"I.'...• \. :~SUE3 A~D PROGRAMS R~PORT SECOND QUARTER 1991 WTVE-TV :·1 1729 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET READINC, PENNSYLVANIA 196" 4 COMPILED BY: GEORGE MATTMILLER JULY, 1991 EXHmrr ADAMS COMM. CORP. EXH. 47, PAGE 23 .' A'::i it (~id ·:it ::h~ 1,)'3~ C"oncours d'Elegance, WTVE-TV 51 video taped ~.hE: ca r::. at the event. The t.:lpe 13 in the pror.ess of bein'] -7dit~d. Tho? <JoaI, dS for the previous Cone ours, is to pr<)vide .;\ 'HIt-: ho\..i: Ll'jhliJh~ Ld~.,'. r'':'ttial proceed::> will then 1Ll tl.) benefit th..: .... orthy effort.;;; of the 8URN PREVENTION FOUNDATION. '.v'l'VE··TV c'.} "~]:;O:o l?ro(Juced a :3H P.S.A. fCf)m footage th"lt W"lS :shot at the 1990 Concour:s d'Elegance, dnd aired it leading up to the May 18th event as a further donation to the BURN PREVENTION FOUNDATION. PENNBYLVANIA CRIME STOPPERS TV- 51 continued .... orking fOl: PENNSYLVANIA CRIME STOPPERS, producing, scripting, editing, and airing :3(jJ's that .31crt the viewership to be on the lookout for criminals whose whereabouts are potentinlly in the area. lJRSINU3 COLLEGE l\ired :3~ P.S.A. to promote the 42nd Annual Kutztown FolY. Festival. A celebration of the Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, the Kutzton'W Folk Festival features dancing ..lnd demonstrations, with special involvement by the Amish and Menonites. ' Proceeds benefit UR ~INUS COLLF.GE. CHILDREN'S RIGHTS OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. TV,·51 continued it:3 ongoing eff'JI:ts .... ith the CHILDREN'S RIGHTS nF PENNSYLVANIA,'" INC., airing "IN SEARCH OF MISSING C:HILDREN"--att~mpting to locate missing infant3 .:.lnd adolescents from across the country. ADAMS COMM, CORP. EXH. 47. PAGE 24 !.s. [IEPART:-1ENT OF TRAN3PORTATION :;,·r.i~:3 nf: :30 P,S./\.':J put nllt: by the Nal:lolvll Highw<'ly Traffic :.etfety l\dmir.i:,tratiOil br.Jnch <)[ the t.r.~. DEPARTHF.NT OF 'RMISPORTATION which is preventative education ...bout ;.llcohol '_':I.,;umptiol1 .3nd driviw; and what friends can do. 'HE Nl\TIONAL hRDOR DAY FOUNDl\TION 'his :31J P.S.A. is al1 ",ppeal to make a promlse to the earth, ,lilnl d tree fat: tomorrow, plant a tree for all the world to .hare. 'IiURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIP FUND :ad Monroe and Wills R~ed state that deserving stLldents can 'uJ.:s ue their drc.Jms through euuc:atlon. 'l'his can be i'lcccmpllshed ''y' d,matinq to th~ THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, the only und of its kind that supports \?ublic Bldek colleges. 'ENNSYLVANIA WILD RESOURCE CONSERVATION FUND 'hi" :3(;3 F.G.A. fo~uses on the Amer.lc.ln 8.-ild Eagle and :'5tates hat the survival of our great nati')n.:ll he t:itc:lge nepends on upport for: your state's Wildlife Conservation Fund. Thl:; P.S.A. 'as uff~red in conjunction with the NEW JERSEY ENDANGERED AND iONGl\ME SPECIES PROGRAM and the DELAWARE NON-GAME WILDLIFE FUNO. ,HERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION Dudll:Y Saves A Tooth" d :J0 P.S.A., tcache~ i'()lll1g:}ter~ what to '0 if they knock a t,)oth out. ADAMS COMM. CORP. EXH. 47. PAGE 25 7 ITVE-TV )1 WSATHER 'h0 stati0n ~2end3 [ou~hly an hou~ each d~y producing wcathe[ n.j ~ :t:::; th.:lt'lir at various int,=rvals. 'OMMlINITY \.'l\LENDAR 'hp.s~ 6(;J - :3icCIJnd Lnsert:3, produced .::lnd i>t.1ited by WTVE-TV· 51, <tir It various intervals a(\lj prc)mote r:h.:nltable .=tnd nnn-profit events n the area, :.>uch as the following example;::;: *-;-:'e 2riJt1t "H.t~iver~ary oE t~le March of :)imes Walk Am~rica '~T~\i':: bCdCh p,Hty Dc1ncc-A-Thon at the Berks County YWCA *An American Heritage Antique-s Show at t11e Artworks Expo Center dt D·mecker's "'ABC News Chief Fore:ilJr. Con:e3pond,~nt Pi('rc~ 3<llin';)I~r will b~ the featured guest speaker at a dinner at Kut=town University *A Revolutionary War Encdmpment will be reenacted at the Daniel Boone Homest~ad ~A 5 K Run Fun Walk in Havertown to benefit the Haverford Hospital Wellness Center *The R(~~\diIIY Fir.,= Fighter::;' 13th Annual Masc:Jlar Dystrophy C,Urtiv·'ll to benefit Jerr:z"::; Kid:::- wi.ll be held.:it Schlegel rack <:ThE-- lqql Iri:;h F,"::;tival wi.ll b~ held at Jack Feost M0untain 1:The annual Columbia M~morial Day Parade in Columbia, r"lnr:;~ ;Lf'r C01lllty, with 3 3pe~ial w~lcoil\e home to troops r<cturning from the Gulf War ":Nin~ F.:Intasy Playhousp.3 will be auct:ionc::d at the Fairgrounds Square Hall, proceeds 'jOi.I1(~ to benefit the Make-A-Wi3h Foundation ":A lecturp. ou the clothing of the l?ldln People at thE: Hershey Huseum *The 16th· annu.:ll Rea.ding S-.:hool District ~pring Student Art Exhibition on display at the Re.:lding