i: He proves he’s the world’s fastest Phtti leaidei^is still, at large / pajae'S human / page 11 ) Mnnihcslrr A Cily fil VillHqc Ch.itm Monday, Aug. 31,1987 30 Cents No clues In Coventry after Merrill sighting By Andrew Yurkovskv the sighting. The search turned up his lower lip was lighter than the Herald Reporter the man was Merrill. but Fowler said he didn’t see a nothing, however. rest of the skin on his face. before fleeing Into the corn field “ I don’t swear to nothing. He was hooded man follow her. Coventry police released no de­ Merrill, 40, is described as 6 foot behind the store. COVENTRY — Police continue to Just very suspicious. It appeared to The woman, whom Fowler could tails about the sighting over the 1, with light brown hair and a patrol the area on Route 44 where be him,” he said. Like Giglio. not identify, said that the man Fowler said he would have weekend, saying in a prepared mustache. He was reported miss­ prison escapee Frederick R. Mer­ McBride said he couldn’t see the followed her around the store noticed someone enter the store if statement that they were unable to ing Aug. 23 from the Connecticut rill was reportedly seen early man’s hair because of the hood. before disappearing into the stor­ he had been dressed as the man was confirm that the man was actually Correctional Institution in ^ m ers, Friday evening, but they have Witnesses gave varying accounts age room behind the sales floor. described. Merrill. where he had been waiting trial in failed to turn up any clues to his of where the man fled. Though Giglio said a man dressed in a connection with the sexual assault The written statement released Coventry police arrived Just as whereabouts. McBride said he couldn’t tell where bluish-gray hooded Jacket entered of a South Windsor woman in by Coventry police endorsed the the woman entered the super­ A man fittihg Merrill's descrip­ the man went after he left the store, the store Just as the rush for lottery March. woman’s account of the incident. market, Fowler said. He said he did tion came into Allen’s Package Giglio said he believed the man tickets was peaking.' The hood He has also been questioned in ” It is believed that the man left the not know who called police. Giglio Store on Route 44 about 5:30 p.m. went next door, to Fowler’s covered the man’s hair, but Giglio connection with the March murder Supermarket. market by a rear door,” the and McBride said they did not made Friday, bpught a can of beer, then said he could clearly see that the of 80-year-old Bernice Martin in her statement said. the call. • left the store, Leonard GIglio, the Curt Fowler, the supermarket man was Merrill. Mayfair Gardens apartment in owner, said Saturday that a woman store owner, said Saturday. " I can tell you that it was him,” Fowler said, however, that he is Both stores were evacuated and Manchester. Police have not ruled who entered the store about 5:30 inclined to believe another account. Coventry police, with the help of he said. him out as a suspect. searched after police arrived, the state jMlice and search dogs, p.m. said that a man fitting According to that version, the businessmen said. Coventry police Giglio said the man must have Jim McBride, a worker in Allen’s Merrill’s description followed her scoured the area around the store : recently shaved off a beard because hooded man headed to the right as said only that the search turned up Package Store who served the Into the store. The woman said hello he left the package store, hiding for about two and a half hours after the skin under his nose and below hooded man, said he isn’t so sure nothing and that patrols in the area to Fowler as she entered the store. behind n van parked on the side were continuing. School vacation is almost over Last-minute shoppers busy; schools ready to open Tuesday By Andrew J. Davis Herald Reporter It ain’t over until it’s over but it’s almost over. School bells will ring Tuesday, marking the end of summer for more than 7,000 public school students in Manchester. And if it seems as though summer was shorter than usual, it was. E^'en though Labor Day is a week away, the traditional end-of- sumnocn hoINkiy J»tBW pa,ji:teck> seat to the start of scnp^H^'twoe|t; Another back-to-school tradition was in full force earlier this morning at the Manchester Par- kade. Stores were teeming with mothers and children looking for clothes and accessories. ’’We’re getting some last-minute things,” said