WATER QUALITY STANDARDS WATER RESOURCES CO/Vg~ISSION STATE OFFICE BUILDING HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 1970 STATE OF CONNECTICUT WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION STATE OFFICE BUILDING ~ HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06115 WATER qUALITY STANDARDS Pur~ ~uant to the provisions of Section the 1967 S~pplement t6 the General Statutes of Connec notice was published in the Connecticut Law Journal 26, 1970 that the W.ater Resourc~s~ Commission ado on November 17, 1969 Water Quality Standa~d~s for all and intrastate waters in the State of Connecl that, under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of Interior approved said standards in th~ir’~antirety on Apri~l 21, 1970 insofar as the said standards apply to interstate wa~er9. --I -- STATE OF CONNECTICUT WA TER RESOURCES COMMISSION STATE OFFICE BUILDING ¯ HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06115 WATER %UALITY CRITERIA GENERAL POLICY i. Water quality standards adopted on the basle of thee ofe criteriath~ ere in accord with all the requirements of Section 25-5~e Suppiemen-t~o=the~General Statutes. to t~h~e receiving w~t_ers, cognizance ~h~l be given both r~time ad~pted~b~t shall be defi~e~ and controlled by the uommlsslon.~J other waste iarsmeters wikl,eonstitute a portion 3. Recommendations on -~ ~-~=" ’<’~==~" ~" in of the continuing effort of the~ommission~fU~e~ oexln g ~iD~e~s~ate and intrastate~water~qualitY standards. The Commission~ reserves the right to amend or extend the followin~ criteria as improved standard methods are developed or revisions consistent with the enhancement of water quality are justified. Coastal and marine waters are those generally subject to the rise and fall of the tide. ~nterstat~aters whose existing quality is better than the ~tablished standayds as of the date~hic~such standards become effective will be maintained at their existing high quality.. These ~hd other intemstat~e~water~/of the State will not be lowered in quality uniess and until it has been affirmatively demonstrated ~ to the Commlsslon~’~nd the Department of the Interior]that such change is justifiable as a result of nec’eesary economic or social development and will not interfere with oy become injurious to any assigned uses made of, or presently possible in, such waters. This wiIl re ui~e that anv industrial public oD pDivate proiect or development which would constlt~te a new~ce ~ poliutlon! an increased source of poiiutio~ to high quality waters wii~ be required, if provided a permit, as~part~ the initial pro~ect design, to p~ovide ~ha ~ighest and3best~egree of waste treatment availqble u~_nder exi~t~n~ teehoolo~yKand, Si~ce~for interstate waters~these are als~ Federal standards, these wast~ treat~en~ INLAND Wh TERS CLASS Suitable for water supply and all other water use~; character uniformly excellent. (See note 9) Dissolved oxygen 75% saturation, 16 hours/day; 5 mg/l at any time Sludge deposits - solid refuse - floating solids, oils, and grease None allowable SCUm Color and turbidity None other than of natural origin Coliform bacteria per i00 ml Not to exceed a median of i00 nor more than SO0 in more than I~A of samples collected 5. Taste and odor None other t~n of natural origin 6. pH As naturally occurs 7. Allowable temperature increase ~None other than oi natural origin 8. Chemical constituents ~ee Note ~) CLASS B Suitable for bathing, other recreational purposes, agricultural uses, certain industrial processes and cooling; excellent fish and wild life habitat; good aesthetic value; acceptable for public water supply with appropriate treatment.. Dissolved oxygen 75% saturation, 16 hours/day; 5 mg/1 at any time Sludge deposits - solid refuse - floating solids, oils, and grease - None (See Note 6) 3. Color and turbidity None in such concentrations that would impair any usages specifically assigne~ to this Class Coliform bacteria per iO0 ml Not to exceed a median of i000 nor more than 2qO0 in more than 2~A of samples collected 5. Taste and odor None in such concentrations that would impair any usages specifically assigned to this Class nor cause taste and odor in edible fish CLASS B - continued pH 6.5 - 8.0 Allowable temperature increase None except where the increase will not exceed the recommended limit on the most sensitive receiving water use and in no case exceed 85° F, or in any case raise the normal temperature of the receiving water more than q°F 8. Chemical constituents (See Note CLASS c ’for fish and wildlife habitat, recreational boating, and certain .industrial processes and cooling; under some conditions acceptable for ,~!,~ wa[ef~.