~ ~ The Independent Atl~ntic."S~ An ltuhpendent Student Publication Serving SouJh FloridIJ Colhges Sam Kinison to holler at FAU Kinoon, selecled over such FeinlaDll said that there .....as con­ quee lIlIme and a pfO\'tn track women's righlS groups lhat sa)" By JERED CARR evenn IhouJh his mlterial is s.... Sffl/lWri/a well known comics as Stcvcn cern that Geni, the 1990 Comic record.. And al a paltry 515,000 of the Year, didn't have the price lag, be's a batgain to bool. runoy IOsome, it is offensiYeand ney say me "Mad Man" is Wright, Ind Bobcat Goklwait, liongwitb such eltucmely funny, popularil)' 10 draw buge CfO'Ilo'ds. degrading 10 otllen. They say u.qIOFAU. But, for every bit as funTl)' as Kinison is nolhing mure than a OJ. Sunday, November 18, but lesser known comic as "Wesawhim (Geni) in Miami Kinison is, whenever hecomes to and be .....as great. ~ Fcinland says. nOI so subtly masked '- Kinisoll \\ill bring his OUI­ Richard Geni, had the righl com­ a tOlll'll, he brin~ controversy. bination of talent, marque draw ~but ."..e didn't think he was a homophobic. IIfiOIl!I and often controve~ial Responding 10 acomplaint by and <nsL maindraw,~ Kinison has been dogged Ihe lrud of humor to FAtJ's Boca past few years by gay and Raron campus in an 8:30 p.m. Homecoming director Sieve A Kinison show offers a mar· See SAM page 3 b a\ the Univcrsity Genter Mditorium. 'An Evening wilh Sam Killion" is planned as the grand !iale of FAU's second annual FAD's Homecoming Homecoming. Twenty-four ~td tickelS will go on sale Wy or tomorrow at Tickct­ to be spirited .uer Ilx:ations and sales areex­ p!ElCd 10 be brisk. T"icUts are S6.SO (including By n:RED CARR ItII'acharge) forstudenlS, and SlUt SWfJfiiur IIIl1St be purchased at tile FAU's second annual Homecoming promisc& 10 he 4 w«k of il)' TIckel Genter Ticket exceptIonal enlenainmcnl, fun. and just might caplure lut e-.-er outlet. Non-students will ~Iusj>,-e SdKlO! spiriL Jl!'SlS.so (plus service charges) "Il~ a showing of 1)C0001 Sptrit,~ ~ Assblanl Direaor of "tbcirsam Kinison tickelS. Homecoming JiU Hellman, Ma chance to gener.tte fIl.'W splnl and KiDison, who is just coming to show offlbespirilllfC already ha\·e. Homecomlnl '" a cbana: In lfol"anOlher HBO Special, has (ora:eryek::mentofFAU 10 pull togetherandcelebrate FAU and UII been one of lhe houest our ha5ketballlC4lm." "iclen (Our. He first3Uracted EDtitled "Focusing on our Future," FAtrs second bolllCCOm· _ionalatlenlion as the scrcam­ ing kicks orrTues4ay November 13 and wUl c10Ml Sundaty Novem· ICromic thaI delivered lines 111 ber 18 Witb "An evening with Sam Ktmson" a., the H<Ja*IDtDIDIl 1IlSp~1ting 1ew:1s on a Rodney pod (male. IlaalCrficld Young Comedwns SpoMorship by local bu,inc~,es Will mike III ,.ear" ~ BUI il I'''as in his role as Homea>mlD& a rommuDity event In more lhan name OGI) StIJ· k~1h strung history professor denl Oa\oenUncDt ~ sponsonllip 85 a way 10 SIJppIemcaq lite ... DUltrfield's hit "Back 10 $2S,(Q) in AAS ICes budJCled lbr tbe weet'\ C\al15. "that Kinison became an Funnyman Sam Kinison The eel:nerpie(:e of tile Homooomtal fenivines is tile ItaSOII openingbatclbaD gaDIC$ for belb IIIe mea's lad.,mea'slIMke1­ ~l cult bero. bali sq-a. &dt will open WIlli lbcir season Friday Ctoa1lI!to SOYembel" 16, apinsl FkHicia Memorial ooUege. HomerommgdllCCCor St~ Fembnd expt\.'l5 sh«DI 5plJ1tlo Bee group does more than talk run bip. • our club atlhis timc,~ said AlAS Vi<X Presidenl 1bere COIdd be hopefully up 10 2.000 people "I dtII pmc.