SECTION A. ENGINE. Containing:- Group L Crankcase(Port Assembly). ,, 2. Crankcase. | ', 3. Crankcase. I I, ,, \. Crankcaseand Sump. ,, 5. Valvesand Fittingsand Camshaft. ,, 6. Oil Filter,Oil Pick-upand Pedestal,Oil Pump. ,, 7. Oi I Filleranci Mou nrinr Bracket. ,, 8. Cylinder Head-A. Bank (123"Wf Bose-StondardCarsj. ,, 9. CylinderHead-B. Bank(123" WlBase-Standord Cors). ,, 10. Cylinder Head-A. Bank (Otherthon i23' W/Bose.S;;ndordCors). ,, ll. CylinderHead-B. tsank(Other than M' W/8ose-StcndardCars). n. Pistons,Connecting Rods, Crankshaft t-| ,, and Damper. ,, 13. InductionManifold. ,, '|4. Coil, Distributor,lgnirion Leads. l_ PARTS LIST =r La.-, ROI.LS.ROYCESILVER CLOUD tr. W EENTLEY52, BENTLEY CONTINENTAL 52, w 20 19 \o Part No. Description off Remarks {ef Part No. Description ofi Remarks I u E.8324 ASSEX BLY-C rankcase I 2 uE.6t61 TCRAN KCASE I 3 u E.548l STUD-Main Bcaring CaPs t0 4 uA.4850/R N UT-S tud l0 5 u E.824 wASHER-Stud t0 6 uE.8l22 tCAP-Bearing-Main-Front and Interm ediate 7 uE.8t23 f CAP-Beari ng-Main-Centre I I uE.8r24 f CAP-Bearing-Main-Rear I I 9 u E.5985 BEARING-Camsha{c-Front At,u.n",;'.r. l0 u E.6378 BEA RING-Camshaft-Front I ) tl u E.5985 BEA RlNG-Camshaft-l n!ermed aate I and Rear 3 It u E.6379 BEARING-Camshaft-lntermediate !lt.u.n",iuo. and Rear ) l3 u E.6653 BUSH-Jig Locating 2 Drive I l4 uE.5t82 BUSH-Bearing-Distribulor lt,"'n"ri"... r5 u E.6300 BUSH-Bearing-Distributor Drive I ) t6 uE.5989 JET-Oil-Timing Gears I t7 uE.5654 PLUG-Blanking-Oil Drilling I t8 uA.902iz STUD-Engine Mounting Bracket 2 I l9 UA.609iN PLUG-Core I 'a' 20 KB.r |93/R WASHER-loint-Core Plug I f s"'r.sia". 2l uA.606iN tsLUG-LOTC I 12 KB.t095iR WASHER-Joint-Core Plug I 23 u E.5696 STUD-Oil Feed-Crankcase to Cylinde I Head ) 74 u E.5695 STUD-Crankcase to CYlinder Head ; STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head )A1,".n",;""..I 'B' 26 u E.5206 STUD-Crankcase to CYlinder Head ) Al,".n".iu"r. I 27 u E.663r STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head 5 )aBank 'A u E.5207 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head to Side 29 u E.6632 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head t0 )At,".n".iu"r. I 30 uE 3548 DOWEL-Gasket-Cylinder Head 2 ) Itemsmarked f are not suppliedas individualparts SilverCloud Il -From SRAI Bentley52 -From BIAA -From SPA2 -From B2AM ENGINE_ SilverCloud ll LWB-From LCAI Bentley 52 LWB-From LBAI CRANKCASE (Part Assembly) Bentley Continental S2-From BCIAR Page No. A.l. Amendment l. PARTS LIST ROI.LS.ROYCESILVER CLOUD IL BENTLEY32, BENTLEY CONTINENTAL 52, 38 18 35 I 16 17 l -L 33- 3l --- 21 24,- ^;- 14 1 29- 6 41 4342 Part No. Description off Remarks Ref Part No Descriotion oJf Remarks ASSE14BLY-Crankcase(Conrinued ) uA.t2s2lz