Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 2-8-1988 University News, February 8 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. 'fllelJniversityNews Volume VIIJ, Issue 17 ' , Boise State University February 8, 1988 Purchase of campus school may offer space by Mack Sermon location," Wecker said, adding that The, University News "We feel we've been able to compen- sate and provide a quality BSU may solve crowding problems playground." In order to build the for itself and Campus Elementary dishes where they are, the university School by purchasing the school, if made use of space that formerly had, the legislature provides the funding, been used as part of the playground. according to John Franden, executive Wecker said the heavy, traffic assistant to the BSU president. around the school and the lack of The school has been warned two parking were more direct problems years in a row that its playground is resulting from the lack, of space. too small and that next yearIt may "Some parents won't even attend face sanctions, according to Principal 'our parent-teacher conferences Robert, Wecker. because they can't find a parking However, Franden said, "If we can space," Weckcr said. get the funds to purchase the school, These problems couid be resolved' we can solve the district's problems if the legislature provides funding for as well as our own." the administration's plans to pur- Campus Elementary was founded chase the school, Franden said. in 1950 and now educates 250 "Let's face it, we both have prob- students, Wecker said. lems with space and overcrowding,' The school has 1.6· acres of Franden said, referring to the playground space but is required to district's overcrowding at Campus have at least 10acres.Since this is the and two other elementary schools second year it has failed to pro- and the university's plans to use the vide the needed space, Wecker said, building, if purchased, to house the he is concerned that the Idaho State School of Social Sciences and Public Dcpartmcnt of Education will' en- Affairs. force some type of sanction. If the legislature appropriates an legislature, Campus Elementary will with a mill levy, would be used to Franden and Wecker both said the "We were somewhat concerned additional $1.5 million toward the no longer exist in two to three years. build a new elementary school in purchase of the school by BSU when BSU decided to place the BSU Permanent Building Fund, the southeast Boise and thus reduce the presently seems to be the best solu- (satelliteuplink) dishes so close to the money will passto the Boise School overcrowding, Franden said. tion, and with help from the school, but we realize it was the best District. The money, in conjunction Censorship or morality? Forum debates Institute "There is no more meaningful by Bonnie Dibble "We cannot consider the whole picture freedom than the freedom 01 studies The University News speech," Derr said, noting that without mingling SOITl~ rel,igicm and most states had a freedom' 01 "Congress shall-make no law speech provision written intd their tralnin,g respecting an establishment of morality in." " constitutions before the U.S. Con- religion, or prohibiting the free stitution was written. by Bonnie Dibble -Former state rep.Gene Wincheste( He said unless a clear and pre- The University' News :1 exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; He said that courts have been sent danger to persons or property can cause serious harm to in- or the right of the people a little narrow in interpreting exists, freedom should be almost The nation's largest single dividuals and society as a whole." peaceably to. assemble, and to unrestricted. employer of research psychol- 1, Citing Thomas Jefferson's Nor- freedom of speech, discussing the 'j petition the 'government' for a Citing a shooting in Coeur ogists has established a field thwest Ordinance, Winchester speech instead of the freedom redress of grievances. " ("Alene, Derr quoted a police ex- operating agency 011 the BSU I said religion, morality and aspect. Courts have held that -First Amendment, there are a number of cases where pert who said it did not add up. campus, according to Army i knowledge should be encouraged the United States Constitution. the freedom of speech is not The narcotics agent who did the Research Institute Acting Chief I in schools. "We cannot consider shooting considered this libel and Joe Hagman. i the whole picture without mingl- unlimited, such as libel, slander This amendment was the focal, the reporter had to go through a The research institute for ingsome religion and morality and profanity. ' I point of a speakers' forum held He said there were other excep- nine-day trial to defend his right behavioral and social science at Feb. 4 at BSU. The National in." to print the comment. "Libel is an BSU is studying the problems of Referring to a recent case in tions to unlimited freedom of \ Issues Forum, formed in 1981,is speech aimed at children. These indirect form of econoic censor- the military's reserves and will of- which a school hoard censored a sponsored by the Domestic Policy included 'limits on alcohol and ship,"Derr said. fcr any knowledge gained to slJldent newspaper, backed by the Association whose goal is "to en- tobacco ads and limits on televis- He said he felt he had the right academic researchers, he said. courts, Winchester said it was not courage public discussion of im- to decide whether or not to par- Research will lead to improved so much a matter of the First cd violence. portant issues,"according to Dr. Gines said the decision to pro- take of activities such as por- training, he said, which will help Amcl;dmcnt right as that 'of a Robert Boren, BSU comrnunica- nography or red light districts. with determining guidelines for publisher governing its paper. tect children is justified on moral ,tions department chairman, who grounds, but noted that public , Those attending were asked to intermittent training, such as the . On the availability of por- fill out questionnaires before anc one-weekcnd-a-mol}th training moderated the event. nographic materials, he said, morality is different from private By better informing the public, morality. The moral justification after the speakers comments to for the National Guard and U.S. - "There is a relationship between people will become more involv- will fail if adults do not have the have a record of views which will Army Reserve. pornography and what is done- ed in the dccision-making process, "self-discipline" to avoid these be tabulated by DPA and given to "With this very limited amount crime results." leaders dealing with freedom of of training time," Hagman said, Boren said. "We should have a wholesome materials, he said. In the forum, "Where Do you Allen Derr, a lawyer involved speech issues. "how doyou train people so they environmcnt if we want,"he said. Boren said people constantly can remember what they learned Draw the Line?,"three speakers Ralph Gines,' a former BSU with First Amendment issues,said were chosen to represent three' he supported the idea that "Even are looking for ways to control better?" faculty member who now has his different views. Former state forms of expression that many speech, citing the fact that Flann- The question is being address- own law practice, represented the representativeGene Winchester of people find offensive must be ed Parcnthood now cannot men- ed through research in.skill reten- view that "Freedom of speech Kuna repr,esented the view that tolerated because every instance tion abortion in their counselling tion and acquisition and the abili should be regulated to shield im- "New restrictions on certain of censorship threatens the prin- if its administrators wish to keep pressionable young people from forms of speech arc necessary ciple of free speech." its federal funding. See A RI, page 5 harmful messages." 'because some words and pictures leadership program to offer In This Iss lectures, videos and address BSU's Student Activities Office is The lectures offered will include "Working With Difficult People." Boise's sponsoring the Leadership Develop- "The Mystery of Motivation" by The keynote speech, "Leadership rncnt Program Feb. 8-12. The week- communication professor Laurel in the 21st Century," will be delivered long program will offer three lectures· Traynowicz,'''Listening and Learn- by Will Keirn, who will examine the and a video each day Participants ing" by communication professor 10 characteristics necessary to suc- Bar may register with the Student Ac- , Marvin Cox, "Covering the Bases" ceed as a leader in the next .century, tivities Office on the secondl1oor of by VicePresiden't for Student Affairs Keirn's address will be held Feb, 8 at the Student Union and attend any Dr. David Taylor and "Promote It" 7 p.m. in the Nez Perce Room of the scene combination of videos and lectures. by ASBSU Public Relations. Coor- Student Union; Student's may enroll for. credit by dinator Kellie Branson-Culley, For further information, call the contactingBSU Continuing Educa- The videos will cover topics such Student Activities Office at 385-1223.
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