Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1962-05-09 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1962). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 163. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/163 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Senior Joins Peace Corps, The Edgecliff Freshman Serves Missions Vol. XXVII Our Lady of Cincinnati College, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 9, 1962 No. 8 Two students from Our Lady of Cinc innati Coll ege have vo lunteered as " lay missionaries." Maureen B onfield, senior, has bee n invited to begin training n ext month with the P eace Co rps. Sy lvia P oe, freshman, will do catechical wo rk in Arizona thi ummer. Afte r Maureen completes he r prog ram at an Ame rican coll ege. of Sie rra L eone, but Me nde is the the P eace Co rps Board of Selectors most c om mo n language," said in the United States and a repre­ Maureen. "The country's 147 sentative from ie rra Leone, W e t chie fdoms are organized into L3 Africa, will decide whethe r or not tribes - a total of 2'/2 million Maureen meets the qualificati ons souls. The hot, tropical country to teach in Sie rra Leone. ha about 80 inches of rainfall Maureen hopes that in mid­ during the s umme r month and the August, afte r a week with he r tempe rature range s from 75 to 93 family, s he will be on he r way to degrees." West Africa . The re s he will rece ive M a ureen, a math majo r, will be additiona l instructi on and ori enta­ tea ching hi gh school math twe nty tion at the Unive rsity College of hours a week. She will also tea ch Sierra Leone. English or lead adult discus ion Maureen's training program will groups in the eve nings. include a study of teaching meth- If fully accepted, Maureen will pledge two years of her life to wo rk in W est Africa. She will receiv e $75.00 per month. During the course of a y ear she will be give n thirty days leave and expects Fraternity pledges combine their efforts in newspaper to travel in Africa "so I may bette r make-up. They are (left to right): front row, Catherine Teb­ Campus unde rs tand the custom of the ben, Susan Greve, Patricia Doolin; second row, Mary Sue natives and thus be able to appreci­ Brueneman, Teresa Barwick, Cecilia Rus.sell. Carol Meinberg ate their po int of vi ew." was absent when the picture was taken. Calendar Sie rra L eone was a B r i t i sh MAY colony until April 1961, when it received it independence. Edgecliff C ha p t e r, Pi Delta eyeshades and p lace an ink smudge 11 La Sall e String Q ua r tet "There are 37 teachers in Sierra on the finge r tip of each pledge. Epsilon, national honorary journal­ Leone and 70 more are being pre­ These must be in evidence for 13 Sophomore Boat Ride ism fraternity, will welcome seven pared to fill places the re," Maureen 14 Resident Students Dinner new pledges June 4. one week. explained. " By August the P eace In line for m embership are At the secret initation June 4 15 Senior Mass and Breakfast Co rps hopes to have 4,000 people Suzanne Greve, Catherine Tebben, each n ew member will receive the Spring Musical Recital either in training or ove r eas. j uniors; Mary Sue Bruenemann, Pi D elta Epsilon key, a certificate 16 Student Council Dinner "The Peace Cor ps is one of the of m embe rs hip and a chapter Ca r o I e M e inberg, sophomores; 17 Mothers Club Luncheon and Maureen Bonfield be t steps our country has ever handbook from Miss Helen D etzel. Teresa Barwick, Patricia Doolin Style Show for Seniors taken to fos te r p eace and I feel ods, of the h istory, customs, cul­ and Cecilia Russell, freshmen. moderator. that if you believe in the ideals 19 Patio Party for Resident ture of Sierra Leone and of the As a requisite for membership Dr. Daniel J . Steible, former of an organization you should back Students Mende language. each in itiate must write a straight moderator of the honor society. them up," she added. " I've been 20 May Day " E nglish is the official la nguage news story or an imaginative article and Dr. John Moll oy, member of very lucky to go to coJJ ... ge and to 22 Silve r Jubilee Mass of Father to show her writing ability. the Cincinnati chapter of Pi Delta have exceptional opportunities. Roedel Mrs. Hulbert Taft Sr., widow of Epsilon, will be guests at the Having availed myself of these the late publishe r of the former ceremony. 