A NEWSLETTER FOR AMTRAK EMPLOYEES Vol. 6, No. 10 September 1979 Congressional Criteria Applied, _______--, I Board Announces October Train Service Amtrak's board of directors, at its Final Report to Congress on the Am­ and St. Petersburg they will operate regular August 29 meeting, reviewed trak route system, meet the Congres­ as separate trains. management recommendations for a sional criteria and are planned for re­ The following trains failed to meet new route system based on Congres­ tention: the Congressional criteria and are sionally mandated criteria and au­ • Crescent, New York to New Or­ scheduled for discontinuance on Oc­ thorized management to begin pre­ leans, tober 1: paring to implement the new system • Inter-American, Chicago to La­ • Lone Star, Chicago to Houston, on October 1. redo, • North Coast Hiawatha, Chicago The action is subject to final pas­ • Montrealer, Washington to to Seattle, sage by Congress of the Amtrak au­ Montreal, • National Limited, New York to thorization bill-the Amtrak Reor­ • Pacific International and Mount Kansas City, ganization Act of 1979-by Septem­ Rainier, combined between Portland • Floridian, Chicago to Miami, ber 30. and Vancouver, B.C., and • Hilltopper, Washington to Cat­ The following trains, originally • Silver Meteor and Champion, lettsburg, and recommended for discontinuance in combined between New York and • San Joaquin, Oakland to Bak­ the Department of Transportation's Jacksonville. From there to Miami ersfield. The San Joaquin could be Projected Amtrak System* Se~,~;,l ~ " p :., -it;'V;e--- -- ____ _ o"'l ; , ---__--1;-----------,.---.ii. I lI;"ct I , I ..... ~ .. " , "'""'-...-.;;;.: , '''''",-- '-,, I ..... , .. ,! -------,! -~~~~-...--.... --.., Cheyenne Salt C------- ' I ake City ! Denver .V-"I----- : , ·--i-----­ I ___A_'_b~u.querque , ~_...... Phoeni)(! ~_ I ....... ........ ~.' " , ,.- ...... I ~_._ __.. I , .. '" •· .... ·£1 Pash, -. --" , ·;Savannah I \ ",------~-------- nvllle .. _ . ~ l :J,.- .. I_.. )", \JackSO '. ' ... '( .......... \ , ;~~J'.- .." ... -~, .,:New Orlean's" "" Mouston "' ',) I Management recommended, or .' Tampal• existing 403(b) routes ___ ... laredo\,. SI. Petersburg'! ''''. Pending legislative agreement, or " \ I , ...........'1 ' .... -iMlami funding commitment, -------­ ')aa~ including planned 403(b) routes ·Subject to final legislative action continued if California decides to 403(b) Trains paraiso, Indiana, and Chicago. fund it under section 403(b) provi­ sions. Based on the authorization legisla­ Regional Balance Routes The Congressional criteria from tion approved to date, funding for ex­ Both bills contain language that re­ which Amtrak had to take its direc­ isting state-subsidized trains under quires Amtrak to operate a long-dis­ tion are contained in both Senate and section 403(b) of the Rail Passenger tance route in each section of the House versions of Amtrak's authori­ Service Act appears assured. United States-with the country di­ zation bills. Funding levels that would allow ad­ vided into four quadrants created by These specified that to continue in ditional joint services are still to be drawing east-west and north-south operation, a long-distance train had to worked out in the final legislation, lines through Chicago-if service is have a ratio of passenger miles to and the board took no action on this not maintained on any long-distance train miles of at least 150 and incur an issue. route in that section under the cri­ avoidable loss of no more than seven However, Amtrak management teria, and, if a long-distance train ex­ cents per passenger mile. has had some preliminary discussions ists in that section which has shown Short-distance trains had to meet a with several states that are interested and will continue to show significant passenger miles to train miles ratio of in supporting some of the routes that performance improvement under the at least 80 and an avoidable loss of no are scheduled for discontinuance. criteria. more than nine cents per passenger Some of those planned 403(b) The Pioneer and the Inter­ mile. routes, pending negotiations with the American qualified under this region­ While the two bills differ in some states involved and Congressional al formula. respects-and are going to be re­ funding, include Chicago to Peoria, solved in a conference committee in St. Louis to Kansas City, and Oak­ Cities Served September-similar language in both land to Bakersfield. Under the DOT plan, 156 communi­ bills directed Amtrak to: ties would have lost all train service. • Postpone the DOT recom­ Commuter Services Based on the Congressional criteria, mended restructuring of five long-dis­ 79 of those communities will now re­ tance routes-Broadway Limited, Both Senate and House bills re­ tain service. Lake Shore Limited, Southwest