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NO. 41. | PHIH’TINGinS' COBOKM A N D BBONZHVG And at the bookstores. VOL. 27. will receive careful attention. Z. POPE VOSE. J. B. POHTEI1 me, and I can’t sell iny papers very THE SKELETON IK BULBO’S longings so conveniently scattered about variety of figure at his pleasure. The ‘knows strange tilings. lie can read under the pelisse ofOttoman ! I should CLOSET. liis club meetings, his pleasaut little din, Polly breathlessly, trying to withdraw £?acn*if. ease and grace with which he performed the future.’ like to sec thee giving audience to the well.’ ----- tiers with a friend or two—all would van- her hand, “ I have not had mine yet.” these wonders, gave promise of still, ‘Let him come in.’ viziers aud pashas!’ ‘Not a very good look out for you, is Mr. Bulho was decidedly nervous on ish like a happy dream, to bo followed No, no, that’s not what I mean. I won’t go unless you go with me—unless ^renter. At length, allowing the balls The Bostangi bowed profoundly and ‘It is in your highness* power to af­ it? I say, my boy, how would you like this evening. He was more than fidgety; by what unknown, dreadful reality of a to go into business witli me?’ lor beside constant change of position, ( hereafter! Well, well, it must be doue. go together—that is, Polly, dearest The Baron and ihc Priest. to drop one after another into a re- retired. ford yourself this pleasure.’ Polly, I love you, and must have—” ‘Well,’ exclaimed Mustapha, I will Tlie boy looked perplexed and eyed lie cast quick looks behind him, as if lie He laughed no more, as he arose to com- BY II. W. LONGFELLOW. sounding vase at his feet, he armed . Black slaves armed with drawn scime- plele his preparations. His honor was at And she was folded in his arms. agree to the stake. Ajuggler upon the the Colonel curiously, heard some one, ami made many attempt hiinself with a yataghan. Seizing the tars, surrounded the imperial sofa wlieu to whistle. Ilia room’ was pleasant, his least at stake. lie might sleep, then, a t It was hanglingly done, and Mr. Bulbo At night, whatever the weather be, brilliant hilt, he drew the Idade from the juggler was introduced. After a throne! Such a sight the East never ‘1 think we might strike up a bar­ least. Tedious curtain leutnres! — must have had some encouragement, or Wind or rain or Hairy heaven, gain. You conte to tlie Opera House ehair comfortable, his tobacco excellent, the scabbard studded with gems, and slight salutation, the young mau leaned saw. and his pipe coloring iu a most enviable These might even be endured if he had else he had forgotten his fears; but Polly Just as the clock is slnkiftg seven, at 11 tliis morning; I've got a plan for understood him and—tea lingered longer Those who look from the wiudow see iextrously whirling it above his head, gracefully on his yataghan, awaiting The game was short. Though he manner; but lie frowned as lie shifted his business hours in peace; and Mr. played with skill, the sultan wascheeked. yon. Now be on time.’ Bulbo’s spirits arose again sufficiently to stiff. The village Curate, with lautern and maid, made, as it were, a thousand flashes of the order of the sultan. about, and finally sprang up with a groan, To Mr. Bulbo’s delight Polly was will- Come through the gateway from the park It wah fairly done and he pleasantly A t 11 o’clock the boy was there, quite behind him was n small closet where liis give the closet door a good kick, and lightning sparkle around. The Mils- ‘Thy name?’ demanded Mustapha. shake his closed list at it as lie left the g to appoint au early day; and the nuts And cross the court yard damp and dark, su lmans slowly bowed their heads iu prepared to fulfill his engagement, curious to know what the Colonel bachelor odds and ends were hastily ‘Melialle. thrust, and how he jerked the door open room with the traveling gear. were just falling, aud the pumpkins had A ring of light In a ring of shade. Mustapha loosened his^irdle, took ofi wanted. drank their fill of yellow sunlight, and And now at the old man’s side he stands, token of approbation, hut uttered not a ‘Thy country?’ and eagerly examined the interior. Tlie next aftffrnoon he was walking ‘Hallo, boy, you’re a good one. Now the northern frost winds were making a llts voice is cheery, his heart expands, word. ‘Jugglers have no country.’ his pelisse and laid down his turban, “Such a fool!” lie ejaenlated, as he hastily along the quiet street of Mileford. see here, do you know a good place for tire pleasant, when they stood, in the ves­ lie gossips pleasantly by the blaze Tbe juggler continued his exploits •Thy a g e ? while a slave assisted to invest Meltalle slammed the door, taking up a book res­ Nothing b a t the urgency of tlie ease could O f the lire of fagots, about old days, illin thetin. royalrnvul garments.’irm-inents. ’’TheseThese prepprepara- a paper stand ?’ have kept him up during the journey, It try-room of the little church, waiting for without appearing to notice the admira­ ‘1 was live years old when you first olutely, determined to read. tlie clergyman. And Cardinal Mazariii and the Fronde, | lions completed, the sultan, dressed only ‘Yes, sir, lip-top.' What was the matter with Mr. Bulho? was a dreadful step lie had taken, but the tion be excited. He next look a pi­ jirdetl on the sword of Ottoman.’ disease iu this case was worse than any “ Dearest, there is one thing I want to And the Cardinal’s nieces fair and fond, geon’s egg from a small moss basket, ! in loose silken trowsers and a richly ‘Where is it?’ He appeared to bo well, being rosy and And what they did. and what they said, ‘Whence coinest thou?’ active. He was a pleasant looking man, could be, and called fora violent remedy. say ; my name—” and, placing it upright on the table, | ‘From the Morea, signior,’ replied j embroidered vest approached a clock, ‘Down here at tlie corner.’ “ Oil, don’t tease me about that! .1 nev- When they beard his Eminence was dead. ‘How much will a stand cost?' not yet troubled with age, as lie had not Mr. Bulho was not a stranger in ifilel'ord struck it with the edge of his sword the juggler, pronouncing the words ! and, placing his finger on the dial plate, yet reached the “youth of forty summers.” laving spent some of liis early hours er can cal! you anything but Mr. George; And after a pause, the old man says, without injuring the shell. An inured- with emphasis. ° said: ‘When the hand shall mark the ‘Lots of money ; much as fifty or a Ho was rather prosperous in business, liere, and lie was soon warmly greeted but I ought to have told you—” His mind still coming back aguin ulous bystander took the egg to exam-! The sultan remained silent for a mo-; hour of eight,’ said lie, ‘I shall have hundred dollars.’ iiad a pleasant circle of friends and no ill Mr. Kopp's kitchen. She farmer and “ Come Polly!” cried her nncle, inter­ To the one sud thought that haunts his brain, rupting her; and in they went, each with ine it. but the slight, pressure of his luont, but eoon added, gayly, ‘Since paid mv-Mager, and then I will appoint ‘You ilou’t say so, why that’s a for­ ineiiinhrances. To look in liis frank, liis Wife hailed Irim as Mr. George, as • Are there any tiding* irom owr 2 they Iiad been in tiie habit of calling him sumc-tuing to tell the other. Ah. why has that wild boy gone from me ?” lingers served to destroy the frail oil- you can read the future, I will'putyour' you my astrologer.’ tune. Do you think that money could sunny face—Wash Bulho (his name was be made there ?’ not an unfamiliar one to patriotic Ameri­ in earlier days, and Mr. Bulho, glad to Polly smiled a little, with a timid flut­ Aud the Curate answers, looking down, ject that had resisted the blow of the knowledge to the proof.
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