PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 28. 1898. PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1832—VOL. 35. PORTLAND, MAINE, MISCELLANEOUS, SPAIN WILL TAKE IT EASY. FOR MANILA. , TALK. and PEACE The Officers Men De- for Peace The News of the Prayer Does signated to Go, Not Disturb Her But She Wants San Franoisco, July 27.—Gen. Meniam to Save Something. has issued an order designating the officers and troops to go out on trans- ports. The St. Paul to sail on Friday -- for Manila. Lieutenant Colonel Stover of Great Amount of THE EXCELENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS the first South Dakota will he in com- will Include Spec- mand of the troops which is due not to the and only originality the first battalion of the first South simplicity of the combination, but also Dakota infantry, thirteen officers and 328 to the care and skill with which it is UNFORTUNATE SANTIAGO. men; reoruits of the 180th Minnesota, manufactured by scientific processes AN ARMISTICE. Major A. M. commanding, six known to the California Fig Syrup Diggles, officers and for the first but Few Facts. 810 men; recruits ulation Co. only, and we wish to impress upon Colorado, Captain Carroll commanding, all the importance of purchasing the one officer and 155 men. true and As the the original remedy. Are Slill Dying From General of is manufactured The Minister of People In supplement to this order genuine Syrup Figs Spanish Foreign officers by the California Fig Syrup Co. Effects of Merriam designates five prominent Hunger. who aro to on tho St. Paul to Hono- only, a knowledge of that fact will Affairs Wants (he. go are of the first assist one in avoiding the worthless lulu. They Col. Barber of the seoond imitations manufactured by other par- New York, Major Langflti ties. The high standing of the Cali- regiment, volunteer engineers; First with the Washington, July 27.—The war depart- Lieut. of the fornia Fig Syrup Co. medi- 28.—A special despatch Winthrop, quartermaster Is Said in About London, July What Europe ment today made public the following first New First Lieut Griffith, as- cal profession, and the satisfaction Madrid It is rumored that the York; from says received from Gen. in which the of has dispatch Shatter, sistant surgeon of the first New York, genuine Syrup Figs request of Duke Almodovar de Kio, min- to millions of families, makes response to a query by the department and Lydig, commissary of sub- given ister of foreign affairs,was for an armis- Captain the name of the Company a as to ships being turned from Santiago: sistence. Capt. J. G. Blaine, is also to guaranty tice until Sunday. It cannot be ascer- of the excellence of its It is Santiago, via Hayti, July 26. (1.17 a m.) sail on the St. Paul. remedy. tained whether his action was spontane- far in advance of all other Adjutant General U. S. A., Washington: The cruiser has arrived Franco-Spanish laxatives, if to forestall the Philadelphia Proposition, ous, in order, possible, as it acts on the liver and Press reports are not true. I only know from Mare Island. Rear Admiral Miller kidneys, invasion of Porto Rico or the fall of Ma- i bowels without irritating or weaken- of three ships having arrived, one from will transfer his to her from the Al- or whether it was due to advice flag nila, others the United I ing them, and it does not gripe nor Kingston, the from batross and she will sail for Honolulu to- _ from the Vatican and the powers. nauseate. In order to get its beneficial States. The Bratton has sold its cargo; day to participate in the ceremonies of remember the name of from sold effects, please IN MADRID. the other,a ship NewOrleans.has raising the American flag. The Phila- • — I the Company only n part of it.and the captain tells me is delphia has been strengthened by a few Taken. Dow the News of Negotiation Is away tonight. I think he will sell are two new three CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. going small guns. Forward he leaves. The trouble is did before they pounder Hotchkiss guns and there aro SAN Fit AN CISCO, Cal. rise Said to Be to Be Madrid, July 27.