Russian Journal of Herpetology Vol. 11, No. 2, 2004, pp. 99 – 105 DISTRIBUTION OF Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri MERTENS, 1952 (SQUAMATA: SCINCIDAE) IN HUNGARY Gábor Herczeg,1,2 Tamás Tóth,3 Tibor Kovács,1 Zoltán Korsós,4 and János Török1 Submitted January 22, 2004. Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri is the northernmost subspecies of the snake-eyed skink (the only representative of the genus in Europe), and an endemic species of the Carpathian Basin. Despite of its unique status in the Hungar- ian herpetofauna and its strict protection, no recent summary has been provided on its distribution in the country. In the last attempt, Dely (1978) presented 40 localities of the subspecies. Here we give an updated distribution of the subspecies (100 localities), based on records from the literature, collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (HNHM), field surveys made by the authors and observations of field researchers. The current conser- vation status of A. k. fitzingeri in Hungary is discussed and an updated distribution map is provided. Keywords: Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri, snake-eyed skink, Hungary, distribution. INTRODUCTION Hungarian localities represent three main regions: (1) the Transdanubian Mountains, (2) the North Hungarian Mountains, and (3) the Great Hungarian Lowland Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron & Bory, 1833 is the (Fig. 1). only representative of the genus in Europe, and the The current conservation status and ecology of northernmost European member of the lizard family A. k. fitzingeri are poorly evaluated, as most of the previ- Scincidae. Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri Mertens, ous studies dealt only with its distribution (e.g., Fitzin- 1952 is characteristic to the Carpathian Basin. It occurs ger, 1829; Lendl, 1899; Fejérváry, 1912, 1917, 1925; in Hungary, in the southern part of Slovakia and in the Bolkay, 1914; Méhely, 1918; Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; northern part of Serbia (Fuhn, 1969; Gruber, 1981; Gasc Szunyoghy, 1954; Varga, 1975; Dely, 1978; Solti and et al., 1997; Ljubisavljevic et al., 2002). The A. kitaibelii Varga, 1988; Gubányi, 1999). Due to its peculiar posi- group occurs mainly in the Mediterranean area, while A. tion in the Central European herpetofauna, Dely (1978) k. fitzingeri occupies the northern range of the species’ made the latest attempt to summarise its known locali- distribution range (Mertens, 1952; Gruber, 1981). In ac- ties in Hungary. The majority of the observations sum- cordance with this, A. k. fitzingeri is protected by the na- marised by him were dated from the first part of the 20th ture conservation law in Hungary since 1974. century. This subspecies inhabits a high variety of habitats, Our aim was to collect together all the records from which can be grouped according to their rock basement the literature, data from the collection of the Hungarian and soil types: sandstone (e.g., Somlyó Hill at Fót), do- Natural History Museum (HNHM), data from our field lomite and limestone (e.g., Buda Hills), andezite (e.g., surveys and records of field researchers with reliable Cserhát), volcanic gabbro (e.g., Bükk), basalt (e.g., Ba- knowledge of A. k. fitzingeri. Remarks on the current laton Uplands), or even sand (e.g., Kiskunság). The conservation status of A. k. fitzingeri are also provided, 1 Behavioural Ecology Group, Department of Systematic Zoology and an updated distribution map is drawn. and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary. RESULTS 2 E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +36 (1) 209-0555, Fax: +36 (1) 381-2194. 3 Budaörsi út 92/B, H-1118 Budapest, Hungary. All known locality records of A. k. fitzingeri have 4 Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, been listed according to the three regions identified Baross u. 13, H-1088 Budapest, Hungary. above. The accuracy of the locality data depended on the 1026-2296/2004/1102-099 © 2004 Folium Publishing Company 100 Gábor Herczeg et al. Fig. 1. The main regions and areas of Hungary mentioned in the present study. For the areas represented with roman numbers in the map see Results. available information. Parts of the locality names (geo- Pomáz: Mesélõ Hill (Janata pers. obs., 1992) logical formations, geographic categories) are translated Pomáz: Kis-Csikóvár (Koncz pers. obs., 2001) from Hungarian into English. Nearest settlement (mu- Leányfalu: Nyerges Hill (HNHM 1954; Szabó, nicipality) is given in front of the locality name. Source 1956; Dely, 1978) and date of records are referred to in parentheses. The records prior and after 1980 are compared in the context II. The western part of Budapest and its vicinity of Hungary (Fig. 2) and Budapest (Fig. 3). Solymár: Kálvária Hill (Hornung pers. obs., 2003) Budapest: Csúcs Hill (Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, The Transdanubian Mountains 1978) Budapest: Hármashatár Hill (Fejérváry, 1912; Dely, I. Pilis-Visegrád Hills 1978; Siklósi