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Fall 1983, Vol. 2, No. 1 Mercyhurst magazine Editor Features Mary Daly '66 Alumni Editors Women as Elders by Dr. Linda Colvin Rhodes 70 Gary L. Bukowski 73 Regina Kozlowski Smith '81 Is Justice Blind? by Maury Breecher Editorial Assistants Diedre Baas '84 Marriage in the Chapel by Rebecca Martin Porter '82 7 Leona G. Coleman Petroleum: A Geological Phenomenon by David J. Thomas 8 Art Direction Judy Olowin Tucker 78 Crew: For the Pure Sake of Competition Illustration by Dr. Allan D. Belovarac 73 10 Brad Lethaby Celebration of the Arts by Corrine Halperin '80 Cover Photography 13 Frank P. Rossotto Fulbright Scholar at Mercyhurst Contributing Writers by Mary Ellen Dahlkemper Razanauskas 73 14 David J. Thomas Rebecca Martin Porter '82 Corrine Halperin '80 Donna Peterson '83 Dr. Allan Belovarac 73 Departments Dr. Linda Colvin Rhodes 70 James LeCorchick Letters to the Editor Maury Breecher Maree Lynn Cicon '83 On The Hill 12 Mary Ellen Razanauskas ' 73 Valerie Sherrange Crofoot 75 Sports 15 Thanks Prof by Valerie Sherrange Crofoot 75 16 Alumni Association Class Notes 18 Officers Dario Cipriani '74, President Michael E. Heller 79, Vice President Regina C O'Connor '80, Secretary bout the cover: For one week in late August, the Mercyhurst College front west campus hummed with the sound of 24-hour Directors to 1984 Adrilling for natural gas that would heat four buildings of the col­ Dario Cipriani 74, Erie, PA lege complex. David J. Thomas, associate professor of geology, in his article Michael E. Heller 79, Amherst, NY on "Petroleum: A Geological Phenomenon" explains the mysteries of the for­ Regina C. O'Connor '80, Tonawanda, NY mation and location of petroleum. Directors to 1985 Deborah S. Duda 77, Palo Alto, CA Joan Kostolansky Evans '60, Erie, PA Thomas D. Heberle, Esq. 74, Erie, PA Regina Scura Merz 77, Rochester, NY Mercyhurst Magazine is published three times yearly in the fall, winter/spring, and sum­ mer by the Office of External Affairs at Mercyhurst College, Glenwood Hills, Erie, PA 16546. Copyright © 1983 by Mercyhurst College. All rights reserved. Reproduction Directors to 1986 without written permission is prohibited. News items and letters to the editor should Sr. Mary Lawrence Franklin '41, Erie, PA be sent to the Assistant to the President for External Affairs. Russell H. Franklin, 74, Erie, PA Patricia J. Liebel '53, Erie, PA Send change of address to Mercyhurst Magazine, Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA 16546. Joyce Metzler McChesney '69, Pittsburgh, PA External Affairs Office 814/825-0285 Alumni Relations Office 814/825-0246 Printed by Printing Concepts Inc. I just wanted to take this opportunity to beautifully presented and provided a rare I'm a senior extern at the Philadelphia Col­ convey the very favorable impression that opportunity to hear some of the most lege of Osteopathic Medicine and always was created by Mercyhurst College with promising young musicians from around include Mercyhurst as part of my under­ regard to the presentation of "Othello" by the world. graduate work when asked about previous the Three Rivers Shakespeare Festival. The We are greatly indebted to Mary and education. (summer) production was extremely well George DAngelo for sponsoring this I'm proud of my association with our done and Mercyhurst College must be ap­ annual competition and to Mercyhurst institution and will never forget what she plauded for creating this type of oppor­ College for hosting it. has given to me. tunity for the citizens of Eric to enjoy Your college is certainly taking a leader­ As for the magazine, I really enjoyed the outstanding theatrical endeavors. ship role in presenting quality art pro­ article on the chapel. Many a night I I am pleased to add the Shakespearean grams to the community which contrib­ would visit after an evening in the library. production to the list of things which my ute significantly to the cultural life of Erie. Her walls provided much comfort and she family and my staff have had the oppor­ We are very appreciative. seems to have the same effect over me tunity to enjoy through and with Mer­ MRS. ALLEN (ALTA) BOWER when I come to visit. cyhurst College. Erie, PA Mercyhurst—a