Public Interest Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee FORMAT C-2 (For Political Party to publish in website, newspapers, TV) Declaration about the criminal antecdents of candidates set up by the Party (As per the judgement dated 25th September 2018 of Hon'ble Supreme Court in WP(Civil) No.536 of 2011 (Public Interest Foundation & Ors. Vs. Union of India & Anr.) Name of Political Party : INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Name of Election : LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ELECTION Name of State : KERALA Sl. Name of Name of Pending Criminal Details about cases of No. Candidate Constituency Cases conviction for Criminal offences Name of Court, Sections of the Acts concerned Name of Court Description of Case No & Status & brief description of offence(s) date(s) of order(s) Offence(s) & of the case(s) Punishment imposed 1) Balakrishnan.C 3-Udma 1 JFCM II Hosdurg, Crime 143,147,282, of IPC and sec.4(2) (e NA NA No.538/2020 Of Bekal Police ), and sec.5 of KEDO 2020 Un Station, lawful assembly and March to police station without permission and Gathering violating Covid protocol 2 JFCM II Hosdurg, Crime sec.4(2) (e ), and sec.5 of KEDO No.414/2020 Of Bekal Police 2020, Gathering violating Covid NA NA station , Charge sheet not protocol 3 JFCM I Kasaragod, Crime no. Sec.143,154,147, 282 sec.4(2) (e ), 879/2020 Of Kasaragod and sec.5 of KEDO 2020, Un lawful NA NA Police station Charge sheet assembly procession without not filed permission and Gathering violating 4 JFCM Kakkanad C C Sec.294(b) and sec.506 of IPC 1490/2020 Crime abused and intimidated the landlord No.559/2020 Of Thrikkakara NA NA Police Station, Eranakulam 2) Suresan.P.V. 4-Kanhangad 1 143,145,147,283,149 IPC 4(3) cr 5 Kasaragod Police Station of KEDO 2020 National Highway Cr.No:879/20 blocking NA NA 3) M.Pradeep Kumar 6-Payyannur 1 JFCM I, Kannur CC 2581/2020 143,147,283 r/w 149 IPC & u/s r/w 5 of KEDO Covid Protocol violation NA NA 2 JFCM I, Kannur CC 143,147, 283 r/w 149 IPC 4 2439/2020 Unlawful assembly NA NA 4) Brijesh Kumar 7-Kaliasseri 1 JFCM I, Kannur CC 2580/2020 Charged framed 143,147,283 r/w 149 IPC & u/s r/w 5 on 17.8.2020 of KEDO Covid Protocol violation NA NA 2 Cr.51/2021 Taliparamba Police Station U/s 4(2) (e) (i) r/w 3b (e) of KEDO NA NA 5) Rasheed.V.P. 8-Thaliparamba 143,147,283,r/w1 143,147,149,283 of IPC 121,39 of 49 of IPC JFCM III Trivandrum KPA and 4(2)(a), 4(2) (e) 4(2)(j), 5 JFCM Payyannur CC unlawful 1 Cr.No:11/21 of KEDO unlawful assembly No:447/2019 20.08.2019 assembly 143,145,147,283 r/w 149 of IPC unlawful assembly in front of college and JFCM III Trivandrum 14.3,147,148,149,283,332,353 of JFCM V Kozhikode CC imposed fine of 2 Cr.No:1114/2018 IPC unlawful assembly No:470/18 15.03.2021 Rs.700/- paid 143,145,147,283 r/w 149 of IPC unlawful assembly in front 143,147,341,323,133,332 r/w 149 of police station JFCM I Kannur, CC IPC showing black flag on State JFCM Payyannur CC and imposed fine 3 No:488/2018 Minister No:120/2017 08.11.2017 of Rs.700/- paid 143,147,148,353 ,332 r/w 149 of IPC March 143,147,148,188,283,332,427 r/w towards Kannur JFCM III Trivandrum 149 of IPC and 121,39,117(e) of KP JFCM I Kannur, CC.No:1105/4 University. 