pers. obs., 2002) Visegrád: Nagyvillám (Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Budapest: Újlaki Hill (Siklósi pers. obs., 2002) Szabó, 1956; Dely, 1978; Janata pers. obs., 2000) Budapest: Mátyás Hill (Fejérváry, 1912, 1917; Dömös: Prépost Hill (Szövényi pers. obs., 2003) Méhely, 1918; Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943: Dely, 1978; Dömös: Lukács Valley (Szövényi pers. obs., 2003) Tóth, 2002; Halász pers. obs., 2002) Esztergom: Nagy-Strázsa Hill (Janata pers. obs., Budapest: Látó Hill (HNHM 1972; Dely, 1978) 2002) Budapest: Hûvösvölgy (Fejérváry, 1912; Dely, Szentendre: Sas Cliff (Szabó, 1956; Dely, 1978; 1978) Janata pers. obs., 2002) Budapest: Zugliget (Fejérváry, 1912; Dely, 1978) Distribution of Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri in Hungary 101 Fig. 2. Locality records of A. k. fitzingeri in Hungary prior (opened circles) and after 1980 (filled circles). Localities proven prior and after 1980 either are represented with half-filled circles. The sign star represents the area of Budapest. Budapest: Rózsadomb (Dely, 1978; Fejérváry- Budaörs: Odvas Hill (HNHM 1988; Tóth pers. obs., Lángh, 1943) 1998) Budapest: Vár Hill (Fejérváry, 1912, 1917; Fejérvá- Budaörs: Schreiber Berg (= Hill) (Tóth pers. obs., ry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, 1978) 1998) Budapest: Márton Hill (Fejérváry, 1917; Dely, 1978) Budaörs: Farkas Hill (Tóth pers. obs., 1998) Budapest: Sváb Hill (Fejérváry, 1912, 1917; Fejér- Budaörs: Kecske Hill (Siklósi pers. obs., 2002) váry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, 1978) Budaörs: Törökugrató (HNHM 1988; Herczeg and Budapest: Farkas Valley (Fejérváry, 1912, 1917; Varga pers. obs., 2001) Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, 1978) Törökbálint: Huszonnégyökrös Hill (HNHM 1957; Budapest: Sas Hill (Fejérváry, 1912, 1917; Méhely, Dely, 1978) 1918; Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, 1978; Herczeg pers. Törökbálint: Tétényi Plateau (Szövényi pers. obs., obs., 1998 – 2003) 1995, 2000) Budapest: Gellért Hill (Fejérváry, 1912, 1917; Mé- Érd: (Halász pers. obs., 2000) hely, 1918; Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, 1978) III – V. Vértes Hills, Bakony Mts., Budapest: Rupp Hill (Siklósi pers. obs., 2002) and Balaton Uplands Budapest: Kamaraerdõ-Török Stone (Fejérváry, Csákvár (Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Szunyoghy, 1954; 1912, 1917; Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, 1978) Dely, 1978) Budapest: Budafok (Méhely, 1918; Fejérváry- Csákberény (Péchy pers. obs., 1990) Lángh, 1943; Dely, 1978) Várpalota (Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Szunyoghy, Diósd: (Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, 1978) 1954; Dely, 1978) Budaörs: Csiki Hills (Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943; Dely, Tapolca: Szentgyörgy Hill (Méhely, 1897, 1918; 1978) Fejérváry, 1912, 1917; Szunyoghy, 1954; Dely, 1978) 102 Gábor Herczeg et al. Kozárd: Majorsági Hill (Harmos and Herczeg, 2003) Kozárd: Kerekbükk — Macska Hill (Varga, 1975; Dely, 1978) Kozárd: Barát Hill (Dely, 1978; Varga, 1975; Solti and Varga, 1988) Mátraszõlõs: Magasverõ (Harmos and Herczeg, 2003) Mátraszõlõs: Mészkõbánya (Harmos and Herczeg, 2003) Mátraszõlõs: Külsõ-Tepke (Harmos and Herczeg, 2003) Mátraszõlõs: Tepke (Varga, 1975; Dely, 1978; Harmos and Herczeg, 2003) Mátraszõlõs: Kõkapu Hill (Harmos and Herczeg, 2003) Mátraszõlõs: Purga Hill (Harmos and Herczeg, Fig. 3. Distribution of A. k. fitzingeri in Budapest prior (opened cir- 2003) cles) and after 1980 (filled circles). Localities proven prior and after Mátraszõlõs: Kacsan Hill (Harmos and Herczeg, 1980 either are represented with half-filled circles. 2003) Mátraszõlõs: Kis-Függõ Stone (Varga, 1975; Dely, 1978) Mátraverebély: Meszes Plateau (Harmos and The North Hungarian Mountains Herczeg, 2003) VI. Börzsöny Sámsonháza: Brezina (Harmos and Herczeg, 2003) Kemence: (Péchy pers. obs., 1990) Sámsonháza: Csûd Hill (Harmos and Herczeg, Nagymaros: Rigó Hill (Szabó, 1960) 2003) Nagymaros: Dömös Crossing ferry harbour Pásztó: Pogányvár – Barát Hill (Dudás pers. obs., (Zörényi pers. obs., 1992) 1999) Nagymaros: Ördög Hill (Szövényi pers. obs., 2002, Pásztó: Harangoskút (Dely, 1978) 2003) IX. Mátra Mts. Nagymaros: Szentmihály Hill (Szövényi pers. obs., Tar: Farkaslyuk Plateau (Dely, 1978; Harmos and 2002, 2003) Herczeg, 2003) VII. Western Cserhát Tar: Cakó Peak (Harmos and Herczeg, 2003) õ õ Csõvár: Vár Hill (Kun et al., 2000) Tar: K erd Plateau (Dely, 1978) Penc (Fejérváry, 1917; Fejérváry-Lángh, 1943) Apc: Somlyó (Mester, 1995) Püspökszilágy: Nagy-Szór (Rottenhoffer pers. obs. X. Heves-Borsod Hills 2002) Bánszállás (Lukács, 1956) Vác: Naszály (Fejérváry, 1917; Fejérváry-Lángh, Ózd – Kajla region (Lukács, 1956) 1943; Szunyoghy, 1954; HNHM 1962; Dely, 1978; Kor- Járdánháza: Papp Hill (Murányi pers. obs., 1999) sós pers. obs., 2000, Herczeg pers. obs., 2001; Császár and Herczeg pers. obs., 2002) XI. Bükk Mts. Eger: Kis Eged Hill (Fejérváry,
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