CM22 701.Pdf

CM22 701.Pdf

THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST 701 THE GANADIANMINERALOGIST Vofume 22,lndex AUTHoR INDEX (ca'Na)r(BerAl)srr(oroH)rr a ABBoTT, R.N. Jr. N-Si ordsin8 ln lM tt€tahedral ml@' 659 -mlneral ild Robhs, c.v. letLeylte, ANSELL, HG. vith Gric' J.D.' 2r3 spectee ed lts relatlon to the mellllte tr@Pr 043 AMONOVSKY, A. sld Sardy, M.l. Cofor SEM-ltnaSlng ot mtMalogl6l cRoMET, LP. vrdr D!.meq R.F 297 smpler $lllde d6 8d alltes' 373 GRUNDY, H.D. elth ir€sn, L 3r, AYUSO, R.A. ed Brom, C.E. Mangrc-rich red tMmaltE lrom itre GUNTER, A.E r sldppen' G.B. 8nd C}r@' G.Y. cell dlredlon& lititc$EG qdlerlte' Fovls tslc belt, Nw Yslq t27 sd lnfGredd€orptlon spectra ol syntEtlc 447 BANCRoFT, G.M. vtth Muir, LJ., 689 HARRIS' D.C., Cabrt' LJ. and Noblllng' R. Silw-bearlng dEl@Pyrlte' a BARNES, S.J. wlth Csnpbell, l.t{., lrl xtrrlmt s* of sllE In the izd( Lske mctve-e{flde doPqsltr BARNE1 s.L drn Thompeott, l.F.H., ,5 ;odh'matton by electrs- ard ptrotoFmiqoFobe snlays' 493 BARNETT, R.L vlft La Tou, T.E ' 621 slth Mo€lo' Y' 219 lrcm lzok Lal'et BIRCHALI. T. vlth Mililng, P.G, ,t ---TFffist Roberts' A.c. ed crlddle' AJ. Jalkolsldtte BIRKETT, T.c. ed TrzcteBki, V.E. Jr. Hydro,g@t! muld{lte hydlo8en Tcrttcles' 487 eld St8nley' C.J. cupanca in tE garet strrctre, 575 ---REE&ldte, , Roberts, A.C-' Thorpe, RJ' Criddle' A.J. BLANK, H. vtth Cabrt Ll., r2l a tw mlneral sPedB tom the Kidd creel( mlrE BONARDI, M. vtth Jmb,tr, X,L.,2t9 TtmmhE otiarto snd trom ttre csmpbell orebody, Btlbee' Arizona, 227 I.R. and Crlddle' tuJ. BovDEN, P. vlih lke, E.C.,401 ---E;lGcuNl$5!', Robrts, A.c., Thorpe' RJ, f,oM' BRoIrN, C.E wlth Ay@,R-L,327 I w mlneral 8Peci6 lrm the Yukon Terrltory' 561 CABRI L.J., Bl8nlg H., Et coresy' A., Laflere, J.tLG, Nobftlg' R.' HARRIS' L wtih Pabst' A' 6t Sizgortc, M.B. ard Traxel, K. qrudtEtlve trsce-elelmt ualys ol HASSAI.i, l. sd Gmdy' !t D. The chmcter ol dte @lnlteYishnevlte sulfid€ trom fudhry sd SdUwatd by proton midoprobe, ,21 slld-$lutlon s!$' ,33 CABRI, LJ. vith H{rls, D.C., 493 HAVKqD.whhlrc'R5'9, CAMPBELI, F.A. sd Ethls, V.G. Ntckel and cobelt ln pyrrhodte and pyrite HAIyTHbRNE F.c. The cystal stluctue ot steMilte sd the da$ifl@tlon trom the Fao sd $rlllw orebodle& t03 ol tre almltpfluoride mLFakr 245 ol md{lnolte' Fes-rse109'6l'116' 4t, ---Sllm-qeboEy,Tifti6Fsd comFldon ot sllBnlte in tE l@twsll ol ttre The dstal struqtre cotdnbls' r07 frGxffi, o.o. and Lapotnte' P. Amphlbole sd Pyrorere develoPmt ln CAMPBELI, I.fL ud BetG, s.f,. A rFdel lq the geodEmbtry ol the t6lte from Cstley' Qu€bec, 281 pl,atlnum-grap elemts ln mgmtlc sdids deposl6, lrl HOI.LENBAUGH'D.V. &d Cslson,EH. The @ ol wzlte ,59 QARL9oN, E H. vlth HoUsbsugh' D.V.' 369 FlvtF ln estem oNo! ErEm' CERNY, P., Smith, J.V., Men, R.A. ud ltelaney, J.S. Gqhemlstry