Public Museum and Art Calle ry *A ping pong marathon to benefit the ALS As~ociation ~t thee University of pennsylvania -!cA p~t3rlOw .] t the Animal Rescue Lea1Jue ~A SQcc~r marathon at MUhlenberg Cullege to benefit the Lehigh V;~l1ey Arthrlth Snciety ~A 8~zaar nnd Easter Egg Hunt at Camp Adahi \ ADAMS COMM. CORP. EXH. 47, PAGE 26 ISSUES AND PFO:iRAMS REPORT FOUR'TIi QUARTER 1991 W1'VE-TV 51 1729 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET READIN:; , PENNSYLVANIA 19604' <XlMPILED BY: KIMBERLEY G. BRADLEY JANUARY 1992 EXHffiIT ADAMS COMM. CORP: EXH. 47, PAGE 27 (MARINE CORP COOT.) If we could shoot a local marine speaking on canera the tag line withlocal phone and address keyed.WlV! shot and edited the local tag we had various meetings with the marine corp rep (Carpal Thomas) 'n'le PSA Heartbeat states to be a Marine You RUSt have the mind and body. READING AREA a:::MMUNIT'i COLLEGE (Produced by WTVE-TVS1) This 30 second PSA entitled "Generations Together" was produced in the previous quarter by WTVE at Reading Area Carmunity College. This PSA stresses their prograrr called Generations Together whichenvolves older individuals working together with preschool children in a class room situation. READING MUSICAL FOUNDATION (Produced by wrvE-'lVSl) This 30 second PSA produced in the preious quarter by WI'VE focuses on the importance of bringing nusic into Berks Ccunty. It prorrotes their local free conmunity calendar, which.":iacludes such events as music in:the schools, senior citizens concerts, public coocerts, scholarships and the Reading Symph::>ny ~ Orchestra. BERKS COUNTY CENTER FOR INDEPENDENl' LIVIN:i (Produced by WIVE-'lVSl) The B.C.C.LL. is a 30 second pSA l'bich WIVE produced in ex:tober is funded by the Vocational Rehabilitation of Department of Labor and Industry of the Cormon­ wealth of Pennsylvania. The objective of the PSA is to reach disabled people at home and to get them to come to the center to learn hCM to work and 1ive with their disablity. This program also supplies activities for the rrembers to participate in. GREETIt-GS FRCM AMERICAN SIDIERS AWAY FROot HCME. (Partially Produced by WI'VE-'lVSl) Wl'VE prcxiuced two two minute greetin:J PSA tapes fran American soldiers who can not be at home for the holidays. The American military sends us a couple of tapes of raw footage that has different soldiers saying Hello. It gets edited together into a two minute segment using soldiers in our viewing area. This year we had four minutes of greetings which ran during ehristmas. 1991 EASTER SEAlS TO fi..iffl'1er the benefits of Easter. Seals, thiS flO PSA shdNs what the Arrericans with The Disabilities Act has done to assist individuals in the field of trans­ portation, making buses and rarrps available as a reans to' access entry ADAMS COMM. CORP. EXH. 47, PAGE 28 UNITED NEGRO COllEGE FUND CAMPAIGl "A M:>.nd Is A Terrible Thing To Waste" is the continuing saying for the United Negro College Fund and they use it at the e."1d tag with their new campaign add using a high school graduation class. A young man who was very smart in his class can I t go to college because of lack of lOOney. PEACE CORP This PSA is looking for well educated volunteers to join the Peace Corp. The Ad Council is promting this and they are suppling. a 1-800 number. They are also shONing that the Peace Corp can also be a learning as well as a unforgettable experierce. COMBATTIN:i NUISANCE BARS This PSA features Pennsylvania I s speaker of the house Robert W. O'Donnell, he is telling the residents of PA. how to get rid of bars that cause problems to neiborhocds or surrounding areas. It is produced by the Convron wealth t>1edia services. IID:RUTIN:; NEW TEACHERS This PSA entitled "Heroes" is directed tCMa..rds teachers or people who may want to be teachers. I tIs showing heM inportant it is to young minds to shape them, rrold them correctly to have the educated teachers that they need. The Ad Council provides a 1~800 45 TEACH for up coming teachers to call. SHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN I'his PSA features "Rich" who even though he has lost both of his feet to an accident he still plays football t waterskis, bikes and bowls. He has done all of this with the help of The Shriners Hospital. The PSA also asks the Audience i.f they know any children who may need help they are to call the Shriners Hospital. DEPARI'MENT OF TRANSPORI'ATICN "Hall Of Farre" features everyones favorite, !The Crash Durrmies Vince and Larry" This tilTe they are visiting a museum of farrous people who were seat belt 'Hearers.
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