ISSN 2464-9147 ONLINE Scientific Research ABSTRACTS Volume 8 III International Conference on Atmospheric Dust III INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ATMOSPHERIC DUST DUST 2018 Villa Romanazzi Carducci Conference Centre | BARI | Italy May, 29-31, 2018 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ABSTRACTS VOLUME 8 Copyright © 2018 by the Authors. Published by Digilabs (Italy) under request of Associazione Italiana per lo Studio delle Argille - onlus. Selection by the Scientific Committee of DUST 2018. The policy of Scientific Research Abstracts is to provide full access to the bibliographic contents if a correct citation to the original publication is given (rules as in CC 3.0). Therefore, the authors authorize to i) print the ab- stracts; ii) redistribute or republish (e.g., display in repositories, web platforms, etc.) the abstracts; iii) translate the abstracts; iv) reuse portions of the abstracts (text, data, tables, figures) in other publications (articles, book, etc.). III International Conference on Atmospheric Dust - DUST 2018 BARI, Italy, May 29-31, 2018 Organized by Italian Association for the Study of Clays (AISA - onlus) Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA) - CNR Scientific Research Abstracts - Volume 8 Editor: Saverio Fiore ISSN 2464-9147 (Online) ISBN: 978-88-7522-088-4 Publisher: Digilabs - Bari, Italy Cover: Digilabs - Bari, Italy Printed in Italy - Global Print Srl - Gorgonzola (MI) Citations of abstracts in this volume should be referenced as follows: <Authors> (2018). <Title>. In: S. Fiore (Editor). III International Conference on Atmospheric Dust - DUST 2018 BARI, Italy. Digilabs Pub., Bari, Italy, pp. 185. Scientific Research Abstracts Vol. 8, p. 1, 2018 ISSN 2464-9147 (Online) Atmospheric Dust - DUST 2018 © Author(s) 2018. CC Attribution 3.0 License LIVING IN A WORLD OF DUST: AN INVESTIGATION OF OZONE UPTAKE ONTO TITANIUM MINERALS AND URBAN ROAD DUST Maya Abou-Ghanem* (1), Zhihao Chen (1), Stephanie R. Schneider (2), Ming Lyu (1), Brett Wickware (1), Andrew J. Locock (3), Sarah A. Styler (1) (1) Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, (2) Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, (3) Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta Each year, 1600 Tg of mineral dust is lifted into the atmosphere from arid regions [1]. Once aloft, mineral dust can undergo long-range transport to polluted urban areas, where it can affect air quality, health, and climate [2–4]. Dust serves as a site for adsorption and/or chemical reaction of trace gases, and can therefore alter the composition of our atmosphere [5]. Previous studies have shown that the uptake of gaseous pollutants onto mineral dust is enhanced upon illumination [6]. It is currently thought that semiconducting materials, including titanium and iron oxides, are responsible for the photoreactivity of dust [7]. This has led to the use of commercial titanium dioxide as a mineral dust proxy in studies of dust–pollutant photochemical interactions [8–10]. However, the reactivity of commercial titanium dioxide may not reflect that of naturally occurring titanium dioxide; moreover, titanium dioxide is not the only form of titanium that exists in mineral dust. Here, we present results from coated-wall flow tube studies of heterogeneous uptake of ozone onto a wide variety of titanium minerals. We find that the magnitude and time dependence of the photoenhanced uptake of ozone by titanium minerals display a strong substrate dependence, which highlights the importance of using natural minerals when investigating trace gas uptake. Cities unaffected by desert dust emissions may still be affected by emissions of road dust, which contains not only crustal materials but also non-exhaust vehicular emissions, including particles from abrasion of brakes, tires, and roads [11]. Although many studies have investigated the composition and toxicity of road dust [11,12], no studies to date have investigated trace gas uptake onto road dust surfaces. Here, we discuss observations of ozone chemistry and photochemistry at the surface of road dust collected in Edmonton, Alberta. Our results show that road dust is more reactive toward ozone than is mineral dust. In addition, the reactivity of road dust is enhanced at elevated relative humidities. These results suggest that road dust chemistry has the potential to influence ozone concentrations in urban areas. [1] Andreae, M. O.; Rosenfeld, D. Earth-Sci. Rev. 2008, 89 (1), 13–41. [2] Perry, K. D.; Cahill, T. A.; Eldred, R. A.; Dutcher, D. D.; Gill, T. E. J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres 1997, 102 (D10), 11225–11238. [3] Kanatani, K. T.; Ito, I.; Al-Delaimy, W. K.; Adachi, Y.; Mathews, W. C.; Ramsdell, J. W. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2010, 182 (12), 1475–1481. [4] Usher, C. R.; Michel, A. E.; Grassian, V. H. Chem. Rev. 2003, 103 (12), 4883–4940. [5] Tang, M.; Huang, X.; Lu, K.; Ge, M.; Li, Y.; Cheng, P.; Zhu, T.; Ding, A.; Zhang, Y.; Gligorovski, S.; Song, W.; Ding, X.; Bi, X.; Wang, X. Atmospheric Chem. Phys. Discuss. 