Historical Scrapbook

Historical Scrapbook

1 ' 1898 THE. COrRIER-.TOU"R XAL. l QUI ~YI I.. I.~E, SATURDAY J\lOHNING, JUNE U, :::::::: THE MEANING OF THE HONOR. Dr. Muthcws (!! Now Presidl!ttt of America' s Greatest Medical A~soclation end Otte of the Most Splendid Itt the World. P R.. JO!'IEPH 111. :l\1,\TIIF:WS. \ Pr. J011~ph M. :Matb~wF. o! this ell>"• who was t:!'N:ted l're~~I<'INit of tho American lt('dl nl Auoclntlon nt Dcmver Wrdn<:'11<l11~·. hns 111 that < r lion r('r lv~IJ ''"" o! the hllrh<llt I onon that <'an bt> JULl·1 a ph~slclnn, M t 1th• 15 a. r uonal t o<J~·: and rom· pr 'u~ Stlltr> nnd T~rrltory tn tbo Lnl<m. Dr, N. Srnn,, <'r C'hl go, wne the J t1!•lcl n• !1st :re r. and Dr. ::lternberg, ~urgC>on l.<!lt>rnl o! the nrtn>'• Is the r <'tlt•· lng Prt1111t>nt. Dr 1\l uthc" bns had mnny honors confcn'(!\1 llt•ort him In t ' •e pant, !Ill Is •·X· Pr~ clt nt of the lth!slssii•PI \all·~· lllu.llral A CH llltton. l'r<'Bll! r. t tlf ~~'•" h•mttH'ky St I• ~I• lcnl ~o • ty, I'r stcl~nt or tho Stut.:- Bon•·•! or Ht>:tll\1 .>! Kl'tltllel;> . nntl has tbl• ) r b n l'lnt \'It'< .Prt (l(·nt ot tho ,\ malcan Mcdknl ,\ssoclnt lo'll, till• grt>at 004) ot wN,..h h• hn Ju~t b' n d•·<·Lo•l l'ru;LI .. rt. A ! "" W<·uka ·•Cu ~ ! 'cllnRy l· \O.nhl unlv Nil) t'onfr rrt<l upon hhn the c'lcgrr, ot r,r, 11. - Officers of the American Medical Association, 1898=99 . .. Pli&&ID&~r-Joseph lol. Matbewa, Louisv111e, Ky. JUDICUL CoUNClu-Tenn Expires 1901: S. Bailey, Iowa· D. R. Browe1, I!'IP.BT VICE•PRit!lDI:!iT-W. W. Keen. Phila.delph.ia, Pa. Illinois; N. S. Davl'!.l Illinois; H. D. Dldama., New ?ork; D. ~Ia.;o~, Wubwgton; t'. T • .Kogera, .Rhode Island; Milo B. Ward,llis:.onrl ::l&COND Vtc&·f'a&~ID&~T-J. W. G~aham, Denver, Colo. Term Expires lGOO: D. W. Crouse, Iowa; R. c. Moore, Nebra•ka. THIRD \'ICI·PRI>IDIINT-B. A. Wes~. Galveston, Texas. I T. D. Crothers, Connecticut: G. .B. Gillespie, Tenne:;see; W. T roua-ru \'IO&l:'lt&RIDS~T-J. E. Minney, Topeka, Kansas. Bishop, Penna)·lvanta; C. H. Hughes, M.lssourl: Ida J. Httbergcr. Dls~rlol of Colombia. Term ExpireslSW: G. W. Stoner, U.!:l. M.·H TJtUIIliiKR-llenry P. Newman, 100 WashingtOn St., Chicago. Ill. Service; C. W. Foster, Mafnei J. McFadden Gaston, Georgia; W .. dao.a&r.un--Wllliam B. Atkinson, Phil&delphla, Pa. Jones, New Jersey (unexplrea term): B. Brown, Kentucky; x. tl8818T.li'T SECR&T.l8T-E. W. Woodru.tf, Columbus, Ohio. Scott, Ohio. LrauaaN-Gcorge W. Webster, Chicago 111. (.;HJ.IRIU.N Cox. OF A.RRANGEIUNTII-Starlbig Loving, Columbus, Ohio. ORATION ON MBDICINII-J. 0. WllBon, Phllad.elphta, Pa. 80.l8D OF 'l'RUBTI!ili8-.K. E. ltlontgomery, Phlladelph!-!l.t. Pa., l.SW; B. L. E. Johnson. WMhin&lou D. C. (unexpired term), .usw: C. A. L. Reed, ORATION ON 8U~GIIBY-Fioyd W. McRae, Atlanta., Ga. Cincinnati, Ohio, )b9g· Joseph Eastman, Indianapolis, Ind., 1900; J. T.l•riestley, Des Mo{nes, Iowa, 1000; Truman w. M.Uler. Chicago, ORATION ON ST.\TB MI!DICINB-Danlel R. Brower, Chicago, Ill. Ill., 1000: Alonzo Oarce!Otl, Lewiston. llle. (Pres.