4 Cr.No:841/2017 Act unlawful assembly 18.3.2019 Appeal pending 143,147,148,452 ,353,382 r/w 149 of IPC. Traspassing into SC Office and damaging 143,147,148,283 r/w 149 of IPC and property and 3(1) of PDPP Act damaging Public JFCM I Kannur, CC imposed fine of 5 JFCM I Kannur CC 667/2017 property No:178/2011 26.09.2011 Rs.3000/- 6) Adv.Sajeev Joseph 9-Irikkur Cr.16/2021 Taliparamba 4(2) (e) (j) r/w 3(a) (b) © of KEDO Police Station Covid Protocol violation NA NA JFCM Kannur CC 871/2016 143, 147,44B, 353, 332 r/w 149/PC, Traspassed into the Police station and closed the grils charged framed 03.02.2017 NA NA 7) Satheesan Pacheni 11-Kannur JFCM, Taliparamba, Crime 4(2) (e), 4(2)(j) of KEDO Act, 3(b), JFCM, Taliparamba Dated Made procession 51/2021 3(e) of COVID 19 addl. R act. 28/09/2020 Taliparamba Cr.No and shouted Violated COVID 19 Protocol 804/2020 against the central Govt., Paid Rs.500 as fine. 1 JFCM, Kannur 1, CC 6/2021 143, 147, 283 r/w 149 IPC and sec. Pending 118 (e) of KP Act and sec. 4(2) (a) r/w 5 of KEDO 2020, unlawful 2 assembly JFCM, Kannur 1, 118(e) of KP Act and 4(2) (a) r/w 5 CC1980/2020 of KEDO 2020, Conducted fasting by violating Covid Protocol. 3 ACJM Thalasseri, CC 143, 147, 283, r/w 149 IPC Forming 731/2018Pending unlawful assembly, conducted protest on N.H. and obstruct the 4 pathway etc. JFCM Mattannur, CC 143,145,147, 148, 283, 324, 353, 365/2019 332, 149, IPC and 3(i) of PDPP Act. forming unlawful assembly. 5 8) C.Raghunathan 12-Dharmadam NIL 9) M.P.Aravindakshan 13-Thalassery 1 JFCM Thalassery CC 143, 147, 283 r/w 149 Unlawful No.2622/20 Assembly NA NA 2 JFCM Thalassery CC 143, 147, 283, 269 r/w 149 Unlawful No.2587/20 Assembly NIL NA 10) Sunny Josephh 16-Peravoor NIL 11) P.K.Jayalakshmi 17-Mananthavady (ST) Sec 143, 147,283 r/sw 149 Sec 143, 269,283 r/w 149 IPC Sec IPC unlawful 118 (e) KPA , sec 4(2)(e) r/w 5 of CC 728/20 JFCM II assembly, fined 1 CJMC Kalpetta CC 8/21 KEDO Unlawful assembly Manathanavady 08.03.2021 Rs.1500/- Sec 143, 147,283 r/sw 149 IPC unlawful CC 727/20 JFCM II assembly, fined 2 NA NA Manathanavady 08.03.2021 Rs.1500/- Sec 143, 147,283 r/sw 149 IPC unlawful CC 557/20 JFCM II assembly, fined 3 NA NA Manathanavady 08.03.2021 Rs.3800/- Sec 143, 147,283 r/sw 149 IPC unlawful CC 398/20 JFCM II assembly, fined 4 NA NA Manathanavady 20.10.2020 Rs.1000/- Sec 143, 147,283 r/sw 149 IPC unlawful CC 437/20 JFCM assembly, fined 5 NA NA Manathanavady 09.11.2019 Rs.850/- Sec 143, 147,283 r/sw 149 IPC unlawful CC 59/19 JFCM II assembly, fined 6 NA NA Manathanavady 09.11.2019 Rs.500/- Sec 143, 147,283 r/sw 149 IPC unlawful CC 22/19 JFCM Kalpetta assembly, fined 7 NA NA 09.03.2021 Rs.1700/- Sec 143, 147,283 r/sw 149 IPC unlawful CC 25/17 JFCM II assembly, fined 8 NA NA Mananthavady 08.03.2019 Rs.1000/- 12) Balakrishnan I C 18-Sulthanbathery (ST) u/s 143, 269, 283,r/w 149 IPC, sec 118(e) of KP Act & Sec 4(2)(a)r/w 5 CJM Court Kalpetta CC8/21 of KEDO Unlawful Assembly 1 posted for appearance NA NA CJM Court Kalpetta CC665/20 u/s 143,147, 269,r/w 149 IPC post for appearance 118(e) of KP Act & Sec 4(2)(a)r/w 5 of KEDO Unlawful Assembly 2 NA NA CJM Court Kalpetta CC u/s 143,263, r/w 149 IPC, 118(e) of 666/20 posted for appearance KP Act & Sec 4(2)(a)r/w 5 of KEDO 3 Unlawful Assembly