23 Honors Convocation opportunities, I now would like to Cincinnati Times-Star, will be Science Building share them with others." guest at the pledge tea May 16. Requirement for Degree Mrs. Taft will distribute g reen Nears Completion Approximately 703 of the work on the Grace Hall of Science has String Quartet Music Maiers Give Joint Recital been completed according to Mr. Laurens P . Cotter, architect. Appears Here Following a week of w ritten by three French selections-Hahn's He expects that the plaste ring T he La Salle String Quarte t wi ll "senior comprehensives," Peggy Offrande, Debussy's Romance and will be fini hed by June 13. present the final concert of the cur­ Gerding and Carolyn Pope, music Gounod's Arietta from Romeo and Painting and accoustical tile rent Music Series of the Edgecliff majors, gave a joint recital, Sun­ Juliet. Barbe r's fanciful English work will begin on the top floor Academy of Fine Arts May 11 . day May 6. This was a require­ pieces-A Nun Takes I.he Veil and about May 9. The balance of the The Daisies, and Menotti's Steal work, resilient flooring, t e rrazzo Walter Levin and Henry M eyer, ment for the Bachelor of Arts de­ M e, Sweet Thief concluded the stairs and scientific equipment will violinists, Pete r Kamnitzer, violist, gree in Music. program. Carol Schwable was ac­ be completed by August 1, h e said. and Jack Kirs tun, cellist, compo e A formal r ece ption in the Acad­ companist. The grading will then be done the grou1> which has been in resi­ emy Salon followed the recital in The annual spring recital for and the building will be ready for de nce at the Cincinnati College­ the Theater of Fine Arts . the entire department will be held exte rior sodding, seeding and la nd­ Conservatory of Mus ic since 1953. Carolyn P ope is a piano s tudent in McAuley Hall May 15 at scaping. Formed in 1946 at the Juillard of Miss Frances Loftus. Carolyn 8 P .M . Vocali ts P eggy Gerding, School of Music, the quartet has played three selections by ro­ Scarlet Kruseling and Barbara toured extensively in the United manticist composers - a waltz and Raabe will sing selections by Vk­ Academy Announces Sylvia Poe States, Europe and A s ia. It does prelude by Chopin and Sonata In tor Hugo and Handel with arias G Minor by Schumann, plus R e­ More Improvements an annual series of subscription from L elar's M erry Widow and y lvia P oe's "summe r in Ari­ fl ections in the W ater by D ebussy. concerts in Cincinnati. Thomas' M ignon. Mozart, D ebussy , Improvem ents con tinue to be zona" re ulted from conve rsation The quartet will play composi­ Vocalist P eggy Ge rding, a pupil Ohopin, Schumann, Sibelius, Bach added to the Edgecliff Academy wi t h a F ranciscan d inne r gu t . of F ine Arts. tions by Hayden, Matyas S eiber of Mr. Franz Trefzger, began •and H ayd en are among the othe r y lvia p la ns to a rrive a t S t. W ith the enl a rgemen t of the and Beethoven at the Edgecl iff with three It a I i a n songs - composer featured on the pro­ M ichael, Arizona . June 13, to take theate r a nd the completion of the Academy conce rt. Rugiaodose, Odorose by S carl atti, gram. Pianists a re P eggy Gerding, pa rt in an orien tation p rogra m . adjoin ing sa lons, lhe air-condition­ Linda Sharon, a former pupil of Donzelle Fuggile by Cavalli a nd The resita Lee, Caroly n P ope, Rita he will join a group of 35 col­ ing sys tem is be ing re inforced T he Walter Levin of the La Salle String Pourgi, Amor by M oza rt. German P ozinsk i, M a rtha Schue tz, Carol lege s tude nts a nd professiona l auditorium fl oor is be ing re fini sh ed Quarte t, appeared at the Academy Leider by Schubert we re foll owed Schwa bl e a nd D onna W ehby.
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