Kathy Stimson of Manchester, who was shopping with her 9-year-old son, Russ. “ I tried to drag him out ea rlier... but when he realized he would have to go to school without anything on, he decided to come out.” While Russ Stimson will enter the fourth grade at Bowers School, 10-year-old-Ryan Olschefskie will enter fifth grade at Washington Herald photo by Tucker School. And his mother is paying dearly for it. School Superintendeht James P. than 400 teachers and administrators According to Beth M. Olschefs­ Kennedy, left, speaks with school were at the school for a welcome kie, she has spent inore than $250 to psychologist Phillip D. Griffin at Man­ breakfast and preschool meeting. outfit her son with the latest chester High School this morning. More back<to-schooI items. She was shopping at the Manchester Par- kade to pick up her final two items: P. Kennedy welcomed the teachers "little rough,” he said. year. Students will no longer be Jogging pants and a watch. and announced that the school "The $250 is everything down to Bus drivers also may find the able to smoke in school. system was set for the opening of going rough around Vernon Street. his socks,” she said. *T v e ordered school. Construction on the road is ex­ The Manchester Board of Ekluca- all of his clothes, I was Just waiting “ We’re all ready,” he said. “ The pected to cause 10- to 15-minute tion voted last week to ban smoking for the Jogging pants to go on sale. ” schools are gleaming and ready to delays in the arrival of buses. and the possession of smoking While parents and students were go.’’ Kennedy said. materials, for students. The board getting themselves ready for the While the schools may be ready to Buckley School, flling Junior voted to ban smoking after two new year, teachers were, too. More handle the influx of students, local High School, and Manchester High state laws were recently passed by than 400 Manchester public school bus companies are still searching School students are likely to be the General Assembly. One prohib­ teachers and administrators at­ for drivers, said Al J. Spearot, affected, he said. its the sale of cigarettes to those tended a welcome breakfast at supervisor of the Manchester Bus Once Manchester High School under 18 as of Oct. 1, while the other Manchester High School this morn­ Co. The company should be able to students do get to school, they will forbids students from smoking in ing. School Superintendent James cover all its runs, though it may be notice one major change from last schools or during school functions. Truck driver braves gunfire TODAY Harald photo by Tuokor rescue tot from rampage eop.~k.to.. Mason at work B 4k# Eight months after the U.S. Miguel Laviola, a mason from Hartford, scrubs the bricks Supreme Court affirmed the right BOSTON (AP) — A truck driver to him and said, “ Give me the of Connecticut Republicans to open of the Boitqn High School libra|Y media center. The new who pulled a critically wounded baby.” primaries to unaffiliated voters, a media center is expected to open by Oct. 1. A story and 3-year-old girl from the scene of a His sister carried the child, who Judge is trying to decide whether another picture are on page 10. shooting rampage that left six had been shot twice in the head and the GOP should have its legal fees people dead said he won’t soon once in the shoulder, to waiting paid by taxpayers, as the Demo­ forget how close he came to being paramedics, said Boston para­ crats had. Story on page 4. killed himself. medic Jull Nichols. iJet crashes into sea “ I know I ’m going to have bad The wounded ^ rl, Identified as nightmares about this,” Joe Mun- Phuong Huynh of Medford, was roe said after the rescue Sunday. reported in critical but stable Chane* of ahowari- Munroe, 27, said he was moti­ condition Sunday night at New aoudy tonight with a 80 percent to avoid second plane vated by the thought of his own England Medical Center. daughter, who is about the same chance of showers; low around 60. Joe Munroe said he returned to a Tuesday, a 30' percent chance of BANGKOK, Thailand (A P) - A aging director, told a news confer­ age as the girl he saved. He also has porch across the street from the Thai Airways Jet trying to avoid a showers in the morning, then partly ence. ’ ’The plane was seen afloat. It an 8-year-old son. home the gunman had entered and collision with another airliner sunny.
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