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JARNDYCE CATALOGUES CURRENTLY AVAILABLE, price £5.00 each include: The Romantics: Part I A-C & Part II D-R; Books from the Library of Geoffrey & Kathleen Tillotson; The Shop Catalogue; Catalogues 205 & 200: Jarndyce Miscellanies; Dickens & His Circle; The Dickens Catalogue; The Library of a Dickensian; Street Literature: III Songsters, Reference Sources, Lottery Tickets & ‘Puffs’; Social Science, Part I: Politics & Philosophy; Part II: Economics & Social History; The Social History of London; Women II-IV: Women Writers A-Z. JARNDYCE CATALOGUES IN PREPARATION include: The Romantics: Part III. S-Z; Conduct & Education. PLEASE REMEMBER: If you have books to sell, please get in touch with Brian Lake at Jarndyce. Valuations for insurance or probate can be undertaken anywhere, by arrangement. A SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE is available for Jarndyce Catalogues for those who do not regularly purchase. Please send £20.00 (£30.00 / U.S.$55.00 overseas, airmail) for four issues, specifying the catalogues you would like to receive. BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 1476 - 1838 ISBN: 978 1 910156 00 1 Price £5.00 Covers: background adapted from item 107; front cover adapted from item 282; back cover, item 71. Brian Lake Janet Nassau cata 209.indd 1 10/07/2014 15:21:41 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY - Albemarle 1476-1700 1. ALBEMARLE, George Monck, Duke of. Observations upon Military & Political Affairs. Written by the most honourable George Duke of Albemarle, &c. Published by authority. FIRST EDITION. 4to. Printed by A.C. for Henry Mortlocke, at the White-Hart in Westminster-Hall, and James Collins, at the Kings Arms in Ludgate- Street. [8], 151, [13]. Folding engraved frontispiece portrait of the author, illus. with diagrams; small tear in bottom outer corner of X1 without loss of text. Contemp. full mottled calf, spine with raised bands & gilt compartments; some expertly executed minor repairs to hinges & corners. From the Maxwell-Perceval Library, with the signature & initials of Charles Perceval, 1750. A v.g. clean copy. ¶ESTC R22335. Dedicated to ‘the most sacred majesty of Charles the II ... Dread sovereign, this book humbly addresseth it self into Your Royal Patronage ...’, signed John Heath. On the ‘Honourable’ profession of soldiering, with observations on war, combat, strategy, horsemanship, marching, retreating, and ‘some directions for the Preventing of Civil Wars’. 1671 £950 ROYAL SUCCESSION 2. ANONYMOUS. A Letter on the Subject of the Succession. Printed at London. [2], 9, [1]p. Folio. A few fox marks, sl. dusted, old waterstaining to gutter margin. Disbound. ¶ESTC R40245. The Letter is headed ‘D.H.L. Sept 18 1679 ... I intend now to write you some of my sentiments, upon that great subject of discourse here, the succession of the Duke of York, in case our present Sovereign’s death is without lawful issue’. This is one of a number of anonymous contributions in 1679 to the debate on the royal succession; others are initialled G.H., and E.F. 1679 £120 VERSE SATIRE 3. ANONYMOUS. A Paradox Against Liberty. Written by the Lords, during their imprisonment in the Tower. A Poem. Printed in the Year MDCLXXIX. [2], 2pp. Double-column verse. Folio. A very good copy bound in late 19th or early 20th century morocco backed cloth boards, gilt lettered spine. ¶ESTC R5967. A verse satire written in heroic couplets on the Lords: Powis, Arundell, Belasyse, Stafford, and Petre, who were imprisoned in the Tower of London on the false information of Titus Oates that they, with others, were in course of raising a Catholic army. There was also a 12 page folio edition of the same text printed in 1679 for James Vade. The title Paradox Against Liberty had been used earlier in the 17th century in the translation of the works of Guillaume Du Bartas, by Joshua Sylvester (1641). 1679 £300 GUIDING THE OBSERVATIONS OF TRAVELLERS 4. BAUDELOT DE DAIRVAL, Charles Cesar. De l’Utilité des Voyages ... et de l’avantage que la recherche des antiquitez procure aux scavans. Avec un memoire de quelques observations generales qu’on peut faire pour ne pas voyager inutilement. Enrichis de plusieurs figures en taille douce. Two vols. Paris: chez Pierre Aubouin, Pierre Emery, & Charles Clousier. [12], 374, [4]pp; [4], 383-781, [5] pp, titlepages printed in red & black, 2 engraved frontispieces, one engraved plate, numerous illustrations of medals, statuary & antiquities (7 full-page) set within text. 12mo. Lower corner of K8 Vol. I torn & repaired, some foxing & light browning. Contemporary mottled calf, gilt panelled spines, morocco labels; joints cracked but firm, head of spines worn, some insect damage to surface of leather. Early signature of W. Kingsman on front endpapers. ¶Baudelot de Dairval, 1648-1722, archaeologist & collector of antiquities, born in Paris. This is the second edition of this work which was intended to provide scholarly advice and information to guide the observations of travellers. Robert cata 209.indd 2 10/07/2014 15:21:41 1 cata 209.indd 3 10/07/2014 15:21:43 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY - Baudelot Boyle had published a similar work in 1692, General Heads for a Natural History of a Country, Great or Small, and both are early examples in a long series of handbooks for travellers written on the instruction of scientific academies. This appears not to have been translated into English. 