Manchester end suxtound- tng ibowns appear tn today’j HensM. 34 Killed, 35 Hurt The outiopk an the year atatte, aclxMle bus GAIIDER, NIW. (A P )— hsre, but arrangemenU were in prying the twisted fuselage routea, new programis, new A ClMCh aiHiner with 69 ****"« *» transfer dS per^ out .of the mire. teachers and adminUtntora peivoAs on boaid clashed thi^egree One pilot said aevtirat bodies. and new eohoote are fed* in flMnin* riiorHy after tak- Halifax were found under the tail sec­ tured in the HemMIs .an­ : . I j, treatment. tion and rescuers were .finkhng nual repbct on area educa* ®** r t'O lu . G a n w r lo r dead included the idane’s bodies every few minutes. tioo. CldM today, killing 84 p w - pUot and ctq^illot and tw o other There’s nothing left of It," he sola and injuring the crewmembers., The engineer,, said. "There’s nobody alive out LB J, Critic other 8 6 . Many o f the b u t - radio officer and-two.hostesses there now.” Gladstone Lester, vivors suffered critical survived. Captain of the aircraft assistant administrator of the Suue News k tte In Accord m ien > bums. was identified only as Capt. ho^tal here, said some of the rerior . Bacovsiqr. injured must be transferred to a I auto- > A OMOb mechanic who Bair Desires worked on the p ^ e before the Helicopters of Eastern hospital in Halifax because they on Result takeoff laid the four-engine tur- Provincial Airways and the need the tise of a kidney ma­ bopriq^ waa In parfaet condition. Newfoundland mines and re* chine which Gander does not' Intergratioii WASfflNGTON (AP)— We do not know how this p l^ sources department headed for have The Johnson Administra­ have happened," said medianic the cradi acpne shortly after Uie U.S. Navy aircraft flew in emergency blood sippliea front tion and one of its sharpest (0) B Joaepdi Krasnocka. accident a ^ began shuttling Foi^Bulkeley nor- The Soviet-buUt Ilyushin 18 bodies and Injured back to the the naval base at ArgentU, war policy critics appear in 3) had stopped here to refuel on a a ir p o r t.' N fld. I ]HARTTORD (A P)—Integra* rare agreement that South Sam* fllj[^ from Prague, the Csech The helicopter pUots said the Transport Department of­ tfon a t Bulkeley High School, V i e t n a m’s presidentiid It Geo capitaL JeUlher was deep In mud vdien ficials left Ottawa to begin on -whose 1,401 pupils Include 28 election has opened the Ir and they arrived and they had to investigation into the caijBe of Negroes, is recommended by levUle The ctmtroUer in the tower at way for economic reforms ■ Ron* Gander IntemaUonal Airport lumber to the alte for use the c ? ^ aohool Superintendent ’ MediU B air. and possible peace talks. satd'he had talked to the pU ot ________ ___________________ ________;__ Officially the election was Bair said Monday he intends after the jHane lifted off. He welcom<^ Monday by the U.S. to recommend integration of- said there was no indication ot government as a major step for- the achod for September 1968. Sports trouble. ,, ward by the South Vietnamese Bulkoley, he said, la the least "I didn’t aee what happened," "in determining their own future Ford, UAW Are oro\ ^ ed a t the three city high rt he said. "The first thing I knew with a conatitutlonally based, '83 , was when I saw a baU of fiamea sohw hi. elected government. a liap^ His plan calls for sending all lun a hit the ground. The ground was "The people have expressed T iobt lit up ^ the flames. It was a As Talks Start Again ninth gradera from the Charter their choice and deserve our AUred frightful sight.’’ Oak Terrace'SKdKXkl to Bulk­ support," the State Department The idane came down in a DETROIT (AP) — Negotia­ Chrysler said it would _reply to eley, 'starting in September said. patch of woodi two mUes from tors for Ford Co, and the the request tomorrow. 1968. Pupils from Terrace now Asked by newsmen if the Unofficially, administration the runway near raUroad tracks Unlt^ Auto Workers were In a go to Hartford Public Iflgh sources said -the new govern­ m <C) that sUrt the airport. The crash UAW would work at Chrysler when they graduate from the Com* gTlm mood today as they re­ ment is bound by campaign occurred at 2:40 a.m. without a contract If the flgn ninth grade. , turned to'the bargaining- table declined an extension, Douglas pledges to m ake an effort to* The injured, identified as Bair said his plan w<^d help ward peace talks. And thisae CUeidiB,______ , __________Ptries and______ Cubans,. w ere hipliig to work out a contract Fraser, director of the union’s relieve anticipated overcrowd­ department replied. sources