submitted TMDLs address the presence of elevated levels of manganese that impairs the Public Water Supply Use in Farina Lake, Kinmundy Lake, Kinmundy Borrow Pit, and Kinmundy Lake New (segments SOB, ROZY, SOG, and SOF) in the East Fork Kaskaskia River watershed. Based on this review, U.S. EPA has determined that lllinois's TMDLs for manganese meet the requirements of Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and U.S. EPA's implementing regulations at 40 C.F.R. Part 130. Therefore, U.S. EPA hereby approves lllinois's 4 TMDLs for the impaired segments in the East Fork Kaskaskia River watershed (SOB, ROZY, SOG, and SOF). The statutory and regulatory requirements, and U.S. EPA's review of lllinois's compliance with each requirement, are described in the enclosed decision document. We wish to acknowledge lllinois's effort in this submitted TMDL, and look forward to future TMDL submissions by the State oflllinois. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kevin Pierard, Chief of the Watersheds and Wetlands Branch at 312-886-4448. RECE\VED SmcerelyyO~~ OCT 1 2 ?'"'p, o Lynn Traub BUREAUQt- ~~i,''''\) Director, Water Division iJUREAUCH'EF'SOFF Enclosure cc: Bruce Yurdin, IEPA Recycled/Recyclable. Printed with Vegetable Ojl Based Inks on 100% Recycled Paper (50% Postconsumer) This page is intentionally blank. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 5 77 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO, I L 60604-3590 SEP 14 2m REPLY TO THE ATTENTION OF WW- 165 Marcia T. Willhite, Chief Bureau of Water Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 102 1 North Grand Ave. East P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, L 62794-9276 Watemhed Management Sajon BUREAU OF WATER Dear Ms. Willhite: The United States Environn~entaIProtection Agency W.S. EPA) has reviewed the final Total Maximum Daily Load (TMl3L) for the East Fork Kaskaskia fiver watershed including supporting documentation and follow up information. EPA's submitted TMDL report addresses the presence of elevated levels of fecal colifm impairing the primary contact use in the East Fork Kaskaskia River (Segment IZ-OK-0 1). Based on this review, U.S. EPA has determined that Illinois's TMDL for fecal coliform meets the requirements ~3fSection 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and U.S. EPA's implementing regulations at 40 C.F.R. Part 130. Therefore, U.S. EPA hereby approves Illi~lois'sone TMDt for the East Fork Kaskaskia River watershed (Segment IL-OK-0 I). The statutory and regulatory requirements, and U.S. EPA's review of Illinois's compliance with each requirement, are described in the enclosed decision document. h addition, as discussed in the first element of the enclosed decision document, LEPA determined that the dissolved oxygen (DO) impairments in the &st ~&kKaskaslua hver watershed are a result of flow- related conditions rather than a specific pollutant cause. Therefore, since TMDLs are required only for pollutants, and flow is not a pollutant, no TMDL for DO is required fox the East Fork Kaskaskia hver watershed (Segments TL-OK-0 1 and TL-OK-02) under the Clean Water Act or EPA regulations. We wish to acknowledge Illinois's effort in this submitted TMDL, and look foward to future TMDL submissions by the State of Illinois. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kevin Pierard, Chief of the Watersheds and Wetlands Branch at 3 12-886-4448. Sincerely yours, Jo Lynn Traub, \ Director, Water Division Enclosure cc: Bruce Yurdin, IEPA Trevor Sample, EPA RecyclWRecyc~abke. Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on 50% Reqded Paper (20% Pmtconsumer) This page is intentionally blank. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Stage One Report TMDLs and Implementation Plans for Target Watersheds Project Watershed HUC 0714020205 (East Fork Kaskaskia River) Prepared by ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Chicago, Illinois On behalf of Limno-Tech, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan April 2005 This page is intentionally blank. Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 1 Confirmation of Impairments ........................................................................................1 Recommendations for TMDL Development .................................................................1 Recommendations for Field Data Collection ................................................................1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 2 TMDL Process .............................................................................................................2 Illinois Assessment and Listing Procedures .................................................................2 Identified Watershed Impairment .................................................................................3 WATERSHED CHARACTERIZATION............................................................................ 6 Methods .......................................................................................................................6 East Fork Kaskaskia River Watershed Characterization..............................................6 DATABASE DEVELOPMENT AND DATA ANALYSIS ................................................. 14 Data sources ..............................................................................................................14 Methods of Analysis ...................................................................................................15 CONFIRMATION OF CAUSES AND SOURCES OF IMPAIRMENT ............................ 15 METHODOLOGIES, PROCEDURES, AND MODELS FOR TMDL DEVELOPMENT .. 20 Models and Procedures .............................................................................................20 Recommendations for Modeling and Data Collection ................................................26 FIELD DATA COLLECTION PLAN............................................................................... 32 Water Quality Data Collection ....................................................................................32 Hydraulic Data Collection ...........................................................................................37 Additional Data Requirements....................................................................................37 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ............................................................................................ 37 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 38 APPENDIX A. DATA SOURCES AND LOCAL CONTACTS ........................................ 40 i List of Tables 1. Impaired Waterbodies in the Project Watershed, 0714020205 2. East Fork Kaskaskia Watershed Land Use / Land Cover in Year 2000 3. Percentage of Subwatershed Land Use / Land Cover 4. Watershed Soils 5. Estimated Discharges for Select Return Periods at East Fork Kaskaskia River Near Sandoval, IL 6. Water Quality Database Describing OK 01, East Fork Kaskaskia River 7. Water Quality Database Describing SOB, Farina Lake 8. Water Quality Database Describing ROZY, Kinmundy Lake Old 9. Water Quality Database Describing SOG, Kinmundy Borrow Pit 10. Water Quality Database Describing SOF, Kinmundy Lake New 11. Water Quality Impairments and Endpoints 12. Confidence Intervals for Lake Manganese Concentrations (µg/L) 13a. Waterbody Impairment Causes and Sources 13b. Other Identified Impairment Causes and Sources 14. Wastewater Treatment Facility Information 15. Comparison of Selected Capabilities of Simple and Mid-Range Watershed Models 16. Comparison of Capabilities of Steady State Water Quality Models 17. Comparison of Capabilities of Dynamic Water Quality Models 18. Potential Technical Approaches to TMDL Development in Mn-Impaired Water Supply Lakes 19. Field Data Collection Plan ii List of Figures 1. Location Map 2. 303(d)-Listed Waterbodies 3. Potential Pollutant Sources 4. Soil Associations 5. Flow Duration Curve, East Fork Kaskaskia River near Sandoval, Illinois 6. Fecal Coliform Bacteria Load Duration Curve, East Fork Kaskaskia River
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