~Upp~y ~ith appropriate treatment~ good aesthetic value. i. Dissolved oxygen ’Not less than 5 mg/l for more than 6 hours during any 2q-hour period, at no time less than ~ mg/l. For cold water fishery, Cc, not less than 5 mg/l at any time. ’2. SlOdge deposits- solid refuse floating solids, oils, and grease - None (See Note 6) 3. Color and turbidity None in such concentrations thBt would impair any usages specifically assigned to this Class. 4, Coliform bacteria per lO0 ml Not to exceed an average in any 30- day period of 5000 nor exceed this value in more than 20% of tile samples collected during the period, 5. Taste and odor None in such concentrations that would impair any usages specifically assign- ed to ~this Class nor cause taste and odor in edible fish 6. pH 6.0 - 8.5 7. Allowable temperature increase None except where the increase will not exceed the recommended limit on the most sensitive receivingoWSter use and in no case exceed 8~ F or in any case raise the normal temper- ature of the receiving water more than qo F 8. Chemical constituents (See Note q) Suitable for navigation, power, certain industrial processes and cooling, and migration of fish; good aesthetic value. Dissolved oxygen A minimum oF 2 mg/l at any time 2. SLudge deposits - solid Peruse - None (S<.e Note floatinZ solids, oils, and grease - 3. CoLor and turbidity None in such concentrations that would impair any usages specifically assigned to this Class q. CoLiform bacteria per ~00 mk None in such concentrations:that would impair any usages sp~c:Kficall.y assigned to this Class 5. Taste and odor None in such concentrations that would impair any usages specifically assigned to this Class 6. pll 6.0 - 9.0 7. Allowable temperature increase None except where the increase will not exceed the recommended limit on the most sensitive receiving water use and in no case exceed 85° F or in any case raise the normal temperature of the receiving water more than ,4° F 8. Chemical constituents. (See Note 4) N O T E S These criteria do not apply to conditions brougbt about by natural Class D waters will be assigned only where a higher water use Class cannot be attained after all appropriate waste treatment mbthods are utilize "~ All sewage treatment plant effluents shall receive disinfection before discharg%~p the watercours@~ The degree of treatment and disinfection shall be as required by the State. Waters shall be free from chemical constituents Jn concentrations or combinations which woukd be harmful to human, animal, or aquatic life for the appropriate, most sensitive and governing water class use. In areas where fisheries are the governing considerations and approved limits have not been established, bioassays shall be performed as required by the appropriate agencies. For public drinking water supplies the~raw water sources must be of such a quality that United States Public Health Service limits, or State limits if mo~ stringent, for finished water can be met after conventional water treatment. 5. ~adioactivity ,limits to be approved by the appropriate State agency With consideration of possible adverse effects in downstream waters from discharge of radioactive wastes; limits in a particular watershed to be resolved when necessary after consultation between appropriate State and Federal agencies.. In no case-sha~l the Alpha emitt’ers exceed a concentration of 3 picocuries per liter or the Gross Beta emitters ¯ ~,exceed ~/~.j~, ~:~c°ncentrati°n~ of i000 picocuries per .kite~ 6.-. Slud~e deNosits, floating solids oils, grease and scum shall not be L a%lo~ed ¢xc~pt. for. such small amounts that may result from the dis- c~ar~e of .appropmia.~ely treated sewage o~ industrial waste effluents. 7. The minimum average daily fiow for seven consecutive days that can be expected to occur once in ten yea~s shall be the minimum flow to whlcb the standards appl.y. ~tass B and C_JWaters shall be substantially free of pollutants thatI a) unduly affect the composition of bottom fauna; b) unduly affect the physical or chemical nature of the bottom; c) interfere with the propagation of fish. 9. CLass A waters reserved for water supply may be subject to restricted use by State and Local regulation. ALl £nterstate Class A waters and all interstate CLass B waters, except Sbetucket River from confluence of Wil~imantdc and Natchaug Rivers to Greenville Dam, Norwich, are considered to be suitable for cold water fish spawning and growth. T!le criteria for dissolved ~}xy~zen and alLr~wable temperature increase for interstate CLass Baud Ce waters are applicable to waters used only for fish passage. When such class waters ape suitable for water fish spawnin~ and growth, these criteria shall be the same as those specified I~r’ Class A waters. In the case of interstate Class B and Cc waters whePe paPts of such waters ar~ not suitable for spa~¢rlJn~ and ~rnwlb, the requirements for fish passage shal~ be considered with ~ther sensitive uses in def’iHi,g allowable temper’~tt~r’e liner’oases.
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