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I * ****** § * * ************1 * I *.******** * * 4 *********1 1* *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * # * 4 • * * * 1 I I I * * I * * * *, * f * I I i- § * * m *******>********• I * * * * * 1 § *- - * * * t f f i * * * * * * I I I *******I * * * * * * § 4 ..,*-****-*** ***** | * * ***,*** * I * * * ** ***vf *** ***** * * * I * * ^ I * * ' * * * * i * * * * *ft , * -. * * * * * * m * * * : * * . * * * I * I ^ * * *. * i * I * * I 4. * 1 * Si 1 I II ** 1 I I * ' * * I * I * * i | % * * * : * * * * * * . * I * * * *- * 1 fj * £ * ^ * f * * * * '* *. * * * * * I * * m I . • * * * * * * * * * I I i i i 1 ' -.* M nrfk vfe Vlk A * * * * 4 * * * * # m . A SELECTION OP 500 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WITH ANNOTATIONS AND PRICES BY CAROLINE WANDELL A BIBLIOGRAPHY PRESENTED FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LIBRARY SCIENCE IN THE ILLINOIS. STATE LIBRARY SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. PRESENTED JUNE 1900 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1 ;>oO> THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE THESIS PREPA It EI) I'NDER MY SUPERVISION BY C^os^vjs^aml, \3sS o^Ool_SlJL^ ENTITLED 5 Q O ^s^^ IS APPROVED BY ME AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF nML f\ HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/(^i^iils/selectionof500bo00wand It is hoped that this list may be an aid in the selection of books for young people. The annotations are intended to be des- criptive rather than critical. The sources of these are given; unsigned notes are by the compiler. Volume and page numbers are separated by a colon, and the date is separated from these by a semicolon; e. g., Dial 26:162; March 1, 1899 means Dial, volume 26, page 162 of the issue of March 1, 1899. In some cases a second reference has been given, when it was thought that it would add something definite in the description of the book. Publishing firm are denoted by the names of the first mem- bers. The date following this is intended to be the date of the latest edition in each case. Books starred were found in the lists of "Best books 1* for 1897, 1898 and 1899, prepared by the New York state library. The proportion of books in each class is as follows: Amusements and occupations, 4-l/5$ Biography, 7-4/5$ Fairy tales, etc., 16 $ Fiction, 19-l/5$ Fine arts, 3/5$ Government and administration 4/5$ History ( including histor- ical fiction), 23-4/5$ Picture books, 3 $ Poetry, 4-l/5$ Religion and ethics, 1 $ Science, 10-4/5$ Travels, etc., 8-3/5$ The following list contains the principal abbreviations used; other abbreviations are self-explanatory. Critic, n. s. Critic new series Lit. World, Literary World N. Amer. rev. North American review Review of rev. Review of reviews. I* Jon;* «d? .*Xge*4i ymov rol muted noloo vrf Jh#tBi#o«B #tn «?ts ton i>nj ttuuXov ••X ;coXoolW# # ouo: : no^cl •! ; o 381 ,Wt •rxXov , laiu ONi MSI ,1 ifyMK a" e&fT9T**a* aneo#« * mie taor nl tl ,X jtoul Ln^Ol) J ii jie^©* b*J fcXco* IX i. frfflffldt Mt IX n«riw . 'oo.' art! d to ' \*T':-^t*>i I us im •*tnsn on* iter *m vu* mXn>*idirt «4 oJ Mtn ftil •! slff* -ni**oIX©' t>tmt ©nT .aioo •NiO £t©#© .iX >.©iJ£fc© «i*©i©X Kf'-#ee6«-'t» ai«iX ©i!# nX tfluol *;cou LX ©JcJt XioY wt»H ©tfi 6© li QH «WtI fciw 8«ai ,ToeX allo^: eft oX sfUXo fto#© rtX » :.ro lo fro t JVc<fOT(f ©rt^ !toJ\X-* .uaoX taiuooo b#u B#.i«»«ir A t .©J© V *©X©# ^TtjY •n©XJoX« X t «©X^#© n neXfeXI©! A {»-! ~«©on©Xo* vat iJ« JLcviioftlTu o/li »ru©Jneo J.JLl yii^o^Xo^ ortr .YT©*8/i»Xqpca-lXt* til mtoX J0Xt©*o*©"# tort*© |£©e blwn \"jrt©#XJ tJH*©w .#14 :wi n»©Xi©fuA fitroH ,UH . Principal bibliographic aids consulted, American catalogue. Buffalo (N. Y.) public library. List or books in the children's department. 1898. Carnegie library, Pittsburgh, Pa. Christmas books for children. 1898. Evanston (111.) public library. Books in the children's department Hardy, G. 3. 500 books for the young. 1892 Hartford (Conn.) public library. Boys' and girls' books. 