$2.00 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL ([he ~rOfJ~~JPointelR~ui~'(Q,~~~~A~;~:~~;~: I Vol 5-No 28 -By Mall $2 oo~;p;e;r;y:e:a:r;;s;m;g;l;e;C:::;:;oP;,;e;S;5:::;:;c;en;t~:~11 GIW""L POI'! I L lIIICHl\tAN fHUR"DA \ ]L "r:: 11 1911 -------1 CONELY ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD: TRUSTEE TO :SUCCEED SUTTER: I :, ,. II J. Ross, D. D. S., Opens CHAMPION MODEL AUTOGIRO BUILDER 'St. Ambrose Student U. of D. to Graduate Conely Wins Election I Office in Village as Wins ~del Autogiro 482 Students Friday at to School Board by Dr. Frank's Successor C~~\t to Get ,'fitle 48th Commencement Substantial Majorityl ProfessIOnal men actively engaged tn I he Chall1PIQ1Pmodel autogIro bUilder By DOPOTHY DEE Four 1undred and eighty t'VI.Ostud their re;;pectJve fields m the several \\Talt('} " Conely t )day 1S tru::.tee 1 the J)dru t ~1etropol tatl dlstnd IS ents will be graduated by the Umver Grosse POinte c )mmulllties recently Tht>. fmtl COll1111gmarr age of \1 ss E'led to the Boald of FducatlOll of the LV) car y tram Gro'>se Pl JUte ty of DetrOJt 11 the forty eIghth an welcomed to their rank~ ] Ro~s D Katherine Shearer R IS t.l daughter of ( ro., f Po ntL '>chool d ~tnct followll1g 1 'lr! 11 ~rohl 1 a ClaIr ,n Ii:> 11u'Il ('"011l111enCementexerCI~(,,~ at the I D ~ follOWing h1s openmg of ofhce~ 11') dt'lI~IVe v d ly at the polb la.)t ~1 1 \fr John R Rus'>el to Wendell (c 11 for the practICe of dentl<;try at 289 n n Ji'ac.e at St \11lbrOSL Vfa<"0I11C 1en pi!:' h day even 19 Jll11(' 1 1.1) I 1 1 gn ,,'Chool an~1'>reSides at 1122 Lake verSe Goddard of \Valhllf, f Jrd CUll 1 \1 the.l ual "chool d1~tnctl RIvard boulevard III the V ill,age 1.:. fht" H.e\ J )hll P "McN choh S J JO Ite avenuf' "t ~011 f \IIrs W lham He lry Goddard elect Dr Ro!>s for the past several years pre~ dent ot the 11 venIt) w 11 l0lfef )f \V.illa gfl:jlrd (01n 1S an event of lle- defedted } 1 ed Sutter \\ho has has had hiS office In DetroIt and the Harold 'VI.011 t!;\t, dlStJllCttOl1 of cham foren {lst oUdl 1ntere~t 11 e cen the degree~ bl E' 1 trus tel:' for the past three years frequent requsts of Grosse Pomters fOI l)l l1(dd dutoy ro bU1lder 111the COll mal \ W 11 be pel fOll1led at 4 0 dock II n Arthur \Veb~tel judge of the d 1 lip tu tie t 0 I day .....a:,>presldentl hiS serVices made It urgent for h1m tt t held ncent y at the Detrolt C1ty on Thursday afternoon June 25 at the thlld Jud clal d ~tnct of MIlh gel 1 V\II f the "lhLUr Board to remove hIS office to the Po nte 1 \ rport under t~,e au~p <ce:.of the De Jefferson Avenue Prelobytenan church Tl e re ulh of VIonday 5 votmg as domg thlS he succeeded to the prac tro t ~ews and the Department of dodress the class 1 he honorary de w th the Rev Dr ;,amue1 H I:-<orrer an ounced by Charlb Parcells secre tlce of Dr R W Frdnk and has taken RecreatlOll of vtrOlt H s score of gree of Doctor of L.:iW~ \'.111 be l.on pastor of the church officlatmg as td.f} of the Board :'>howed \tIr Conely the latter s office at the RlVard boule 16.:.j pomts ,,,a!\- the highest made by ferred on Judge Webster and a I S ster slsted by the Re\ Dr Alfred H Barr uta ed a tvtal of 901 vute:. agalllst yard address am ]. the 1.34 l0) ~ and one g r1 who \lary Ursula dIrector of .st Joseph s of ChIcago former pastor of the 356 votes polled for 1vfr Sutter 01 a I Cl tel ed the co It st Hospltal Ann Arbor "t>1ChIgdl1 t,.-----------..., church A recept on at the Russel nclrgm of v ctory for 1r Conely of Degrees of Master of Arts and \1as Alumni Dance LaCla r came (hrough 'VI.lththe W1n reSIdence on \Voodland place at Grosse learly 3 to 1 Po nte w 11be gIVen after the nuptials ter of SCIence Will be con fen ed on '1 18 seOl e 111 "he last of hiS three An a 1alysls of the votll1g also ll1dl \1 ss Ru::. e1 Nho s the granddaugh fifty five teachers 111 Detro1t and The annual dancing party of the flIghts when hlsl model stayed 111 t1le Late:'> that \ir Conely amas~ed a 1 ter of the Idte Dr and Mrs George MIlhlgan pubhc and pnvarte schaab Alumm of the Groue POInte High a r Gt 5 i>econds ;f-Its fir::.