TIDE .!ltIGH6-28-69 IIIW l11Jf 5 9 at 0336 f,-2B-f,'J 4 5 at 1606 07atl012 o 9 at 0633 KWAJALEIN, MARSH.ALL ISLANDS Friday, June 27, 1969 Finch Gives Up Effort For Knowles to Get Top Health Post Today's News WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Secretary Robert H FInch gave up hIS flve-month fIght with the American MedIcal Assoclation and Its allIes today dnd dropped his effort to name Dr John H Knowles of Boston to the government's top health post At a Glance The backstage battle--with Finch on one slde, Senate RepublIcan Leader Everett M DIrksen on the other and PresIdent Nlxon caught In the mlddle--had fasclnated Washlngton for weeks The outcome infurIated lIberals, IncludIng RepublIcan lIberals Knowles, 43, EGYPT AND ISRAEL The f'Z-ghtuzg the admInIstrator of hIghly regarded aont'Z-nues Massachusetts General HospItal, told a Eleven Policemen Boston news conference that NIxon "had SAFEGUARD -- Senate Comm'Z-ttee passes certaIn polItIcal debts to pay" and he N'Z-xon's proposal Victims of Snipers thought Nlxon was rIght In paylng them KOKOMO, INDIANA (UPI) -- Eleven po- "I'm not mad at anybody,' he said FRANK E EVANS -- Jo'Z-nt boal'd re- snIper After Nixon told hIS news conference t'Z-res to aons'Z-der the ev,denae fIre today In Kokomo, when a water­ last Thursday that he would accept any melon party In a predominantly Negro man suggested hy FInch, the HEW sec­ KOKOMO -- Th,s a~ty gets LtS shal'e neIghborhood erupted lnto a round of retary appeared to be the WInner of the sn,p,ng and loot,ng rock-throwIng, window-smashIng and But In 48 hours of backstage maneu- f.ea lootlng verIng InSIde and outSIde the WhIte MESSFNA -- N,xon aru7. Tl'udeau 71eet on PolIce restored order before dawn House, fInch lost ground the bOl'der fol' Sea/Jay's 10th b'l'thda1.{ after IndIana State Police swarmed In­ At mld-mornln~ today he flnally an­ US·Austra'ian KNOWLES-FINCH -- to the north central IndIana Indus­ nounced that the '~rotracted and dIS­ Board of 'nquiry trlal Clty for posslble rIot duty torted dISCUSSIon" had robbed Knowles Ship Elsewhere in the nation, National of a chance of dOlnR a good Job as as­ VIET NAM -- Ben ii, t sidZ be6wged InYestigates Collision Guard unlte were on a standby alert In SIstant secretary for health and SCIen­ SUBIC BAY, PHILLIPPINES (UPI) - The Omaha, Neb , WhICh had ltS thIrd con­ tifIC affaIrs In the Department of six-man US-Australian board of In­ secutive night of raclal VIolence In a Health, EducatIon and Welfare Nixon, Trudeau Attend quiry investigating the June 3 col- black ghetto Nighttlme curfews were Therefore he saId, he would recom- llsion between the U S destroyer, ln effect In Harrisburg, Pa , and In mend ~omeonc el~e Tenth Anniversary of Frank E Evans and the Australian CaIro, IllinOIS 'Inch schedLle~ 3n 11 am , FDT news carrler, Melbourne heard ltS 78th None of the wounded Kokomo pollcemeIl conference tomorrow Ahoard Air Force Eisenhower Locks and final wltness today and adjourn­ was injured seriously They were only 1, where ~lxon was FlYIng to the Cana- ed to assess the blame raked with buckshot as they sought to dIan border to observe the 10th annl­ MESSENA, N Y (UPT) -- PreSIdent NIxon Although the panel has no powers stem lootlng and vandalism in a 10- versary of the St lawrence Seaway, met CanadIan PrIme Hlnlster PIerre Tru­ to punish and will not speclflcally block area of stores and homes on the Press Secretary ~onald Zlegler said deau at the border tcdav and S31d U S recommend legal action, it is likely city's near North Slde NIxon very llkelv would make a nomina- and CanadIan frlendsrlp could serve as to find that the Evans was to blame State Police SuperIntendent Robert tlon tOPlorrow "an example for the world (0 Follow' for the crash that kliled 74 of her K Konkle said the trouble began "when FInch's o.m press spokesman, at HEW, The two leaders met at the '1onument to crew members No date was glven IntOXIcated persons" began to fight George L Br~nJ, sa~d he was not rulIng InternatIonal FrIendshIp on Moses- Saun­ for completion of Its report and break watermelons at a street par- out the pOSSIbIlIty FInch's second ders Power Dam on the St lawrence RIver A spokesman said the board, WhICh ty near a communIty center chOIce would meet w th a SImIlar ob­ then drove the two mIles to the DWIght began ltS hearings June 9, wlll "The SItuatIon deteriorated Into a stacle of AHA ~rpo itlon D Eisenhower locks, a key lInk WIth the spend the "next several days" re- rock-throwing and wlndow-breaklng epI­ Among othprs speculated about for the St Lawrence Seaway to commemorate ItS viewing testimony and puttlng to- sode ln the colored buslness communI­ job were Dr Joh~ Hogness of the UnI­ 10th anniversary gether its joint report ty," Konkle's statement said "Store verSIty of ~ashlngton and Dr Richard It was on thls day In 1959 that NIxon, He said no new