}, 1901; T. J. H&Jl­ pel, Trenton, Tenn.,l~l; I. N. Love, St. Louis, Mo .. 1901. PLACE OF MEETING-COLUMBUS, OHIO, JUNE &-9, 189g. Oftlc•en1 of Sections, 1898-99. Genel'al Bustnese Committee, l~US-99. .Practice of Medlolne-Frank Bllilngs, Chicago, Chairman; Carroll Practice of Medlclne-Wm. E. Quine, Chicago; J. H. Musser, Phlla E. Edson. Denver, Secretary. delpbla; S. A. Fisk.. Denver. Surgery and Anatomy-W. J. Ma.yo, Rochester, Mini)., Chairman; Surgery and Anatomy-C. A. Wheaton, St. Paul; Reginald S&yre, ll. L. Harris, Ohl~a&o, Secretuy. New York City; w. L. Rodman. Louisville, Ky. Obst.ltrlcs aud Diseases or Women-A. H. Cordier, Kansas Cl'"". Mo., Obstetric& and Dlsea.ees or Women-J. Ta.ber Johnson, Washington: TY d J ill ., ~llo B. Ward Topeka.; Joseph Price, Philadelphia. Cha.trman; W, D. naggar • r., Nashv e, Tenn., Secretary. Materia Medica, l'harm. and Therapeutlcs-J. V Shoemake r, Pl11la lllat.erla Medica, l'harmacy and Therapeutics- Thomas B.. Stucky, delphia; Frank Woodbury, .Philadelphia!· Warren B. Bill, Milwaukee. Louisville, Ky., Chairman: Leon L. Solomon, Louisville. Ky., Secreta.ry. Opb~halmology-L\tolen Howe, Bu1ra c; 0. K. de Schweln!tz, Phil a Ophthalmoloi!I-Oaaey A. Wood, Chicago. Chairman; Chaa. H. delphia.: Harold Oltrord, Omaba. W11\lams, Boston, Secretary. Laryngology and Otology-G. v. Woolen. Indianapolis; Wm. K. u Casselberry, Chicago· B. Alex. Randall, Philadelphia. Laryngology and Oto1 ogy- E mil ...ayer. New York City, Cha.lrman; Diseases or Children-A. c. Cotton, Chicago: (VacAncy): J. P. ChrlstlllD--a. Holmes, Cincinnati, ~ecretary. Crozer Grllll~h. Philadelphia.. Dlsea&es or Children-Henry E. Tuley, Louisville. Ky .. Chairman; Phyalology and Dietetics-H. Bert ElliB, Los Angeles; A. P. Clarke, J. L. Boogber, !!t. Louis, Secretary. Cambridge, Mass.; Randell Hunt, Shreveport. La. Physiology and Dletetlos-J. W'lir, Jr.. Owensboro. Ky.. Chairman: Neurology and Medical JurtsprodenceC-hT. DB. CHrothhel'1!, Ha':'~ord . Lee Kabu Lead•llle Colo.. Secretary. Conn.: W. 1: Herdman, Ann Arbor, Mich.; as. ug es, 8t .......o 1 s. • ' ' Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery-L. Dunc.an Bulkley, l'ew Yorl Ne~rology and Medical Juriaprudence-~derlclr Peterson, New City; A. Ravogll, Cincinnati; A. w. Brayton, Indlanapolla. York, Chairman: Hugh T. Patrick, Chicago. Secretary. State Medlolne-Ohaa. B. Shepard, Brooklyn: Elmer Lee. New York ' Cutaneous Medicine and Sorgery-W. T. Carlen, Clevdand, Chair· CICJ; (Vacancy). man; J . M. Blaine, Denver, Secretary. Stomatology-A. E. Baldwin, Chicago; M. B. Fletcher, Cincinnati; Stat~ Medicine-Arthur R. Reynold•. Chicago, Chairman: W. P. R. R. Andre we. Cambridge, Mass. \lunn, Denver, Secrf'tary. I ExeoutiYe CouncU-W. J. Herdman, Ann Arbor. lll loh., Chairman; Stomatology-George V. 1. Browu. Mll,.•uU.ee. Chairman: Eugeue Warren B. Blllt Milwaukee, VIce· Chairman: C. A. Wheaton, St. Paul . :>.Talbot. Chicago, Secretary. J. II. llluaaer, Pnlladelphla: L. Duncan Bulkley, New York. Secrt'tary . .5'2& Xtt~-UM/ arul . %({(!