~two attempts ~reater I umb<'r of votes than <hel \ifr B Russel and great granddaughter of ..chool wtll be held June 20, It was I a I been for dn\y 32 and 38 seconds :, ltttr l ealh of the five vl1lage,> In a.nnounced this week espect vel) the late i\1r and \irs Iou s Daven Varsity Club Plans the '>chou! J .,tr ct With the e~ceptlOn I port IS a member of a famtly which To Present Pictures uf I cchmoor \d ere Mr 'iutter led Mr has been proll1mently Identified WIth As a practlcmg dentlst Dr Ross has I ConI..1) by a S11 all l1ldrgll1 DetrOit sac ety for several generatlOn~ "',own a great aptitude for children s The Vanity club of the Gro" 1 VIr Conely <; elect10n IS to be "ee~ Those who WIll attend Mls-s Russel r Pomte High ..chool 1S now plal1l 111 to the seeo 1d decls1ve tnumph of the work and has come to be regarded as are M1SS Harr et Crutchfield" of ~e purchase tv.o pictures for the wer Grosse Po nte Taxpayers aSSOClatIOll In one of the outstand111g denhs+g 111that v.lckley Pa M ss Mary Ledyard hall of the school The plctures 11be school district affairs dUring the past respect while at the same time ma n daughter of Mr Henry I edyard who of the modern t) pe and very colorful ytar The Ta::-...payers a"socmtlOl1 had tdmmg a substantial patronage among IS also member of a promll1ent old De 1 he school at present has only one Vlgorollsly attacked Mr Sutter dur ng adults tfOlt famIly and MISS Russel s niece pIcture and lt 1S 10 rOOm 114 hIS tenure of office and 111the pre In hLS new office on Rivard boule aud nephew MISS Mary Dykema and The Vars1ty club IS donatmg e1ghty dectlOl1 call1palgl It In a pre electIOn r vard he has mstalled new and 1110dern Jere Hutchms Dykema the daughter dollars for thiS purpose The pictures statement endorsLd the cand dacy of dental equipment with the "result that and son of Mr and MI s Raymond K w1ll be hung probabl) one on each SIde \11 lonely pomtllg out ]l1S prlOr ex the mcreased faCIlitles wlll enable a Dyhma of the bbrary entrance The other perlel ce 01 the l-hghland Park sel 001 greater SCOPe of v.ork as "ell as pro Gerald E VIlller of DetrOIt WIll as placques such as the glr1 s all star board a:. makll1g hIm more quahfied mote efficiency 10 keepmg WJth the t SISt Mr Goddard as best man and the baseball team WIlt be taken down The and, t hi'S platfotlrn ...'f.1t f.,911011l'\ ...5. ui ld.test dlctMe-s of sCientific d1scover-y Iu'hers w\ll be Raymond." K .J)v\ e11ll ILt'u'fe::. Wlrr be selet,tecf by-Mr John c:atmg h1S pnor SUItableness for the I an4 a.~<:j}P\eltt7X;*~tJ,.\'~,;j,",,£stry ...2t...01Hte<;y lJetrOlt ~ eVvs Davld 0 Farrand, RenVIlle Wheat R Barnes Mrs Lola Detthng and post on the Grosse POll1t~ school board ill' Ross IS a graduate of the: Dental Walter B WIlkmson Harry Taylor HAROLD LA CLAIR Charles Hanneman who was appomted school of the Umverslty of Michigan Bodman of DetrOit and Theodore C The Taxpayers aSSOCIatIOn sho", ed ThiS Grosse Pomte Park youth who attends the St Ambrose Htgb offielal representattve of the VarSIty and IS affiliated In an act1ve capacIty ts stre 19th 111 no uncertam term,!! school recently won the btle of champion model autogiro bUilder In the Hume of ChIcago III I club The pictures It IS hoped v.III be WJth local dental aSSOCiatIOns H€ I~ contest held at the DetrClt Clty Alrpol"t under the auspices of the For the pleasure of her sister Mrs 1bout one year ago when the "Choo11 mounted thiS semester well known among the younger set ~n DetrOit News and the Department of Recreabon of the City of DetrOIt RenVille Wheat elltertall1ed at a tea )oard the 1 1-]eaded by ?vfr Sutter flO the Pornte Jo"ed a substantIal bond Isst),e for the! and jam shower In her h0111eon Mau HIGH SCHOOL CARNIVAL Year Books are Ready High School Clubs in mee avenue Grosse Pomte last ,\ eek If"t ot a SLr es or three JUl110r 11 gh I(. PROVES BIG SUCCESS chooh 11 e Taxpa} ers as~oc1aJ:to I op I(.
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