Park North, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL Tel: (01403) 215100 Fax: (01403) 262985 (Calls may be recorded) DX 57609 HORSHAM - 6 www.horsham.gov.uk Tom Crowley, Chief Executive Personal callers and deliveries: please come to Park North Development Control (North) Committee TUESDAY 15TH MARCH 2011 AT 6.30p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBER, PARK NORTH, NORTH STREET, HORSHAM Councillors: Ian Howard (Chairman) Liz Kitchen (Vice-Chairman) John Bailey David Jenkins Andrew Baldwin Sheila Matthews Gordon Brown Christian Mitchell Clive Burgess Robert Nye Roy Cornell Linda Pettitt Christine Costin Peter Rowlinson Leonard Crosbie Pat Rutherford Sheila Dale David Sheldon Ross Dye David Skipp Duncan England Claire Vickers Sarah Gray Belinda Walters David Holmes Kyle Wickens Sally Horner Co-opted Sally Blake Members of Ali Burke Crawley John Denman Borough Stephen Joyce Council: You are summoned to the meeting to transact the following business Tom Crowley Chief Executive AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee – any clarification on whether a Member has an interest should be sought before attending the meeting. 3. To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive Paper certified as sustainable by an independent global forest certification organisation 4. To consider the following report and to take such action thereon as may be necessary: Application DC/10/1612 - Outline approval for the development of approximately 2500 dwellings, new access from A264 and a secondary access from A264, neighbourhood centre, comprising retail, community building with library facility, public house, primary care centre and care home, main pumping station, land for primary school and nursery, land for employment uses, new rail station, energy centre and associated amenity space; full planning permission for engineering operations associated with landfill remediation and associated infrastructure including pumping station; full permission for the construction of a 3 to 6 metre high (above ground level) noise attenuation landform for approximately 700 metres, associated landscaping, pedestrian/cycleway and service provision (land known as Kilnwood Vale); full permission for the development of Phase 1 of 291 dwellings, internal roads, garages, driveways 757 parking spaces, pathways, sub-station, floor attenuation ponds and associated amenity space. NOTE: The suggested conditions and reasons for refusal may alter from those set out in the agenda. 5. Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as urgent because of the special circumstances. AREA NORTH COMMITTEE – 15TH MARCH 2011 The Report by the Head of Planning and Environmental Services contains the following items: Item Ward Reference Site No. Number A1 Rusper & DC/10/1612 HOLMBUSH FARM LANDFILL SITE, CRAWLEY ROAD, FAYGATE Colgate CONSULTATION SUMMARY – CREST DC/10/1612 Please find below summarised comments from the following consultees and interested parties: Consultee Page number Summary of key comments/conclusions of full comments Natural England 18 No objection in accordance with the submitted information. Environment 18 - 24 Amended/additional information was submitted by the applicant. On this basis the Environment Agency has removed its Agency original objection. The Environment Agency therefore has no objection to the proposal subject to their recommended conditions and informatives. Thames Water 24 - 25 Waste Comments Surface Water Drainage - With regard to surface water drainage it is the responsibility of a developer to make proper provision for drainage to ground, water courses or a suitable sewer. A Trade Effluent Consent will be required for any Effluent discharge other than a 'Domestic Discharge'. Following initial investigation, Thames Water has identified an inability of the existing waste water infrastructure to accommodate the needs of this application. Should the Local Planning Authority look to approve the application, Thames Water would like a 'Grampian Style' condition requiring details of a drainage strategy detailing on/off site drainage works. Should the Local Planning Authority consider the above recommendation is inappropriate or are unable to include it in the decision notice, it is important that the Local Planning Authority liaises with Thames Water. (Officers consider this can be addressed by condition). Water Comments With regard to water supply, this comes within the area covered by the Southern Water. Supplementary Comments Thames Water propose to upgrade Crawley STW between 2010-2015 using growth forecasts outlined in the LDF Documentation for Crawley BC, Mid Sussex DC and Horsham DC. This upgrade should yield sufficient capacity until 2021. If the proposed development forms part of the already published figures in LDF documentation up to 2021, then flows from the development could potentially be accommodated by Crawley works upgrade. However, if the development is in addition to the figures already forecasted, it would need to be assessed separately. (Officers