Summer Session Enrollment History 5-Year Report 2016-2020 Notes: Beginning in 2018, Summer Session has moved from using End-of-Term Data to Third-Week Census Data for reporting. Please note this difference when projecting your enrollments. Crosslisted courses are not listed with their home department. Course cancellations can be found in the cancelled courses report. Academic Internship Program Unit Academic Internship Program 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Course Subject Course # Subtitle Course Title Instructor S116 S216 S316 S117 S217 S317 S118 S218 S318 S119 S219 S319 S120 S220 S320 Total Enrollments 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 53 0 0 60 0 0 21 AIP 97 Academic Internship Wienhausen, Gabriele 2 5 2 AIP 197 Academic Internship Program Wienhausen, Gabriele 35 21 19 23 19 AIP 197P Public Service Minor Internshp Wienhausen, Gabriele 1 2 1 AIP 197T AIP: Special Programs Wienhausen, Gabriele 35 48 30 31 1 Analytical Writing Program Unit Analytical Writing Program 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Course Subject Course # Subtitle Course Title Instructor S116 S216 S316 S117 S217 S317 S118 S218 S318 S119 S219 S319 S120 S220 S320 Total Enrollments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 113 20 0 115 26 270 0 AWP 1 Analytical Writing Christie, Veronica Ann 9 AWP 1 Analytical Writing Coulter, Jane Elisabeth 13 AWP 1 Analytical Writing Gonzales, Paulina Margarita 11 15 AWP 1 Analytical Writing Setoda, Kayleigh Kumiko 14 AWP 1 Analytical Writing Tiernan, Christa Michelle 13 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Babcock, Joseph Diliberto 13 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Bauer, Holly Jean 12 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Chandler, Bailee Daniele 10 13 29 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Christie, Veronica Ann 14 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Coulter, Jane Elisabeth 10 13 16 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Eastin, Schuyler E. 7 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Falcon, Jennifer A 13 29 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Flint, Stephanie M 15 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Given, William Allan 21 13 14 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Gocsik, Karen Marie 29 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Gonzales, Paulina Margarita 21 12 15 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Haugh, Megan Nicole 13 13 14 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Heiser, Jerrod A 15 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Krizovensky, Jaclyn A 13 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Miller, Alyssa R 11 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Powers, Sarah Elizabeth 16 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Setoda, Kayleigh Kumiko 14 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Sheredos, Benjamin C 12 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Tiernan, Christa Michelle 9 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Vaughn, Kelsey Sara 13 AWP 10 Lang&Learning in American Acad Wilson, Natalie Ann 13 13 14 2 Anthropology Unit Anthropology 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Course Subject Course # Subtitle Course Title Instructor S116 S216 S316 S117 S217 S317 S118 S218 S318 S119 