Ow lugs volume buying power. buying Your Easy Reach both for our Natiolul Mail Orda Bwi- ness and our TubStore, enable us.10 oaer ya superior quality genume Diamonds. fine standard ~;tches and exquisite Jewelry atsavinr prices which usbeyond comparison. All ofthis with GORGEOUS D IN - no extra charge lor the added convsn- NER RINGS - lacy ience and advantage of dignified liberal design mountings of exquisitely hand pierced 18 kt. solid white gold. Set with three fiery genuine HOW TO ORDER blue white Diamonds. $6.25 a month Jwt mdS l with your order and your aeuction comes to you on 10 days free tr.aL No C. 0 D. to pay on arrival. Afterfullex.mination and free trial. pay PAY I) of ~~~h~~~~~~~ bdance in twe1.e egul monthly pay- cems - ments. 1horoughly modernisticyichlr handennraved 11 mounting of 18kt.solid whit; with 1 generous sized blue white perfect center Diamond and four perfectly matched Dii- monds on sides. s 8.34 a month (1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BENRUS WATCHES 10 Days Free Trial You have the privilege of 10 days free trial, if not completely smtisfied. return the ahiinent at our expense and the entire deposit will be refmded. r~ei $25 Wedding Ringsof uutifully hand enpaved 18 1. solid white gold; set with All Dealings .e expertly nutched, genuine lue white Diimonds. $2.08 Strictly Confidential month FAY 1 Miss America-a mader- piece in derignt18kt. solid white gold hand I/ engraved. sqwe prong mounting-set with a marvelously brilllnt perfect blue white Dumond with two perfectly mtched Dii- A whole year to pay: no oxtra chugs for monds set on the side. $ 14.59 a month credit-no red tape--no delay you take no risk-"tisfaction abrolutek. -=-- teed or money back. A BENRUS-Diamond Wrist Watch. 1Ckt. solid white gold engraved case; two genuine Diamo-ds acd four bl e sapphires. Pierced flexible "HADLEY" bracelet. $4.59 a month. New Catalogue : "GEMS OF ENCHANTMENT"-NEW PA1 CATALOG FREE-ompletely illustrated HAMILTON$65 new catalog of genuine Diamonds, Ben- RAILROAD WATCH - rus.Elnin. Hamiltonand Illinois Watches: lateat model~-- Hamilton fino Jiwelry and Silrerwua at special No. 992 cased and timed nrices. WRITE NOW TO- GET YOUR~~ ~~ I at the factory. Guar- :'';?is~~C.3f,","~~ EE gentIemanrs mounting of I8 kt. pulloe how-21-jewels- solid white gold. Set with hnart qualit, fiery. genuine blue white Diamond $6.25 movement. ; month S5.41 a month yurs. New and popular "Salon Mirror Tray'' .%piece Set. The Minor of excellent quality may be used sepsrmlely as a buflel decoration. as a Service Tray, or as a container. Set consists 01 sir hollow handle,stainless Dinner Knives "DE LUXE", aix Forks, 12 Teaspoons. three Table- spoons, Butter Knife, and Sugar Shell. Furnished in any pattern, Dcauville, Grosrenor. Paul Revere, 306 S. MAIN ST. Bird of Paradise and Patrician. $3.04 a month. De~r;Sag TULSA - (>AKLAH(>MA General American Tank Car Corp. General American Car Co. BUILDERS PI^LESSORS Tank Cars Tank Cars Milk Cars I Milk Cars Railroad Cars L 1 Refrigerator Cars OFFICES: Continental Illinois Bank Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Chanin Bldg., 122 E. 42nd St., N. Y. City Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. Cosden Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Texas Richfield Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" Exchange Building MEMPHIS, TENN. , Phone 6 - 2312 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 737-738 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. As~ocialcEditor C. E. STAPLES. Spccial Rcprc.cn(afl~ WM. McMILLAN. Adocrtislrig Manager Vol. Vlll JULY. 1931 No. 10 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit. in part or in furl, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Pensacnla Rridpe Dedication Attracts 20,000 People ........................................................................ 4-5 General Grant Remembered at Holly Springs, Miss .................................................................... 6-7 Helen Fcllows Is Woman Telegravher at Newburg ............................................................................ 8 Three Conncll Ernthers Serve at Dora, Ala ............................................................................................9 First Pensacola Tour Is Sr~cccss............................................................................................................ 10 Conductor W. L. Heath Ketires June 1 ..................................................................................................11 Snyder, Okla., Employes Entertain Shippers........................................................................................ 