DICTIONARY AVAILABLE IN RUCL Update on 3 August 2009 Sl.No. Title Author Publisher Year Accession No Call No Copy Location Subject Remarks 1. A Biographical Dictionary of Scientists. Trevor I. Williams John Wiley and Sons, 1982 A121410 R509.22 BIO 1 CLR New York. 2. A Comprehensive Dictionary of Horace B. English Longmans. 1958 A6742 R150.3 ENG 6 CLR Psychological and Psychoanalytical Terms. And Ava Champney English. 3. A Comprehensive Dictionary of Textile Alfred Higgins Dover Press, Fall 1948 12611 R677.03 HIG CLR Terms. River Massachusetts. 4. A Comprehensive Persian-English F. Steingass Routledge & Kegon 1963 106342 R491.532 STE CLR Dictionary. Paul Ltd., London. 5. A Concise Dictionary of Egyptian M. Brodrick and Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1924 58593 R913.62 BRO CLR Archaeology. A.A. Mortin. London. 6. A Concise Dictionary of Existentialism. Ralph B. Winn. Philosophical 1960 A47457 R111.13 WIN CLR Library, Inc. 7. A Concise Dictionary of Finance. W. Collin Brooks. Str Isaac Pitman and 1934 A63651 R658.03 BRO CLR Sons Ltd. 8. A Concise Dictionary of Slang. P. Beale Routedge. London. 1984 A147756 R427.09 BEA CLR 9. A Concise Law Dictionary Containing M. Durga Prasad Allahabad Ram 1955 3691 R340.3 DUC CLR (i) English Words With Urdu Meanings and Narain Lal, (ii) Urdu Words With Their Meanings in Law Publisher. English. 10. A Coptic Dictionary. W.E. Crum Oxford University 1962 A11622 R493.23 CRU CLR Press 11. A Dictionary Agriculture. L.L Somani SBS Agricole Publishing 1983 A101846 R630.3 SOM 1 CLR Tikka. Academy 12. A Dictionary Agriculture. L.L. Somani SBS Agricole Publishing 1983 A102072 R630.3 SOM 2 CLR Tikka. Academy 13. A Dictionary for Accountants. Eric L. Kohler. Prentice Hall, Inc. 1963 A10130 R657.03 KOH 1 CLR 14. A Dictionary for Accountants. Eric L. Kohler. Prentice Hall, Inc. 1963 A10131 R657.03 KOH 2 CLR 15. A Dictionary for Accountants. Eric L. Kohler. Prentice Hall, Inc. 1963 A24984 R657.03 KOH 3 CLR 16. A Dictionary for Accountants. Eric L. Kohler Prentice-Hill of India 1970 A53844 R657.03 KOH 4 CLR Private Ltd., New Delhi. DICTIONARY AVAILABLE IN RUCL Sl.No. Title Author Publisher Year Accession No Call No Copy Location Subject Remarks 17. A Dictionary of Symbols. 2nd ed. J.E. Cirlot & Jack Rutledge & Kegam 1971 A52233 CLR Sage Paul, London. 18. A Dictionary of Antiques. S. Stuart W.R. Chambers. 2036 R703 STD CLR London. 19. A Dictionary of Applied Physics. Sir Richard Gloze Macmillan and Co. 1923 A70775 R530.3 DIC CLR brook. ed. Ltd., London. 20. A Dictionary of Biological Terms. I.F. Henderson and Oliver and Boyd, 1963 80777 R574.03 HEN CLR W.D. Henderson. London. 21. A Dictionary of Biological Terms. I.F. Henderson, Oliver and Boyd 1963 A46194 R574.03HEN 3 CLR M.A. Edinburgh. 22. A Dictionary of Biology. M.Abercrombie, Penguin Books Ltd. 1951 A50133 R574.03 ABE 12 CLR C.J. Hick Man 23. A Dictionary of Biology. M.Abercrombie Aldine Pub. 1964 73243 R574.03 ABE 2 CLR and others. Company, Chicago. 24. A Dictionary of Botanical Terms. A.V.S.S. CBS Publishers and 1999 B12256 R81.03 SAD CLR Sammbamurty Distributors. 