4046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MAY 1, . / Also, ·mem-orial of the Boston monthly meeting of Friends, in favor of District of Columbia, in the Territories, and in the Milita-ry and Naval the passage of Senate bil1355, to promote peace among nations, &c.­ Academies, the Indian and cplored schools supported wholly or in part to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. by money from the national Treasury, .were presented and severally By Mr. COMSTOCK: Petition of J. B. Richardson Post of the Grand referred to the Committee on Education: ..Aimy of the Republic at Harbor Springs, Mich., asking for increase of By :Mr. BRAGG: Of citizens of Fond duLac and Waukeska County, pension for Mary E. Champ-lin-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Wisconsin. .Also, petition of Williams Post, No. 10, Grand .Army of the Repub­ By 1\lr. E. B. TAYLOR: Of citizens of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. lic, of Ludington, Mich., asking for increase of pension for Mary E. Champlin-to the-same committee. Also, petition of citizens of Kent County, Michigan1 for the enaet­ ment of such laws and appropriations as will make efficient the work HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. of tlie National Board of Health-to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. GIFFORD: Seventeen petitions of citizens of Dakot-a, pray­ SATURDAY, May 1, 1886. ing for a division of the Territory on the seventh standard parallel thereof-to the Committee on the Territories. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. By 1\Ir~ GROSVENOR: Evidence to support the bill for the relief of William Jack-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. _ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Also, evidence to support bill fm:: the relief of Charles T. Shirm-to PUBLIC DUITJ>ING AT WICHITA, KANS. • the same committee. The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the acting Secre­ By l\Ir. McCOMAS: Petition of John C. Middlekauff, of Washing­ tary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Supervising..Aichi­ ton County, Maryland, for payment of war claim-to the Committee tect of the Treasury relative to the proposed increase of limit of cost of on War Clmms. ' the public building at Wichita, Kans.; which was referred to the Com­ By Mr. OSBORNE: Memorial of Grange No. 236, of Pennsylvania, mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. asking for legislation that will suppress the manufacture and s..1.le of PRIVATE LAND CLA.IMS IN NEW ?riEX.ICO. all imitation dairy products-to the Committee on Agriculture. Also, memorial of the same, protesting against legislation favoring The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Assistant the admission free of duty of all agricultural raw material-to the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a letter from the Commissioner Committee on Ways and Means. of the General Land Office inclosing communication from the surveyor­ ' By 1\1t:. PAYNE: Petition of P. C. Kenyon and others, of Central general of New Mexico relative to legislation for the adjustment-of pri­ Square, N. Y., for a tax on ,oleomargarine-to the Committee on Agri­ vate land claims in that Territory; which was referred to the Commit­ culture. tee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. PETERS: Petition of Knights of Labor No. 5533, of Wel­ REFERENCE OF SENATE DILLS. lington, Kans ~ , favoring organization of Oklahoma Territory-to the The SPEAKER laid before the House Senate bills of the following Committee on the Territories. titles; which were severally read twice, and referred to the committees By Mr. PIDCOCK: PetitionofGra.nge'No. •88, ofNewJersey, against named: 1 . allowing the admission of free raw materials, like wool, &c.-to the A bill (S. 165) for the relief of William H. Gray; of Kentucky-to the Committee on W_ays and Means. · Committee on Claims. Also, petition of same, asking protection for dairy interests-to the A bill (S. 187) for .the relief of Frederick W. Ruggles, of Westport, C6mmittee on Agriculture. Nova Scotia-to the Committee on War Claims. · ny Mr. PINDAR: Petition of merchants and business men of New A bill (S. 267) for the relief of Edway A. Grant--to the Committee York, New Orleans, Chicago, Boston, ;Baltimore, and Philadelphia, on Claims. · praying for law prohibiting tax, &c., upon commercial tra.-.elers-to A bill (S. 472} for the reliefof the American Board of Commissioners the Committee o~ Com.m.erce. - for Foreign Missions, Rev. Wc7rcester Willey and Esther Smith-to the By Mr. RANDALL: Petition of merchants of Baltimore, Boston, Committee on Claims. Cllka!ro, New-Orleans, and Philadelphia, in favor of the passage of A bill (S. 1071) for the relief of Frances W. Dyer-to the Committee Hou.s~billl621-to the same committee. on Claims. By Mr. SENEY: Petition of Traders' Union, favoring House bill No. REFERENCE OF SENATE RESOLUTION. 