Third Series1R.55 Tuesday, April 21, 1964 Vaisakha 1, 1886 (Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Seventh Session Third/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS NJ. SS.-Tuesday, April 21, 1964/Vaisakha 1, 1886 (Saka) COLUMNS ()ral Answers to Questions- *Starred Questions Nos. IIIO, II12, 1114 to 1119, 1123 and 1125 . 11963-99 Short Notice Question No. 20 Written Answers to Q.lestions- Starred Questions Nos. II 09, IIII, 11I3, II20 to II22, 1124 and 1126 to 1129 12005-12 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2287 to 2315 and 2317 to 2350 12012-56 Committee on Subordinate Legislation- Minutes and Third Report 12057 Finance Bill- Clauses 34 to 65 and I 12057-12208 Motion to pass 12208-14 Shri T. T. Krishnamachari 12208 Shri Ranga 12208-10 Shri U. M. Trivedi 122II Business Advisory Committee- Twenty-sixth Report 12213-14 *The sign + mlrkd above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually askeJ on the floor of the House by that Member. 378 (Ai) LSD-i. LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA Shri Raj Bahadur: So far as the Tuesday, APTi! 21, 1964IVaisakha supply of vehicles is concerned, they 1, 1885 (Saka) have to apply directly to the dealerll and stand in the queue for that pur- pose. There are some rules framed The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the by the Ministry of Steel, Mines and Clock. Heavy Engineering in this regard. Apart from that, so far as the finan- [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] cing of the purchase of these vehicles ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS is concerned, in order to provide cer- tain credit facilities, the State Finan- IDter-State Road Transport Units cial Corporations Act was amended + some time back in order to include 01110 [Shri Subodh Hansda: road transport as one of the indus- 'l Shri S. C. Samaata: tries for that purpose. Will the Minister of Transport be Shri Subodh HaJlSIIa: May I know pleased to lltate: the main routes on which the Central Road Transport Corporation is plying (a) whether any steps are taken its vehicles? to increase the number of units for long 'distance inter-State road trans- Shri Raj Bahadur: The Calcutta- port; Siliguri-Gauhati route. (b) whether the units functioning Shri D. N. Tiwary: May I know at present are all private units; whether Government have any agen- cy to check whether they charge the (C) whether any encouragement hu usual fares or whether they take ex- been given to Transport Co-operative tra fares or charge heavy fares? Societies; and Shri Raj Bahadur: The rates are (d) if so, the number of such inter- IIxed and determined by the State State units helped up to date? lovernments concerned or the State The Minister Of Shipping In the Transport Authorities under the mo- Ministry of Transport (Shri Raj tor Vehicles Act. The operators are Bahadur): (a) to (d). A statement supposed to charge the rates under giving the information required is that. laid on the Table of the House. [Plac- Shri D. N. Tiwary: What about the ed in LibTary. See No. LT-2748/64]. inter-State routes? Shrl Subodh Hansda: From the Shri Raj Bahadur: I cannot exactly .tatement I find that a number of say about the inter-State routes just permits for various classes of vehicles now. are issued to the various road trans- port organisations. I would like to Shrimati Savitri Nigam: Is the hon. know whether there is any arrange- Minister aware that there are various ment to supply them the vehicles or neglected routes where the operators whether there is any arrangement do not 1Ind it profitable to run the from Government to finance these service, due to which the passengers road transport organisations. are put to a lot of inconvenience, and, Oral Answer" APRIL 21, lU64 Oral Answer$ if BO, what steps are proposed to be (b) if so, the number of persollll taken in this regard! against whom the cases have been Shri Raj Bahadur: The need for instituted? provision ot transport facilities is The ParUamentry Secretary to the reviewed from time to time ,by the Minister Of Food and Agriculture State transport authorities, and they (Shri Shinde): (a) Yes, Sir. lay down the number of permits to be granted, and I think that the needs (b) Two persons have been charge 01 the areas are taken into account by 5heeted on 2nd March, 1964 for con- them. travention of the Delhi Khandsari and Gur Dealers Licensing Order, 1963 Shri P. Veakatasubbaiah: If yOU issued under the Essential Commo- could kindly go through the state- dities Act. ment laid on the Table, you will tind that only a very negligible pro- sr'llI"l~ <'m'f ~~ : f;;;.r ~ portion of the permits has been given to the transport co-operatives. it f<Firq; 1!