Something from th What if scientists What H••• discovered that white department: lab rats are born with t nmmentatnr cancer? Official Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College December 30, 1991/ 23 Tevet 5752 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK, NY Volume LVI, No. 6 Tension YU Board to · Rocks the Reexamine Air Waves Revel Decision by Michael Eisenberg Rabbi Saul Berman,Rabbi Louis atWYUR Bernstein,Dr. Moshe Bernstein, After a tumultuous two Rabbi Shalom Carmy and Dr. by Ari Rosenstein weeks following the disclosure Manfred Fulda - caused some Rookie sensation Daniel Aaron's last second foulshots send the Macs of the Administration's decision surprise among the Jewish Internal mismanagement into overtime. See p.12 to restructure the Bernard Revel Studies faculty. Conspicuously d o f and lack of funding has placed uses to transmit. Currently, the addition, in these tough Gra uate Scho l, a member o missing were members of the d of WYUR, the officialra dio station signal is broadcast over economic times, the radio the Boar Trustees informed Revel faculty and three o o o of Yeshiva University, into a conventional telephone linesto station is simply not on their The C mmentat r that n members of the Executive o qt1estionablepositionregarding the dormitories; WYUR has priority list." FridayDecember 20, Dr. Lamm C mmittee of the Jewish Studies o o its futureoperation. The station requested the installation of Rosengarten suggests that in c mmitted t reopen discussion Faculty. Members of the faculty has been, at most, an regular AM transmitters. order for WYUR to display its on the issue. Dr. Lamm expressed frustration that d afterthought to YU and many However, use of authentic sincerity, the Board should confirme this in a meeting with Lamm chose their d of its students. broadcastingequipmentbrings address internal problems. student lea ers the following representatives for them. d o o The underlying difficulty with it the added costs to Treitel has been strongly Tues ay. As f press time no C nsequently, at a faculty d d o results from the failure on the comply with Federal criticized by members of the ate ha been set for.the b ard meeting held last Thursday, the o f d part of YU Administration to Communication Commission studiocrewasthecause ofmany meeting. Dr. Lamm was out f aculty ecided that the three o d o d o d o o monetarilysupp ort the station. regulations. WYUR Program problems. Even though WYUR t wn an c ul n t be reache members n t invited sh uld o d o Broken reception cables remain Director Adam Cantor feels, has an official board, many feel for c mment. atten and if they are n t o o o d d of in disrepair and old equipment "The Administration doesn't itisessentiallymeaninglessand H wever, TheC mmentat r a mitte , the rest the d d o d has not bee? replaced.There is care at all. They want to put in plays only a minor role in has learne that Dr.Lamm has elegati n woul leave .. d of o o d poorreception oncampus, and theminimumamountofmoney making decisions. Treitel has invite a number B ard In a speech t fiftystu ents o o o one entire sid of the . andef fort.. to squeeze by and been accused of making members for a meeting n n M tzaei Shabbat, December � o d o and d MorgensternD ornutory cannot be mentioned in the Middle decisions on his own without M n ay December 30, t 21, atameetingwithstu ent d receive any signal at all. WYUR � iscuss the issue. leaders the followingM onday, St tes Report. To them it's all a consul ting other board d o d d Stati�nManagerYitzTreitelhas big joke." members. A diti nally, Lamm invite Lamm reiterate that the o d contl�uall approa ��d YCSCPresidentDavidJ.Kay One example of this alleged five members f the Jewish $300,000 save by the � � o o Associate Director. of Facilities has approached Director of unilateral rule involved the Studies faculty t a meeting n "restructuring" remains the d o of Management Jeff Socol, and · Supporting Services Jeffrey decision to stop on-air ticket the same ay. The invitati n salient issue. During the was promi ed that the cables o these · five facul members - continued on page 7 � _ Rosengarten n several giveaways. Early this year, would � �ed. Tre1tel blames occasions, requesting that the WYUR planned to offer the station s problems on the Administration address these listeners free concert tickets to atti�de of the Admini�tration, problems definitively. "They showsattheMarquis,Roseland, which he characterized as will not take the station and Academy (New York City indifferent. seriously," Kay explained, concert halls). It was rumored Onecauseforpoorreception "until the station takes . that Rabbi Yosef Blau, the is the outdated system� themselves seriously. In Mashgiach Ruchani, had continued on page 9 Israeli ·Justice Minister Speaks. at YU by Ari Z. Bernstein of the State of Israel differ from relationship with its neighbors other Western democracies does exist. Over 250 YU students braved thefreezing weather to protest the Israeli Minister ofJustice D an because Israel's primary Meridor asserted that an administration's decision to "restructure" Revel. Chanting "Save Meridor addressed approxi­ concern is establishing and attitude urging immediate Revel now!" the students ascended en masse to Dr. Lamm'soffice and mately 400 students andfaculty ensuring its own physical peace is dangerous because the hung a petition signed by 1,112 students on the door of his vacant office. in Belfer Hall's Weissberg Com­ security. The country's major pressure could force Dr. Lammleft the campus shortly before the protest rally began. mons last Tuesday. He was efforts. are geared toward capitulation at too high a price, introduced by Yeshiva Univer­ forging a strong Israel,11o ne that which, in tum, would cost Israel sity Senior Vice President Israel the Arabs will have to live with her security. He asserted that Miller, who briefly discussed and not imagine wiping off the the government seeks an the U.N. " Zionism is Racism" · map." He believes that with atmosphere in which its citizens resolution and its effects on his­ direct negotiations and no could "live in peace and not tory. preconditions, the potential for 'Rest in ·Peace:'" "I think he's Minister of Justice Meridor' s Israel to achieve such a right" commented YCSC Junior visit was arranged by YCSC' s Class VP David Perl. new Tagar Club.Tagar, which After the speech, Meridor elfer Hall's New Hours means' challenge' inHebrew, is fielded questions on a wide p.5 an international organization range of issues related to Israel. associatedwith the Israeli Likud Although classes and Party, whose goal is to promote shiu_rim were to have been r. Will Lee on GPAs support for and student arranged so as not to conflict p.6 awareness of Israel and the with the lecture, some students issues which concernher. later complained that they had Meridor spoke for just over been unable to attend because tudent Appointed to half an hour. on the peace their rebbeim gave shiur at that Dean Committee process, Aliya, and absorption. time. p.9 ' He explained that theconcerns December 30, 1991 Page�---------. 2 Ill �I.w- .�e \U-ntttmettw.w{,(J , ..,..J lj!-- --------- � All The President's Men � The "restructuring" of the Bern_ard Revel Graduate School has caused a campus-wide uproar. Consulting neither faculty nor students on this 500 West 185th Street, New York, NY 10033, (212) 927-8941 FAX:781-3558. monumental decision to effectively close the University's oldest graduate Published bl-weekly during the academic year by the Yeshiva College Student � school creates a poor atmosphere foreducational development. A sense Council. The views expressed In these columns are those of the writers alone and of urgency pervades the campus as students grab the bull by its horns. do not neccesarlly reflect the opinions of The Commentator, the student body, A well attended protest rally, late night meetings and a plethora of signs the faculty, or the administration of Yeshiva University. We do not endorse any wallpapering the campus clearly manifest student concern. Faculty of the products or seNlces advertised in these pages. members, working both independently and in cooperation with students, JAY BAILEY have shown displeasure with the decision. � A crucial board meeting in January will reopen discussion on the Editor-in-Chief � Revel issue. We strongly urge Dr. Lamm and the Board to admit student SHLOMO ZWICKLER NEIL TORCZVNER and faculty representatives, and the student press, to the meeting. This Executive Editor Senior Editor is not without precedent. The President of SSSBSA has been included on the search committee fora new dean at Sy Syms. Students at Syracuse � University have been consulted on cutbacks in their academic offerings. JOEL HABER HAYYIM ANGEL • Students and faculty, the most affected by any decision on the Revel MICHAEL A. EISENBERG Features Editor • matter, should not be left out in the cold. News Editors � JOSHUA D. GOLDBERG MICHAEL Z. KELLMAN Technical Editor � Foul Shouts Layout Editor A significant part of being a spectator at a sporting event is the way ERIC MELZER fans can become a viable force in the game, hence the "home court DANIEL SCHLOSS RONNIE ARANOFF � advantage." Helping the home team to an important victory is a thrill Copy Editor Sports Editors that draws millions of Americans to arenas and stadiums each year. The "one-liners" a good natured crowd throws at opponents, referees and DUDY STARCK DANIEL BENDHEIM often their own team add to the excitement of a well played game. � However, there is a fine line between supportive humor and irreverent Art Editor Photography Editor � jeers.
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