said Waohlngton Intends being treated in the h ^ ital oetUement before a Wednesday Chrysler ing at Hartford Public and Nevdy elected President Nsruyen Van Thieu, accompanied by his wife who pre­ to prod South Vietnam’s elected strike deadline. "Yes.” «> Weaver High Schools. leaders to undertake economic Spokesmen for both sides said Walter P. Reuther, union pares to don her sunglasses, leaves polling place at Saigon’s city hall after It also'Ie Bair’s Intention to casting their ballots in the South Viet namese election. (AP Photofax) reform s. there had been no ovemlriit do* president, has promised that his recommend that the clt/a six velopmenta and nothing on 160^000 UAW memtwrs em p loy- _____________ _ _______ ______ ,.At the same time senior U.S. Nine KiUed ‘bridge echools" — integrated policy-makers made no secret which to base^any optimistic ^ elementaiy schools—not be In- if the union does not win the of the major problems they b m vdved in any open enrollment ¥fl ApiPlHp’flt'iil outlool^,,^ contract it wants to use as a confronting the winning mllltaiy \ plan. Each of these sriiools Paper Oaims wimAln E. Slmkln, President pattern for the other members team of Chief of State Nguyen has from 40 to 60 per cent Paaper Johnson’s top labor trouble of the automotive Big Three, Van Thlbu and Premier Nguyen Over .State shooter, sat In on the bargaining General Motors and Chryaler. white enrollment. Deaths Futile K y. ' special session for the second consecu* y Pen* Bair SOM that "under cer­ ormatlon of the new govern- d Chaa five day. He took a front eleva­ The union la awaiting a re­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tain conditions’’ the open en­ lit involves decisions ranging in "The tor to the negotiating room at sponse from GM to a union pro­ masted rollment policy could “tip the In D etroit tailtlativea toward peace Nine persona died in accidents Fo)^ headquarters and was not posal that' the contract covering racial balance’’ mbugh so that land reform to military and Seteaae during the three-day Labor Day contacted by any newsmen. 378,(WO GM workers be extended DETROIT (AP) —More than if no agreement is reached at resegregation mlg^t occur. economic pjrobleme of the great­ weekend In Connecticut — seven a Cal l- Scores of unsettled Issues Ford. The aohool board, he void, half of the 48 persona killed dur­ est compleidty. In hlriiway accidents and two were on the table with time run­ A aimllar union propoaal is consider “whatever other .stbps ing Detroit’s July riot need not Not the least of these win in­ may he feasible to maintain In oner kebidents. ning out as the contract explra- expected to be m ade to. C2irya- have died. clude the personal adjustments Of ihe seven who died In high­ tlon hour of Wednesday mid- ler, which em^o}ra about 109,000 racial balance in the bridge to be made by Premlez; Ky— ends a This Is the conclusion of the I vlr|u* way accidents, four were pedes- night neared, UAW members. sch ools." who has largely oyerehadowed h to a Detroit Free'Prees In what ap­ I mnrd* trlans. Three^ the highway vie- The UAW, meanwhile, asked If Ford is struck, the union Thieu In the ruling military gov­ Urns were^-bWdren. During the ChrysleC tjdip. today to extend would allow the other two com- Teacher Talks pears to be the most exhaustive ernment—to the new prerident, »rts aad same weekend Ib M year, five the ourMfTt three-year pact until NORWAIH (AP) — With Nor­ .study yet made public of the officials speculated. persohi died In- accidents. a new agreement is worked out. (Bee Page F o«) walk’s public 8cho(ris slated: to riot deaths. ’ Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, , JtC North HaveU; police said ^ open Wednesday, another round The Free Press Investigation D-N.Y., who frequently has du-: *1 a man tentatively Identified as of negotlatlona were on tap to­ said that the National Guard fered with President Johnaim on S. Re* Paul H. Gray, in his 80s, of day between the Norwalk-Teach­ "did not obey” orders to unload the conduct of the war, said the iptoture weapons and fire only at the nes an St. Louis, Mo. was found early ers Association and the Board election could lead to “the open­ i cantor Monday atop a freight car from of Education. command of an officer. ing of meaningful negotiations Dannxi Brooklyn, N.Y. Israel and Jordan Three days of talks ended "As a result, the Guard was with North Vlstnam and the Na­ re”jv ’ O ./ Police said bums on his body Monday without a final agree- Involved.
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