TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1974 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 39 E Number 113 Pages 20465-20571 PART 1!93 HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published In this Issue. Detailed table of contents appears Inside. EXECUTIVE ORDER-Inspection of tax returns by the Committee on tho Judiciary, House of Representatives._ 20473 DEPRECIATION OF TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS-Cost Accounting Standards Board proposes standard; com- '- ~ments by 81-4............ 20505 MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSION INSPECTIONS-Transporta- Etion Department proposes criteria and procedures; com- ments by 8-12-74.._ . ....... 20501 NUCLEAR PROPULSION SYSTEMS--AEC considers licen§- 4 Ing merchant ships -..............20522 I - - WATER AND WASTE DISPOSAL-USDA development grants; effective 6-11-74.... .. ...... 20475 LOANS TO STATE AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT COM- PANIES-SBA limits Interest rate; effective 5-24-74- 20477 o STUDENT RIGHTS AND DUE PROCESS PROCEDURES- Interior Department proposes rules pertaining to BIA Schools;, comments by 7-11-74.__ 20489 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY- o4 Labor Department proposes ground-fault circuit pro- tection standards; comments by 8-9-74 .... 20499 Labor Department proposes exposure standards for cer- tain chemicals (2 documents); comments by 8-12-74 20494. 20497 conference on HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-DoT announces aircraft shipments via; 10-2-74- __20522 SPECIAL PACKAGING-FDA guidelines for premarket clearance; effective 7-11-74 .... _ 20482 0• MEETINGS- Civil Service Commission: Federal Employees Pay Coun- cil, 6-10-74....., 20533 FCC: Cable Television Technical Advisory Committee Panel 9, 6-24-74 20539 Forest Service: South Kalbab Grazing Advisory Board, MO7-12-74 20515 PART I: EMPLOYMENT OF THE HANDiCAPP- Labor Department affirmatIve action obigatkoo effective 6-11-74 2D565 ll ll N O. II --p t. I1 reminders (The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to FED-aL EG==zra users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal signiflcance. Since this list Is Intended as a reminder, it does not Include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publicationj Rules Going Into Effect Today This list Includes only rules that were pub- lished In the FEERAL REciSTEt after Octo- ber 1, 1972. page no. and date EPA-Soap and detergent manufactur- ing point source category; effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance.- 13370; 4-12-74 FDA--Color additives; use of D&C Vio- let No. 2 on certain surgical sutures. 13266; 4-12-74 Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on officlal Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Servicef Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 600, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch.15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Oh. I).Distribution ;!, 6 Is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing OMco,Washington, D.C. 20402. in The FiDxAL REcisTER provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by Federal agencies. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency 00documents of public interest. The Fnnxaa. R x:sTER will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $5.00 per month or $45 per year, payable In advance. The charge for individual copies Is 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cents for each group of pagCe as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing In the FsDnAL RncGisTE. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 39, NO. 113-TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1974 contents THE PRESIDENT. Department of the Iuterior__ 20533 Pesticide registration; applica- E=ual Employment Opportunity tions 20536 Proclamations Comminion 20533 Father's Day, 1974----------- 20471 Office of Economic Opportu- FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION Executive Orders nity 20533 Rules Meetings; Federal Employees' Pay Community loans and grants; S Inspection of Tax Returns by the Council 20533 Committee on the Judiciary, water and waste disposal deel- Title change In noncareer execu- opment systems (2 documents) 20475 House of Representatives-.... 20473 tive assignment; Department of EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Housing and Urban Develop- FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ment 20532 Rules AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND COMMERCE DEPARTMENT CONSERVATION SERVICE Airworthiness directives: Rules See Domestic and International DeHavlanid Aircraft ...... 20477 Proposed Business Administration. Lockheed Environmental statements; prep- 20478 COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD Piper (2 documents)- 20478. 