o c- o JH CO n> pi < mo • M cr, a THEWESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly \euspaperIn Union Ctmnty l:sl-S iistmsii ll.ll>>!' nil CIHHH I'I.MIUK WI-STI-If-.I.IJ, N[;W JF.RSKV, II!! k -I) A") , si I' II Aim K I". \'>*<) NINIH Y-riKSi VI:AR, NO. 7 ill Wi-HIIMil. K i Til il Board Defers Action Teachers Sign 3-Year Contract On Variance Requests A three-year contract year,$13,400 the s<'. .,nrt. ami and Ilollan'l van V.ilken added cost of $24.O'Hi lo II: llJiniuiii o! i'. ;, r.-ji- • . i between the Westfield $14,375 the third. ••,(• inp-nt liurgh were ahsciil increase bent-fits lo em \ ;ce u ;]; l>e .-lijlt- 'n [,.: i Zoning hoard members street before allowing such 1 road widening. Board of Education and the scale range foi !J;» ln-l'ir Al an carl\ mnming jdoyecs lor cata.strophic Impale wi hraMh aii'l 'J'-!; :.: need more data on I he a short setback. A variance In other business, the Westfield Education degree holders will mnnc in <•<• ling yes I c i fl a y medical events Ijursiig the plan jir'igniins on a • u;-, neighborhood setback is also required lor a ' Ir.li! rearing board granted Kurt Pet- Associalion, representing from$22,650 to$zi;.:r,n a; u,i> ii]('iiil«'rshi|i ill lln' Wr-sl third yea;- • 19K2-H2: a IliliUloi", 1,,-is ; average before they will shortage in lot area schow permission to change more lhan 400 teachers, three-year contra'-i j.i-nod held Kducalinn A>.-nciiii|nri prescription plan will be "Management niih'-. :•) •\i>,,; •i: :<• ril •HI 'he rule on the variance appeal Alfred Rogers, real a previous variance for a i hrt-e- guidance counselors, All teachers with mure lhan "'overwhelming))" appr added at a rusl ol $4ii.mio the school htjiiiH an- iwm- •• I-.li i-0!; 11 ;it-t v. ;t> ai liicverl of Austin DeSfefanis for estate expert and former storage area on at 40 1 1 ! nurses, librarians, social IS years in Weslla :<1 A ill nvi'd Ihccontract, aci-nrilinn ''(her iiK-reii.si-s IIKIIKIC riearly deimed in 'he M- . ;ii July ^i ih'- sif.mng of permission to construct a resident of the area, Michael Dr. into a bedroom workers and school receive longevity mm-ases. in Sally Vejncjhkn W|-;.-\ payments tor iiuto use oi;njntrac'. Sullivan m.'er; of single-family dwelling at testified tluil the proposed Some members were psychologists in nine Top of scale for ii-ai-hcrs president She acclaimed school business liiiiii !.") ')'her ro.':(rai-t m; "MIX "nS 931-933 Kanwocxl Ave. home would be an asset to 1 reluctant to grant the Westfield public schools, with doctorate !••);; ccs the agreement as an cents |H'i mile to 1H and a proveini-iits. .iCeoi'lMii d> i:,ei!)al ion -essiuii 'with The applicant's proposal the community ami might change, since the garage was signed Tuesday night. ranges from $2'.'.v::,(i ihix example nl "good will /in hall cents J>IT mile and an Mrs Vi;iio-ka. snelude i lion;) Ki. in lail. il, i>dii(tor stipulates an eight and a help deter vandalism and over which the bedroom will The new contract, ef- year to $32,050 in win bold sides.' increase from $20 lo S:)0 for language on grievance iippoint.I'll it. June \A IIIP half foot setback for hisclumping in the area. be located is only five feet leclive July 1, 19B0 through "I am delighted vv ;iii ihe Als'i included in tin- new suilaljle prulettiw rjolhin^ procedures. --pells nul I'^rii i\>-e Id $115,0011 to $120,00(1 home, DeStefanisplans to develop Public P'- •iahons from the properly line June :«). 190:1, calls for three-year contrail ' said contraci are addcil health allotments lor prn^icii currenl teacher workday, ('Dinnussiu ii the V.i-. \ li;j(l well under (lie -1(1 feel (wo other lots in the im- average salary increases of Hoard President Tho mas V iiild denial benefits Dm m[i ediiciilioi). science, art. brings Mck leave pruvi-oons -d IT: iia ^*. mandated by (he ordinance, mediate vicinity on John St. The actual bedroom will 'iei Ian :• in 8.64 percent in 1980-81; 8.89 Sullivan. "It will pcp-mit us the first yeiir. a ri'ler to the home i-forionno and in nit") (be CMiiira'-i arid adds but in keeping with the not be that close, said Armand Labraria of 15 percent in IDM-82; and 9.02 to put education fir.-.-; in system's denial plan lor duslnal art teachers three non accumulating sick Decemlii-r. I'.iVit neighborhood average of H."