As a Last Wish— THE BREEZE Happiness IHHIMHMMMMIHMIMMM VOLUME VII HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA, JUNE 11, 1929 NUMBER 32 ■ GREETINGS, ALUMNAE Large Number of Alumnae Graduating Classes Alumnae Banquet Proves » to Present "Learned Return For Finals Ladies" Tonight To Be Decided Success <•>- FORMAL BEGINNING ^F COM- SPORT LEADERS FOR In the Open-air theater on June the Dr. Converse Gives GOLF THEME IS CARRIED OUT MENCEMENT ON SATURDAY IS eleventh at eight o'clock in the even- IN DETAIL; ENTERTAINMENT LARGELY ATTENDED 1929-'30 ARE ELECTED ing, the graduating class will pre- Talk to Senior s GIVEN BY ORGANIZATIONS TENNIS RESULTS AN- sent "The Learned Ladies", by Mol- iere under the direction of Miss Ruth At Last Chapel The Alumnae Banquet for the Once again has another close of a NOUNCED S. Hudson. year of 1928'29 was held in Blue- —session, come.JThe formal beginning of "Les Femmes Lavantes," as the stone Dining Hall Saturday night Commencement for the twenty-first Tha sport leaders for the session of title reads in the original French, is It has always been hard to think June 8, with a large gathering of fa- session of H. T. C. began on Satur- 1929-'30 have teen elected at_ a jneet- clever comedy in five acts. It sparkles soon the class of '29 will be gone, but culty, graduating seniors and sopho- day, June 8. ing of the student body. The follow- with ~Dnght-Hnes_ and_is carried to most of the Student Body the real- moesr and alumnae present. Once again have the alumnae— ing girls winning the places: through with swift action by~vTvlcT ization that soon there will be a va- those who have played a great part in Swimming Kennie Bird characters; characters of the intel- cant place for some one else to fuTwas It can easily be said that the ban- making H. T. C. what it is—those al- Hockey Harriet Dickson lectual circles and court of Louis the only brough out Monday when they, quet this year is one of the most at- /umnae came back. It is indeed stimu- Tennis Lena Bones fourteenth. Learned ladies in elegant the Seniors attended their last cha- tractive and well planned ever ar- lating and splendid to have those al- Basketball Esther Smith gowns and powderer wigs vie with pel exercises. Each black gouned girl ranged. The idea carried out this year ' umnae back again to H. T. C. Woodcraft and Hiking Jimmie men in courtly knee breeches, in a marched slowly in for the last time was that of golf, and each detail fol- lowed the theme, even to the toasts C Those returning for commence- Knight. battle of wits. And of course love holds and took her place. Dr. Converse, in his informal talk and responses. ment are: Baseball Ida Hicks the center of the stage; lo've darbed I Anne Gilliam '23 Petersburg Track Irene Garrison with a wit of its own to overcome op- to the departing class, brought out The entertainment was given by the t Mildred Kline '28 Waynesboro In this inter-class tennis match the position. the point that not with the end of col- Athletic Association who gave the Inez Morgan '28 I Crewe class won their places in the follow- The scene is laid in the home of lege does education cease but it fol- popular "Southern Sychopation," the Ruth Marshall U Danville ing order Chrysale, a worthy citizen, and his lows us and makes known its import- Junior class, who gave a part of their Evelny Mbseley '27 Clifton Forge Seniors First wife, the learned Philaminte. These ance at every turn and phase of life. class stunt, "Up in the Air," the So- Mr. Tenney Cline Wolfrey Harrison- Juniors J, Second holes are played by Christine Mason From the College Humor and The phomores, who gave a "Golf Course," daily newspaper to the radio, the ef- the Freshmen, who gave "Patent Lea- burg Sophomores I Third and Doris Baine. There the poets Sylvia Myers '28 . Harrisonburg Freshmen Fourth Trissotin and Vadius, (Leonide Har- fects of education on the life of man ther Steppers," the Seniors, who gave is fostered in every way. In his final Mary "Stewart Hutcheson Dalton riss and Edna Phielps) meet with "Just A Cup of Tea," and "this Golf words of farewell to-the "Seniors he —What Is It" by Mr. "Bogey" and Staunton CHILDREN 4-B GRADE Armande, Kathryn Harris, and Be- Margaret Wise • Harrisonburg lise, Delphine Hurst, who also be- expressed his own and the thoughts the Alumnae Orchestra. Florence Fray '25 Harrisonburg GIVE ATTRACTIVE PLAY long to the intelligencia. The lovers of the whole school, on the feeling of The Toasts and responses of the -Hilda Blue '28 Charlottesville AT FRIDAY CHAPEL Henriette and Clitandre, played by regret which comes to us all when we evening were carried out in ever, the Anne