25. A Dictionary of Botany. George Usher. CBS Publishers and 1983 B45130 R580.3 USH 2 CLR Distributors. 26. A Dictionary of Botany. George Usher. CBS Publishers and 1983 B45131 R580.3 USH 3 CLR Distributors. 27. A Dictionary of Botany. George Usher. CBS Publishers and 1983 B24308 R580.3 USH 4 CLR Distributors. 28. A Dictionary of Botany. George Usher. CBS Publishers and 1983 B24309 R580.3 USH 5 CLR Distributors. 29. A Dictionary of British History, 1815-1973. Frank E. Huggett Basil Blackwell, 1974 A152791 R942.08 HUG CLR Oxford. 30. A Dictionary of Business. --------------- Oxford University 2003 B24110 R650.03 DIC CLR Press, Inc. 31. A Dictionary of Chromatography. R.C. Denney. John Wiley & Sons, 1982 A121870 R544.9203 DEN CLR N.Y. 32. A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Oskar Seyffert. George Allen & 1957 97847 R930 SEY 1 CLR Unwin Ltd. DICTIONARY AVAILABLE IN RUCL Sl.No. Title Author Publisher Year Accession No Call No Copy Location Subject Remarks 33. A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Oskar Seyffert. George Allen & 1957 97848 R930 SEY 2 CLR Unwin Ltd. 34. A Dictionary of Clichés Eric Partridge Routledge and Kegan 1940 A47447 R824.03 PAR 2 CLR Paul Ltd. 35. A Dictionary of Clichés Eric Partridge RoutledgeAnd Kegan 1940 A47448 R824.03 PAR 3 CLR Paul Ltd. 36. A Dictionary of Clichés Eric Partridge RoutledgeAnd Kegan 1940 A47449 R824.03 PAR 4 CLR Paul Ltd. 37. A Dictionary of Clichés. 4th ed. Eric Partridge Routledge and Kegan 1965 A9501 R824.03 PAR 1 CLR Paul Ltd. 38. A Dictionary of Contemporary American B. Evans Random House. N.Y. 1957 67986 R423.973 EVA CLR Usage. 39. A Dictionary of Days & Dyeing. G.Ponting Mill & boon. 1980 A147866 R667.03 PON CLR London. 40. A Dictionary of Dimensions Quantities and J.L. Sharma. CBS Publishers & 1989 A141700 R530.8 SHA CLR Units. Distributors, Delhi. 41. A Dictionary of Economics Harold S. Sloan Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1953 13763 R330.3 SLD CLR Arnold J. Zurcher N.Y. 42. A Dictionary of Economics and Commerce. J.L. Hanson The English 1974 A70689 R330.3 HAN 1 CLR Language Book Society and Macdonald and Evans Ltd., London. 43. A Dictionary of Economics and Commerce. J.L. Hanson. Macdonald & Evans. 1999 A29466 R330.3 HAN 2 CLR 44. A Dictionary of Economics and Commerce. J.L. Hanson The English 1965 A46338 R330.3 HAN 3 CLR 3rd ed. Language Book Society and Macdonald and Evans Ltd. 45. A Dictionary of Economics and Commerce. J.L. Hanson The English 1977 A71659 R330.3 HAN 4 CLR 5th ed. Language Book Society and Macdonald and Evans Ltd., London. DICTIONARY AVAILABLE IN RUCL Sl.No. Title Author Publisher Year Accession No Call No Copy Location Subject Remarks 46. A Dictionary of Eighteenth Century World Jeremy Black and Blackwell. 1994 A142677 R909.7 BLA CLR History. by Porter. ed. 47. A Dictionary of Eighteenth Century World Jeremy Black and Blackwell. 1994 A142678 R909.7 BLA CLR History. by Porter. ed. 48. A Dictionary of English Plant Names. James Britten, Kraus Reprint Ltd 1965 A72559 R580.3 BRI 1 CLR F.L.S. Vaduz. 