12 News of the Frisco Clubs ...................................................................................................................14-21 Tulsa Entertains 2,800 Musicians May 21-23 ........................................................................................22 Ft. Worth Boy Singers Use Frisco Enroute to Washington ........................................................... 23 Pat W. Conley Celebrates Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary ..............................................................26 Herbert Foley of Enid Wins National Oratorical Contest ................................................................28 Frisco Passenger Trains 97.4 Per Cent On Time..................................................... :........................ 29 Locomotive Fuel Performance Records ............................................................................................30-31 Pension Roll ...........................................................................................................................................32-33 Homemakers' Pages ..............................................................................................................................34-35 .I. he Twilight Hour ........................................................................................................................................ 36 A Page of Praise from Frisco Friends ....................................................................................................37 Flashes of Merriment ..................................................................................................................................38 Frisco Mechanic ....................................................................................................................................39-45 Frisco Family News ............................................................................................................................. 46-72 MEMBER THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MACAZINE n The Frlsco Employes' Magazlne Is a monthly pr~blleatlon devoted prlmarlly to the Interests of the artlve and retlred employes of the Frlsco Llnes. It contalns storles. Items of cur- rent news, pemonal notes about employes and thelr families, artleles deallng wlth varlous phases of rallro~d work, poem% cartoons and notlces repardlng the sewlce. Good clear photogral~hssultable for re~)roductlonare especially deslred, and wlll be returned only when retlueated. All cartoons and drawlnm must be In black India Ink. Employes are lnvlted b wrlt8 artlcles lor the magazine. Contrlbutlons should be type- wrltten, on one slde of the sheet only, and sllould be addressed to the Edltor, Frlsco Bulldlng. St. Louls. >lo. Dlnlrlbuted free among Frlsco Employes. To others, prlre 15 cents a copy; aubscrl~tlon rate, $1.50 a gear. Advertlslng rate wl11 be made known upon appllcatlon. BRIDGE DEDICATION ATTRACTS 20,000 IVESTY tl~ousantl 1) c o p l e 'ensacola is Host to Hug promptly at 9 o'clock the next from hlabi~~na.Flo~,ida and le morning, when one of ~ensaro- T Mississippi. with a generous Throng June 12 and 13 la's famous parades marched sprinkling of b~lsiness nleil and down Palafox Street. Headed by industrial leadrrs from Memphis. -$3,500,000 Project the grand marshal. Mr. Julius F. St. Lonis and other mid-western Wernicke, son of one of the orig- cities, gathered in Pensacola, Opened to Public inal sponsors of the bridge pro- Florida, on June 12 and 13 to take ject, the parade contained bands part in the mammoth celebration ar- is a splendid building of reinforced and troops from the U. S. Army post. ranged in honor of the official dedica- concrete and hollow tile structure with bands, bugle and drum corps and tion of the three mile bridge across Ite floors eicvated 18 feet above sea marching sailors from the Naval sta- Pensacola Bay, another more than a level. Its bath house accomrnodaies tion, American Legion units, Spanish mile in length across Santa Rosa 500 persons. Its dining room 300, and American War Veterans, Boy and Girl Sound, and the opening of the luxur- its dance hall 200. A fishing pier 1,200 Scoutu, fraternal and labor organiza- ious $150,000 Casino on Santa Rosa feet long Is in process of completion. tions, and dozens of private cars Island. and reaches from the casino out into carrying officials and visitors. The grand opening climaxed a the gulf where water is 22 feet deep. When the parade reached the Pensa- building project begun early in 1930. The casino cost of construction was cola end of the three mile bridge, it when a q-oyLouis. St. Paul $150,000. halted for the formal opening cere- and Minnea .,s financiers decided on These were the sights which greet- mony. Allan G. Siems, of St. Paul, president of the Pensacola Rridge one of the most ambitlous tlevelop- ed the eyes of the visitors to the pre- Corporation, formally presented the ment programs of the depressibn
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