Regan and Axie Brocket* find think of their empty s'eats. It was theme again being that of Golf. The Ruth Witt '19 * Roanoke time between the lamed Conclaves good though to see those, places filled cleverness and originality of theme Mrs. Abe Garber '24 Harrisonburg On Friday, May 31, the childrenJn by such a class as that of '30 and only the 4-B grade of the Main Street for Amorous expressions perhaps of was most entertaining. Helen Nelson Leitch '25 Covington such a class as that could take their school gave an enjoyable play »in a knowledge more profound than the The entire banquet was decidedly Mary Will Chandler '27 Woodstock wit of their elders. Other characters places. one of the most outstanding features chapel. After the Seniors had gone and the Elizabeth Sparrow '23 Wilmington, The play told the story of the cause contributing to the plot and wit of not only of commencement, but of the the play are, Ariste, brother of Chry- Juniors stepped forth to fill the breach school calendar. / ■ N. C. , of and the waging of the Trojan War. the Sophomores j#ok the vacant seats Helen was married to Menelaus in the sale played by Margaret Shackleford, Merbe Senger '27 Bridgewater of the Juniors and the Freshmen the first act. A little later at the wedding Martine a kitchen maid, Elizabeth Sophrjmore's seats. Perhaps to every- FIRST TRIP TO NEW Mrs. John Rea '14 Gibray, California feast of Perseus and Thetis, the god- Brinkley, Lepine a lackey, Janette one there came Hit; thought of tnat Beatrice Marable Richmond j dess of Discord, angry at having been Duling, Julien a valet, Lucy Gilliam clar-3 to be the class of '33. To each CAMP IS MADE Helen Holladay '28 . Orange and a Notary, Lois Hines. : uninvited, then a golden apple among one of those unknown girls was sent a the guests inscribed "To the Fairest." BY GROUP Mary Bosserman '15 Harrisonburg word of greeting and welcome. ! Three of the goddesses, Athena, Aph- Virginia Eans '28 New Castle INTERVIEWS AS This chapel service was one which The first picnicking party taken by Irodite and Minerva, claimed it. To will hold a place in one's memory long Mary McNeil '28 Fishersville I settle the dispute, it was suggested REVELATIONS OF H. T. C.'ers to the new school camp after she is gone, and perhaps for- Loula Boissesu '27 Danville at Port Republic was on Thursday, that they ask Paris. Paris was tend- ONE'S PERSONALITY | gotten, for with the going of that Ruth Whight '27 Great Bridge June 6. Mrs. Johnston, and the stu- ing sheep on a hill side when they class one saw the departure of dent teachers of the year piled into Mary Herd '24 Richmond found him. Each promised him a mar- People haven't come to this town one of the squarest, most loyal class velous gift if he would give her the her car and left about noon. Mary Lippard '24 Cleveland, N. C. for nothing. The journalism classes that has added to the history of H. T. golden apple. After much thinking After a delicious lunch the group Florence Shelton '24 . Norfolk at Technical High School have seen to C. Paris handed the golden apple to that. No, no frauds, blackmail, or em- inspected the house itself. It is a Dehecia Fletcher '19 Harrisonburg Aphrodite who had promised to give barrassing moments have taken place. really wonderful place for a camp;set Pauline Callender '27 Rockingham I him the fairest woman in the world The fabulous price which these great WHAT CONSTITUTES A back about 100 yards from the river. Mrs. C. 0. Mahanes '14 Charlottesville as his wife. people have had to pay to these pre- LIVE NEWSPAPER There are three stories, with two Anna Allen '14 Stephenson Paris later met and wooed Helen. suming students is an interesting in- huge rooms on each floor, and each She left her husband, Menelaus, to go When the citizen purchases a news- room has six windows and a large fire Florence Allen '14 Stephenson terview apiece. For instance, the I to Troy with him. Menelaus sailed to Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovick paper, h eis interesting, it is alive, place. The basement floor will be used Dorothy Cox '25 Waynesboro Troy with warriors to get Helen back. of Russia while in the midst, of pre- and it is interesting, it is alive, and it for kitchen and dining room, the sec- Sara Milnes '29 McGaheyseville' After conquering the Trojans, Mene- paring for one of his most important gives him what he wants to read—in ond story for living rooms and the other words, he gets his money's Lila Lee Riddell '24 Dumbarton laus took Helen and sailed back to functions, his bath, just couldn't avoid third story for slepping quarters.
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