1895. Hartford (Conn.) public library. Bullet ins. Helena (Mont.) public library. Bulletin no. 21 Hewins, CM. Books for boys and girls. 1897. Houghton, Mifflin ft Co. Descriptive catalogue, 1899. Milwaukee public library. Catalogue of books for young people. 1895. New York state library. Bulletins nos. 12, 18. Osterhout free library, Wllkesbarre (Pa.) Teacher's cata- logue of books for primary and grammar schools. 1893. Pratt Institute free library, Brooklyn, N. Y. Books for children under 14 years of age 1898. Prentice, M. H. References for Srd grade teachers. Publishers' trade list annual. Publishers' weekly. Sargent, J. P. Reading for the young. 1890. Supplement , 1896 tfeeixjjonoo eibtM oXrMo*;coiX<iXd lo<*XoaX*rt .00*0X0*00 ns eiiioou •fern* offi nl mm -1HM.1 .wrtfix oxxdwi M .1) Bol otood ojnJttoifO .of. f ftrurfr*#H t T5MtfXX •t*KTtoO .8«*X •CVZlxlixlD TOThltrtc otf* nl MTec* .Yu»ioJ-i oiioag (•XXI) no#»noTl • 3»^X .ititftXXua.YMidtX oii'Jiiq (•nnoO) Zno'.^ioH xt .on ntmiLtm .xwKiti *iL*m <.*»») 0*0X00. .TOI .ftXxti out otod toi ojCoo* .M .0 f *aXi*H a'ftsx ,orsoX£#e© ©HgXroood .eo a aimiM t «>tt$H©!! rrvor lol eXood lo ofl**X*J»0 .YBRdXX oXXd©* mMmwliU ."Chi ••Iqooo; .TCTfrfXX ©#©#0 tt*Y mf. .81 v ftX .MB OfLUo.'.Xojft i»8if«6^«C » ; 9*0* (,#«r) orodoo*XX¥ ,WldXX ©Ofl ax .eioo/soo ,TTf!ttllX 9091 t»*y'X*Ml '-*tTS Ol 0*00C «T « v flYX?09Tfl tfttt&X 4 .ST©.*©*© J ©N&T? J^fS 10l ?OOfl© I6lO€ »M f ooXtft^xH •nTr-MXtftrt . *tf £ toXX ©f«*# •XXXOov »©*©<te±XdiM Syracuse, (N. Y.) Central library. Dictionary oatalogue of childrens 1 books. 1898. Wisconsin - Publio instruction, Dept. of. List of books for township libraries. 1899. - # o .iio. .adjoin.' Ti eildjrt Mr . Give a child a glimpse into the imaginative world and he will build castles and people them, fight battles and win them, create a new world and live it it, far from the madding crowd of life's cares and pain. E . 3. Parsons. "The great end of literature is not to inform but to inspire" . Religion & Ethics. Beale, Mrs. Harriet S. B . Stories from the Old Testament for Children. Stone, 1899. 11.50 The stories are frankly retold in simple language, as in Lamb's tales from Shakespeare, ^Canton, William. W. Vs. golden legend. Dodd, 1898. |1.50 The "Golden Legend", with its admirable pictures by Mr. T. H. Robinson, would have interest for us if only because it was "W. v.» But in itself there is an exquisite beauty. It is made up of tales of the saints and martyrs told as a poet might tell them to a child he loved. He makes these austere heroes more fascinating than fairies, more beautiful than prin- cesses, and very human. Yet he is true to the simple old legends and the hidden significance of them becomes visible in his hands. Dial 25:408; Dec. 1, 1898. Church, Alfred J. Stories from the Bible. 2V. Macmillan, 1891 and 92. #2.50 . .follows the scripture language commonly, and chooses as subjects for the first volume, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Ruth, David, Ahab, Jeremiah, Esther, the Maccabees, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem... Lit. World 22:72; Feb. 28, 1891. Everett, C. C. Ethics for young people. Ginn, 1892. %.5o ...It is the business of the teacher, whether physical, mental, or moral, to aid in the evolution of the child's facul- ties... the author of the book... not only shows himself a true teacher of morals, but also a friend and helper to all true teachers of morals everywhere, provided they will accept his friendly aid. Dial 12:355; Feb. 1891. 11 ••i?©*3 .fl .8 teJtTLSK .Bit ,etif 1 "io^'n \Jxit»iV ••ixo#» •iff # S*i&X f£wOu je©o •JXiXup** flt »X MM 1X»»#X al M — -fa Mai *tnlf erf* will 1© tj eXacr nX »r Jm orf 5/xjio « ©* jjjt liM xri^xa Ii/ll Jx»*J ftac .©•lai«: u©itJ ^^•••ri T*d qnt9 ©Jf# ©* ©it) ©X «if X«T .n»mf ttov Ml t •«•«•© Nf' io ©©fl©©x*Xn*X© nfttbltf r .•QUX ,X .*©<T JW^!8« xna •XdXS ©rt# nitl ©©X-ioXS A bmfllk f d©wiO .tl .39 Hf» X98X .wlXXin©©;! tit© c \'inai£AO *a*i/*n*x IgNMi #1 IPSftll #r-rr* ori iol ©X©e i+noU t rfT©©oL 9flertMfA .ariXo- - # X«%X t ss «<i©H **T:ra hrio .XXJ *©rt*©<m -if* ©-©nX©** tmt ©1 II..
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