GASPARD® HANDCRAFTED VESTMENTS AND PARAMENTS ➔r MADE IN THE USA * (800) 784-6868 • www.gaspardinc.com Beauty and Holiness THE Anglicanism is blessed with liturgical and artistic riches, from [IVING the cadences of the Book of Common Prayer to the stained­ glass windows of Washington CHURCH National Cathedral. Whether THIS ISSUE I July 17, 2011 kneeling in the opulence of the West or in the besieged Nuba NEWS 4 Bishop Salmon to Lead Mountains of Sudan, Anglicans Nashotah House worship the triune God who has sown beauty into the finest FEATURES details of the universe. 8 Dieter Heinrich Goldkuhle's Legacy of Light By Peggy Eastman 22 OUR UNITY IN CHRIST ser ies ON THE COVER Choosing Mutuality Washington National Cathedral photo By Alyson Barnett-Cowan of Dieter Heinrich Goldkuhle BOOKS 11 Heaven and Earth in Little Space by Andrew Burnham Review by Bryan D. Spinks 12 Secret Faith in the Public Square by Jonathan Malesic Review by Nathan G. Jennings 14 Reforming the Liturgy by John F. Baldovin, S.J. Review by Aaron Canty 16 'Anglo-Catholic in Religion' by Barry Spurr Review by Richard J. Mammana CATHOLIC VOICES 23 God Save the Nuba By Slater Armstrong OTHER DEPARTMENTS 18 Cultures 24 From the Archives 28 Sunday's Readings 30 People & Places The Living Church is published by the Living Church Foundation . Our historic mission in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion is to support and promote the Catholic and evangelical faith of the one Church , to the end of visible Christian unity throughout the world. July 17, 2011 • THE LIVING CHURCH 3 NEWS July 17, 2011 BishopSalmon to Lead NashotahHouse The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon , He was dean and president of board of trustees will begin search­ Jr., is the new dean and president of Nashotah House ing for a new dean and president in Nashotah House Theological Semi­ for 10 years. November, he said. nary, and will arrive on campus in Salmon, Bishop "We've got to do a long-term plan, August. of South Carolina which the [Association of Theologi­ Bishop Salmon, a member of the from 1990 to 2007, cal Schools] is requiring of us," he Nashotah House board of trustees will leave his cur­ said. "The question everybody is fac­ since 1993 and its chairman since rent position as ing is what seminary education will 1996, said the board elected him in rector of All Saints look like five years from now." late May, when it announced the res­ Church in Chevy In Nashotah's case, he said, the ignation of the Very Rev. Robert S. Chase, Md. He told Salmon plan will include asking whether Munday. THE LIVINGCH URCH that he expects one person should continue fulfill­ Dean Munday's resignation takes to arrive at the seminary by Aug. 23. ing the roles of both dean and pres­ effect June 30, but he will remain Salmon was interim dean of ident , or whether those roles should on Nashotah's faculty as research Nashotah when Munday took a sab­ be separated. professor of theology and mission. batical during the 2008-09 term. The Douglas LeBlan c SudaneseBishops Plead for their People People of the Nuba Mountains same time we in the Nuba Mountains "We should think twice about region in Sudan are under armed grieve." where we give our money," Bishop assault from government forces, said Government forces "want to Nihal said. "If U.N. peacekeepers in the region's Anglican bishop June 17 impose Islamic and Arab cultur e on Sudan are not doing their job , I don't during an annual meeting of the us, which is not fair. We are black, American Friends of the Episcopal we are Christians. How are we going Church of Sudan. to leave our lands and go to the "As many people have heard, it is South?" "How are we going to really a genocide ," said the Rt. Rev. The Rt. Rev. Abrahan1 Yel Nhial, leave our lands and go Andudu Elnail, Bishop of Kadugli Bishop of Aweil, disputed al-Bashir's to the South?" and the Nuba Mountains for the contention that the people of Nuba Province of the Episcopal Church of and another besieged city, Abyei, Bishop Elnail Sudan. "There is no food for the peo­ should become Muslim or leave for ple of Kadugli. There is no water." the South. President Omar Hassan Ahmad al­ "If Bashir claimed that Abyei know why we should support them." Bashir, a Sunni Muslim who came to belonged to the North, why should Both bishops pleaded with the 100 power in 1989, wants Christians in he kill his own people?" Bishop Nhial participants in the conference, held the border region to migrate to the said. June 17-19 at Christ Church , Glen southern half