Physical Culture Magazine

Physical Culture Magazine

PHYSICAL CULTURE Vol. IX. FEBRUARY, 1903. No. z. .. CONTENTS... (C<'lpyrlt;btN, 1901. by PttYSICAt. C\ILTVltll PulUS>Hll'O (",<>,) PAO£' ld<II .................................................................................................. By Tfttgll l'nn Su//J•...... 74 Pl;y~i("l Dr,·tlopn~nt Si111plifitd................................................ .lJJ• lkrm,rr Mn,fnddc11...... 75 The Seier~ o{ \\•rc-i,,tlin~............................................... , ••.•........•..• ,, ........ , ..••........•. ,................ 85 ,.\ Ju,·cuilc AtUll~ Wc.uu.lcr .................. ........................ ............ .../lJ• Bdwnrd U'm. ,.\fny.. .... 88 Wnt Point·~ Phy~K'nl "rrn.ining................................................... 8,- H. Jn·i"g llnuctxk...... !>1 The illccni~ ll<lt l'raud. (,In Opon Lc:ucr).......................................................................... ~G The ~li:dit-nl ln1'ititutt Jtr.:u1d............................................................................. JJ.,•Just,'«...... 97 Pnctors in the Ptoduction of Cood Hcnllh ..... ........................... a,• Hc,r. John Scudtlu ...... 100 R. P. \\'illirun!t .......................................................................................................................... lOl The Crime of PooJ Atlultt"t"ti911 ........................................................ /Jy U111illlc11(lr,·c1, ...... 102 The Stron1:~t .;\ltut in $1, ............ ........................ .............................. l().l, The St~nuvu~ to,·cr ................................................................... lJy Ik.rnllrt' .\ltJ.cfiuld~n.. .... 105 A Cc·ntennri:,n l'hJ:-;icnl Cutturi&t , ......................................................................................... 11S The l>c-1un11d~of I he Stngc ........................................................................... lJ.,, /.Ja J>krr('...... l 19 t:nnntur11l )lnn .................................................................................... /~1·/0/11, R. Cor,•cll ...... l2 l From the 1.nnd or the Ptncoclc Throuc .... ........................................... B_,. /7WJ .,.1, Pn~ ...... l :.'?4 :\lninc•s 1-fntl~ At.blt"lc........................................................................... ~,· I'. O. 1;11t<J11...... 12G Th<' t.~rrns :\nd O~r<>thy·1t Jlu:,.b:uul ........................... ............................................................ 12i Whnt The,\· Tnkc t\nil Why io Amcrit:n ................................................. f~v P. Akirk JI/er...... UH A Strid of Arti('J~ ou Ph)·Sckrtl Cultt1tt nntl llcllhh .......... ..... /.{1• Uu~rncc ,\Ii/ct, .\J. A ...... 138 Tht" Ad\·cntuf"('111:q( Trochilll's ............................................................... l~,\' R. nr. ll 'nl(crs ...... 13G Whnt. Phy~i<'nlCultt 1n: f ..h'IJ,c,dHQuuntlnm luwJid toA«ompJi.i;h. /Jy llntt1'cPrc$tonRitl<'r ...... t,a.. a, :"l.ti~•1' No\·cl tu1d ;\fnr\·<'1()u~ "Suicide Act" ...... .. .................................................................. 14--&. Qu("lotionDc-1>nrtuk'nt .................................................................... Hy lkr,u;rr .\t,1cfuddc,, ...... 1~ Th-c :\lodcm Cc,ok. Cnrtoou ................................................................. fJJ• RJ''"' IV11/kcr...... 14-7 Undc Stun the World'g Gttnl<''.'ril :\fC'dK'iuc Fltnd.. Cnrtoon ................ ».v kyun Wulkt'r ...... 1·1S 1-':dit.orinl.......................................................... ......... ..................... /JJ• llcrnarr .Vnc(addcn ...... l•S.9 Cultu re 1s .PubJlShtJ .\\ onthly :md r.sDevoted to Subjects Appt rta lnfng to HEAL TH, STRENGT H, VITA LITY, MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT AND THE GENERAL CARE OF T HE BOD Y. Price, Sl.00 Per Year, Postpaid. With Foreign Postnge, $1.50 PUBLISStarkHEO BY THE PHYSICAL CULTURE Center PUBLISHINO CO •• TOWSSENI> BUIU>INC, 2nH STREETA ND 8~0AOIVAY. NEW YO~K. U.S . A. BERNARR MACFAODES. EofTO~. &nd hJOOt\Yl>Y ~bt,tk. P. Q, Or npl"f'SJI t'Jr<lt-r. or l'f'l(l,,tt"rtfl i('(f~ r. ll'ben Motl/Ii): tbtirk Jdft'JfJ'II .,J d lflttOtlf ((Jr (Q l lttflOD (hllfltt.f. S'tOrlt<." Ami artlrlf,v ,,tu11qwv.tlf>1111l;lf'I mf'rll find pbt>tol{r:.phtt 11u1t•l1k for tmbtlt1ttl<>n In ... /11,~,;/~•I t,,"tlt1u1"'·' tarltM. T/1(' f"dltf1r dn"(I not tlAMJIJI(' r,v,pt)mf/111/t,t' fl',r t)p/11/0ntt t)(NJOlrllJUIOnt. lV("AC('f"PI aoadv,n1wt111,•h-fun lh<>J,f! Wh()J,.fr, .. ,.,.... , Wf'<'IIIWOt ri•n,¢/('1il/()U.,ofQ•n,,ro,n111rn,J P 1tt «J t 11Jf4/ltfa,i •ml otb,., .. fAk,-,•· l'f'm;,,ffkl/f('llllll(Jt l,ov ,,,.(:f',,,,,,. Ill 110.r ,,,-Jct,,. 0 n'~ wilt ~-,n.-/d,..r II 1tn '""/>«l•I l11r11r If iv-Mlt'n,, WIii furobh Ufl with pMt.,f of nn.v fr11udul"t1t tlitlm fl mad,. b)' 111lvt-,tl~""' fn r,vr fflfutr,n-. W~ Ji/fw, ,.,.11utr.,J•re lftltJ ~/,J,drJJt, IQ Jo,.trl 1'11/1,.rtf"('mrr,t .<t whtt- b df"t¥/t'~ """ ml, lbto unwn,,- or "1011".~ fllU} b~lfltb. / 1IIIJJ' ,,, ,,,,., kind t,y nttldrnt J,.~<JIY' Jn,..,.rt/Otl "'• d~Altyt I() kn ,, ... It 1111"'""" ,.,, f>(>;Jr. D:tt~ 1>l ,.x1,tr.'llfOn Of}'IJur•ub~rfptfon /<t.11rlntr-l/ lin M•n,op,-r. PIM&~ 1'0tft, anti none,,,,promp t ly. TH E A OVERT'ISINO RATE IS $! CO PER PAOE PER INSERTION OR $10 AN INCH . PHYSICAL CUL TU~E AN IDYLL By rlu g lt //rm S nlly They were mOJTitd. bou.nd o.nd bonded by on indissolu.btc tic. Not, that, tho b-c,oqtifut ma.niage ceremony in itself so surely m.1dc them as one. A holy o,nd o sa:a-ed love W4S His tor her . hCt'$ for him. None other might.. come between thtm. With Cod they h11dcovcnontcd. 4.t\d in the pcrfcaion of their phy$k:al. mc.nt41.and powers, they would pos.sess each tho other, and cherish with .i mu passion thoso little onC$ to Sf)ring from thclr uNon. Ah! The ~.auty ot M®.bood in o;l ma.,gnUkcnt.. mo.n. Ah? The l>cauty of Wom.o.nhood i.n :i .sqptrb woman. Such wcrc these chiJd:r"('.nof their love: noble-, perfect .specimen$ of th3t. hum<lnity upon whom. tho Jnfinho brcathtd a portion of His own undying life OJ'ldSplendor. Theodore, glowing with health, a giant with a giant"s stren$lh, yet whh .t.n intttlcc-t. su.bscrving m~ brute force to tho uplifting 4nd Mucnncnt. of biJMCl! ond his fellows. ln comtUne5$ of taco 1111dfisur •c on Apollo. in marmer and bearing a Petro­ nius., ho had compelled ~d wol\ the love of a latter dby who, with the ineomp.\r.lblc ~aco of t.ruo womanlinCM. llAitcd the soul of a. Ma.dol\no.,.so puro we$ sbo and fan•. Whtn tho joyful wcdding:-feMt, wa.s over they foun<i themselves clot\o. Alono in :a Pored® of BUss. with the mystic. 11wa ""d tho half-linJCril\J rtti• oc-r\c.oof a love that, tnltS the spiritual over tho merely animal. Whtn Adam c:ourtcd Mother £:ve, his solo garmtnt, was tht wondrol.