Oracle® Communications Messaging Server MTA Developer's Reference Release 8.0 July 2015 Oracle Communications Messaging Server MTA Developer's Reference, Release 8.0 Copyright © 2007, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Contents 1. Decoding Messages . 4 2. Dequeuing Messages . 26 3. Enqueuing Messages . 56 4. Error Status Codes Summary . 62 5. MTA SDK Concepts and Overview . 65 6. MTA SDK Programming Considerations . 72 7. MTA SDK Reference . 79 8. mtaSend() Routine Specification . 186 9. Using Callable Send mtaSend() . 198 Chapter 1. Decoding Messages Decoding Messages The MTA has facilities for parsing and decoding single and multipart messages formatted using the MIME Internet messaging format. Additionally, these facilities can convert messages with other formats to MIME. For example, messages with BINHEX or UUENCODE data, the RFC 1154 format, and many other proprietary formats. The mtaDecodeMessage() routine provides access to these facilities, parsing either a queued message or a message from an arbitrary source such as a disk file or a data stream. This information includes the following topics: Usage Modes for mtaDecodeMessage() The Input Source The Inspection Routine A Simple Decoding Example The Output Destination Decode Contexts A Simple Virus Scanner Example Usage Modes for mtaDecodeMessage() There are two usage modes for mtaDecodeMessage(). In the first mode, messages are simply parsed, any encoded content decoded, and each resulting, atomic message part presented to an inspection routine. This mode of usage is primarily of use to channels which interface the MTA to non-Internet mail systems such as SMS and X.400. The second mode of operation allows the message to be rewritten after inspection. The output destination for this rewriting may be either the MTA channel queues, or an arbitrary destination via a caller-supplied output routine. During the inspection process in this second usage mode, individual, atomic message parts may be discarded or replaced with text. This operational mode is primarily of use to intermediate processing channels which need to scan message content or perform content conversions. For example, virus scanners and encryption software. A Simple Decoding Example illustrates the first usage mode, while A Simple Virus Scanner Example the second. For the first usage mode, the calling routine must supply the following items: 1. An input source for the message. 2. An inspection routine which will be passed each atomic message part of the parsed and decoded message. For the second usage mode, the calling routine must supply the same two items as listed for the first usage mode, and in addition a third item must be supplied: 3. An output destination to direct the resulting message to. The input source can be either a queued message file, represented by a dequeue context, or it can be provided by a caller-supplied input routine. Use the former when processing queued messages and the latter when processing data from disk files, data streams, or other arbitrary input sources. Since the parser and decoder require only a single, sequential pass over its input data, it is possible to stream data to mtaDecodeMessage(). The output destination can be a message being enqueued and represented either by an enqueue context, or by a caller-supplied output routine. Use an enqueue context when submitting the message to the MTA. In all other cases, use a caller-supplied output routine. Messaging Server 8.0 MTA Developer's Reference 4 The following are some common usage cases and their associated input sources and output destinations. Send to the MTA (slave channel). For this case, a caller- supplied routine accepts incoming messages from a source outside of the MTA and then enqueues it to the MTA. The caller-supplied input routine is used in conjunction with an enqueue context as the output source. Doing a MIME parse and decode is not usually called for in this case. However, specialized services might be constructed this way. For instance, a custom server that accepts MIME formatted messages, and strips a control attachment before submitting the remainder of the message to the MTA. An intermediate processing channel. For this case, an example is a virus scanner that scans queued mail messages, re-enqueuing them to the MTA for delivery. In this case, a dequeue context is used as the input source and an enqueue context as the output source. Send from the MTA (master channel). For this case, queued messages are gatewayed to another mail system. A dequeue context is used for the input source and an output destination is often not needed; the inspection routine usually suffices. Channels of this sort are common place when interfacing Messaging Server to systems that do not support MIME and for which conversion of MIME formatted messages to other formats is required (for example, X.400 and SMS). A command line utility to parse a message. For this case, a caller-supplied input routine is used. No output destination is needed; an inspection routine usually suffices. The Input Source The message to be decoded is provided as either a dequeue context or a caller-supplied routine. Dequeue Context When using a dequeue context, you must observe the following: 1. Pass the dequeue context from mtaDecodeStart() to mtaDecodeMessage() along with the MTA_DECODE_DQ item code. 2. The recipient list of the message being dequeued must have already been read by mtaDequeueRecipientNext() before calling mtaDecodeMessage(). 3. mtaDequeueMessageFinish() must not yet have been called for the dequeue context. After using a dequeue context with mtaDecodeMessage(), further calls to mtaDequeueRecipientNext() can't be made. Calls to mtaDequeueLineNext() can only be performed after a call to mtaDequeueRewind(). Caller-Supplied Input Routine To use a caller-supplied input routine, pass the address of the input routine along with the MTA_DECODE_PROC item code to mtaDecodeMessage(). In Example 5-1 Decoding MIME Messages Simple Example, the caller supplied routine's name is decode_read(). When using a caller-supplied input routine, each block of data returned by the routine must be a single line of the message. This is the default expectation of mtaDecodeMessage() and corresponds to the MTA_TERM_NONE item code. If, instead, the MTA_TERM_CR, _CRLF, _LF, or _LFCR item code are specified, then the block of data need not correspond to a single, complete line of message data; it may be a portion of a line, multiple lines, or even the entire message. On each successful call, the input routine should return a status code of zero (MTA_OK). When there is no more message data to provide, then the input routine should return MTA_EOF. The call that returns the last byte of data should return zero; it is the subsequent call that must return MTA_EOF.
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