~ gm ~ ;;.r 'FT 'flff ;;n; Is the hon. Minister aware of the fact ~ 9;l"i<:: rn 'l1l '1ft ~ ~ f'f. ~'f. ~ that discriminatory treatment is being ~~f'f. ~~~ftwrfl1<'l" meted out to the transport co-opera- tives and only the private sector peo- ~ ~T ~" m~ ~ f~ ~ tT<IT ple are being favoured by the autho- ~ ? rities while granting permits, and if so, what is the remedy suggested to Shri Shiade: The names of the improve the situation? persons concerned who have been charge-sheeted are as follows: Shri Shri Raj Bahadur: We have laid Ramlal, and Miss Shakuntala Sulhan, down the rule that transport co-ope- the managing director and the secre- ratives should be given preference. tary respectively of the said co-opera- Some of the State Governments have tive. acted upon that. By and large, it is a looal question and it has to be tackled sri 1lI"1~ <'m'f i~ : 'flff 'l1l' 'iff at that level. ~'ii ~ f'f. ;;.r ~ it 'f1Wff ~ ,'l1l' 'if) Shri B. K. Das: There is a transport ~ ~, ;;.r ;m:~ ~ g'f'f ~ eo-operative in the Dandakaranya area. May I know why no permanent ~m f'f>1lT lT1IT '3'U' f~,i ~ ~ RllT permit has been given to that trans- ~1fT ~ ? port cO-operative? The Minister of Food and AKricul- Mr. Speaker: The han. Member ia ture (Shri Swaran Singh): This is going into individual units. We really going into that question about cannot go into individual units now. which we had a lengthy debate some Profiteering in Gur time back, and I thought that after that debate, so far as the facts were + concerned, there was nothing further r Shri Onkar Lal Berwa: to add. I Shri Bibhuti Mishra: ·U!!. ~ Shri Dari Vishnu Kamath: ...n trn'ffi'f f~ : ~ fm:rf~ if ~ I Shri Yashpal Siugh: l Shri Kolla Venkaiah: ~~~;!rllW'f.l'J'-ITf'f. Will the Minister of Food and ~ <f;r;r .m<:: fu<rn ~ ;;{I' fm'IT m Agriculture be pleased to state: ~~~ ~~~~f~ (a) whether the investigation into ~ trfr, a1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1<r ~ the allegatior, of ;>rofiteering in gur ~ ~ fu<:rrq; ~f by the Delhi Central Co,operative crr..- it <m Stores has be'~n cOmpleted; and r;mR~~ft~trif~? 1~ Oral .Amwers VAISAKHA 1, IBM (SAKA) Oral Answers T~~:'tilt~~~ Shri SwaraD Sin&'h: That will depend upon the further investigation 'fi:r~'ti~f~~~fl1"l' or fu·rther looking into, about which ~'lT ~ I the Home Minister had stated when the debate took place some days ago. qT 1M'ni'f ~ : ~ ~'ti 'fFI;f\"Ir C&S1I&l Labour ~ ~ ~ iflll'I' ~ ft;;it ~ ~ qr ? -1114. Sbrl A. P. Sharma: Will the Minister of Bailways be pleased to ~ ~~~ : mh mi<: I refer to the reply given to Unstarred Question No. 1401 on the 10th Decem- qT lflfiT:T<fT<: mf"fT : ;p:fT il GfTif ber, 1963 and state. ~ ~ f'ti lrcmff ~ ;;rl ;;rt<r gi: ~ ~ (a) whether it is a tact that the it 'ti~f!<f <'Gl<: ~ ~i'f 'til 111 casual labour employed by the Rail- way Department at Andal on the t1!ft 'fTl<T 11l1T ~ m<: q f(uII+lf<l ~ Eastern Railway and at Rourkela, WNl m<: t'1tf ~ ~ ifI'Il!l'ftf'cq Bhilai and Rancloi on the South Eas- <'GR ij> ~ ~~ iflf~ ¥f ;tT liT tern Railway are paid less wages than those paid to the similar labour fmm'lm<tT~'fi"rit'lT employed by the Central Government f<r;m: 'fo<: ~ ~ Undertakings at Durgapur, Rourkela Bhilai and Ranchi; and qT ~~ f~ : ~t <f'tT 'i~ (b) if so, the reasons therefor? iIflm<ftfcq tit<: <f;T W:I"U ~ ~ ~ The Deputy Minister ia the Millis- ~ ~1 ~!f <iITf~ mforcr ~ try ot 8ailways (Shri Shah Nawal Khan): (a) and (b). The information ~ I ~t ('f'P t;m fiM!' <f;T ~ is being collected and will be laid on t ~m ff~ '1i~ "r lIW ~ qr the Table of the Sabha. f'f." ~ ~ .m: ~~ ql(! ~T ..;rR: 'P<: ~ 8hri A. P. Sharma: Is the Minister ~ m<: l:r'1' ~ 6 f'P 'li"lt mf~ also aware that even substitutes who are engaged in lieu of the permanent i'f~ f~ ~ of;m;rr 9;f'lfT <f'f. I employees are paid on an average of Rs. 3 per day and casual labours are ~T fll'~'" !fei'fTlf'fi : f,"1I l!'<fr ~ paid less? m:'1: it <rCfTIT >:ff f'f; ~l~r ~ ~!f.T Smi Shah Nawaz Khan: I submit we ;jc it ~~ ~ m it 111 m~rnmr are collecting the information: ~1 <:{t ~ ift ~ ~ !f.T ;p:fT 'Tf~ Shri D. N. Tiwary: Have Govern- "111 <f'tT fi'f'!><'IT ~ ? ment fixed any uniform rate to be paid to casual labour on all railways or ~T m ~: ~t <f'tT ~ 'ICIT does it vary with each Railway? ~ ''~m:~ <f'tTlI'rt~~ Shri Shahuawaz Khan: Normally fi'f'f.ffi' ~ I the casual labour are paid at the same rates as the rates prevailing ill Dr.
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