1621-to the Sllme committee. The SPEAKER also laid before the Hou.sEt the following Renate con­ By Mr. SMALLS: Petition of 285 citizens of the District of Columbia, current resolution; which was rea~ and under the statute referred to asking the enactment of a law requiring scientific temperance instruction the Committee on Printing: · in the public schools of the District--to the Committ-ee on Education. Resol,;ed by !he Senate (the Hause of Repre.sentatiua concurring), That there be By 1\fr. E. F. STONE: Petition of the President of Salem (Mass.) printed 3,000 copies of the r epor-t of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geo­ Women's Association in behalf of the bill (S. 52) relating to Indians­ detic SnTVey showing the progress made in said survey during the year ended to the Committee on Indian Affairs. June 30, 1885, for distribution by said superintendent. By Mr. J. M. TAYLOR: Petition of John C. Trice, of Henderson LEAVE OF ABSENCE. County, Tennessee, for payment of war claims-to the Committee on By-unanimous consent leave of absence was granted as follows: War Cl.aims. To Mr. DANIEL, for three days, on account of important business. By Mr. ZA.CH. TAYLOR: Petition of Ann Eliza Turner, trustee, of To Mr. CULBERSON, for twelve days, on account of sickness in his Fayette County, Tennessee, asking that their war claim be referred to family. · • the Court of Claims-to the same committee. To M:r. CABELL, for four days, on account of important btisiness. By Mr. TOWNSHEND: Letter in support of claim of John Sheridan To Mr. JoHN M. TAYLOR, for this day, on account of sickness in his fo'f relief-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. family. By Mr. VOORHEES: Petition of Seattle, of Tacoma, and of Seattler POTOMAC RIVER FLA.TS. Wash., asking Congress to annul act of the Legislative Assembly in The SPEAKER announced as the conferees on the part of the House relation to penitentiary law-to the Committee on the Territories. in the conference with the Senate on the bill (S. 335) to provide for pro­ Also, memorial.of the Chamber of Commerce of Astoria, Oreg., pray­ tecting the int-erests of the United States in the Potomac River flats, ing for protection to settlers on the forfeited land grant of the Oregon jn the District of Columbia, l\Ir. BARBOUR, 1\lr. REAGAN, and Mr. Central Railroad Company in Oregon and Washington Territories-to BuTIERWORTH. the Committee on the Public Lands. TELEPHOYE INVESTIGATION. · Also, papers in the claim of John L. Butler-to the Committee on Mr. ADAMS, of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise to presentaprivileged c~. Also, petition of citizens of Washington Territory, asking for the dona­ report from the Committee on Accounts. tion of certain lands in Whatcom County, adjofuing the boundary Iiue The Clerk read the report, as follows: of British Columbia, as an international park-to the Committee on the "IN TIIE HOUSE OF RXPI!.E3ENTATIVES, Ap~'il 26, 1886. Public Lands. "Resolved, That the sum of $1.,000 ::ill owed by tne r~olution or FebYuary 26,1886, relating to certain telephone companies, to pay the expenses of the investiga­ Also, petition of citizens of .Olympia, Wash., praying for the annul­ tion thereby ordered. be increased to a ttm not exceeding 2,500; thnt the addi­ ling of the act of the Legislative Assembly of Washington Territory tional sum hereby allowed be paid out of the contingent fund of the House, a providing for the permanent location and construction of a penitentiary provided in the original resolution, -and that said committee be authorized t<> pay a clerk at the sa.m.e rate of compeos ution allowed to other committee clerks, at Walla Walla-to the Committee on the Territories. beginning at the date when he was actually employed in the scTVice of the com­ By 1\Ir. WADSWORTH: Petition of Thomas H. B:ruce, for relief­ mittee." to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 'The committee make the following report : That the Committ-ee on Accounts, to whom was referred the accompanying By Mr. WARD: Petition of Knights of Labor Local Assembly 4477, resolution, after due consider tion, report the following sub titute and recom­ of Chicago, ill., against the free-ship bill-to the Select Committee on mend its adoption : American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. "Resolved, That the sum of $1,000 o.llowed by the resolution of February 26, re­ lating to certain telephone companies, to pay the expenses of the investigation · The following petitions, praying "Congress for the e~tment of a law. thereby ordered, be increa ed to a sum not exceeding 53,000; tha the additional requiring scientifictemperanee i.nstruction in the public schools of the sum hereby allowed be paid out of the contingent fund of the House as pr~ 1886.
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