&S p<,wcr of th4t, fnt.. lovc., MW notbing: else, nor ftlt, ony $home. For were they not given, that, they mlsht.. embr"e and ttndcr homag:o to thtir Mo.ktt in 4t\OthCf' gencr4tlon? First. come Sin - t.Mt\ Sh4mt . ln o holy love there must. be nor Sin nor Shame in the $iSht.. of God or roan. With the (il"$t,wtokliDS of our r.1cc came Shame. Remember tho pa.rt, Sotol\ played in tho dogrodation of man. "Shame!"' wAS hls cry then_, now, forever. ''Sb;unc," o viJo mockery, ii\ which tbC1"'0wt.1.ld bo no truo Jove nor life. Ho $tood, roor-o God-liko thal\ ii\ tho flccc.c of dead creature$, ii\ the dcc;ciffq) vos-t.rn.tnu of a dimAtic : ncccuity. His bosom hc.:,,ving, swelling with pride in his conquest; his oycs glowing, flashing: now .subdued with tho son Ught.. of Love, ho strct"hcd forth h1s arms and bade bt ,r c.omo. 1' ., $be came. Wom•n•llkc. she wb~~: "My Lord, will It. last. for oJw4ys?" From Ibo dcptb>of his.soul, he •nswcre<!: "God grant, it m.;iiy! J know not. But thls I know.Jb&vctbce. Godis good to me. Yc1. in this 1>11$$we transcend Noture. "Tis a hc.;iivcnly joy. Oh, God's gift, c:om.c! " •'My husband 1 Gift or Cod!·• she mqrmqttd; .u,d her hcMt.. fluttered on bis bosom.. V crily: ln the C-3.rth: above the earth : nor in the regions u.ndcr the cuth. ls there a1.1ghtco eomJ)al'c with the tr.,,n~nding love o( a perfect, mo..n 4-nd a pt:r1cct. woman. He was onoStark and she WO$ one: o..nd they wereCenter two. And. lo! they were tllOJ\Y, PHYSICAL CULTURE 76 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT SIMPLIFIED A SERIES Of' LESSONS f'OR DEVELOPING THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF VITAL, FUNCTIONAL, NERVOUS ANO MUSCULAR VIGOR. LESSONS ARE GRADUA­ TED AND ARE APPLICABLE TO TH E STRONG AND WEAK OF BOTH SEXES. ALL THE INFORMATI ON PREPARED FOR TH E BOOK "PHYSI C AL DEVEi.OP· MENT SIMPLIFIED " PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNC!lO WIL L APPEAR IN THESE LESSONS By Bernarr Mncfn drle11 The Photogrophs lllustrodng Th.,• LtSSons WtreSp..:lolly Posod for by the Editor Hlrnsell LESSON II. COSTA 1:oasc D~BATU1NG. AN O i\ on:-.nRAL RXHRCISP. , AND Sl'MCtAL 8X6RCISH.~ POR JJtl\'RI.OP tSG THF. SHOULOBR$. XE!\.IARKS. OS Tt-18 AOVANTA08S SltCURRO l'ROM OIWHI.Ol"JSG Tl-l8 DOD\'. N my Ja,,t lesson I iried to to its fulll!,;t extenl. The blood as it the strong• circulates through the body also gMhers est 1>ossiblc mnnncr. 1hc up an apprccktblc amount ot"impure mat­ great import nnce of ter, much of which is eliminateJ through learning how to brcnthc the lungs. 1>roperly, nnd to ncquire It is needless to emphas ize the ,·nluc a habit, the open of pure blood . E,•ery reader of this air, of frcqi,enlly inhaling rnagazino thoroughl)' renlizcs its impor­ deep, foll bre.,ths. It is tance. E,·~ry part of the bod)', the imp05$ibte to imprc-~ too bones. nerves. tissues, nrc tirst strongly upon the physi• anti thc1, maintained in slrcngth and cal culture student the health l>r the hlood. Ir this blood is extreme necessity Qf this. If you nre pure, :md rich in lhoscclcmcnts essential bren thing improperly you cannot expect to the builuing of a vigorous coqdition, rewards of consequence in physical Jc• the functional processes of the body will ,•elopment .

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