~ 8'1' KLlf J.GEIIRIN(; Eugene Mackey. "Our membership is increasi.ng, saKi Felnland,"witb all of the duba, hlerDiheto, and aIdud m· _ SIIIlSta([WriJer , we are beooming more active, and wc're focusmg \I01ved ID Ibe Homecoming ..1'Itde before thepme. AI'"year's laan age or increasing pollution, rapid reduc­ on concerns Ihat will affect not only us as SIU­ Homecominl ..fade we !lad I grcatlumout in U:11DI ofSlUdenu Iq or natural resources, and growing concerns dents bUI C'leryone in general.~ being IDVOIved wilh the parade, bUI Ibis year. we areIIIoodo.&: for ~_a deteriorating 01.one layer, the American In ~ddilion 10 plans to set up rCl::ycling bins in more audleo<X participation. N -ulUle of Architecurc StuucnlS at Bee has early January. the club also plaRS to travel to Sa~ He says thai be is not above heIDI sneaky to bI'iJII people oul 4ttided to SlOp talking about enviramental Francisco for aconvention early ncxt year, asemI­ 10 watch the events. ~ ~ and begin laking action. nar featuring architecture stuoenls from all At the parade we wru be throwlDg out T·sblnl, can CDOkn. ~lll& this January. the AlAS plans 10 be­ across the U,S, meeting todiscuss issues concern­ aDd cups...and IlfC wiD be sMog away free [ronl row tlctetl to 5CC' '-cll'o'Oh>ed on all of the Bee campU5eS and ing their liclo. ana conouet workshOps. The ..-- I~I&. 1IIlIy itleSs the imponance of tbe envirament primary tbeme for the Education Ind E.tp~. Tbere Mil abo be I camiYal 011 band No¥ellIber sa· ~ lIS through the displaying of bins for stu­ tien coD\'tntion ....i11 be. of wurse, tbe Enviro- shiDe Am......willopcntlC.IO-ISridec:and'41. ...lolbrowaUoflbeirrecydable items in. 1be "TIIere.no be IMS..,. ridea as weU m pme bDodlf,. 1_ menL •. ._....... pcopk jltHAJe laid. 'Io.......o..~ &fOup also hopes 10 bold lectures ODe of tbe ",ealest aspects of bc:~ng ~Jhv",'Uol eacowaaiD& 10 .,. Ikku.. K c.r.tvaI:~ ;--s lOp speakers and key archhects from in our dub is meeong and becomlD! I~~ 11Ic c.v. w81 abo be Gf Ik.... ·'--unityand around me nation to discuss ..ith peoplewho M\'tsintilarinleresuand ideas. .......50.. " ....s.- drc SI __~ of Ihe enviromenl on people in the saki AlAS Pfe$ldenl Grq brio. .... ho se....