US010181127B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 , 181 , 127 B2 Osvald et al . ( 45) Date of Patent : Jan . 15 , 2019 ( 54 ) DETACHED ECONOMY IN ONLINE GAME OTHER PUBLICATIONS ( 75 ) Inventors : John Osvald , Albany, CA (US ) ; Stenstrom , Christopher Distrig . Gameplay Design for Role - Playing Michael Waite , Alamo , CA (US ) ; Kyle Battle SystemsMaster of Science Thesis . Department of Applied Sauger , Burlingame, CA (US ) ; Lauren Information Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Duncan , San Franciso , CA (US ) ; Erik Gothenburg , Sweden , Jun . 2012 . ( Year : 2012 ). * Nilsson , South San Francisco , CA (US ) * cited by examiner (73 ) Assignee : Zynga Inc. , San Francisco , CA (US ) ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner — Amanda C Abrahamson patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Assistant Examiner — Shaun D Sensenig U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 790 days . ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Martine Penilla Group , ( 21 ) Appl. No .: 13/ 196 , 280 LLP ( 22 ) Filed : Aug . 2 , 2011 ( 57 ) ABSTRACT (65 ) Prior Publication Data Methods, systems, and computer programs for generating US 2013 /0036064 A1 Feb . 7 , 2013 revenue in an online game are presented . One method (51 ) Int. CI. includes an operation for creating , in the online game, a first G060 10 / 00 ( 2012 .01 ) virtual currency and a game score , where the amount of the G060 30 / 02 ( 2012 . 01 ) first virtual currency can be increased in exchange for real GO7F 1732 ( 2006 . 01 ) currency . The first virtual currency can be traded for G06Q 20 / 06 (2012 .01 ) advancement in the online game. Further, a game module , (52 ) U . S . CI. that is an autonomous game within the online game, is CPC . .. G06Q 30 /0209 ( 2013 .01 ) ; G06Q 20 / 06 started , and a second virtual currency and a module score are ( 2013 . 01 ) ; G07F 17/ 32 ( 2013 .01 ) created in the game module . The amount of the second ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search virtual currency can be increased in exchange for real CPC . .. GO6Q 30 /0209 ; G06Q 20 / 06 ; G07F 17 /32 currency, where the second virtual currency can be traded USPC . 705 /319 , 1 . 1 for advancement in the gamemodule and cannot be traded See application file for complete search history . for advancement in the online game outside of the game module . Advancement in the game module increases the (56 ) References Cited module score and does not increase the game score. In U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS addition , at least one form of advancement in the game 2003 /0204566 A1 * 10 / 2003 Dhupelia et al . .. .. 709 /205 module can be obtained with the second virtual currency and 2010 /0056273 A1 * 3 / 2010 Reville .. .. .. .. .. A63F 13 /00 cannot be obtained with the first virtual currency . 463 /31 2011/ 0107239 A1 * 5 / 2011 Adoni et al. .. .. 715 /757 2011/ 0264489 A1 * 10 / 2011 Ganetakos et al . .. 705 / 12 16 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets Games Forums Jobs Blog News About Support 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 Featured Games OUR GAMES Game Page 130 Cafe World Dragon Wars FamVille Fashion Wars Fish Ville Mafia Wars Petville Pirates Roller Coaster Scramble ZYNGA UPDATES 111111111 Special Forces 6 / 23 / 2011 The name is Pioneer Trail. Thanks to all that contributed Vampires Facebook 6 /22 /2011 Frontierville gets updated play now ! World Twis 6 / 1 /2011 Welcome to Empires & Allies YoVille ! 5 / 28 / 2011 Get Free Zynga Poker Chips when you invite two friends MySpace Zynga Poker play now ! . 120 U . S . 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XXX 2-MakingCamp! 3-BridgeisOut! .. OS . XXU Tutorial WWW © HEN 4-Rescue . TRAILTREASURES . BeaverValley WEES . : : . 718 . : : : . : : : : : : : : 714 716 LoadWagon 708 Fig.7 706 .708 702 ng704 -710 Homestead BeaverValley. TRAILMAPL Avalanche HighPlanes a www 2 FortCourage 8838 NA Courage atent Jan . 15 , 2019 Sheet 8 of 13 US 10 , 181 ,127 B2 818 Quest3 Quest4 Quest50 Quest2 820 limited.Playermustacquirenewcurrencyin Quest1 RISPBREDCONDUCERE Player'suseofcurrencyfromHomesteadis W330 New Items 30 Expedition Expedition Economy 24 ExpeditionScore Expedition 834 816 822 806m Completionbrings rewards Fig.8 802 832 808 804 830 LoadWagon XXX M Homestead 816 RewardsareAddedto BASE Economy 814 HomesteadEconomy 810 Homestead 826 atent Jan . 15 , 2019 Sheet 9 of 13 US 10 , 181, 127 B2 . .. andcurrencycanbe Initialize Expedition economy . Limitedamountofassets . broughttoExpedition . 920 . Expedition . andcurrencyto . ExpeditionStart Addtransferredassets Expeditioneconomy . 916 918 Game * D JanteCompletegoal Addasset Addcurrency Addprogress Addasset HORRORRORppy.??u?n * 914 910Lant Addcurrency1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Homestead 912 Addprogress Addasset ????????????????????????????????????? Defineassetsand currencyforexpedition (loadwagon) Reward Player Decrease currencyor asset ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR h ! ?????? ??????????? ????????? . 902 904 906 908 Fig.9 Game In-game Playercash purchase PlayerAction DDDDDDDDDDDD accomplishmenty purchase Enterexpedition U . S . Patent Jan . 15 , 2019 Sheet 10 of 13 US 10 , 181, 127 B2 1022 rr: Completegoal Addasset Addcurrency Addprogress] Addasset Addcurrency A Mette Addprogress Addasset Addcurrency Addtransferreditemto Expeditioneconomy Expedition TraveltoHomestead ??????????????????????????????????????????????? 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Patent Jan . 15 , 2019 Sheet 12 of 13 US 10 , 181 , 127 B2 Begin wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww create in the online game a first virtual currency and a game 1202 score , where the first virtual currency is increased in exchange for real currency and the first virtual currency is traded for advancement in the online game start a game module that is an autonomous game within the 1204 online game transfer assets acquired with the first virtual currency to the 1206 game module create in the game module a second virtual currency and a module score , where the second virtual currency is increased 1208 in exchange for real currency , where the second virtual currency is traded
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