—(Noon)—The big not expect to pay any duty and arrived aft. She has The Admihistration LOUISVILLE, Ky. NEW YORK, N. Y. two others of similar design Unwilling of prices on the Bourse today is looked here without money. The Spanish cus- 1_nn,n11 amnnlrrlnn mine n twT frtlin as confidence that to has upon denoting great toms, as applied Spanish subjects, GatliDgs. Her crow has been slightly in- and the United and the peace between Spain only been colleoted 20 cents per creased by men from the Eastern nnvy the will be concluded ton as ordered the I dis- Outwitted HOBSON’S CHOICE States immediately. by secretary. come out yard, one detachment having by Enemy* is The news that the government suelng covered this morning an attempt on the with Lieutenant Commander Stevens, Would bo a of those has caused neither nor authorities to col- probably pair for peace eurprlse part of the municipal who is now active officer of the cruiser. Russet Calf or Vici handsome The attitude of a ma- of 40 cents sensation here. lect a local tax per 100 kilos, are 35 officers on board, the same Bals we are making a specialty oi There of the shows that the In this Instance to 1 at jority newspapers amounting $2,500. number in the admiral’s complement, 285 If It can avoid or- oountry will welcome peace had already settled this matter by men in the crew and half a hundred ma- and the $3.50. the payment of, an indemnity dering its collection. The fact is there Is rines. loss of the Philippines, where, it is now do money here to do bnsiness, and mer iuternal rather than inter- and directly conducted. It cannot taken for granted the United States chants are very timid about making pur- GOOD NE.WS TO HAWAII. cutties will be openly at least (10m be toleratod for an instant, It is an- WE KNOW will retain a coaling station only. A few chases. fearlmr the effect of the Bed Gross OVERTURES FOR PEACE. national in their character, nounced, that through the Indulgence of and Independent who are the town. the outset. HOPES. Every lady who is looking for com- Carlist, Republican agents, really feeding THEIR that America’s demands Annexation Announced to the Willing The is of the the United States, by granting an armis- fort as well as style will be more papers pretend The New Orleans man, for Instance, Pfesidont firmly opinion will not be no use for the tice or otherwise in the early stages of the than satisfied with, our Russet acceptable. 29 head cf cattle, which he sold People. that the United States has The King’s illness has evoked n uni- brought Polish Kid and cloth at islands as a pos- peace negotiations, the Spanish govern- Shoes, top, versal of sympathy for the court, at $85 per head. The person buying kills Philippine permanent display as to the Result shall a the critical moment, Opinion session. The of govern- ment covertly secure breathing which at present one a day, selling the meat at 70 cents Honolulu, July 20—via San Franolsoo, Washington gravest problems not be without effect on the nation’s to be the Government spell to recuperate and for further $3.50. may Of oourse a few arrived ment would result were the attempt Wtiy Enjoys rally has the measles. per pound. only people July 27.—The steamship Coptio future. The King of the to hetero- resistance to the American urrns. The first week wo were here Negotiations. made to annex them, owing the Senor 6ays that the King, when buy. people from San Francisco the 13th in6t with Sagasta and ill favored character of tho Generally stated, two propositions seem convalescent-, will probably accompany were starving to death and I think a few the nows that the United States Senate geneous the Peace Proposals. court to La of tno islands, while any effort included in ail lists of demands: First, the Granja. now are from the effects of starvation. had adopted the Newlands resolution population in a ad- the absolute independence of Cuba Witt L am that the customs of the United to nnite with other.powers joint PRINCE HENRY’S STORY. positive, however, making Hawaii a part 27.—Xho initiation of & Washington, July be to tho provision that the island shall be ab* Center McDowell, Pave been administered. ministration might fairly expected honestly .States. has tiw<1~the effect of 27.—A despatch from overtures for pence as the solved from for any debt Berlin, July General. had reached result as unsntisfa ctorily tripartite our responsibility Shatter, Major Long before the vessel the’ for the Washington, July 27.—By tomorrow 5S9 CONGRESS ST., today says an official state- suspending in a large measure between the United States, heretofore charged against it by Spain. Shanghai was known that the steamer arrangement will have determined and harbor it at interest in the mili- government ment from Prince Henry of Prussia in time being, least, Great Britain and for the gov- The last clause, it Is expected will cause BLOCK. annexation news, the informa- Germany communicated to the French ambassador BROWN’S THE ANGLO-AMERICAN LEA G DE. brought and naval situation. it was is certain jy9dtf regard to the Irene incident in Sublg tary Though ernment of the Samoan group.
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