Srlrn on Dnuwlnn Exncurryn DnpaRrunNr Onnrcn on Sr,c,rn Pr,lNNrNc CoontrNlrroN November 30,2020 Christopher Duke Becker Morgan Group, Inc 100 Discovery Blvd Newark, DE 19713 RE: PLUS review 2020-10-05; Winchelsea Subdivision Dear Mr. Duke, Thank you for meeting with State agency planners on October 28,2020 to discuss the Winchelsea Subdivision project. According to the information received, you are seeking review of a proposed rezoning of 132.3 acres from S to ST and a proposed site plan for 336 residential units along Jamison Corner Road in New Castle County. Please note that changes to the plan, other than those suggested in this letter, could result in additional comments from the State. Additionally, these comments reflect only issues that are the responsibility of the agencies represented at the meeting. The developers will also need to comply with any Federal, State, and local regulations regarding this property. We also note that as New Castle County has governing authority over this land the developers will need to comply with any and all regulations/restrictions set forth by the County. Strategies for State Policies and Spending o This project is located in Investment Levels I and2 according to the Strategies for State Policies and Spending. Investment Level I reflects areas that are already developed in an urban or suburban fashion, where infrastructure is existing or readily available, and where future redevelopment or infill projects are expected and encouraged by State policy. Investment Level 2 reflects areas where growth is anticipated by local, county, and state plans in the near term future. State investments will support growth in these areas. Code Reo ents/Asencv Permittins Requirements Denartment of Transnortation - Bill Brockenbroush 7 6O-2lOq a This project is located within the regulated airspace zones of Summit Airport (EVY), which is a public-use facility. Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part77 imposes height restrictions on any structures within these zones. DeIDOT requires that the applicant for 122 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. South - Haslet Armory . Third Floor . Dover, DE 19901 Phone (302)739-3090' Fax (302) 739-5661,. www. stateplanning.delaware.gov PLUS review 2020-10-05 Page2 of II this project submits a "Proposed Construction/Alteration in Airport Zones Notification Form" in accordance with Delaware Code (2 Del. C. $ 602). This notification form can be submitted during the plan approval process with the local land use jurisdiction, but DeIDOT's Office of Aeronautics is willing to test hypothetical height numbers to prevent any future project complications. Please contact Mr. Sam Sherman with the Office of Aeronautics at (302) 760-2145 or [email protected] with any questions or concerns. A copy of the notification form can be found at this address: pdf?0 12913 a The site access on Jamison Corner Road Qrlew Castle Road 413) and the internal subdivision streets must be designed in accordance with DeIDOT's Development Coordination Manual. A copy of the Manual is available at https://www.deldot.gov/Business/subdivisions/index.shtml?dc:changes. a Pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Manual, a Pre-Submittal Meeting is required before plans are submitted for review. The form needed to request the meeting and guidance on what will be covered there and how to prepare for it is located at httn ://www.deldot. sov/Business/subdi vi Request Form.odf?0 80220 | /. The meeting held on May 26,2020, was not sufficient in this regard o Section 1.7 of the Manual addresses fees that are assessed for the review of development proposals. DeIDOT anticipates collecting the Initial Stage Fee when the record plan is submitted for review and the Construction Stage Fee when construction plans are submitted for review. a Per Section the Manual, Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) are warranted for developments generating more than 500 vehicle trip ends per day or 50 vehicle trip ends per hour in any hour of the day. The PLUS application states that the proposed development would generate 2,282 vehicle trip ends per day on weekdays. Preliminarily, DeIDOT calculates a higher value, 2,905 vehicle trip ends per day but, regardless, a TIS is warranted. DeIDOT acknowledges that a TIS waiver was processed in about 2010 for an earlier development proposal of the same name on the subject lands. See the attached letter dated June 15,2010. However, that waiver is now outdated by events, most prominently the construction of US Route 301 as an expressway, a project for which an alignment had not been selected in 2010. In2014, Winchelsea,LLc agreed to participate in the Southern New Castle County Transportation Improvement District (TID) and thereby agreed to pay a fee per building permit rather than building off-site improvements identified through a TIS. A copy of their agreement is attached. The developer may contact Ms. Sarah Coakley, a Principal PLUS review 2020-10-05 Page3ofll Planner in DeIDOT's Statewide & Regional Planning Section as needed regarding this process. Ms. Coakley may be reached at [email protected] or (302) 760- 2236. As a matter of information, the TID was formed in2014, when most developers in the area entered these agreements. The TID extends from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal to Marl Pit Road (I.