49. A Dictionary of English Usage Fowler Oxford 1952 1898 R422 FOD 2 CLR 50. A Dictionary of Entomology. A.W. Leftwich Constable London 1976 A79371 R595.703 LEF CLR Crane Russak. New York. 51. A Dictionary of Foreign Words and A.J. Bliss Unwin Brothers Him 1966 A47451 R423 BLI 2 CLR Phrases Britain 52. A Dictionary of Foreign Words and A.J. Bliss Unwin Brothers Him 1966 A47453 R423 BLI 4 CLR Phrases Britain 53. A Dictionary of Foreign Words and A.J. Bliss Unwin Brothers Him 1966 A9466 R423 BLI CLR Phrases Britain 54. A Dictionary of Geology. John Challinor University of Wales 1967 A2861 R550.3 CHA CLR Press. 55. A Dictionary of Japanese Artists. M. Rosenfield Weather Hill. N.Y. 1990 A152519 R706.903952 ROB 2 CLR 56. A Dictionary of Literary Terms. J.A. Cuddon Penguin Books. 1979 A143322 R820.3 CUD 1 CLR 57. A Dictionary of Literary Terms. J.A. Cuddon Penguin Books. 1979 A143323 R820.3 CUD 2 CLR 58. A Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering J.G. Horner, The Technical Press. 1936 A11526 R621.03 HOR 1 CLR Terms. A.M.I.M.E. 59. A Dictionary of Modern English Crag H.W. Fdwier Oxford University 1952 A2244 R422 FOD 2 CLR Press. London 60. A Dictionary of Modern History 1789-1945. A.W. Palmer. Penguin Books. 1962 108398 R909.8 PAL CLR 61. A Dictionary of Modern Painting. Carlton Lake and Methuen and Co. 1964 A28109 R750 LAD CLR Robert Maillard. Ltd., London. 62. A Dictionary of Modern Painting. Carlton Lake and Methuen and Co. 1956 A127668 R750 LAD 4 CLR Robert Maillard. Ltd., London. 63. A Dictionary of Modern Painting. C. hake Methuen & Co. 1956 A127668 R750 LAD 4 CLR DICTIONARY AVAILABLE IN RUCL Sl.No. Title Author Publisher Year Accession No Call No Copy Location Subject Remarks London. 64. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic M. Cowan H. We Spoken Language 1976 A85814 R492.73 WEH 4 CLR her Service. N.Y 65. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic M. Cowan H. We Spoken Language 1976 A85815 R492.73 WEH 2 CLR her Service. N.Y 66. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic M. Cowan H. We Spoken Language 1976 A162695 R492.73 WEH 4 CLR her Service. N.Y 67. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. J. Milton Cowan Otto Harrassowity 1961 96859 R492.73 WEH 2 CLR Wiesbaden 68. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. J Milton Cowan Macdonald and Evars 1980 A91407 R492.732 COW CLR Ltd. London. 69. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. 3rd. J. Milton Cowan. Spoken Language 1976 A85815 R492.73 WEH 5 CLR ed. Services, Inc. 70. A Dictionary of Named Effects and Lows. D.W.G. Ballentyne Chapman & Hall 1961 A146265 R540.3 BAL CLR and L.E.Q. Walker. Ltd., London. 71. A Dictionary of New Words In English Paule. Berg GeorgeAllen & 1953 8071 R423 BED 1 CLR Unwen limi 72. A Dictionary of Plants used by Man. George Usher. Constable and 1974 A79479 R635.03 USH 1 CLR Company Ltd., London. 73. A Dictionary of Plants used by Man. George Usher. Constable and 1974 A79480 R635.03 USH 2 CLR Company Ltd., London. 74. A Dictionary of Plants used by Man.
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