THE VILLAGER Page 6 ~ October 12, 2012 www.theaustinvillager.com CITY ~ STATE ~ NATIONAL ~ WORLD Texas Senate District 25 Race Austin City Council By Tsoke (Chuch) Adjavon By Tsoke (Chuch) Adjavon race to be within the reach For the November jor highways, which, includes parks and recreation areas: of the Democratic candi- General Ballot, the city of MoPac and interstate high- Colony District Park; Dove date, John Courage. Austin has placed numerous way 35. Furthermore, it Spring park; Emma Long The people living within bond packages into propo- would allow for the improve- Metropolitan Park, Gus Texas Senate District 25 sitions. According to the ment of East 51 street, Bur- Garcia; Rose-wood neighbor- have a contrasting choice supporters, these various net Road, and East Riverside hood parks, Waller Creek between the Democratic bond packages will serve to Drive. Trail and Zilker park. More- candidate John Courage and improve the transportation In addition, it would al- over, it would allow for more an extremist right wing Tea aspect of the city of Austin. low for the funding of Violet "green" areas throughout the party candidate Dr. Donna On the other hand, the crit- Crown Trail. If Proposition city. These areas would allow Campbell. John Courage is ics, believe that these vari- 13 passes, then it would cost for a place where families and a veteran; former community ous bond packages is a the taxpayer about 30 mil- children can exercise and play. college administrator; and a "waste" and therefore in- lions. Proposition 13 calls In addition Proposition 15 teacher in San Antonio. crease the city's debt. Now, for the protection of the would allow the city to pro- On the other hand, Dr. Austinites must decided Barton Spring watershed. It vide affordable housing to se- Donna Campbell is a con- whether or not these bond would allow for the city to niors and low income people. servative and a double- packages in the form of protect this vital Central Over the years, Austin board certified physician. Dr. proposition would improve Texas water source. housing market has increased Campbell’s extreme position the "flow of traffic" through- Furthermore, Proposi- due to the fact that there is a John Courage included strongly opposing out the Austin metro area. tion 13, would seek to im- booming economy that is At first, Texas Senate Wentworth was forced into the President Affordable If Proposition 12 prove the various Austin's area causing businesses and people District 25 seemed to be out a run-off by Dona Health Care bill, even passes, then it will cost the parks and recreation. More- to re-locate in this area. As a of reach for Democrats, due Campbell. though, it provides "health taxpayer 143.3 millions. over, this proposition will cost result, many low income and to the fact it was held by Jeff During the run-off saving measures" and also it Proposition 12 calls for the the taxpayer $77.7 million. It seniors have been "priced out" Wentworth. But, during the Dona Campbell was able to gives access to people who improvement of the two ma- would cover these following of the downtown Austin areas. primaries, Jeff Wentworth defeated Jeff Wentworth. have pre-existing conditions. faced two challengers that The defeat of the moderate Texas Senate District included Dona Campbell and Wentworth against the ex- 25 covers numerous coun- A Weekend of Celebration Elizabeth Ames Jones. In the tremist Tea Party candidate ties in Central Texas. Sena- primaries, the incumbent Jeff Dona Campbell causes this torial District includes: Bexar County; Comal County; In Central Texas Guadalupe County; Hay By Tsoke (Chuch) Adjavon Counties and also the South- ern tip of Travis County. Although the nation of Moreover, it consists of both Nigeria celebrated its 62nd rural and urban areas like Anniversary on October 1, its San Antonio and Austin. As diaspora living in Central Texas a result, the Austin area will celebrated over the weekend play a key role in this race. with various activities and Furthermore, Texas Senate events. Moreover, the Nige- District 25 consists of about rian community and its friends 1 million people, who are had the opportunity to come racially and ethnically di- together through a concert and verse. also through a charity fundraising organization. As a result, people had the oppor- tunity to know more about their cultures, traditions, and customs. On October 5, the non- profit organization known as "A God Sent Foundation" held a fundraising gala to com- Central Texas resident attended community memorate their Independence event. Photo by Tsoke (Chuch) Adjavon Day. October 6, the Nigerian com- sions such as business own- During this event, Cen- munity held a concert in Aus- ers, community leaders, pas- tral Texas was invited to taste tin. Finally, they plan to host a tors, teachers, military person- Nigerian food, and to dance dinner on October 10, 2012. nel, professionals, health care to both Nigerian and African The Nigerian Diaspora providers, and students. music. According to the non- in Central Texas is very large Moreover, the Nigerian com- profit organization, the money and diverse. According to munity has woven itself within raised will go toward helping certain Census, the Nigerian Central Texas; consequently, school children in the area of community is about 6,000 they are an integral part of Cen- Benin City, Nigeria. Then on people with a host of profes- tral Texas. Judge Halts Voter ID Law by Christian Morrow were required to carry on elec- the Supreme Court’s direction,” Special to the NNPA from tion day. he said. “While we feel a law the New Pittsburgh Courier Though the Department of like this should not even be on After several days of tes- State eased requirements for the books, we are happy it will timony and strong direction from getting a free photo ID, and had not be an obstacle in this year’s the State Supreme Court, Com- even begun issuing its own voter- election.” Mosely said a rally monwealth Court Judge Robert only ID, Simpson found that hav- with Rev. Al Sharpton scheduled Simpson reversed himself and ing to do that clearly indicated the for Oct. 6 at the August Wilson approved an injunction of the state had failed to meet the ac- Center for African American state’s voter ID law. cess requirement. NAACP Culture will go on as planned It will not be in effect for Philadelphia Branch President even though the Voter ID law the November General Election, Jerry Mondesire, owner of the has been shelved. though it may after January. Philadelphia Sun was among the “Naturally the tenor will be Last month Simpson de- most vocal of the law’s critics more celebratory, but the work nied the injunction sought by the calling it a voter repression law. isn’t done,” he said. “We have American Civil Liberties Union, “Score this one a victory an Oct. 9 registration deadline the NAACP, the AFL-CIO and for the people, and a loss for the and ID Law or not, you still have others that challenged the law as scheming politicians who wanted to be registered to vote.” unduly burdensome, particularly to steal this election,” he said. President Obama’s re- for African-Americans, the eld- “The NAACP is gratified by the election campaign quickly re- erly and young voters. decision of Judge Simpson, and leased a statement supporting The law’s constitutionality though it will become the law, it Simpson’s ruling. “The right to was not an issue, either for will not have a debilitating effect vote and choose our leaders is at Simpson or the Supreme Court. on voter turnout in four weeks.” the heart of what it means to be The issue was whether or not Locally, Khari Mosely, an American,” it read. “The Simpson thought anyone eligible civic engagement director for the President and his campaign are would be unable to cast a ballot Pittsburgh chapter of the A. Philip committed to making sure that because of the law, or if he found Randolph Institute, said he is every eligible voter, regardless of the state had not complied with pleased with Simpson’s ruling. party, has the ability to make their law’s promise of providing liberal “We are pleased the judge voices heard and participate in access to a photo ID that voters made the right decision based on the electoral process.”.
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