20479 aration 20490 Standard instrument approach Proposed AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Rules procedures 20479 See Agricultural Stabilization and Depreciation of tangible capital Transition areas (2 document.s)- 20479 Conservation Service; Farmers assets 20505 Proposed Rules Home Adminilstration; Forest CUSTOMS SERVICE Control zone and transition areas Service; Soil Conservation Serv- (5 documents) ____ 20500, 20501 ice. Notices Foreign currencies; rates of ex- FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS AIR FORCE change 20515 COMMISSION Notices DEFENSE Rules Proposed F-15 Beddown at Luke DEPARTMENT See AirForce Department. United States-Mexlco FM Broad- Air Force Base, Ari.; hearing. 20515 casting Agreement; correction 20485 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL Notices Notices BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Meetings: Applications, etc.: Notices Cable Television Technical Ad- Metropolitan Edison Co., et aL 20522 Duty-free entry of tclentiflc ar- visory Committee, Panel 9- 20539 Nuclear propulsion systems for ticles (9 documents) -------- 20516, Mexican standard broadcast sta- merchant ships, consideration. 20522Z 20517, 20518, 20520 tions; notification list..__ 20539 Regulatory guides; issuance and Hearngs, etc.- applicability 20523 EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS Steamboat Broadcasting Co. Research and development In geo- ADMINISTRATION and Big Country Radio, Inc- 20540 thermal energy; invitation to Rules FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION comment ------ ------20523 Employment of handicapped; af- Notices firmative action CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD program.... 20566 Oregon's proposed action plan-. 20521 Proposed Rules ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FEDERAL HOME LOAN Air taxis In Alaskan bush routes; Rules operations pursuant to certain BANK BOARD agreements ----------- _ 20503 State air quality Implementation Notices Air taxi operators; classification plans; Utah..... - 20484 Bel-Fran Investments Ltd., et al.; and exemption ..------------ 20504 Proposed Rules receipt of application .... 20541 Notices Territory of Guam; water quality FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION standards - ------------- Hearings,etc.: 20513 Rules Alaska service Investigation and Washington State air quality plan; certain other matters- ....- 20524 variances and review of new Flood Insurance; eligible areas; Charter authority of Canadian sources -----------------. -- 20511 status of participating commu- nIties foreign air carriers .... 20526 Notices (5 documents)---- 20486-20488 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Comments on environmental im- FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Notices pact statements and other ac- Rules Authority tions impacting the environ- to make noncareer ex- ment; availability........... 20533 New drug applications; special ecutive aslgnment; grants and Packaging 20482 revocations: Filing of petitions regarding pesti- Action ------------------ 20532 cide chemicals: FOREST SERVICE Department American Cyanamid Co...... 20538 Notices of the Air Force-- 20532 FM'C Corp---------------20538 Department of Commerce_____ 20532 Meetn: Department of Interior Department .......- 20538 Defense .... 20532 Upjohn. Co .... 20538 South ibab Grazing Advisory Department of Health, Educa- Board - 20515 tion, and Welfare - -......-20532 Pesticide product containing DDT; registration 20538 (Contitfued on next page) 20467 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 39, NO. 113-..UE.SDAY, JUNE 11, 1974 20468 CONTENTS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS Temporary authority; termina- SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD tions ---------------------- 20560 COMMISSION Notices LABOR DEPARTMENT Rules Benkert, William M.; change of Forms; audit requirements and membership ---------------- 20521 See also Employment Standards annual report ---------------- 20480 Special permits --------------- 20521 Administration; Occupational HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Safety and Health Administra- Notices tion. DEPARTMENT Hearings, etc.: Notices Source Capital, Inc., and Com- See Food and Drug Administration. Oregon; availability of extended puter Exchange, Inc ---------- 20540 HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT unemployment compensation-- 20543 DEPARTMENT SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET OFFICE See Federal Insurance Adminis- Rules Notices tration. State and local development Clearance of reports; list of re- companies; section 501 INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU quests --------------------- 20541 loans... 20477 Notices Proposed Rules NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY Student rights and due process ADMINISTRATION First Dakota Capital Corp.; filing procedures ----------------- 20489 Proposed Rules of application for approval of conflict of interest transaction. 20542 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Motor
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