S219 S319 S120 S220 S320 Total Enrollments 103 236 3 107 283 1 170 197 26 158 257 28 288 389 2 ANAR 100 Spec Topics/Anth Archaeology Braswell, Geoffrey E. 9 ANAR 100 Archaeological Lab Class-SoCal Spec Topics/Anth Archaeology Goldstein, Paul S 14 ANAR 117 Archaeology Field&Lab, SoCal Goldstein, Paul S 17 17 ANAR 144 Pharaohs,Mummies,Pyramds:Egypt Braswell, Geoffrey E. 18 ANAR 119S Archaeological Field & Lab Cls Goldstein, Paul S 8 ANAR 135S Ancient Mediterranean Civ Braswell, Geoffrey E. 20 16 24 ANAR 155S Stdy Abrd: Ancient Mesoamerica Braswell, Geoffrey E. 9 ANAR 157S Early Empires of the Andes Goldstein, Paul S 2 ANBI 116 Hmn Sexuality in Evolutn Pers Most, Corinna 12 ANBI 135 Genetic Anthro Lab Techniques Clausing, Elizabeth Sarah Frances 16 ANBI 143 The Human Skeleton Beasley, Melanie Marie 20 ANBI 173 How Monkeys See the World Most, Corinna 27 ANBI 173 How Monkeys See the World Wilder, Linnea Lorene 33 ANSC 101 Aging: Culture&Health/Hum Dev Sloane, Julia Kathryn 10 ANSC 105 Global Health and Inequality Saravia, Paula F 28 18 ANSC 121 Psychological Anthropology Butt, Waqas H 21 ANSC 121 Psychological Anthropology Wu, Hua 26 ANSC 122 Language in Society Berman, Michael David 39 29 ANSC 122 Language in Society Ribot Bencomo, Aida 27 ANSC 122 Language in Society Welji, Haleema Nazir 33 ANSC 129 Meaning and Healing Csordas, Thomas J. 7 ANSC 138 Cultural Design Practicum Azarova, Mayya 6 ANSC 144 Immigrant and Refugee Health Saravia, Paula F 23 ANSC 144 Immigrant and Refugee Health Streuli, Samantha Aubrey 19 ANSC 148 Global Health&Cultrl Diversity Kozelka, Ellen Elizabeth 17 15 ANSC 156 Mad Films Jenkins, Janis A. 15 ANSC 165 Contemporary South Asia Kurian, Amrita Achamma 6 ANSC 166 Film and Culture in Asia Parish, Steven Martin 57 111 111 167 164 ANSC 175 Anthropology of Capitalism Pedersen, David 12 ANSC 193 Capitalism and Nature Pedersen, David 4 ANSC 105GS Global Health and Inequality Kang, Byung Chu 21 ANSC 125GS Gender, Sexuality, & Society Kang, Byung Chu 21 ANSC 190GS Medicine&Healing in South Asia Varma, Saiba 10 ANSC 191GS Everyday Life in South Asia Varma, Saiba 10 ANSC 192GS Rethinking Poverty&Development Postero, Nancy Grey 10 ANSC 193GS Hum Rights&Environment Justice Postero, Nancy Grey 10 ANTH 1 Introduction to Culture Garic-Humphrey, Natasa 11 ANTH 1 Introduction to Culture Varma, Saiba 24 ANTH 2 Human Origins Hagerman, Kiri Louise 15 ANTH 2 Human Origins Hanson, Kari Lynne 36 ANTH 2 Human Origins Hrvoj Mihic, Branka 21 ANTH 2 Human Origins Wilder, Linnea Lorene 17 19 ANTH 3 Global Archaeology Liss, Brady James 16 ANTH 3 Global Archaeology Rivera-Collazo, Isabel C 24 ANTH 21 Race and Racisms Arani, Alexia Alisabeth 52 ANTH 21 Race and Racisms Butt, Waqas H 34 ANTH 21 Race and Racisms Kennemore, Amy Michelle 12 29 ANTH 21 Race and Racisms Kurian, Amrita Achamma 28 26 ANTH 21 Race and Racisms Parish, Steven Martin 41 31 ANTH 21 Race and Racisms Rothschild, Amy C 36 ANTH 23 Debating Multiculturalism Balaswaminathan, Sowparnika 40 ANTH 23 Debating Multiculturalism Fauvelle, Mikael David Hayden 20 ANTH 23 Debating Multiculturalism Kennemore, Amy Michelle 42 27 ANTH 23 Debating Multiculturalism Russell, Whitney Lauren 27 ANTH 23 Debating Multiculturalism Stewart, Alexander B 29 ANTH 23 Debating Multiculturalism Villavicencio, Marianinna 25 3 Anthropology Unit Anthropology 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Course Subject