THK CATHOLIC JOURNAL. MONAGHAN—A meeting of English, the jailer being Pat Mor LEINSTSB ttr'n edg-e, where anlmaJs uauaJly drink HOW THE COW WENT $m IBI8H LETTER gan, and the site was near this and wnJked too far In.. TTie river w*a* the Monaghan Teachers Associa­ very much swollen, and th« current wa» O-M of the Queerest Oow StorU* *r tion was held in the Temperance place- Eight years later there was CARLOW-At the'extraordinary *gt running: at a very hlg-h Kate, FO much of one hundred yeans (Had Jllsa Mary Bccerd %iBWS FROM ALL THE COUN­ Hotel Monaghan. The secretary another Assizes which lasted fif- so that it swept the horse off his leg». McDonaM ot Ballyoormatcfc. Ba&nals- The rope between the" second fiorse aad The story Is told la tie Outiook, .and TIES OF IRELAND. daving read the correspondence een days. tOTvn. July 29. Office and high man 1B probably one of the Queerest cow r the cart parted, and the vehicle on from the Central Executive Com­ CO UK— The members of the were held In Palltsnlcnipn 'hapel which the three men were wa* earned Etories on record, it not one ot th« mitter, a most interesting discus­ Berlin Rowing Club arrived home which, as WPII a« the funaral. were nu- down the river. Mape plunged off the trtsejst The scene of it ia on Cape .§Vkat Is Being Done by the People meiously attended sion ensued on the-ncw rules and August 1st. The Vice-President caxt and waja ne/ver seen again. The Cod, on a little farm near Barnstable. •t HMM—Various Item* From July 27 a raetdng ot Father Murphy others h«ld on, and, the horsea finding Upon this farm a retired sea captain on the new programme issued by states that the* day after the races 3 n«try Section of the Ear Memorial <*ommltte«» was held In tlr footing-, they came to the bank nothing had settled down for hla old age., along the Commissioners of National unsolicited contributions began to Town Hall. 'Pullow, to oonalder thr with a horse, a cow and two ur mrt. f raid If Se. the worse for their Immersion No trace Education. pour in from all sides with the drafting of an a.repeal for fund*. Mr. could be found of their companion. dozen bens. Jameu Dtmpsfy. and subsequently Mr The cow, .though a lank and rather object of enabling the regatta KILKENNY—The remain* of James The scene witnessed on July 29 Tholes Bolger, presided. Father stubborn creature, was said to come ULSTER in the chapel of the Convent of committee to provide a suitable KamRtHjttom, Hau;ketstown, sent an en­ Morrisaey, of Garrenheby, were found from a very good stock aad when *hf St.Louis, Monaghan. will never be memento on behalf of the people couraging <-cm>munlca.ti'>n for the su<-- drowned in the river Barrow, at tikw Barnstable people took it into their <-f*» r>t \h* mcrvement. and enrloslnK ANTRIM-A successful concert forgotten by those present. On of Cork for presentation to the Ross. > "Wifc - heads to have a fair Captain Patterson $5 towards the memorial fund The determined to exhibit her. The members of tha Bennettsb-id^e under the auspices of the Emmett the accasion ten novies were ad­ Berlin crew. The Vice-President cximrr.lttee then proceeded to cooslUPr But when the day came for driving Commemoration Club, was given mitted to profession as Bisters of speaks enthusiastically of the hos­ drafts of ajn appeal for funds to i-rect branch of the United Irish League h Id her to the grounda the cow showed that to a crowded house on July 25 in St St.Louis and four were received. pitality shown by the Irish, and UM memorial, and agreed upon Us> a meeting July 28, at which Mr. Ed* she had a mind of her own. She would w. or'l:riK Mary's Hall, Belfast, on v/hich oc­ TVR0NE-OnJuly i the fun­ promises a suitable return if an Foley presided. It was arranged that not budge a step beyond the farm yard 3 Iit'BUN.— r>enlg Boyle, a butcher gate. In vain the old captain tuggec a collrction be held (or the Irish Par­ casion the magnificent new banner eral of late Mr. John McWilliams, Irish crew visits Germany. living in Bray, met with a horrlMH at the rope, pummelled her sides aac was un/urled. The concert opened of Edergole, took place to Urum- The summer excursion which acv-idt-nt at the Bray rail-way stai i.