note that when the LDF was adopted this development was planned to finish by 2018 and Thames Water were part of the JAAP consultation process). Network Rail 25 - 26 No objection subject to recommended conditions. Highways 26 - 32 The Highways Agency has imposed a number of holding objections on the application. The latest of which is to the 24th 1 Agency March “to allow additional time for the applicant to provide supplementary information requested to enable the secretary to come to a view.” The HA consider that works are required to junction 11 of the M23 to mitigate against the impact of the development. Officers are aware that the HA and the applicant have been in discussions regarding how these works can be secured. In this regard the HA have provided some further comments which state: “a key element of the use of a Grampian condition is that there must be a reasonable prospect of the works being delivered. To this end we are currently reviewing the developer's proposals against our design standards and Safety Audit procedures. We are approaching the end of this process and I am hopeful that we will soon be able to remove our holding direction, and instead direct conditions to be imposed on any planning permission.” Officers will update any further comments from the HA to committee. Sussex Police 32 - 33 Sussex Police state that “Secured By Design guidance discourages parking courts….If these parking courts are to be implemented, they must have natural surveillance from pedestrian footfall, surveillance from active rooms within dwellings and be well illuminated.” As set out in the report Officers remain concerned about the use of parking courts along the western boundary where they remain isolated. Gating these courts only seeks to exacerbate their isolation and this is at odds with creating an inclusive community. Please see paragraph 8.57 of the Officers report. The remainder of comments from Sussex Police are considered to be addressed by conditions relating to the phase 1 and for consideration at the detailed stages for later phases. Countryside 33 - 34 Concerns are raised that the multi-use circular strategic spine route originally proposed is no longer included. Access Forum Countryside Access Forum consider in view of the likely usage and recreational importance of this route, a grade for West Sussex separation at the A264 should have been sought, especially as the western bridge over the railway, for walkers, cyclists and the British and equestrians only, is not now included in these plans. It is considered essential that the new link paths proposed at Horse Society both the railway line and the A264 be dedicated as public rights of way, with bridleway status, and added to the definitive map. It is noted that there does not appear to be any mention of linking routes on the southern side of the A264. A new route is needed going east, to link with the existing line of bridleway 1550/1, and again this should be dedicated as a bridleway. Equestrians along with all other users prefer circular routes. Consequently it is inevitable that they will use the estate roads and what is currently the western railway bridge to rejoin bridleway 1550. The access link to the bridleway in the north west corner needs to be multi-use as agreed by the Inspector. All links into the surrounding countryside on the eastern side of the development, at Ifield West, Bewbush and Sullivan Drive need to be multi-use. The above comments are discussed in detail in Paragraphs 8.17 – 8.22 of the Officers report Would Network Rail seek closure of the level crossing? Clarification should be sought regarding this, as if the information is correct, the bridleway will need to be legally diverted. (The use of this crossing would be reviewed when 2 the bridge is in operation.) Gatwick Airport 34 - 35 Further information and amendments has been submitted regarding landscaping species for the phase 1 layout. On this basis Gatwick Airport are now satisfied with the phase 1 element of the application subject to conditions. Gatwick are however requiring the following condition regarding heights. No buildings or structures associated with the development hereby permitted shall exceed the heights as shown on the plan accompanying our comments in metres Above Ordnance Datum AOD. The developer has suggested that a condition could be imposed stating that no buildings within the safeguarding area are higher than 8.5m. However, Gatwick have stated that a height of 8.5m would still be in conflict with part of the infringement area. High Wealds 36 No objection in accordance with the submitted information. Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Cycling 36 The National Cycling Organisation considers that the most important feature of the development is to ensure that the Organisation Pegasus crossing across the A264 is implemented together with speed limit reductions. The speed limit in the neighbourhood/all roads should be limited to a maximum of 20 mph on all roads.
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