PUBLISHER’S NOTE Great Events from History: LGBTQ Events is a new, struggles to gain civil rights. In some cases, one event updated version of a reference work originally pub- represents and offers discussion of many. For example, lished in 2006. This new edition not only provides new the article on Illinois becoming the first state to abol- articles but also includes hundreds of updates and new ish its laws against consensual homosexual acts in 1961 bibliographical citations relevant to older articles. This also discusses the effect of this action on other states. In set, like its predecessor, chronicles important histori- particular, essays also include “see also” cross-referenc- cal events from around the world that have identified, es to related articles within the set. By following these defined, and legally established the rights of gays, les- “see also” suggestions, readers can often gain a surpris- bians, bisexuals, queers, and transsexual, transgender, ingly thorough sense of common themes and significant intersex, and asexual persons. In editorially defining the historical developments. Readers can also often gain a content of this two-volume set, we adopted the thinking more thorough sense of the many secondary sources expressed by historian Jonathan Ned Katz in the preface relevant to articles that share the same basic focus or to the revised edition (1992) of his edited collection Gay themes. American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A.: ESSAY LENGTH AND FORMAT . the major terms defining our object of study, “homo- This set, devoted to the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, sexual” and “heterosexual,” applied to a past society, transgender, transsexual, intersex, asexual, and queer may obscure the very different ways in which same-sex persons (LGBTQ) joins other titles in Salem Press’s and different-sex pleasures were organized and con- Great Events from History sets. As in the chronologi- structed under different social conditions. Our modern cal references to worldwide events in Salem’s other his- concepts, applied uncritically to the past, simply project tory sets, we have approached the discussion of each our present social organization of eroticism, procre- historical event with a uniform essay format. Each es- ation, and gender onto that past, distorting our ability to say, which has an average length of 3,000 words, promi- see it as it was to those who lived it. Applied to the past, nently displays the following: “homosexuality” and “heterosexuality” may deny the difference of past and present, and may deny us a subtle, • Date or date range of the event; sophisticated sense of historical diversity. • Brief summary of the event and its significance; • Also known as where appropriate; Our chronology thus begins in the mid-nineteenth • Locale of the event; century, when German journalist Karl Maria Kertbeny, • Categories, or type of event covered, including an advocate for the repeal of sodomy laws, coined the Arts, Government and Politics, HIV-AIDS, Race terms “homosexual” and “heterosexual.” and Ethnicity, Science, Sports, and Trans-gender We also have attempted to select events that help and Transsexuality; to mark the definition of “gender,” the emergence • Key Figures of the event, with birth and death of social, cultural, and political movements, and the dates, and brief descriptor. ix Great Events From History: LGBTQ Events The text of each essay is divided into the following Because the set is ordered chronologically, an Al- sections: phabetical List of Contents appears in the front matter to both volumes. • Summary of Event: Describes the event chrono- The back matter in Volume 2 contains a number of logically and includes discussion to place the reference tools to help readers further explore LGBTQ event in context; history: • Significance: Describes the event’s historical im- pact, influence, and significance; • Annotated Bibliography, organized by category, • Byline: Name of the contributor who wrote the directs readers to accessible sources, mainly books, essay; for further study; • Further Reading: Sources for further study ap- • Chronology provides a timeline of significant propriate and accessible to librarians, students, LGBTQ events, from the mid-19th century to and the general public; includes some Web sites; 2017. • See Also: Lists related essays within the LGBTQ • Category Index provides access to the individual set. essays through 20 broad areas of interest; • Subject Index provides access to the individual SPECIAL FEATURES essays and their content through multiple access These two volumes include more than 150 sidebars with points. quotations from primary source documents designed to add to the reader’s understanding of the topics dis- THE CONTRIBUTORS cussed. Many essays include: Salem Press extends its appreciation to all who have been involved in the development and production of • Extracts from primary source documents such this work, especially the original editorial board -- Lil- as court decisions, mission statements, and laws, lian Faderman, Horacio Roque Ramírez, Yolanda Ret- and biographical profiles of individuals who were ter, Stuart Timmons, and Eric C. Wat – and Robert C. key to the event; Evans, editor of the revised edition. Thanks also to con- • Tables and charts; sultant Karl E. Bryant. Essays were written by academ- • Filmography. ic specialists and independent scholars, whose expert contributions made this interdisciplinary project pos- More than 100 photographs and other images are sible. Their names and affiliations appear in the front included, such as news photos and photographic por- matter of this volume. traits, book and magazine covers, book title pages, government documents, and movie posters. x EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION The original edition of this Great Events From History: more tolerant west. But if the developments of the past Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Events was decade are any indication, the future is likely to result in published in 2006. In the nearly 12 years since then, even greater liberalization of attitudes and laws than has much has changed in the study of “queer” history and already occurred. culture. One key change concerns the way the field Preparing the second, revised edition of this book is now identified. The original volume focused, as its involved, first, a thorough updating of the bibliographi- title indicated, on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgen- cal entries that appeared in the first edition. Limitations der events. The present edition is devoted to LGBTQ of space have made it impossible to include every (or events, to include queer, and that acronym could very even most) of the new sources that have become avail- easily have been lengthened to LGBTTTQIA, to in- able since 2006. Much, however, has been added, and clude transvestite, transsexual, intersex, and asexual readers are advised to follow the links suggested at the persons. But even that would not accommodate all the end of each article. These will often lead them to many various kinds of identities that are now, often, desig- other relevant sources than the ones contained in any nated simply as queer -- a term that suggests something single essay. outside the traditional heterosexual binary way of think- Another important addition to the second version ing. Until queer communities decide on a simpler way of this book has been the inclusion of twenty-five or so of designating themselves, we have chosen, for the time completely new articles. Although these new articles ex- being, to use LGBTQ as the title of this new edition, and tend the original volumes’ coverage to the present day, throughout the text. many of them discuss important events that occurred Far more has changed since 2006, however, than before 2006, when the first edition was published. Taken terms alone. Perhaps no other decade has seen a more together, these new articles demonstrate just how much rapid advance in the recognition and rights of LGBTQ progress has been made in the rights of LGBTQ people, people than the last ten or so years. Queers are now far as well as how much progress remains to be made. more visible - and far more accepted - in the western The Publisher’s Note to this edition gives a clear, world than has ever been the case in modern history. detailed sense of the purposes of these volumes as well LGBTQ rights, of course, are not yet legally protected as how they can be most profitably used. worldwide, nor is LGBTQ culture welcomed in many Robert C. Evans places across the globe, including in the supposedly November, 2017 xi 7KH8QLWHG6WDWHV6XSUHPH&RXUW/HJDOL]HV6DPH6H[0DUULDJH Great Events From History: LGBTQ Events pejones.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/JBYLH_ Kris and Building a Reality Empire as a Man: How PublicOpinionTrans.pdf Bruce Backed Out of 1980s Sex Change Plan to Martin, Christina. “Quinnipiac Poll: Jenner’s Gender Transform Himself into ‘Heather.’” Dailymail. Doesn’t Change Many Opinions on Transgenders.” com. Available at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ Politicspa.com. June 24, 2015. Available at http:// news/article-3055315/From-female-hormones- www.politicspa.com/quinnipiac-poll-jenners-gen- thoughts-Denmark-sex-exchange-cross-dressing- der-doesnt-change-many-opinions-on-transgen- public-marrying-Kris-Bruce-Jenner-nearly-transi- ders/67227/ tioned-1980s-planned-return-Aunt-Heather-chil- Miller, Korin. “This Is How the Majority of America dren.html Really Feels About Caitlyn Jenner.” Women- Witkin, Rachel. “After Caitlyn Jenner Story, Poll Finds shealthmag.com. June 9, 2015. Available at http:// Majority Have No Moral Issue With Transgender www.womenshealthmag.com/life/impact-of-cait- People.” Thenewcivilrightsmovement.com Avail- lyn-jenner-transgender-acceptance. able at http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement. Mooney, Carla. Caitlyn Jenner. New York: Rosen, com/rachelwitkin/most_americans_think_that_ 2016. it_s_acceptable_for_people_to_be_transgender_ Robinson, Wills. “From Growing Breasts, Surgery in poll Denmark and Cross Dressing in Public to Marrying THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT LEGALIZES SAME-SEX MARRIAGE 2015 ,n a GeFiViRn tKe 86 6XSrePe CRXrt KelG tKat John Roberts (b.
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