WASH ER-Plain-Nut u E.5235 PLUG-Blanking-Oil 4 Gallery 2 ,B, I 3€ uA.4854/R NUT-Stud-Oil Feed-,A,and Bank 2 uA.9O2lZ STUD-Engine f4ounting Bracket 2 I u E.5708 WASHER-Nut 3 u E.6982 PLUG-Core-Sdud-Heat Shield i I 4C uA.48s4lR NUT-Stud-Crankcase to 4 KB.I r93/R WASHER-Joint*Core Cylinder Head Plug I 'A'and'B'Bank 5 uA.702iz 5TUD-Core Plug I 56 I 4l uE.5708 WASHER-Nur 6 u E.5983 PLUG-Core-Cable Clip 38 I 42 uA.totlz SETSCREW-Clip-H.T. Wiring 7 K8.tO9slZ WASH ER-Joint-Core Plug I I I 43 uA.t25tlz WAS HER-Plai n-Setscrew u E.5696 STUD-Oil Feed-Crankcaseto 'A', | 44 uE.7337 ASSEMBLY-Heatshietd-H.T. Wiring I Cylinder Head Bank ,f5 - | uE.698| PIECE-Packin8-Heat Shield I u E.5595 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head 4 Side, LAkern- | 15 uA.3OtlZ NUT*Stud-Heat Shield t0 uE.6633 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head ailve. I _J I 17 RE.|2430 WASHER-Nut ll u E.5206 STUD-Crankcase to I Cylinder Head 5 Altern- ,t8 .8, I | uE.5693 GASKET-Cylinder Head-,A, and uE.663| STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head aqve. J I Bank uE.5207 Sl-[JD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head IO Altern- L | l4 u E.6632 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head t0 J ailve. I tq u E.3548 DOWEL-Gasket-Cylinder Head 2 ) t6 uA,I t55/Z PLUG*Blanking-Oil DrillinS t7 KB.r078/ R WASH ER-Joint-Blanking Plug I t8 u E.3548 DOWEL-Tapper Block t) to u E.6062 COVER-Distri butor Drive I 20 uE.5237 IOINT-Cover I uA,r03/z SETSC R EW-Cover vA.t25tlz \,^/ASHER-Pla;n-Setscrew 6 23 uA.t56lz SETSCREW-Bell Housing-Crankcase 5 uA.t252lZ WASHER-Plain-Setscrew 5 uE.7488 ASSEM BLY-Backplate I uE.7487 TBACKPLATE I 27 uE.s726 DOWEL 2 28 uE.52t4 JOINT-Backplate ro Crankcase 29 uA.to,lz SETSCREW-Backplate to Crankcase 7 30 uA.t25tlz WASHER-Plain-Setscrew 7 5l uE.598| ASSEMBLY-Breather Pipe I uE.6828 JOINT-Breather Pipe to Crankcase I 33 uA.t04z SETSCREW-Breather Pipe to Crankcase a 34 u E.682| ASSEMBLY-Breather Baffle I 35 uA.r0ri z SETSCREW-Breather Baffle to Crankcas I u4.302Z NUT-Stud-Engine Mounting Eracket- A ano b Sank 4 Items merkcd t arc not supplied as individual parts ENGINE- FOR CHASSISNUMBERS SEE OVERLEAF CRANKCASE. PageNo. A.2 Amendment ?. A2 Amendment 2 ENGINE_ CRANKCASE CHASSISNOS:- SILVERCLOUD II_SRA 67 SILVERCLOUD ll-SPA ? to 88 incl. 126.128. | 42.172.2 | 6.2 | SILVERCLOUD II LWB_LCA I.2.6. BENTLEY52- Bl AA to 33 incl. t5.t2t.t.t7. |5 t. | 55.| 9 t.207.209.2tt.265. BENTLEY52- BSAM BENTLEYCONTINENTAL S2.-BC I AR to 12incl. PARTS LIST >) qd\ ROLLS.ROYCESILVER CLOUDII. W BENTLEY52, BENTLEYCONTINENTAL 52, 1834 35,9 l0 w r3 14 16 17 38- --o@ 39 33 Jt' 20 37 22 )1 36 24 td 3 19 45 25 l_ 2! 