~ r ~,:... J/t~co - o/:hrHw~<yt:Ca~ ~llj7c · o/ •~l'lra~ythla , &:.ra/t m_y t"f· /(,.;,(· ~ .r;J;/tn-t"fay 1 • /t',Y J CI'h, /$.9.9, a/ /ir tIt f "' 'f'fr, <';(· ,:/;{, YHio ... alr- O... alt r, ~, tt-rll I( t"!t/(unr/ ly ,'14<(.' fa.10h ./11. J~l/tmJ , ,//1. 0., VY CY., .~£Jt(/e.nl' o/lde dJI( ,,(.r-o ' • /tc!t'u rl, ~J (; N CI('l.'cN ?. - DRS J EI'U M Mull and L. S. ~t c l\furt:y, of Lou•s~illc, and Ur. I. ~ l..o~c. of St. l.ou•~. p:1id a short \'isit to Buffalo, July 8, 1 99,whcn the) were ~nterUtincd at brcakinst by Dr. \\'illiam \\'nrrcn I' lt~r Altcrwarcl the eli tmgut.shed tourists wcnl to Xiagnr:& !•ails Cor a few cby11 of rest nd recreation. '\ \ JOi:iEPII l. )!A'l'BE\\'S, .\1. D., of LonlaTillt', Ken& tbe American MediCAl Aa•oct.tlon and is 10 be lh ucky. lit;: h l'rc~ldrut or Academy or bledl~loe at iuo <hlh .:nuo~l b&DI)Oel l!bl{~;st of bonor or the Kantal! <'lty ..veulo.r. t'ebroary 7th · e &llho· Midland JJot••l •• .. • -• 1 U~uQ ~e .me~tcal jfortnightlr. LOplSVJLLE MEDICAL MONTHLY'. lssut4 Flr>t and Fifteenth of Every Month by the Fortnightly Press Co. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. UlmER THE EDITORIAL DIRECTION OF FRASK PARSONS NORBURY,.\\. D. AND THOS. A. HOPKINS, M. D. The annual meetiug o[ this assodn­ Associ:tte Editor: J. N. HALL, M . D., Denver. tion in Columhus wus rwtnl•ll• in lllllll)' Business Mana~er: CHARLES WOOD FASSETT. • • resjwcts. It uhon~ all rluotr·l,·• • • cl I'IIIIJII• struted that a ~nail city I'Uilllllt c·nrP for A COSMOPOLITAN BIWEEKLY FOR THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER the a.c~::;ociatiou when I he all<'ndulll'l' is EJ!corlal Offices In St. Louis, Chicago. Cln.:lnnati. Jacks<lnvllle, St. Joseph, Kansas City, and Pueblo, where anywhere ncar what it 1-'hould hl•. 'l'hc· speclm!llcOplts mAy be obtalneJ anJ subscriptions will be t"ken. A~ilttSS &II communications to the Fortnightly Press Company, Century Building, Saint Louis. ntteudauct> at thil-' IUt>l'!iug Pxc·e1·clt·d AJdrest all contributions and books lor review to che Editors. ~-============-~----- the most sanguine eXJ)ec•lntiolll'i ,,r llw loeal commiltt>e. t hl~ re~:mll wal' tllllljl dUNB f'lf'TBB NTH Numbe.r 12 Volume XV lllll'omfortH hle crowding ot' nil tlw hotels. to snc.h an oxten t t Jw t!Cl'\ ic·(• was miserahle, notably at flw hl•t\cl qnart~rs. The weath(•r WIIR in:-;uii'Pmhl v hot not tlw fault of tlH• lcll'ul c•ofl;• THIS, the semi-centennial meeting of the American Medical Association, mittt>e, 'tis true but this. uddt•d to was one of the most successful in its history. ln point of attendance it was large, but this is not the special feature which carried th(' discomforts referred to, mudl• it distinction to the assembly. No! for while the attend· anything hut pleaAAnt. Impressions of ance tried the capacity of Columbus to care for such The addres:; of tht• Pn•sidl•lll.

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