witnesses wlll be fronts were broken In and some looting Ihlbur, 44 nephew of AHA PreSIdent D then Vice PreSIdent, and Queen Fllzabeth called although it may be necessary developed " L WIlbur of San FranCISCO II participated ln ceremonles formally to recall previo'is ones for addi­ When ~ small force of police moved "The trusteE" of th" AMA are :::earf~! opening the seaway tional testimony in, Negroes "opened fire on the polIce of any mIddle political posltlon," said nne of those In the Nlxon party was The panel's fIndings wlll be sent offlcers WIth shotguns .. The dlsorders Knowles "An IndIVIdual, an activist his son-in-law, DWIght D EIsenhower II, to the Commander of the U S Seventh followed by several hours a cross­ who tries to solve problems, would not grandson of the presldent for whoPl the Fleet and the Australian Naval Head­ burnIng where 11 whItes were arrested satIsfy certaIn segments WIthIn AMA " locks were named quarters It will be up to them to "What we have done In thIS great co­ convene courts-martIal or to Issue operatIve venture IS certainly an ex­ reprimands Senate Committee Recommends ample for the world to follow," NIxon During the hearings, the two offI­ said cers on the Evans' bridge at the He recalled that he and Queen ElIza­ time of the crash WEre warned that Approval Of Plan to Deploy ABM beth both had unveIled a plaque at the they were suspected of negllgently WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Senate Armed SerVIces CommIttee today recommended ap­ InternatIonal Monument which bore WIt­ hazarding their vesbel and told they proval of PreSIdent Nlxon's plan to deploy the SAFEGUARD antI-ballistic mIssile ness "tlo the common purposes of two na­ had the right of counsel and to re­ system tIons whose frontIers are the frontIers main silent The recommendatlon came as the commlttee approved a $23 bIllion defense pro­ of friendshIp, whose ways are the ways curement bill The committee's actIon, by a 10-7 vote, set the stage for a long of freedom, and whose works are the battle on the Senate floor on Nlxon's plan to deploy the multibIllIon dollar de­ works of peace " Arab, Israeli Gunners fensive weapon at two SItes as a start Both pro and anti-ABM forces in the Durlng his brief remarks wlth the flag Senate clalm they have enough votes to of both natIons flYIng overhead In a carry the day All agree the outcome Planes Drop Supplies gentle breeze, Nlxon repeatedly brought Shoot Across Border wlll hInge on a very few votes up the closeness of the two countrIes (UPI) -- Arab and Israeli gunners Proponents argued wlth Nixon that "SometImes we Just take for granted traded shots today across the Suez the ABM is necessary to keep the U S To Green Beret Camp that we have the longest unguarded bor­ Canal and Jordan River cease- fIre in a position to mount a devastatIng SAIGON (UPI) -- BehInd a smoke screen der and have worked together in war and lines The Middle East flghting retaliatory attack should the Soviet laId down by fIghter-bombers, U S car­ peace in a spIrIt of frIendshIp for over raged on amid reports that Presldent Union fire its missiles at Amerlca go planes swept over the besleged green a century and a half," NIxon saId Gamal Abdel Nasser was planning a Opponents argued the ABM as planned beret camp at Ben Het for the fIrst day "This seaway should not be taken for trip to the Soviet Union, his chief would not work, would only spur a new in three today and dropped 40 tons of granted, WhICh opened the heartland of source of military hardware round in the expensive arms race and supplIes to the 650-man Allied bastIon America and the heartland of Canada Diplomatic reports reaching Lon­ would consume federal funds more VI­ A top U S SpeCIal Forces commander "It's an example of ,,,hat natIons can don also disclosed ~hat Israeli jets tally needed to save the natIon from in nearby Kontum saId the approxlmately do when they are at peace WIth one an- flew unchallenged over Cairo last its domestlc ills 2,000 North Vletnamese surrounding Ben other " week even though Egyptian early ra­ Senator John Stennis, (Dem - Miss ), Het for the past 52 days had accom­ Chairman of the Armed Services Com- plished "nothIng, nothIng, nothing" and The PreSIdent also noted that because of dar warning devices had flashed an "the closeness of our two countrles" the alarm mlttee said the commlttee made no called the SIege a stupId move changes in the SAFEGUARD program sub­ There was no letup ln the Communist first offIcial VIsitor to Washington was The incident was blamed for a ma­ Trudea, on March 24-25 jor shakeup in the Egyptian high mitted by President Nixon bombardment of the camp, UPI Correspon­ He said the committee approved all dent David Lamb reported At least 75 Nixon descrIbed the present ceremony command in which two top air force.
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