NA NA CJM Court Kalpetta CC u/s 143,269, r/w 149 IPC118(e) of 162/20 post for appearnance KP Act & Sec 4(2)(a)r/w 5 of KEDO 4 Unlawful Assembly NA NA JFCM-1 Court Sulthan u/s 143,147, 283,r/w 149 IPC Bathery ST 1417/19 Posted unlawful assembly 5 for appearance NA NA JFCM-1 Court Sulthan u/s 143,147, 283,r/w 149 IPC Bathery ST 1269/19 post for unlawful assembly 6 appearance NA NA JFCM Court Kalpetta CC u/s 143,147, 283,r/w 149 IPC 406/20 posted for appearance unlawful assembly 7 NA NA JFCMCourt Kalpetta CC u/s 143,147, 283,r/w 149 IPC 531/20 posted for unlawful assembly 8 apppearance NA NA CJM Court Kalpetta CC u/s 143,147, 148, 353, 332,427 r/w 161/19 for Evidence 149 IPC Unlawful Assembly and obstruction the duyt of Govt. Official 9 NA NA 13) T.Siddiuq 19-Kalpetta JFCM IV Kozhikode 143, 147,283,269, 336, r/w 149 IPC, JFCM IV Kozhikode 1 Procession Fine ST 170/21 4(2)(a) of KEDO 2020 15.03.2021 JFCM IV Kozhikode JFCM IV Kozhikode 2 143, 145, 147, 283, 336, 149 IPC Procession Fine CC 65/21 08.03.2021 JFCM IV Kozhikode JFCM IV Kozhikode 3 143,147, 283 IPC Procession Fine ST 382/19 21.05.2019 JFCM IV Kozhikode 143,147, 283 IPC , 77(b), JFCM IV Kozhikode 4 Procession Fine ST 161/21 121KP act 08.03.2021 JFCM NO.III Court Kozhikode 5 CC 594/2020, Trail Pending U/S 143,147,283, r/w 149 IPC NA NA JFCM NO.I Court Kozhikode U/S 143,145,286,269,336,r/w 149 6 CC 682/2020, Trail Pending IPC, 5 r/w 4 (2),(e),(f) of KEDO NA NA 2020 JFCM NO.I Court Kozhikode U/S 143,145,283,269,336, r/w 149 7 CC 638/2020, Trail Pending NA NA IPC, 5,(2),(a)(e)(f) of KEDO 2020 JFCM NO.I Court Kozhikode U/S 269,336 of IPC, 5 of KEDO 8 CC 2512/2020, Trail Pending NA NA 2020 JFCM Court Malappuram U/S 269,270 of IPC, 118 (e), KP 9 CC 849/2020, Trail Pending act, 5,4, (2),(e) 4(2)(j) of KEDO NA NA 2020 JFCM NO.IV Court Kozhikode U/S 143,147,283, of IPC, 5(3), (ii), 10 CC 63/2020, Trail Pending NA NA of PDPP act 984 CJFCM Court Kozhikode U/S 143, 145, 147, 148,283, 447, 11 CC 49/2020, Trail Pending 332, 353 r/w 149 IPC, 3(1) of NA NA PDPP Act 1984 JFCM NO.IV Court Kozhikode U/S 143,144,145,147,148,151,152, 12 CC 57/2020, Trail Pending 332,353, r/w 149 IPC, 32(c), PDPP NA NA act 1984 JFCM NO.III Court Kozhikode U/S 143,14,5147,148,447,332,283, 13 CC 419/2017, Trail Pending NA NA r/w 149 IPC Additional Sub Court U/S 143,147,148,283,353,332,333, Tiruvananthapuram r/w 149 IPC and 52 of Keral 14 NA NA SC1059/2017, Trail Pending Conservation of Paddy land wet land act 2008 14) K.Praveen Kumar 22-Nadapuram 143,145,147,148,283,447, Voluntarily CJM Kozhikode, CC 49/ 332,353 r/w 149 IPC,3(1) PDPP causing hurt to 2020,Framing ACT CJM Kozhikode deter public charge, Voluntarily causing hurt to deter servant from his 1 public servant from his duty duty, JFCM Court 3 143,147,149,353,283 IPC,Section Thiruvananthapuram, CC 157/ 38 r/w 52 KP ACT,Assualt or JFCM Court 3 2015,Framing criminal force to deter public ,Thiruvananthapuram charge servant from discharge of his duty 2 Section 5 KEDO, JFCM Court 4 Kozhikode 2000 10/3/2021 Rupees Fine amount imposed 3 NA NA Section 143,147,283,269 ,336 r/w 149 IPC,Section JFCM Court 4 Kozhikode 4(2)(a),5,4(2)(c), 3(e) KEDO, Rupees 4250 fine amount 4 NA
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