> 1'etschow. and there will bo Sunnywood Dr. also spoke at percent in I'M'/ 83. Cost for concentrate on helping ach employees will include I ii'li v i rl II a I g ra n t s diiys |jei year lo Ihe current Jiiscplt\.);//1 DI Winne. feet as calculated by the no windows facing (hat side. the meeting and said that he the increases will be student achieve to ibc p r os t h od ii n I i c a n (I available lo stall members ITi accumulating sick day liariia. l!i/./i and applicant's architect James The appeal of the YJV1CA and other residenls are $722,757, the first year; maximum of his m li- per lodont ic work. al a will increase from the giving each teacher l*i sick HiiiT in^l on. a 1,'iA lirrn Seiler. to use an existing lol at 227- concerned about (he 231 Clark St. for parking was $807,60H, the second year; ability." >ysH'mwide cost of M'-Mjoir presenl S2.Vle.n-h lo $275 ill days per year which -|H'<-iali?es in Hut board members wanl development's impact on postponed again until the and $893,8113, the third year. The Board of K.ducatiiiii Second year additional l'lllli-IU; $:t()(l the nexl year "I her provisions, Mrs negotiations, served as t hie! exact figures for each of the (he trees in the area, hoard's next meeting Oct. Starting teachers with voted, 7-0, in favor ul tin-benefits will be I he and $:|25 in iwiKl. Vejrioska added, allows negoiicilor lor th>' School four homes presently on the sidewalks and any possible 20 bachelors' degrees will contract at its September n; eliminalion ol a $r>l).uoo limit Retired employees, up to teachers I" request (x-rsonal Hoard whose Miifl n'liilions receive $12,600 the first public meeting. Joan Corbel under major medical, a! an Ihe age of lo and with a leave rlays without staling I'omniittct- includcil Thomas I1' Sullivan. chail'tDiiri. Jimn Parade Plans Finalized K. Corbel. Holland van Plans for the "Grand .school class al the unfamiliar with Juden- V a 1 k c n h u r K h . an fl Parade" to celebrate the Children's Specialized Oiristian values. He paid Salary Guide for Teachers and Nurses Frederick (i Hulai-iKinrf 2(X)th anniversary of the Hospital. Music will he four women one shilling Jr. founding of the first Sunday provided by the Fife and each lo round up as many as 1982-1983 Ann Whitford of theu Church School have been Drum Corps of Westfield, were running in the streets 1980-1981 Jersey IC d u c a lion completed. The parade will and a Krass Band under the on Sunday and to begin to Associalion lie-gaii .is chief leave from Hahno's parking direction of the Itev Philip teach them. Since that SIppr, ptrjrt-e negotiator for I hi- WKA; lot at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, K. Dietterich of the Metho- however, she was replaced and proceed (o Mindownskin beginning, I he Church dist Church. School movement has hy Jack Klder a iMember of Park. the WKA negotiiilinj; (earn, Al Mindowuskin Park touched the lives of millions Participating in the of persons around the world. last month. Other members parade will be St. Paul's following the parade a brief of ihe teum im-luili- Lconia Episcopal Church, SI. program will be held to The program at the park James. Al Uinlis and Sally Helen's Roman Catholic commemorate the first will feature a vignette on the Vejnoska. Church, First Baptist Sunday Church School life of Robert Raikes as well nu IS 15350 16350 17850 founded by Robert Kaikes in Two new guidance Church, Redeemer Luth- as the singing of familiar U47S 15750 16750 18350 counselors were appointed: eran Church, Kirsl Gloucester, England in 1780. M97S Sunday School songs. The 16250 172S0 18925 1 liUU 1 8 *j "JU 20O'J0 Neil (.'. Torino, replacing Congregational Church, the Raikes, a newspaper Rev. Ernest Olsen of the 15415 10750 17750 1SS25 10400 17775 190SD 20735 Evelyn Maiuncy u\ the Presbyterian Church, Holy publisher, recognized that Presbyterian Church will be senior high school: and Trinity Roman Catholic with children working 12 the master of ceremonies, 15975 17250 I83S0 20125^ 17025 !B37i 19650 11425 27.91)0 Donna-Jean Lynott, hours a day six days a week, Church, the First United and (he Kev. Dietlerich M 1S500 I782S 18950 20725 176 70 19000 2ZI25 21550 replacing F.7.<il:\ Adams, Methodist Church, and (hey were growing up from the Methodist Church 12 1)150 18525 19600 197'/$ 21 100 also at (in- hif.-.)i -rh'inl.
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