of Sudan, which is Nhial was among the Sudanese Allen, Va., to urge intervention by more hospitable to Christianity and Lost Boys who made a new life in the the United States. which will establish an independent United States, but he returned as a "I appeal to you all to be our advo­ government July 9. bishop in 2010. He excor iated the cates, to conti nue to pray, and to "We are happy for our brothers in United Nations because government continue to urge your government the South to have their independ­ forces are using a U.N. facility in to do something," Bishop Nhial said. ence," Bishop Elnail said . "But at the Kadugli as their base camp . Douglas LeBlanc 4 THE LIVING CHURCH • July 17, 2011 Visit livingchurch .org for daily reports of news about the Episcopa l Church and the Anglican Commun ion. MariannBudde Elected in Washington WASHI NGTON The Rev. Dr. Mari­ Candler, dean, the Cathedra l of St. Ballot 2 ann Edgar Budde, 52, Philip, Atlanta. C = Clergy ; L = Laity C L C L has become the first • The Rev. Jane Soyster Gould, Needed t o Elect 88 82 woman elected as rector , St. Stephen's , Lynn, Mass. Bishop of Washington. She withdrew after the first ballot. Abrams 7 8 2 5 Budde, one of five • The Rev. Canon John T.W. Har­ Budde 114 76 137 102 Candler 31 40 26 39 Budde nominees, won over- mon, rector, Trinity Church, Wash­ Gould 8 9 whelming majorities ington, D.C. Harmon 19 29 10 17 June 18 among both clergy and laity Budde, who succeeds the Rt. Rev. on the second ballot. For the last John Bryson Chane, accepted her four elections of a bishop of Wash­ election by telephone . After her 12 at Washington National Cathe­ ington , it has taken from two to six acceptance, a motion to make her dral. ballots to elect a winner. election unanimous did not carry. The bishop-elect has served as rec­ Other nominees were: Her election requires consents tor of St. John's in Minneapolis since • The Rev. Ronald G. Abrams, rec­ from a majority of bishops with 1993, where she has overseen that tor, St. James's Church, Wilmington, jurisdiction and standing comm it­ congregation's growt h in member­ N.C. tees in the Episcopa l Church. Her ship and income. She has an exten- • The Very Rev. Samuel Glenn consecration is scheduled for Nov. (Continued on next page) July 17, 2011 • THE LIVING CHURCH 5 NEWS July 17, 2011 Lighting our sacred spaces for more than a century. Budde (from previous page) Lawsuit Prompts sive background in teaching and con­ For II2 years, ference leade rship as well as preach­ Priest's Resignation Rambusch has ing, and is the author of Gathering An Episcopal priest and former invented, engineered Up the Fragments: Preaching as Roman Catho lic monk has asked to and hand-built lighting Spiritual Practice, published in 2009. be removed from the priesthood fixtures here in the The Diocese of Washington has a after being named in a sexual-abuse two-decade history of women in the lawsuit against his former abbey. USA to enrich and episcopate. The Rev. Bede J.M. Parry, 69, has illuminate chapels, The Rt. Rev. Jan e Holmes Dixon, resigned his job as organist, music churches, cathedrals suffragan bishop from 1992 to 2001, director and assisting priest at All and basilicas served as Washington's bishop pro Saints' Chur ch, Las Vegas. His across the country. tempore in 2001-02. Dixon was the removal from the priesthood is a dis­ second woman elected as a bishop ciplinary matter and has been referred in the Episcopal Chur ch, following to the chancellor of the diocese. Become part of the history. the Rt. Rev. Barbara C. Harris, He was a monk at Conception bishop suffragan of Massachusetts. Abbey in Missouri from 1973 to After her retirement from that 2002. While she was Bishop of RAMBUICH office, Harris served as an assisting Nevada, Presiding Bishop Katharine S INCE 1B9B bishop in Washington in 2003-07. Jefferts Schori received Parry into IGHTINC 1 CUSTOM LIGHT ING 1 ARCHIT ECTURAL CRAFT The new bishop-elect inherits a dio­ the diocese in 2004. 160 Cornelison Ave nue , Jer se y City , NJ 07304 Parry directed the Abbey Boy T 20 1.333.252 5 cese that is highly diverse (ranging www.r a m busch. c om from inner-city apartment dwellers to Choir from 1982 to 1987. A lawsuit rural fanners), multiethnic, multicul­ filed against the abbey says that tural, vibrant and active, but beset Parry molested the plaintiff, identi­ with budget problems and declines fied as John Doe 181, during a sum­ in some congregations. The diocese mer camp at the abbey in 1987.
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