-ed 85 JrPI:' 'Iky do ... --~ -we-- 1DdIy, architeas in paniallar. See AlAS page 2 a;. '...I -*-· "t\ert isl positive feeling going around willi 1L-- F_R_O~M_THE__NE_W_S_D_ES_K j 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. The event will CorMdiM GiIbfrt Goqfrkd wiU bt ap­ e:wepl the lhird Tuesday at the Thursday, NaY. I at 7:30 at FAU's Davie be. TutSdaJ Humanities room 243. caU367.386S.. JI«IrinIat FAUon November I in tbeUe UnitaIian UniversaliSt Fellowship, 2601 campll!, Building 9. room 208. The pro­ auditorium. Tickets ate available at the St Andrews Blvd. at 7:30 p.m. For fUT­ gram is open to the public free ofclUlrge. <1<_ The firsl debatewilJ face Daniel J. Black­ ue boJ: office, and one dollar from each ther information, write P.O. Box 4&5, BtI4 A/pha hi"ilJwttd#a -/ee4 Mit ticketwill bedonated toSludents Againsl Deerfield Beach, FL 33443. man against John A. Frusciante, for the lhrougb November 14. AUor~ Drunk Driving. seal in Circuit 17, Group 5. The scoond WIticbever~ 0l'I11uInda], N~ 8, tM-t "ilJbt arefreelodonatefood. T1M $fIIlUil, bl"Otlliaul "EJfflCtiNi Ap­ will be belWCen Barry E. Goldstein and IIS1Mil1nl SCIiJU meeting at the University donates themost food willgel a i'mefliilJl prtHIchu to CtunplU Stt:urilJ- will be Sherry Reiter Stone, for the seal in Or­ Tower in OO'NntO'Nl1 Ft.lauderdale. The from Bela A1plUl Psi. Colleaioa-. presented on Thursday, November 15, cui! 17, Group 14. Call 424-6390 for are in the h'brary, Aeming baI~ 1\e,l4. 1990 al 2 p.rn. in the University Cenler meeting will SIa1t at 5: 15 in room 305. aDd de_ stu4eots are encowaged to attend. ministnltion building. and the caIeIera Gold Coast Room. This live program 'Nill Ifyou IUlve questions, ca11392-87ll be telec:ast by satellile 10 dozens of col­ Tht Ad4m WaidI: CmItr is std:iIrg ill· TJris FridaJ is 1M dttI4lint tlJ drrJp OIl" leges across the counoy. All FAU Slu. diriduoJ ~ or volunteer organiza­ "iIJIdrtIW from FAU classes witbout 7Jw C4t1IoIic Slu4mt UtrilM JriI 1rR ... intll MtISS on Thunday, November~, 4ents, laculty and stall' will be admitted tions to man six Coca-Cola boothsduring receiving an F in eacb clasS. celebrate AU Saints' Day. The ~ free. ContaClJadtScopes at 367·3730for West Palm Beach's ~Holiday Fest" FAU H'DIIIOIf'StJuIjes ",ilJ lie Jurriltgllll beal 12 p.m., audallwboatteDd tbe ... funber information. celebration on December 7. 8, and 9. {)ptIr HI1M# for students, faculty. and staff are requested to bring a can of ~it A ribbotr CJIlliJrl ClI'tIIIOtI1 will bt ItdJ They need 100 yolunteen to sell Cokes 10000thenewSocial Sden«Building. 'o\'hich on Monday, November 5, from 3 p.m.. to Food For Families. Call the CSU ala: over tbe festival penod.. Call Nancy Mc­ at 367-3510 for h1nber informatica. will bouse the College of Social Science Bride al 833-908Q. 5 p.m.. and on Tuesday, NOIo-ember 6 from aDd IbeSdloolofNursilll- It will be held in the courtyard of the new building on 7Jw FIoriila Al1mIIic Ulfi~ Prt-Lilw Willt 0\"1:1 30 memben actively .. Thursday, November I al 12:30 p.rn. Club will pair IWO From AlAS page 1 hos:t a of debates for wl\'ed iD the AlAS at centnJ caDlpUl,1Iit T1M LaJ,ilJlf RQp Gro", mmr ~try BrO¥>'8ld Circuit Coun Judge sealS on the OIairman for Special A/JaiIS for the number of participants in the dub ttl­ TheIndependentAdanticSun ----~ group during the 1989-90 scbOOl year.
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