>n liamentary Fund. "*"'*•* Mgnnw- - pushed her flanks. The cow wanted tc with a selection by St. Patrick's agh and was very numerously <it Messrs. Allman of Bandon give July 'JTt He waJ3 on the platform .ttnl On July 29 Cardinal Moran arrived go to pasture, and was bound sht Boys' Brigade Band, entitled Irish fell t>» the rall». and was rolled uvi-r in Kilkenny on a visit to the Most Rev. wouldn't go to the fair. tended. He had lived to age. year by year to their employees l>y 'i pajtnengi-r train Hut plight hope March. The principal event, the un Dr. Brownrig-g, Lord Bishop of Ossory Captain Patterson's patience wai During life he had been greatly was made to the Exhibition July Is entertained for hla ri-novcry nearly gore when suddenly an Idea oc­ furling of the banner, followed the esteemed in Omagh. 2S. 1 lie excursionists, to the num­ Iii the Franciscan Capuchin Church, At night the whole city was in a blaze curred to him. Though he was not Ceremony, being performed by the Miss Margaret Martin, daughtT ber 0(230, were conveyed to Cork St Mary of Angejs. I'hupch KIH-'-I. of illuminations; tar barrel burned in strong enough himself to force the cow Ifcev. Father Greaven, B. A,, amid I'ulJlu Aug 10. at 2 oilork, the I'or- the streets—the Mayor, Alderman P. to got to the fair his training suggest- of the late Mr. Claude Martin in carriages attached to the morn­ 1 HI in u la Indulgence, of f'.rand I'ar i«»ri - great enthusiasm, and in doing so Hoyne, had three ol them opposite his pd something that was. Lisnacrieve House Eintona. was ing train. The men formed in pro­ of Assist, was r>egun Kxposltlon of Tying the cow to the gate post, he *" Father Greaven paid an eloquent professed a religous ol the order cession, headed by the Bandon an- HliH»ed Sa^srament touk place at residence—and every window was went up into the loft of his barn anc •tribute to the memory of Robert St.Louis, in the Monaghan (Jon Workingmen's band and marched tl... opening Of the featlval unit tin- filled with lig-hted candles, colored lan­ threw down an old sail attached to a Emmett. In this connection James hiKh adtur wiiH dt-i-dr;i tel ,irnl illumln terns, etc, Even the placid bosom of dory mast. Then he put a horse'i- vent July 29 taking the title of by the South Mall, Parade and .itil Throughout the afternoon the Hoctor was heard to great advan­ the Nors was availed of by enthusias­ blanket belt through an Iron ring Sister Claude. Western road, to the Exhibition 1 huri-ri was crowded with v\ or- \\\\ l«"t •* .-trapped the belt around the cow. In tage in The Memory of the Dead, The annual excursion this year gates. A special tram car followed t • t'aln the plermry lndulKerue Kiant.-l tic individuals who set burning tar serted the end of the mast in the ring !•• all w ho visit it during the ••i-l.-i'ru- -lor which he was applauded and in of the Sacred Heart. Temperance with the women and children. Mr. barrels merrily floating-over its limpid and bound the mast to the side of th* the second part of the programme tioii Tin- festival m i mmi w .is PUMI h- waters* All the city bands raraded iow with some fiftty feet of rope. and apostleshipof Prayer Societies \V. ,1. Wyatt showed the large • 1 l\ the Very Hev Father Fnieli-,. i> lie gave The Wearing of the Green. the streets during the night accompan­ The wind blew "querting." and wb.ee Omagh, in connection with the party through the industrial Hall. - Ft' the captain untied th? cow and raUec SeatonF. Milligan, at the meet­ ied by enormous crowds, including all general holiday, was successful An accident attended by severe \ 1'1-ijiicil meeting of the J'-oclet > for the sail the canvas swelled out over ing of the Antiquarians in Dorey, about 700 ladies and gentleman injuries to two men occurred July t' e Preservation of th>- Irish l,ariguitK • classes of the community, and on ev ry the cows bark and away she WPHI July 28, read a most interesting pa­ o-k 1 luce on July L'y at 6 Molesw ,.r I n han i the enthusiasm of the citizens was sidling" down the road, mooing anc took part in the excursion the 28 at the Old Head of Kinsale. •ti.rt. In.»lin <"OUMI i'lunkett H I. per on Some Ancient Ecclesiastical unbounded. The scene was altogether plunging, and trying in vain to stop prelect of the Sacred Heart por­ Patrick Connell and John Con­ M It I A . V H A. In th- cha.r This herself.
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