Lim­ quire Amtrak to operate its commut­ A total of 458 communities will be ited, San Francisco Zephyr, and er-type trains until April I , 1981. served by the new system, not count­ Shenandoah-until superior or equiv­ After that date,--Amtl"ak -w-i-ll be au­ ing those that may- have service re­ alent service can be offered on the thorized to operate such trains only stored by further legislative action. DOT recommended routes. after reimbursement by state or local The planned route system will op­ • Add trains to the DOT system­ agencies for all operating losses in­ erate over 22,237 route miles-ap­ which had been approved by Con­ curred. proximately 84 per cent of the present gress by its refusal to vote disapprov­ Both bills also required Amtrak to system-and is expected to carryover al of the Final Report-which meet assume the commuter service current­ 19.2 million riders during the coming the Congressionally defined econom­ ly operated by Conrail between Val- year. ic criteria as detailed above. • Add trains to the basic DOT sys­ tem which meet Congressional re­ quirements for maintaining regional balance. The board acted at its August 29 meeting in areas where there is no dis­ agreement in both House and Senate bills . The actions had to be taken to enable implementation of the new system by October I. The board took no action on either the Shenandoah, west of Cumber-g'" land, or the Cardinal because, al- ~ though both trains did fail the Con- 15 D gressional criteria, each was specif- ~ ically proposed for continuance in ~ one of the two authorization bills. £. The status of both trains will depend Interest in the board meeting and subsequent press conference is evidenced by the battery of on the direction taken by the final leg­ microphones and jungle of wires on the table in front of Board Chairman Harry Edwards and islation. Presidenr Alan Boyd. 2 Congress Accepts DOT Report, _ _____------, Dictates Criteria To Reinstate Service The Amtrak Improvement Act of there are certain issues that are thorized Amtrak's management to 1978 required the Department of spelled out in only one of the two begin preparing to implement the new Transportation to recommend to bills. But, basically, the 1979 legisla­ system on October I. This is subject Congress a route system for Amtrak tion does spell out the criteria for re­ to final passage of the Amtrak au­ which would provide " ... an op­ taining certain trains originally slated thorization bill by September 30. timal intercity railroad passenger sys­ for discontinuance. tem, based upon current and future Those differences will be addressed market and population require­ by a House-Senate conference com­ I Vegas Desert Wind I ments ... " mittee in the very near future. A com­ Amtrak cooperated fully with DOT promise will result which, when ap­ The board took no action on the in providing cost and ridership data proved by both Houses of Congress, new Ogden-Las Vegas-Los Angeles for the study. will be sent to the President for his train, to be named the Desert Wind, DOT published its preliminary re­ signature. because it was included in the DOT port-proposing the elimination of In the meantime, Amtrak's board recommended system and thus ap­ over 8,000 miles of Amtrak's sys­ of directors, faced with an October I proved by Congress when it accepted tem-in May 1978. The Interstate implementation date for the new s,ys­ the report. Commerce Commission's Rail Ser­ tem, has applied the criteria dictated The train is expected to go into ser­ vices Planning Office then conducted by Congress in its legislation and au- vice sometime in late October. hearings in 51 cities along the routes of the proposed discontinued trains to get public response to the DOT Boyd: Provisions Have Been Met plan. Most of the testimony was pro­ In his memo accompanying management's recommendations to the passenger train and the RSPO sub­ board regarding train service after October 1, Amtrak President Alan S. mitted its evaluation report to DOT Boyd said, in September 1978. "The Congress, after review of the basic system recommended by the DOT then restudied the data and Department of Transportation, determined that present energy and other considered the public comments and considerations merit the continuation of certain additional trains under the RSPO's recommendations and carefully defined criteria developed in legislation approved by the House ~nnounced its "Final Report" on and Senate. Amtrak's route structure last January "This same legislation provides Amtrak with new options on com­ 31. muter, state-supported services and demonstration routes which, to­ That final version proposed cutting gether with the DOT specified routes, would provide a truly national sys­
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