“WAR OF THE WORLDS SPECIAL!” SUMMER 2011 ® WPS36587 WORLD'S FOREMOST ADULT ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL JULY 25, 2011 SUMMER 2011 $6.95 HM0811_C001.indd 1 5/3/11 2:38 PM www.wotw-goliath.com © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. HM0811_C004_WotW.indd 4 4/29/11 11:04 AM 08/11 HM0811_C002-P001_Zenescope-Ad.indd 3 4/29/11 10:56 AM war of the worlds special summER 2011 VOlumE 35 • nO. 5 COVER BY studiO ClimB 5 Gallery on War of the Worlds 9 st. PEtERsBuRg stORY: JOE PEaRsOn, sCRiPt: daVid aBRamOWitz & gaVin YaP, lEttERing: REmY "Eisu" mOkhtaR, aRt: PuPPEtEER lEE 25 lEgaCY WRitER: Chi-REn ChOOng, aRt: WankOk lEOng 59 diVinE Wind aRt BY kROmOsOmlaB, COlOR BY maYalOCa, WRittEn BY lEOn tan 73 thE Oath WRitER: JOE PEaRsOn, aRtist: Oh Wang Jing, lEttERER: ChEng ChEE siOng, COlORist: POPia 100 thE PatiEnt WRitER: gaVin YaP, aRt: REmY "Eisu" mOkhtaR, COlORs: ammaR "gECkO" Jamal 113 thE CaPtain sCRiPt: na'a muRad & gaVin YaP, aRt: slaium 9. st. PEtERsBuRg publisher & editor-in-chief warehouse manager kEVin Eastman JOhn maRtin vice president/executive director web development hOWaRd JuROFskY Right anglE, inC. managing editor translators dEBRa YanOVER miguEl guERRa, designers miChaEl giORdani, andRiJ BORYs assOCiatEs & JaCinthE lEClERC customer service manager website FiOna RussEll WWW.hEaVYmEtal.COm 413-527-7481 advertising assistant to the publisher hEaVY mEtal PamEla aRVanEtEs (516) 594-2130 Heavy Metal is published nine times per year by Metal Mammoth, Inc. Retailer Display Allowances: A retailer display allowance is authorized to all retailers with an existing Heavy Metal Authorization agreement. To obtain further information, please write to Heavy Metal, 100 North Village Avenue, Suite 12, Rockville Centre, NY 11570. Under Retailer Display Plan, you will receive a display allowance per copy sold to you. “Heavy Metal” is a trademark of Metal Mammoth, Inc. © 2011. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without the written permis- sion from the publisher. Any similarity to real people and places in fiction 59. diVinE Wind and semi-fiction is purely coincidental. All copyrights are held by individual artists, writers, and/or representatives. PRINTED IN CANADA. HM0811_P004_CONTENTS.indd 4 5/3/11 1:37 PM -GALLERY- © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. www.wotw-goliath.com HM0811_P005-008_Gallery.indd 5 4/29/11 11:08 AM -GALLERY- “War of the Worlds: Goliath” is an animated saga of love and war, that tells the story of Mankind’s battle for survival during a second Martian invasion of Earth in 1914. Set in a steampunk world of giant tripod tanks and 1500-foot long battle zeppelins, the movie focuses on the young crew members of the 80-foot tall battle tripod “Goliath” as they are tested in the crucible of total war with the invaders. “War of the Worlds: Goliath” will be completed in the winter of 2011 and begin a theatrical release worldwide shortly after that. Independently produced by an international team of top artists and animators spanning three countries, the movie features a mix of powerful CG mecha and compelling 2D characters. Here is a small sampling of some of the tens of thousands of beautiful designs and images that have been generated in the production of the fi lm. © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. www.wotw-goliath.com HM0811_P005-008_Gallery.indd 6 4/29/11 11:08 AM -GALLERY- © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. www.wotw-goliath.com HM0811_P005-008_Gallery.indd 7 4/29/11 11:09 AM -GALLERY- © 2011 Tripod Entertainment Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. www.wotw-goliath.com HM0811_P005-008_Gallery.indd 8 4/29/11 11:09 AM HM0811_P009-024_StPetersburg.indd 9 4/29/11 11:27 AM 10 HEAVY METAL HEAVY METAL 11 HM0811_P009-024_StPetersburg.indd 10 4/29/11 11:28 AM HEAVY METAL 25 HM0811_P025-034_Legacy.indd 25 4/29/11 11:44 AM 26 HEAVY METAL HEAVY METAL 27 HM0811_P025-034_Legacy.indd 26 4/29/11 11:47 AM 26 HEAVY METAL HEAVY METAL 27 HM0811_P025-034_Legacy.indd 27 4/29/11 11:47 AM HEAVY METAL 29 HM0811_P025-034_Legacy.indd 28 4/29/11 11:47 AM TREASURY GRAphic NovElS, poSTERS, collEcTiblES, ANd bAck iSSUES fRom AmERicA’S lEAdiNG illUSTRATEd fANTASY mAGAziNE HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 35 5/2/11 4:41 PM THE LUIS ROYO COLLECTION DEAD MOON CONCEPTIONS I Hardcover, Full Color Hardcover, Black & White 144 Pages $29.95 80 Pages $14.95 His most ambitious work yet in This beautiful sketchbook is an a 30-year career that has proven exciting collection of fresh new him one of the most important images revealed to us as they fantasy illustrators in the world. are seized by the artist’s agile, The tale of