1693 £320 5. BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, Nicholas. Oeuvres Diverses du Sieur D*** avec le Traité du Sublime ou du Merveilleux dans le Discours. Traduit du Grec de Longin. Nou- velle edition reveuë et augmentée. Paris: chez Claude Barbin. [8], 298, [16] index, privilege leaf; [17], 18-190, [8]pp index, general title & half title printed in red & black, frontispiece by Pierre Landry, 4 plates (one for the Satires, another for L’Art poëtique by Guillaume Vallet after Antoine Paillet, one for Le Lutrin by Landry, and a frontispiece for the Traité du Sublime signed Paillet et Vallet). 8vo. Contemporary note on front e.p., some marginal notes to section l’Art Poetique. Full contemporary sprinkled calf, gilt panelled spine. Armorial bookplate of the Marquess of Bute. v.g. ¶From the Library of Douglas Grant. The first part contains the nine Satires, four Epistles, l’Art Poétique complet, les quatre premiers chants du Lutrin, and a translation of Longin. The Traité du Sublime has separate pagination. This appears to be the fourth collected edition, incorporating additional material with the Oeuvres Diverse which were first published in 1674. 1685 £450 MELANCHOLY 6. (BURTON, Robert) The Anatomy of Melancholy. What it is, with all the kinds causes, symptomes, prognostickes, & seuerall cures of it, in three partitions, with their severall sections, members & subsections, philosophically, medicinally, historically, opened & cut vp. By Democritus Junior with a satyricall preface, conducing to the following discourse. The eighth edition, corrected and augmented by the author. Printed for Peter Parker. [8], 46, [6], 434, [8] index. [2]pp ads, engraved titlepage, first leaf bears half title on recto and ‘The argument of the frontispiece’ on the verso. Folio. Sl. browning, occasional minor marks but generally a good clean copy; small paper flaw hole to Nn3 sl. affecting a few letters, bound without endpapers, pastedowns use waste sheets from an earlier Latin work. Bound in 18th century panelled calf, expertly rebacked, raised & gilt bands, red morocco label. 19th century ownership inscription of Geo. Frere at head of titlepage. ¶ESTC R10536. The final edition of the 17th century, and the last to be printed until 1800. 1676 £2,250 ELSEVIR 7. CICERO, Marcus Tullius. M. Tulli Ciceronis Epistolae ad Atticum, Aliosque; ad optimas editiones collatae. Lugd. Batavor: Ex Officina Elseviriana. [12], 240, 245- 685, [3]p, woodcut initials, head & tail pieces. 12mo. Text complete, collating with the Oxford copy, includes final blank 2F6. Some light browning, early ownership name inked over at foot of titlepage, date 1663 visible. Full contemporary vellum; spine darkened, covers mellowed. ¶Cambridge University Library suggests this was published at Lyons rather than Leiden. 1642 £200 THE ENGLISH STAGE 8. COLLIER, Jeremy. A Short View of the Immorality, and Profaneness of the English Stage: together with the sense of antiquity upon this argument. Printed for S. Keble. [16], 288pp. 8vo. Small tear to blank lower corner M1, some occasional sl. rust marks, faint old waterstaining to inner rear board & endpapers. Contemporary unlettered panelled calf, raised bands; expert repairs to joints & head & tail of spine. cata 209.indd 4 10/07/2014 15:21:43 6 cata 209.indd 5 10/07/2014 15:21:44 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY - Collier ¶ESTC R19806. First edition. ‘Although the Puritans had lost their dominance as a political power, yet they had not lost courage in abusing the stage. The most violent attack was made by the clergyman Jeremy Collier in 1698, in a pamphlet called A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, in which he denounced not only Congreve and Vanbrugh, but Shakespeare and most of the Elizabethans. Three points especially drew forth his denunciations: the so-called lewdness of the plays, the frequent references to the Bible and biblical characters, and the criticism, slander and abuse flung from the stage upon the clergy.
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