sd tr(E" E d Bosdq! P. ard Metln' R.F. FayBllte and clnoPyrox@ tn tE po8tm8@tic pelrology oi feldeFr cyctsulatto tn the v€{n6 Fegmdte' iorphyrtB ot trE Tfbdf ffiotentc rlnS€mple)q Nksle Cecttoslovalds, 631 tnltiatlon ot a FElkalire tend. 401 CHANG, L.L.Y. wnh Tys, R.M., 23 JAMBOR, J.L, SiOtnan n e.r Roberts' A.C.' Bordl' M.' Ramlk' R.A--ed CHAO, G.Y. wlth G|mls, LU 447 StrmLr|, B.D. Fc@nlte' a rev hydGd Na-Nb oxlde mitsal from COGULU, E. sd Lueox, R. Mirsqlo8ical 8nd cheml@l Blatlm tn Monlreal lrl8n4' 2r9 dtrysotlle vei$ and perldotlte hct{ocl6 trom tre Asbestos Belt ol eit'l Moalo, Y.,219 petroge6b KsnlctEe sthen Quebec, 173 iNi-FFS. sld fiawke' D. Geology and ol ttE CRAV, D. sd f,ml€o, R.A. Ammalru opd.e ln lov-grade chlorlte lrom lsyerod @mplet r ontarlor 93 Atlgtrttc C@dr, 269 JAMIESON' tutu vl$ Crsw' D.' 269 CRESSEY,B.A. qnd Vht?taks,EJ.V. MEBrcdc orieniation of amdrlbole JAN' liLQ.' Vlndley' B.F. 8nd \ttbon' R.N. Chromlan sndradlte and ollvlrF Itbr€,669 dromlte relatlons ln a ctromltite layer trom the Jltal @mPletg CRIDDL4 A.J. vltft Desbordgb, G.4., ,43 northGten Paklstatt, 341 vith llnnlnE, G.R- 233 IoHMEN' o. elih Fetersn, o.V.' 06, elth Herb, D.C.' 227,487,561 JONASSON' LR. wlth Harb' D.C' t6l DELANEY, J.S. wl$ @n9,P.,621 SoNE$ V. vtth MsmtnS, P.G,3t DESBOROUGH, G..L sd Criddler A.J.' Eosleltq a nev rhodlum-lrldlm- KARUP-M6LLER' S. vftn Mskwtcky, E, 56, platlnm eutde ln pl,otlnurt-qlloy ro68et$ Goodnws Bey, Alolel 543 KERRTCH' R. vith LaTq, 7.E 62l DONNAY, l.D.H. vtth SteveNn' J.S.' 26, KnmALL; K.L end spee' F.i MetanorPhlc petrology ol ttF Jaclsn Dt KE, J.M. vtli Thompson, l.F.fL, ,, Cmty lron Fqmtion, Vl*Gln' 605 DUNN, P.J., Peq, D.R. and Slmmq8, V.B., l€nnilqaFlte, the Mg- KLINq S.V. ko-rlch hqnblqde Pla alblte ln lov-Fse retabasltq, analogue ol stllponelrc, End dlenicql data on otGr sttlFtorEle ChlbqEEruQEbeq t9l specis from Frankl.ln' Nw Jer*y' 259 LsToLrF- i.g, KerdctL R. and B8rett' R.L Hydrothqmal alteratlon sd vltr P@, D.R,47l avmrirtc rcirftaluatlon ot teldsPqr ln e ArdEu lrorlqmdq! 621 LAFLAMMq J.EG. vlth CabrL LJ, ,2I a sod are, from the Tlp Top pegmatlte' c8ter' south hkot!, wtth flmnlry, G.R' 233 469 EFiF6m P. vlth tiorarth, D.D' ztl DUNMNG, G.R., Laflamme, J.H.G. qd Crlddle' A.l. SopctEltq a srd LAURENT,R.vl6CoSulu,E t7, csadle ffi, trom tlte lac-des-Ils @mplq, Gltarlo' 213 wtthTm'M.F 4r7 gs. DYMEK, R.F. sd crcret, L.p. l,lattre ed orl8tn ol cthopyroxm E6[IIED3EN, slth Pstef,sn, o.v, {65 h the lrElzm megasysts lrom the St-Urbqln ffitlbstte msll' Quebec, 297 LIGIITFOOT' P.C. Ed Naldrett' A.J. Otmlel vtrlBtlo ECKSTRAND, o.R. sd Vatktrpn, D.!t Ore depGtts ed relsted petrolo&l Compl*'Tmslcl, end tre @tre ot tlte Frotmgma'-lf l - - de B.nt B0@6 ol matlc-ultrm8flc sdt€, fgtsG, I LoRANb, J.P. snd PlrFt, M. L'qellte d€ P€ridottt€ EL @RESY, A- vlth Cabrl LJ' 521 (Mrrc)' Rotda (grnsreI Table Mslaln et Blow-f,ieDom M@tain (GrA@)' ETHIER, V.G. wtth Campbell,F.A.50t, 507 (TrcNm) et du Find6 eptqElonsl 55, FEININGER, T. SdlpromElrc in retasoGtic r€18 a&ralated vlttt stoatlte llscLEAN' VJt. wlth StErEtelopoulq-Setmu' tC' ,9, ed ln regtdBl schts6, qFbec Ap,PElqchfeB, 423 MAKoUCkY' E. erd Kup-Mtuer' $ oray'te Irom lvtghrt, Gr@ls4 GAULT, R.A. vlth Gric, J.D, 25, 565 GRICq J.D., Gault, R.A, sd Arellr HG., Edlngtqilet the llrst tso MANDARINOT J.A. Rul€ ot Fo@dre ol the Commkdon on lGs Mlnmls CaEdlan c@er@,2r3 md MhErsl NatrB, trttsnadonrl MlrFrsloti@l Asdstlon' 367 7U THE CANADIAN MINBRALOGIST MANNII€, P.G., Btrchsll, T. srld JoB, V. The parddonirg oI rcMFtlte SANDY, M.l. with Antonowky, A., 37, ItDrganic ptrelphru ln sdltmb trom Lsles Erie sd Otrtarlo, 3t SCRIBBINS, 8.T., Rae, D.R. and Naldretr, A.J. Mslic ud uttrmafic MARTIN, R-F. vlth lke, E c.,401 lrrclBt@ in ttre sblayer ol rtE $tdbuy lg@ Complex, 67 MASoN' R-A. vl$ Cqnt, P., 621 SIMMoI{5, V.B. wtth Dmn, P.J., 259 METSON, J.B. elth Mulr, LJ., 689 _elth Pqor, D.Rr 471. MoELo, Y, Jambor, J.L and }tsnls, D.c. Tlnilnairr et $U@b dsl& de SIZ@RIC, M.B. slth Cabri, L.1., 521 Thtlna (Yukonh la olstallchlnde de la sdrte de 18 kobelute, 219 SKIPPEN, c.B. vlth c@ter, ,{.E", 447 MUGRIDGE, ll. srd Yon& H.R. Rapld prcpsntton ol polished thln SMITH, J.V. vtth Crm9,P.,621 stlm lc etMolmlrrffi study ol qbomte rck$ rl3 sPEAR, F.S. vt$ KimbEU, K.L, 605 MUIR' Beffiott, !7Fe Mtissbaus spectra of LL' Metsn' J.B. sd C.M. STAMATELOPOULOU-sEYMOUR, K. sld Maclean, V.H., Mermorph@d perovsldte sod tltantte, 689 vol@rugq|lc ors at Mobub6n, GrenvlUe Prwlne, qFbec, ,9, NALDRETT, A.J. vttlr Ll8hrl@t, P.c., lll STANLEY, c.J. vith Harrts, D.C- 227 vl$ SclbblrE. B.T- 67 STEVENSON, 1.5., SteyemrL L5. and Domy, J.D.H. A postsipt to tre ffiL-EN;:-.A. wlth Dmn, PJ., 4e9 Mccllute story, 26t NoBIUNG, R. vlth Cabri, Ll, ,21 STEVENSON, L.S. vtth Stere@n, J.5,265 ' vlth H6nlq D.c.. 493 STURMAN. B.D. vith Jmbor. J.L. 239 frRJGEffiN, FLv. vlrt'zatrii$kl, M.A., ,s3 SZYi4ANISKI, l.T. and Roberts, A.c. The systal stntchre ot t@gstlte, PABST, A. ed Harb, J. Pellyitq nw tealiti€ ed nev dat& 653 VO3'6"9',tt PAGE,-N.J- 4d Tslkington, R.V. Palledlm, platinm, rhodiun, ruthenlum TALKINGTON, R.fg. sd Vetkilaor! D.H. Trend3 itr the dlsttbutlon ot the in peridotit6 od ch.qitlt€ -.Ird FlqF lrom ophiollte omplexc ln feds rctels in the Lac-d*Ila omple& rcrtlw€tm Ontario, 12, Newlmdtand, 137 _vlth Pe8e, N.J, 137 PAKTUN9, A-D. Metamorphtsm ot tjle ultrmallc rcks of tie Thompn TANER, M.F. ild Lusrt, R. lron-rldl ar€site iom the Lake Aeb6tc mine, Thompson Nickel Belt, mrth@ !{sibb6, Z, mire, Black hke, Qrcbec, 437 PASTERIS, J.D.

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