Romeo and Juliet is nervous pencil. revisited, set in a fantastic city controlled by two castles. DEAD MOON EPILOGUE CONCEPTIONS II Hardcover, Full Color Hardcover 144 Pages $29.95 80 Pages $14.95 Another visual feast awaits you “What pleasurable moments here in Epilogue, with a focus they are when a scrap of paper on the origins of the characters. is turned into that chimera that wanders around inside it.” A stunning collection of paint- ings -- large scale epic works, loose intimate portraits, and everything in between. WILD SKETCHES I CONCEPTIONS III Paperback, Black & White Hardcover 208 Pages $9.95 80 Pages $14.95 A collection of never-before- Volume 3 is dedicated to the seen sketches, with 200 black- feminine fi gure. It is a search for and-white images each full of the ideal of beauty, an unattain- strength and sensuality. able beauty, which has always been sought. WILD SKETCHES II DOME BY ROYO Paperback, Black & White Hardcover, Full Color 208 Pages $9.95 64 Pages $19.95 A collection of never be- Build a private castle in Russia... fore printed sketches, full of Add to it an 80 meter Dome... strength and vitality. This book Then... call Royo. A stunning is presented in a Japanese book offering hundreds of erot- manga style size 7” x 4.5”. ic images and insight into Royos creative process. It’s perhaps what the Sistene Chapel would look like as imagined by Royo. WILD SKETCHES III SUBVERSIVE Paperback, Black & White BEAUTY 208 Pages $9.95 Hardcover This is the fi nal installment 80 Pages $19.95 in the Wild Sketches trilogy. This book is breathtaking, pro- Featuring some of Royos most vacative and challenging. The beautiful women and presented focus is on exotic tribal body in our popular Japanese style art and piercing as only Royo manga size - 7” x 4.5”. can do. Many illustrations are accompanied by a short story about the character. 36 TREASURY HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 36 5/2/11 5:04 PM MEDIEVAL TIMES PROHIBITED BORGIA SKETCHBOOK Hardcover, Full Color 56 Pages $14.95 Hardcover 48 Pages $16.95 By Jodorowsky & Manara These Royo images are naked Blood for the Pope and removed. Here, their Rome is no longer a holy city, sexuality is raw, without the but chaos without law or faith. fancy adornments of the show, The Borgia mafi a, the fi rst god- without the wrappings of differ- fathers of history, have taken ent tones and fi nishes. over. PROHIBITED 1 BORGIA #2 Hardcover, Full Color POWER AND INCEST 32 Pages $12.95 Hardcover, Full Color Royo’s fi rst work conceived 56 Pages $14.95 as a book from beginning to end. All the illustrations, more Power and Incest than thirty, have been created Jodorowsky and Manara have exclusively for this publication, made the story of the Borgia’s so they have never been seen dynasty their own, to bring us before. a forceful saga that combines power, betrayal, death and sacrilege. PROHIBITED 3 BORGIA #3 Hardcover Hardcover, Full Color 46 Pages $14.95 56 Pages $14.95 Royo images seen from timeless By Jodorowsky & Manara places, created to allow their Flames from Hell gazes, their lips, and their sexu- ality to travel through the wall The epic saga continues as this of our retina and come to rest in volume opens with a masked our dreams. orgy on Easter 1494. Volume 4 will be available in late 2011 REQUIEM VOL. 1 REQUIEM VOL. 3 Softcover, Full Color Softcover, Full Color 144 Pages $19.95 144 Pages $19.95 By Mills & Ledroit By Mills & Ledroit This volume (Resurrection) Volume 3 will be available in the collects the fi rst three chapters fall of 2011 of Mills and Ledroit’s sadomas- ochistic vampire epic, originally published in the pages of Heavy Metal. REQUIEM Vol. 2 SHA Softcover, Full Color Softcover, Full Color 144 Pages $19.95 144 Pages $19.95 By Mills & Ledroit By Mills & Ledroit Volume 2 Vampire Knight the long awaited sequel project In medieval France, Lara, a compiles chapters 4- 6 young witch is tortured and Winner of the 2007 “Favou- burnt at the stake. As she dies rite European Comics” Eagle she vows vengeance on her Award. persecutors. 37 HM0811_P035-058_HM-Catalog.indd 37 5/2/11 5:04 PM THE ECLIPSE/GOTHIC COLLECTION FAVOLE 1 FORGOTTEN Hardcover, Full Color Hardcover, Full Color 48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95 48 Pages, Dust Jacket $14.95 Stone Tears by Victoria Frances Come along on this journey This is a world fi lled with vam- with Cris Ortega as she shares pires, magic and the undying some forgotten tales with us. spirit of lovers. Enter the dark Forgotten is a stunning artbook magic world of Favole. showcasing 60 images and four stories with gothic, fantasy, hor- ror and romance themes.
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