beautiful place, and your RANDALL L. VALENTINE, D.M.D., M.S.D. magazine does her justice. Erie, PA ... I think your Mercyhurst Magazine is RICH ORTOSKI great and I only wish it came out more Admissions Class of 76 . Your new magazine is beautiful. On frequently. the inside back cover of the last issue you TERESA BOROWSKI '82 I have already expressed my admiration announced the upcoming feature, and delight on first seeing the new Mercy­ "Thanks, Prof. You helped me grow/' I hurst Magazine, but I want to say again will pass the magazine on to my daughter I was very impressed with your new Mer­ that it is one beautiful sight in color and Clare '82, and perhaps she will respond cyhurst Magazine. Once again, you have tone! It is alive, too, intellectually. to this. I want to respond personally, not done a remarkable job with a communica­ For content, I think you have chosen to a particular "prof," but to the school tions vehicle designed to reach so many just the right mix for a variety of interests. generally. of your important publics. It is always You will be glad to know that the Sisters Thanks, Mercyhurst. You helped my gratifying to see great marketing and com­ at the Motherhouse are greeting the maga­ munications married together. Keep up daughter grow and provided wonderful zine with delighted oh's and ah's. Good the great work! moments for me and my family when we wishes and thanks! came to visit on parents weekend or when EDWARD M. STEVENS, President SISTER M. EUSTACE we came up for dance and theater Dix & Eaton Advertising productions. Cleveland, Erie, New York, Dallas I appreciated your complimentary copy I always had the impression that you of the college Magazine. Things like this were trying to exceed yourselves—your Thank you for the beautiful Mercyhurst truly help our community and the own high standards; compete with your­ Magazine. It is a first rate edition in every Catholic Church. self, as it were, to make your school way. All of the articles are good, but I am One of my youth group members came excellent and to provide the students with especially one of Sister Eustace Taylor's to talk to me about your school and the finest education possible. I am sure old fans. My compliments. because of your Magazine, I was able to that your expanded music department REV. JOHN M. DOLLINGER discuss a few areas of the college with will become one of the best. Whatever Headmaster him. Now he's a freshman at Mercyhurst. Mercyhurst does, it does it excellently. Cathedral Preparatory School Thanks again for your kindness. I remain, I will always remember you with great in Christ, fondness. You are one classy school. Your spring issue of the Mercyhurst REV ANTHONY CAPOZZELLI MRS. VIRGINIA McAULEY Magazine was superb! You are to be con­ St. Paul's Parish, Erie Berea, Ohio gratulated for a magnificent job. What a wonderful innovation your GEORGE J. DANGELO, M.D. I enjoyed your first edition of the Mer­ Celebration of the Arts is! It's one of the cyhurst Magazine. The format is one that best educational/cultural bargains in our invites a person to pick it up and look at I just received a copy of your publication community. We here at WJET-TV are it. Very professional! from a 1981 graduate of Mercyhurst. As I pleased to publicize this particular facet JANET LYNN BLAKESLEE '80 read through the magazine, I had feelings of your educational programming. Best of disappointment for not finishing my wishes to all "on the hill." The DAngelo Young Artist Competition education at the Hurst. After two years in DEL A. SHEAFFER was indeed a special event at Mercyhurst your mathematics department, I left Producer/Host "Our Community" College. The 1983 piano competition was because of personal reasons. Presently, & "Action Update" MERCYHURST MAGAZINE WOMEN AS ELDERS LINDA COLYIN RHODES 70 he global phenomenon of females comprising the majority of the Taged in almost all societies is an irrefutable fact. The disparate life expec­ tancy figures between men and women is projected to increase during the next twenty years. In the industrialized world the longevity gap can be as high as ten years, as experienced in the USSR, and eight years in the USA.
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