{ew Castle Road 429) and from US Route 13 to the railroad line. The collected fees are used to help fund transportation improvements within the TID boundaries. a Section of the Manual addresses the placement of right-of-way monuments (markers) along subdivision streets. DeIDOT will require that monuments be furnished and placed along the proposed streets in accordance with this section. o Section of the Manual addresses the placement of right-of-way monuments (markers) along the roads on which a property fronts, in this case Jamison Corner Road Monuments sufficient to re-establish the permanent rights-of-way after the dedication discussed below should be shown on the plan and provided in the field in accordance with this section. a As necessary, in accordance with Section 3.2.5 andFigure 3.2.5-aof the Manual, DeIDOT will require dedication of rightof-way along the site's frontage on Jamison Road. By this regulation, this dedication is to provide a minimum of 40 feet of right-of- way from the rightof-way centerline. The following right-of-way dedication note is required, "An X-foot wide right-of-way is hereby dedicated to the State of Delawareo as per this plat." In accordance with Section 3.2.5.I.1 of the Manual, if this development is proposing a neighborhood sign/structure, then a permanent easement shall be established at the entrance. The easement shall be located outside of any existing and/or proposed righfof- way. It will also need to be verified that the sign/structure does not pose a sight distance andlor safety hazard. a In accordance with Section of the Manual, DelDoT will require the establishment of a l5-foot wide permanent easement across the property frontage on Jamison Corner Road. The location of the easement shall be outside the limits of the ultimate righrof-way. The easement area can be used as part of the open space calculation for the site. The following note is required, "A l5-foot wide permanent easement is hereby established for the State of Delawareo as per this plat." a In accordance with Section 3.4 of the Manual, a record plan shall be prepared prior to issuing "Letter of No Objection". The following information will be required for the "Letter of No Objection" review: o Initial Stage Fee Calculation Form PLUS review 2020-10-05 Page4ofl1 o Initial Stage Review Fee o Gate-Keeping Checklist - Site Plan o Design Checklist - Record Plan o Sight Distance Spreadsheet o Owners and Engineers' name and e-mail address o Record Plan o Conceptual Entrance Plan o Submission of the Area-Wide Study Fee (If applicable) a Refening to Section of the Manual, the following items, among other things, are required on the Record Plan: o A Traffic Generation Diagram. See Figure 3.4.2-a for the required format and content. o Depiction of all existing entrances within 450 feet of the proposed entrance. o Notes identifring the type of off-site improvements, agreements (signal, letter) contributions and when the off-site improvements are warranted. a Section 3.5 of the Manual provides DeIDOT's requirements with regard to connectivity The requirements in Sections 3.5.1 through 3.5.3 shall be followed for all development projects having access to state roads or proposing DeIDOT maintained public road for subdivisions. The proposed connections to Bayberry North and Bayberry Town Center are appropriate in this regard. a As per the Delaware Strategies for State Policies and Spending, this development is in Investment Levels I and2. Referring to Section of the Manual, developments in Level I and2 Areas are required to install a sidewalk or Shared Use Path along the length of their frontage. The Shared Use Path along Jamison Corner Road has been completed by DeIDOT but the plan accompanying the PLUS application appears to show the internal sidewalks, on both sides of the street, stopping short of that path. The sidewalks should be shown as connecting. Similarly, the plan should show sidewalks extending to Bayberry North and Bayberry Town Center and a note on the plan should provide for their extension to meet the existing sidewalk in Bayberry North. Because the proposed development is to be constructed in the proximity of a road with a functional classification of principal arterial, freeway or interstate, specifically the US Route 301 expressway, the developer may be required to perform a noise analysis in accordance with DeIDOT's Noise Policy, found in Section 3.6 of the Manual and may be required to provide noise abatement for residents based on that analysis.
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