Course # Subtitle Course Title Instructor S116 S216 S316 S117 S217 S317 S118 S218 S318 S119 S219 S319 S120 S220 S320 Total Enrollments 103 236 3 107 283 1 170 197 26 158 257 28 288 389 2 ANTH 43 Intro/Bio & Culture of Race Non, Amy L 27 ANTH 101 Foundations/Social Complexity Algaze, Guillermo 21 ANTH 101 Foundations/Social Complexity Howland, Matthew David 19 ANTH 101 Foundations/Social Complexity Hrvoj Mihic, Branka 10 ANTH 101 Foundations/Social Complexity Liss, Brady James 21 ANTH 102 Humans Are Cultural Animals Clausing, Elizabeth Sarah Frances 31 ANTH 102 Humans Are Cultural Animals Hrvoj Mihic, Branka 30 ANTH 102 Humans Are Cultural Animals Wilder, Linnea Lorene 38 ANTH 103 Sociocultural Anthropology Ramirez, Belinda Cherie 18 ANTH 198 Directed Group Study Braswell, Geoffrey E. 5 6 3 1 ANTH 199 Independent Study Varies 2 1 1 1 2 ANTH 298 Independent Study Varies 1 ANTH 289S Tanzania Anthropogny StudyTour Gagneux, Pascal 5 5 6 3 4 Bioengineering Unit Bioengineering 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Course Subject Course # Subtitle Course Title Instructor S116 S216 S316 S117 S217 S317 S118 S218 S318 S119 S219 S319 S120 S220 S320 Total Enrollments 3 3 8 2 3 14 15 0 12 32 3 22 17 1 7 BENG 97 Internship/Field Study Gough, David A. 1 BENG 99 Independent Study/Undergraduat Varies 1 BENG 100 Stat Reasoning Bioeng Applns Abbasi, Shaghayegh 15 30 BENG 100 Intro to Prob & Stats for BENG Siuliukina, Nataliia 13 BENG 196 Bioeng Industrial Internship Collins, Eva-Maria Schoetz 1 BENG 196 Bioeng Industrial Internship Gough, David A. 2 1 1 2 10 9 1 15 1 4 BENG 196 Bioeng Industrial Internship Palsson, Bernhard O. 1 BENG 196 Bioeng Industrial Internship Wang, Yingxiao 1 BENG 196 Bioeng Industrial Internship Zhong, Sheng 1 1 BENG 197 Engineering Internship Subramaniam, Shankar 1 BENG 199 Independent Study/Undergrads Varies 2 1 5 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 BENG 295 BENG Design Proj & Industr Trn Watson, John Thomas 1 1 BENG 296 Independent Study Varies BENG 299 Graduate Research Cauwenberghs, Gert 1 BENG 299 Graduate Research Lage de Siqueira Neto, Jair BENG 299 Graduate Research Mali, Prashant Gulab Ram 1 BENG 299 Graduate Research Mc Culloch, Andrew Douglas 1 5 Biology Unit Biology 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Course Subject Course # Subtitle Course Title Instructor S116 S216 S316 S117 S217 S317 S118 S218 S318 S119 S219 S319 S120 S220 S320 Total Enrollments 1089 722 32 1031 1072 27 1002 1071 33 1027 1304 23 1756 1772 13 BGGN 299 Thesis Research in Biology Hao, Nan 1 BGGN 299 Thesis Research in Biology Jin, Yishi 1 BIBC 100 Structural Biochemistry Cook, Orna 57 45 115 BIBC 100 Structural Biochemistry Grossman, Emily N 115 BIBC 102 Metabolic Biochemistry Flagg, Matthew Paul 125 126 BIBC 102 Metabolic Biochemistry Ghosh Dastidar, Ranita 153 BIBC 102 Metabolic Biochemistry Mohan, Swarna 139 110 BIBC 102 Metabolic Biochemistry Zhao, Yunde 44 BIBC 103 Biochemical Techniques Bozinovic, Goran 29 34 52 26 35 BIBC 103 Biochemical Techniques Burg, Michael 60 BIBC 103 Biochemical Techniques Doblas Ibanez, Paula Adela 34 BIBC 103 Biochemical Techniques Grossman, Emily N 43 BIBC 103 Biochemical Techniques Herndon, Jenny Dyann 17 BIBC 103 Biochemical Techniques Mak, Raymond Hengfai 9 BIBC 120 Nutrition Painter, Chelsea Danielle 73 42 BICD 100 Genetics
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