47 46 27 30 7A 28 44 4342 No {c Prrt No. Dcscrlptlon of, Rcmarks Part No. Description ofr Remarks (Continued) 37 uA.t2s2lz WASHER-Plain-Nut 4 ASSEMBLY-Crankcase 'B' NUT-Stud-OldFeed-'A'and Bank I PLUG-Blanking-Oil Gallery 38 uA.4854/R WASHER-Nut 2 uA.9O2tZ STU D-Engine Mounting Bracket I 39 uE.5708 to Cylinder Head 1 u E.6982 PLUG-Core-Stud-Heat Shield I I 40 uA.4B54/R NUT-Stud-Crankcese 'A'and'B'Bank 38 4 KB.| 193/R WASHER-Joint-Core Plug I I WASHER-Nut 38 uA.702lZ STUD-Core Plug 4l u E.5708 SETSCREW-Clip-H.T. Wiring I 5 u E.6983 PLUG-Core-Cable Clip 47 uAtotlz I uA.t25t WASH ER-Plain-Sescrew I 7 KB.|09s/z WASHER-joint-Core Plug I I 43 lz q 44 ASSEMBLY-HeatShield-H T. Wiring I u E.5695 STUD-Oil Feed-Crankcase to I uE.7337 E.698| PIEC€-Packing-HeetShield I Cylinder Head I I Bank 45 u NUT-Stud-Heat Shield I 9 u E.5695 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head Side 15 uA.30r/z Head 47 RE.r2430 WASHER-Nut I t0 u E.6633 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder )At,".n",i".r.I 'A' '8' GASKET-CylinderHead and ll uE.5205 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head 5 il{8 uE.5693 jAlternatives. Bank 2 t? uE.663l STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head 5 t3 u E.5207 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head t0 I jAlternatives. l4 STUD-Crankcase to Cylinder Head t0 I u E.3548 DOWEL-Gasket-Cylinder Head ) t5 uA. il 55/Z PLUG-Blanking-Oil Drilling I l7 KB.r078/R WASHER-loint-Blanking Plug I t8 u E.3548 DOWEL-Tappet Blocks t2 t9 u E.5r86 COVER-Distributor Drive I 20 uE.5237 .lOlNT-Cover I uA.| 03/z SETSC R EW-Cover 6 uA.t25tlz WASH ER-Plai n-Setscrew )? uA.t56lZ SETSCREW-Bell Housing-Crankcase 5 24 uA.t252lZ WASH ER-Plai n-Setscrew 2t uE.7488 ASSEM 8LY-Backplate I uE.7487 TBACKPLATE I )1 uE.5726 DOWEL 1 28 uE.52r4 JOINT-Backplate to Crankcase I uA.| 0512 5t I SLKEW-6aCKplate tO !radkcase 7 30 uA.t25tz WAS H ER-Plain-Setscrew 7 3l uE.598| ASSEMBLY-Breather Pipe I u E.6828 IOINT-Breather Pipe to Crankcue I 33 UA.|04r Z SETSCREW-Breather Pipe to Crankcase 2 14 u E.682l ASS Ef4 BLY-Breather Baffle l) uA.r0r'z SETSCREw--grer.hcr Baffle to Crankcas 35 UA.307tZ NUT-Stud-Engine Mounting Bracket 'A'and 'B'Bank 4 perts Itcmr mrrkcd f.rc not supplird er individud ENGINE- FOR CHASSISNUMBERS SEE OVERLEAF CRANKCASE. PagoNo. A2/l A2ll ENGINE_ CRANKCASE CHASSISNOS:- SILVERCLOUD ll-SRA I to 65 incl. 69 onwards. SILVERCTOUD ll-SPA 90 to 94 incl. 98.100.104to 108incl. l18. l24.l30tol40incl. l44to l70incl. l74to2l1 incl. 220 to 234 incl. 240 to 246 incl. 250 to 290 incl. 294to 306incl. 310onwards. SILVERCLOUD ll LWB-LCA BENTLEYS2.- B35AA 41.43.47to 87 incl. 103to I l3 incl. | 17.I 19.123ro 145incl. 1,19. 153to 163incl. 167to 189incl. 193to 205 incl.
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