2017, 1–124. [6] Dupart, Y.; Fine, L.; D’Anna, B.; George, C. Aeolian Res. 2014, 15, 45–51. [7] George, C.; D’Anna, B.; Herrmann, H.; Weller, C.; Vaida, V.; Donaldson, D. J.; Bartels-Rausch, T.; Ammann, M. 2012, 1–53. [8] Nicolas, M.; Ndour, M.; Ka, O.; D’Anna, B.; George, C. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43 (19), 7437–7442. [9] El Zein, A.; Bedjanian, Y. Atmospheric Chem. Phys. 2012, 12 (2), 1013–1020. [10] Gustafsson, R. J.; Orlov, A.; Griffiths, P. T.; Cox, R. A.; Lambert, R. M. Chem. Commun. 2006, 0 (37), 3936–3938. [11] Thorpe, A.; Harrison, R. M. Sci. Total Environ. 2008, 400 (1), 270–282. [12] Liu, E.; Yan, T.; Birch, G.; Zhu, Y. Sci. Total Environ. 2014, 476–477, 522–531. Scientific Research Abstracts Vol. 8, p. 2, 2018 ISSN 2464-9147 (Online) Atmospheric Dust - DUST 2018 © Author(s) 2018. CC Attribution 3.0 License THE EFFECT OF ATMOSPHERIC WEATHERING ON THE ICE NUCLEATING ABILITY OF K-FELDSPAR AND QUARTZ Mike Adams* (1) (1) University of Leeds, Institute of climate and atmospheric science The formation of ice in supercooled water droplets in our atmosphere plays a central role in regulating important cloud properties such as cloud radiative properties and the generation of precipitation. While this process only becomes kinetically favourable at temperatures below -33C for cloud sized droplets (Herbert et al., 2015), certain particles, known as ice nucleating particles can catalyse the freezing process at much high temperatures (Murray et al., 2012). Globally, a component of mineral dusts, K-feldspar, has been shown to be an important source of Ice Nucleating Particles (INPs) around the world (Atkinson et al., 2013). While it is known that reactions of feldspar with acids modify its surface properties, the extent to which atmospheric processing of feldspars by common environmental acids (a process known as “weathering”) affects its ice nucleating abilities is largely unknown. Similarly, quartz has also been shown to be an effective INP (Harrison et al., 2016) and may compete with K-feldspar under certain circumstances such as when mineral dust is transported over a large distance and exposed to persistent atmospheric weathering, as quartz is expected to be less affected to weathering due to its relative chemical inertness. Given that large burden of mineral dusts in our atmosphere, understanding how this weathering process affects its ice nucleating abilities is of first order importance to improving our current knowledge of how mineral dusts contribute to the total INP loading around the globe (Vergara-Temprado et al., 2017). In this study we show the effects of chemical weathering by sulphuric acid on the ice-nucleating activity of K-feldspar and Quartz. We further show the effects of different concentrations of acid and different time dependences with regards to the mixing of solution and acid. [1] Harrison, A. D., Whale, T. F., Carpenter, M. A., Holden, M. A., Neve, L., O’Sullivan, D., … Murray, B. J. (2016). Not all feldspars are equal: a survey of ice nucleating properties across the feldspar group of minerals. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(17), 10927–10940. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-16-10927-2016 [2] Herbert, R. J., Murray, B. J., Dobbie, S. J., & Koop, T. (2015). Sensitivity of liquid clouds to homogenous freezing parameterizations. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(5), 1599–1605. https://doi.org/10.1002/2014GL062729 [3] Murray, B. J., O’Sullivan, D., Atkinson, J. D., & Webb, M. E. (2012). Ice nucleation by particles immersed in supercooled cloud droplets. Chemical Society Reviews, 41(19), 6519. https://doi.org/10.1039/c2cs35200a [4] Vergara-Temprado, J., Murray, B. J., Wilson, T. W., O&amp;apos;Sullivan, D., Browse, J., Pringle, K. J., … Carslaw, K. S. (2017). Contribution of feldspar and marine organic aerosols to global ice nucleating particle concentrations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(5), 3637–3658. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-3637-2017 Scientific Research Abstracts Vol. 8, p. 3, 2018 ISSN 2464-9147 (Online) Atmospheric Dust - DUST 2018 © Author(s) 2018. CC Attribution 3.0 License VARIABILITY AND CLIMATE IMPACTS OF NORTH AFRICAN DUST Samuel Albani* (1), Natalie Mahowald (2) (1) LSCE/IPSL, France, (2) Cornell University, USA Modern observations and paleoclimate records offer the possibility of multiple, complementary views on the global dust cycle, and allow to validate and/or constrain the numerical representation of dust in climate and Earth system models. We present our results from a set of simulations with the Community Earth System Model for different climate states, including present and past climates such as the pre-industrial, the mid-Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum. A set of simulations including a prognostic dust cycle was thoroughly compared with a wide set of present day observations from different platforms and regions, in order to realistically constrain the magnitude of dust load, surface concentration, deposition, optical properties, and particle size distributions.
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